#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # A script to perform the setup required to manually test using the impersonation proxy on a kind cluster. # Assumes that you installed the apps already using hack/prepare-for-integration-tests.sh. # set -euo pipefail # The name of the namespace in which the concierge is installed. CONCIERGE_NAMESPACE=concierge # The name of the concierge app's Deployment. CONCIERGE_DEPLOYMENT=pinniped-concierge # The namespace in which the local-user-authenticator app is installed. LOCAL_USER_AUTHENTICATOR_NAMESPACE=local-user-authenticator # The port on which the impersonation proxy runs in the concierge pods. IMPERSONATION_PROXY_PORT=8444 # The port that we will use to access the impersonator from outside the cluster via `kubectl port-forward`. LOCAL_PORT=8777 LOCAL_HOST="${LOCAL_PORT}" # Change working directory to the top of the repo. ROOT="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/.." && pwd)" cd "$ROOT" # Build the CLI for use later in the script. go build ./cmd/pinniped # Create a test user and password. if ! kubectl get secret pinny-the-seal --namespace $LOCAL_USER_AUTHENTICATOR_NAMESPACE; then kubectl create secret generic pinny-the-seal --namespace $LOCAL_USER_AUTHENTICATOR_NAMESPACE \ --from-literal=groups=group1,group2 \ --from-literal=passwordHash="$(htpasswd -nbBC 10 x password123 | sed -e "s/^x://")" fi # Get the CA of the local-user-authenticator. LOCAL_USER_AUTHENTICATOR_CA=$(kubectl get secret local-user-authenticator-tls-serving-certificate \ --namespace $LOCAL_USER_AUTHENTICATOR_NAMESPACE \ -o jsonpath=\{.data.caCertificate\}) # Create a WebhookAuthenticator which points at the local-user-authenticator. cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: authentication.concierge.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1 kind: WebhookAuthenticator metadata: name: local-user-authenticator spec: endpoint: https://local-user-authenticator.local-user-authenticator.svc/authenticate tls: certificateAuthorityData: $LOCAL_USER_AUTHENTICATOR_CA EOF # Create an RBAC rule to allow the test user to do most things. cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: pinny-the-seal-can-edit roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: edit subjects: - kind: User name: pinny-the-seal EOF # Create a configmap to enable the impersonation proxy and set the endpoint to match the # host and port that we will use the access the impersonation proxy (via the port-forwarded port). cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: pinniped-concierge-impersonation-proxy-config namespace: $CONCIERGE_NAMESPACE data: config.yaml: | endpoint: ${LOCAL_HOST} mode: enabled EOF # Wait for the CredentialIssuer's impersonator status to update to be successful. while [[ -z "$(kubectl get credentialissuer pinniped-concierge-config -o json | jq '.status.strategies[] | select((.type=="ImpersonationProxy") and (.status=="Success"))')" ]]; do echo "Waiting for a successful ImpersonationProxy strategy on CredentialIssuer..." sleep 2 done echo "Impersonator is available on https://${LOCAL_HOST}" # Make the impersonation proxy's port from the inside the cluster available locally. kubectl port-forward -n $CONCIERGE_NAMESPACE deployment/$CONCIERGE_DEPLOYMENT ${LOCAL_PORT}:${IMPERSONATION_PROXY_PORT} & port_forward_pid=$! # Kill the kubectl port-forward command whenever the script is control-c cancelled or otherwise ends. function cleanup() { echo echo "Cleaning up cluster resources..." kubectl delete secret -n $LOCAL_USER_AUTHENTICATOR_NAMESPACE pinny-the-seal kubectl delete configmap -n $CONCIERGE_NAMESPACE pinniped-concierge-impersonation-proxy-config kubectl delete clusterrolebinding pinny-the-seal-can-edit kubectl delete webhookauthenticator local-user-authenticator echo "Stopping kubectl port-forward and exiting..." # It may have already shut down, so ignore errors. kill -9 $port_forward_pid &> /dev/null || true } trap cleanup EXIT # Get a working kubeconfig that will send requests through the impersonation proxy. ./pinniped get kubeconfig \ --static-token "pinny-the-seal:password123" \ --concierge-mode ImpersonationProxy >/tmp/kubeconfig echo echo 'Ready. In another tab, use "kubectl --kubeconfig /tmp/kubeconfig <cmd>" to make requests through the impersonation proxy.' echo "When done, cancel with ctrl-C to clean up." wait $port_forward_pid