#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script can be used to prepare a kind cluster and deploy the app. # You can call this script again to redeploy the app. # It will also output instructions on how to run the integration or uninstall tests. # TODO: get rid of references to ci repo # TODO: fix uninstall test setup # TODO: add flag to let user provide registry/tag for their image # \- (this can be used by kind integration tests from kind-load-and-docker-run-any-script.sh) # TODO: add flag to setup current-context for integration tests set -euo pipefail function print_or_redact_doc() { doc_kind=$(echo "$1" | awk '/^kind: / {print $2}') if [[ -z "$doc_kind" ]]; then echo "warning: " elif [[ $doc_kind == "Secret" || $doc_kind == "secret" ]]; then echo echo "---" echo "" else printf "%s\n" "$1" fi } function print_redacted_manifest() { doc="" while IFS="" read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do if [[ $line == "---" ]]; then if [[ -n "$doc" ]]; then print_or_redact_doc "$doc" fi doc="" fi doc=$(printf "%s\n%s" "$doc" "$line") done <"$1" print_or_redact_doc "$doc" } function log_note() { GREEN='\033[0;32m' NC='\033[0m' if [[ $COLORTERM =~ ^(truecolor|24bit)$ ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}$*${NC}" else echo "$*" fi } function log_warning() { YELLOW='\033[0;33m' NC='\033[0m' if [[ $COLORTERM =~ ^(truecolor|24bit)$ ]]; then echo -e "😒${YELLOW} Warning: $* ${NC}" else echo ":/ Warning: $*" fi } function log_error() { RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' if [[ $COLORTERM =~ ^(truecolor|24bit)$ ]]; then echo -e "🙁${RED} Error: $* ${NC}" else echo ":( Error: $*" fi } help=no skip_build=no prepare_for_uninstall_test=no PARAMS="" while (("$#")); do case "$1" in -h | --help) help=yes shift ;; -s | --skip-build) skip_build=yes shift ;; -u | --prepare-uninstall) prepare_for_uninstall_test=yes shift ;; -*) log_error "Unsupported flag $1" >&2 exit 1 ;; *) PARAMS="$PARAMS $1" shift ;; esac done eval set -- "$PARAMS" if [[ "$help" == "yes" ]]; then me="$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" echo "Usage:" echo " $me [flags] [path/to/pinniped] [path/to/pinniped-ci]" echo echo " path/to/pinniped default: \$PWD ($PWD)" echo echo "Flags:" echo " -h, --help: print this usage" echo " -s, --skip-build: reuse the most recently built image of the app instead of building" echo " -u, --prepare-uninstall: delete the kind cluster and prepare to run the install+uninstall test" exit 1 fi pinniped_path="${1-$PWD}" if ! command -v kind >/dev/null; then log_error "Please install kind. e.g. 'brew install kind' for MacOS" exit 1 fi if ! command -v ytt >/dev/null; then log_error "Please install ytt. e.g. 'brew tap k14s/tap && brew install ytt' for MacOS" exit 1 fi if ! command -v kapp >/dev/null; then log_error "Please install kapp. e.g. 'brew tap k14s/tap && brew install kapp' for MacOS" exit 1 fi if ! command -v kubectl >/dev/null; then log_error "Please install kubectl. e.g. 'brew install kubectl' for MacOS" exit 1 fi cd "$pinniped_path" || exit 1 if [[ ! -f Dockerfile || ! -d deploy ]]; then log_error "$pinniped_path does not appear to be the path to the source code repo directory" exit 1 fi if [[ "$prepare_for_uninstall_test" == "yes" ]]; then log_note "Deleting running kind clusters to prepare a clean slate for the install+uninstall test..." kind delete cluster fi log_note "Checking for running kind clusters..." if ! kind get clusters | grep -q -e '^kind$'; then log_note "Creating a kind cluster..." kind create cluster else if ! kubectl cluster-info | grep master | grep -q; then log_error "Seems like your kubeconfig is not targeting a local cluster." log_error "Exiting to avoid accidentally running tests against a real cluster." exit 1 fi fi registry="docker.io" repo="test/build" registry_repo="$registry/$repo" tag=$(uuidgen) # always a new tag to force K8s to reload the image on redeploy if [[ "$skip_build" == "yes" ]]; then most_recent_tag=$(docker images "$repo" --format "{{.Tag}}" | head -1) if [[ -n "$most_recent_tag" ]]; then tag="$most_recent_tag" do_build=no else # Oops, there was no previous build. Need to build anyway. do_build=yes fi else do_build=yes fi registry_repo_tag="${registry_repo}:${tag}" if [[ "$do_build" == "yes" ]]; then # Rebuild the code log_note "Docker building the app..." docker build . --tag "$registry_repo_tag" fi # Load it into the cluster log_note "Loading the app's container image into the kind cluster..." kind load docker-image "$registry_repo_tag" if [[ "$prepare_for_uninstall_test" == "yes" ]]; then cat </tmp/uninstall-test-env # The following env vars should be set before running $pinniped_ci_path/pipelines/shared-tasks/run-uninstall-test/run-uninstall-test.sh export IMAGE_REPO="$registry_repo" export IMAGE_TAG="$tag" export PINNIPED_DISCOVERY_URL="$discovery_url" EOF log_note "Done!" log_note log_note "Ready to run the uninstall test." log_note " cd $pinniped_path" log_note ' source /tmp/uninstall-test-env' log_note " $pinniped_ci_path/pipelines/shared-tasks/run-uninstall-test/run-uninstall-test.sh" log_note log_note "When you're finished, use 'kind delete cluster' to tear down the cluster." else manifest=/tmp/manifest.yaml # # Deploy local-user-authenticator # pushd deploy-local-user-authenticator >/dev/null log_note "Deploying the local-user-authenticator app to the cluster..." ytt --file . \ --data-value "image_repo=$registry_repo" \ --data-value "image_tag=$tag" >"$manifest" echo log_note "Full local-user-authenticator app manifest with Secrets redacted..." echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print_redacted_manifest $manifest echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo kubectl apply --dry-run=client -f "$manifest" # Validate manifest schema. kapp deploy --yes --app local-user-authenticator --diff-changes --file "$manifest" popd >/dev/null log_note "Creating test user 'test-username'..." test_username="test-username" # TODO AUTO-GENERATE PASSWORD test_password="test-password" test_groups="test-group-0,test-group-1" kubectl create secret generic "$test_username" \ --namespace local-user-authenticator \ --from-literal=groups="$test_groups" \ --from-literal=passwordHash="$(htpasswd -nbBC 10 x "$test_password" | sed -e "s/^x://")" \ --dry-run=client \ --output yaml \ | kubectl apply -f - app_name="pinniped" namespace="integration" webhook_url="https://local-user-authenticator.local-user-authenticator.svc/authenticate" webhook_ca_bundle="$(kubectl get secret api-serving-cert --namespace local-user-authenticator -o 'jsonpath={.data.caCertificate}')" discovery_url="$(TERM=dumb kubectl cluster-info | awk '/Kubernetes master/ {print $NF}')" # # Deploy Pinniped # pushd deploy >/dev/null log_note "Deploying the Pinniped app to the cluster..." ytt --file . \ --data-value "app_name=$app_name" \ --data-value "namespace=$namespace" \ --data-value "image_repo=$registry_repo" \ --data-value "image_tag=$tag" \ --data-value "webhook_url=$webhook_url" \ --data-value "webhook_ca_bundle=$webhook_ca_bundle" \ --data-value "discovery_url=$discovery_url" >"$manifest" echo log_note "Full Pinniped app manifest with Secrets redacted..." echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print_redacted_manifest $manifest echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo kubectl apply --dry-run=client -f "$manifest" # Validate manifest schema. kapp deploy --yes --app "$app_name" --diff-changes --file "$manifest" popd >/dev/null kind_capabilities_file="$pinniped_path/test/cluster_capabilities/kind.yaml" pinniped_cluster_capability_file_content=$(cat "$kind_capabilities_file") cat </tmp/integration-test-env # The following env vars should be set before running 'cd test && go test ./...' export PINNIPED_NAMESPACE=${namespace} export PINNIPED_APP_NAME=${app_name} export PINNIPED_CREDENTIAL_REQUEST_TOKEN=${test_username}:${test_password} read -r -d '' PINNIPED_CLUSTER_CAPABILITY_YAML << PINNIPED_CLUSTER_CAPABILITY_YAML_EOF || true ${pinniped_cluster_capability_file_content} PINNIPED_CLUSTER_CAPABILITY_YAML_EOF export PINNIPED_CLUSTER_CAPABILITY_YAML EOF goland_vars=$(grep -v '^#' /tmp/integration-test-env | grep -E '^export .+=' | sed 's/export //g' | tr '\n' ';') log_note "Done!" log_note log_note "Ready to run integration tests. For example, you could run all tests using the following commands..." log_note " cd $pinniped_path" log_note ' source /tmp/integration-test-env' log_note ' (cd test && go test -count 1 ./...)' log_note log_note '"Environment" setting for GoLand run configurations:' log_note " ${goland_vars}PINNIPED_CLUSTER_CAPABILITY_FILE=${kind_capabilities_file}" log_note log_note log_note "You can run this script again to deploy local production code changes while you are working." log_note log_note "When you're finished, use 'kind delete cluster' to tear down the cluster." log_note log_note "To delete the deployments, run 'kapp delete -a local-user-authenticator -y && kapp delete -a pinniped -y'." fi