// Copyright 2021-2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// Package downstreamsession provides some shared helpers for creating downstream OIDC sessions.
package downstreamsession

import (

	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"

	oidcapi "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/oidc"

const (
	// The name of the email claim from https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims
	emailClaimName = oidcapi.ScopeEmail

	// The name of the email_verified claim from https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims
	emailVerifiedClaimName = "email_verified"

	requiredClaimMissingErr            = constable.Error("required claim in upstream ID token missing")
	requiredClaimInvalidFormatErr      = constable.Error("required claim in upstream ID token has invalid format")
	requiredClaimEmptyErr              = constable.Error("required claim in upstream ID token is empty")
	emailVerifiedClaimInvalidFormatErr = constable.Error("email_verified claim in upstream ID token has invalid format")
	emailVerifiedClaimFalseErr         = constable.Error("email_verified claim in upstream ID token has false value")
	idTransformUnexpectedErr           = constable.Error("configured identity transformation or policy resulted in unexpected error")

	idpNameSubjectQueryParam = "idpName"

// MakeDownstreamSession creates a downstream OIDC session.
func MakeDownstreamSession(
	subject string,
	username string,
	groups []string,
	grantedScopes []string,
	clientID string,
	custom *psession.CustomSessionData,
	additionalClaims map[string]interface{},
) *psession.PinnipedSession {
	now := time.Now().UTC()
	openIDSession := &psession.PinnipedSession{
		Fosite: &openid.DefaultSession{
			Claims: &jwt.IDTokenClaims{
				Subject:     subject,
				RequestedAt: now,
				AuthTime:    now,
		Custom: custom,
	if groups == nil {
		groups = []string{}

	extras := map[string]interface{}{}
	extras[oidcapi.IDTokenClaimAuthorizedParty] = clientID
	if slices.Contains(grantedScopes, oidcapi.ScopeUsername) {
		extras[oidcapi.IDTokenClaimUsername] = username
	if slices.Contains(grantedScopes, oidcapi.ScopeGroups) {
		extras[oidcapi.IDTokenClaimGroups] = groups
	if len(additionalClaims) > 0 {
		extras[oidcapi.IDTokenClaimAdditionalClaims] = additionalClaims
	openIDSession.IDTokenClaims().Extra = extras

	return openIDSession

func MakeDownstreamLDAPOrADCustomSessionData(
	ldapUpstream upstreamprovider.UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI,
	idpType psession.ProviderType,
	authenticateResponse *authenticators.Response,
	username string,
	untransformedUpstreamUsername string,
	untransformedUpstreamGroups []string,
) *psession.CustomSessionData {
	customSessionData := &psession.CustomSessionData{
		Username:         username,
		UpstreamUsername: untransformedUpstreamUsername,
		UpstreamGroups:   untransformedUpstreamGroups,
		ProviderUID:      ldapUpstream.GetResourceUID(),
		ProviderName:     ldapUpstream.GetName(),
		ProviderType:     idpType,

	if idpType == psession.ProviderTypeLDAP {
		customSessionData.LDAP = &psession.LDAPSessionData{
			UserDN:                 authenticateResponse.DN,
			ExtraRefreshAttributes: authenticateResponse.ExtraRefreshAttributes,

	if idpType == psession.ProviderTypeActiveDirectory {
		customSessionData.ActiveDirectory = &psession.ActiveDirectorySessionData{
			UserDN:                 authenticateResponse.DN,
			ExtraRefreshAttributes: authenticateResponse.ExtraRefreshAttributes,

	return customSessionData

func MakeDownstreamOIDCCustomSessionData(
	oidcUpstream upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI,
	token *oidctypes.Token,
	username string,
	untransformedUpstreamUsername string,
	untransformedUpstreamGroups []string,
) (*psession.CustomSessionData, error) {
	upstreamSubject, err := ExtractStringClaimValue(oidcapi.IDTokenClaimSubject, oidcUpstream.GetName(), token.IDToken.Claims)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	upstreamIssuer, err := ExtractStringClaimValue(oidcapi.IDTokenClaimIssuer, oidcUpstream.GetName(), token.IDToken.Claims)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	customSessionData := &psession.CustomSessionData{
		Username:         username,
		UpstreamUsername: untransformedUpstreamUsername,
		UpstreamGroups:   untransformedUpstreamGroups,
		ProviderUID:      oidcUpstream.GetResourceUID(),
		ProviderName:     oidcUpstream.GetName(),
		ProviderType:     psession.ProviderTypeOIDC,
		OIDC: &psession.OIDCSessionData{
			UpstreamIssuer:  upstreamIssuer,
			UpstreamSubject: upstreamSubject,

	const pleaseCheck = "please check configuration of OIDCIdentityProvider and the client in the " +
		"upstream provider's API/UI and try to get a refresh token if possible"
	logKV := []interface{}{
		"upstreamName", oidcUpstream.GetName(),
		"scopes", oidcUpstream.GetScopes(),
		"additionalParams", oidcUpstream.GetAdditionalAuthcodeParams(),

	hasRefreshToken := token.RefreshToken != nil && token.RefreshToken.Token != ""
	hasAccessToken := token.AccessToken != nil && token.AccessToken.Token != ""
	switch {
	case hasRefreshToken: // we prefer refresh tokens, so check for this first
		customSessionData.OIDC.UpstreamRefreshToken = token.RefreshToken.Token
	case hasAccessToken: // as a fallback, we can use the access token as long as there is a userinfo endpoint
		if !oidcUpstream.HasUserInfoURL() {
			plog.Warning("access token was returned by upstream provider during login without a refresh token "+
				"and there was no userinfo endpoint available on the provider. "+pleaseCheck, logKV...)
			return nil, errors.New("access token was returned by upstream provider but there was no userinfo endpoint")
		plog.Info("refresh token not returned by upstream provider during login, using access token instead. "+pleaseCheck, logKV...)
		customSessionData.OIDC.UpstreamAccessToken = token.AccessToken.Token
		// When we are in a flow where we will be performing access token based refresh, issue a warning to the client if the access
		// token lifetime is very short, since that would mean that the user's session is very short.
		// The warnings are stored here and will be processed by the token handler.
		threeHoursFromNow := metav1.NewTime(time.Now().Add(3 * time.Hour))
		if !token.AccessToken.Expiry.IsZero() && token.AccessToken.Expiry.Before(&threeHoursFromNow) {
			customSessionData.Warnings = append(customSessionData.Warnings, "Access token from identity provider has lifetime of less than 3 hours. Expect frequent prompts to log in.")
		plog.Warning("refresh token and access token not returned by upstream provider during login. "+pleaseCheck, logKV...)
		return nil, errors.New("neither access token nor refresh token returned by upstream provider")

	return customSessionData, nil

// AutoApproveScopes auto-grants the scopes which we support and for which we do not require end-user approval,
// if they were requested. This should only be called after it has been validated that the client is allowed to request
// the scopes that it requested (which is a check performed by fosite).
func AutoApproveScopes(authorizeRequester fosite.AuthorizeRequester) {
	for _, scope := range []string{
	} {
		oidc.GrantScopeIfRequested(authorizeRequester, scope)

	// For backwards-compatibility with old pinniped CLI binaries which never request the username and groups scopes
	// (because those scopes did not exist yet when those CLIs were released), grant/approve the username and groups
	// scopes even if the CLI did not request them. Basically, pretend that the CLI requested them and auto-approve
	// them. Newer versions of the CLI binaries will request these scopes, so after enough time has passed that
	// we can assume the old versions of the CLI are no longer in use in the wild, then we can remove this code and
	// just let the above logic handle all clients.
	if authorizeRequester.GetClient().GetID() == oidcapi.ClientIDPinnipedCLI {

// GetDownstreamIdentityFromUpstreamIDToken returns the mapped subject, username, and group names, in that order.
func GetDownstreamIdentityFromUpstreamIDToken(
	upstreamIDPConfig upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI,
	idTokenClaims map[string]interface{},
	idpDisplayName string,
) (string, string, []string, error) {
	subject, username, err := getSubjectAndUsernameFromUpstreamIDToken(upstreamIDPConfig, idTokenClaims, idpDisplayName)
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", nil, err

	groups, err := GetGroupsFromUpstreamIDToken(upstreamIDPConfig, idTokenClaims)
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", nil, err

	return subject, username, groups, err

// MapAdditionalClaimsFromUpstreamIDToken returns the additionalClaims mapped from the upstream token, if any.
func MapAdditionalClaimsFromUpstreamIDToken(
	upstreamIDPConfig upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI,
	idTokenClaims map[string]interface{},
) map[string]interface{} {
	mapped := make(map[string]interface{}, len(upstreamIDPConfig.GetAdditionalClaimMappings()))
	for downstreamClaimName, upstreamClaimName := range upstreamIDPConfig.GetAdditionalClaimMappings() {
		upstreamClaimValue, ok := idTokenClaims[upstreamClaimName]
		if !ok {
				"additionalClaims mapping claim in upstream ID token missing",
				"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
				"claimName", upstreamClaimName,
		} else {
			mapped[downstreamClaimName] = upstreamClaimValue
	return mapped

func ApplyIdentityTransformations(
	ctx context.Context,
	identityTransforms *idtransform.TransformationPipeline,
	username string,
	groups []string,
) (string, []string, error) {
	transformationResult, err := identityTransforms.Evaluate(ctx, username, groups)
	if err != nil {
		plog.Error("unexpected identity transformation error during authentication", err, "inputUsername", username)
		return "", nil, idTransformUnexpectedErr
	if !transformationResult.AuthenticationAllowed {
		plog.Debug("authentication rejected by configured policy", "inputUsername", username, "inputGroups", groups)
		return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("configured identity policy rejected this authentication: %s", transformationResult.RejectedAuthenticationMessage)
	plog.Debug("identity transformation successfully applied during authentication",
		"originalUsername", username,
		"newUsername", transformationResult.Username,
		"originalGroups", groups,
		"newGroups", transformationResult.Groups,
	return transformationResult.Username, transformationResult.Groups, nil

func getSubjectAndUsernameFromUpstreamIDToken(
	upstreamIDPConfig upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI,
	idTokenClaims map[string]interface{},
	idpDisplayName string,
) (string, string, error) {
	// The spec says the "sub" claim is only unique per issuer,
	// so we will prepend the issuer string to make it globally unique.
	upstreamIssuer, err := ExtractStringClaimValue(oidcapi.IDTokenClaimIssuer, upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(), idTokenClaims)
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", err
	upstreamSubject, err := ExtractStringClaimValue(oidcapi.IDTokenClaimSubject, upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(), idTokenClaims)
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", err
	subject := downstreamSubjectFromUpstreamOIDC(upstreamIssuer, upstreamSubject, idpDisplayName)

	usernameClaimName := upstreamIDPConfig.GetUsernameClaim()
	if usernameClaimName == "" {
		return subject, downstreamUsernameFromUpstreamOIDCSubject(upstreamIssuer, upstreamSubject), nil

	// If the upstream username claim is configured to be the special "email" claim and the upstream "email_verified"
	// claim is present, then validate that the "email_verified" claim is true.
	emailVerifiedAsInterface, ok := idTokenClaims[emailVerifiedClaimName]
	if usernameClaimName == emailClaimName && ok {
		emailVerified, ok := emailVerifiedAsInterface.(bool)
		if !ok {
				"username claim configured as \"email\" and upstream email_verified claim is not a boolean",
				"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
				"configuredUsernameClaim", usernameClaimName,
				"emailVerifiedClaim", emailVerifiedAsInterface,
			return "", "", emailVerifiedClaimInvalidFormatErr
		if !emailVerified {
				"username claim configured as \"email\" and upstream email_verified claim has false value",
				"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
				"configuredUsernameClaim", usernameClaimName,
			return "", "", emailVerifiedClaimFalseErr

	username, err := ExtractStringClaimValue(usernameClaimName, upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(), idTokenClaims)
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", err

	return subject, username, nil

func ExtractStringClaimValue(claimName string, upstreamIDPName string, idTokenClaims map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
	value, ok := idTokenClaims[claimName]
	if !ok {
			"required claim in upstream ID token missing",
			"upstreamName", upstreamIDPName,
			"claimName", claimName,
		return "", requiredClaimMissingErr

	valueAsString, ok := value.(string)
	if !ok {
			"required claim in upstream ID token is not a string value",
			"upstreamName", upstreamIDPName,
			"claimName", claimName,
		return "", requiredClaimInvalidFormatErr

	if valueAsString == "" {
			"required claim in upstream ID token has an empty string value",
			"upstreamName", upstreamIDPName,
			"claimName", claimName,
		return "", requiredClaimEmptyErr

	return valueAsString, nil

func DownstreamSubjectFromUpstreamLDAP(
	ldapUpstream upstreamprovider.UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI,
	authenticateResponse *authenticators.Response,
	idpDisplayName string,
) string {
	ldapURL := *ldapUpstream.GetURL()
	return DownstreamLDAPSubject(authenticateResponse.User.GetUID(), ldapURL, idpDisplayName)

func DownstreamLDAPSubject(uid string, ldapURL url.URL, idpDisplayName string) string {
	q := ldapURL.Query()
	q.Set(idpNameSubjectQueryParam, idpDisplayName)
	q.Set(oidcapi.IDTokenClaimSubject, uid)
	ldapURL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
	return ldapURL.String()

func downstreamSubjectFromUpstreamOIDC(upstreamIssuerAsString string, upstreamSubject string, idpDisplayName string) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s?%s=%s&%s=%s", upstreamIssuerAsString,
		idpNameSubjectQueryParam, url.QueryEscape(idpDisplayName),
		oidcapi.IDTokenClaimSubject, url.QueryEscape(upstreamSubject),

func downstreamUsernameFromUpstreamOIDCSubject(upstreamIssuerAsString string, upstreamSubject string) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s?%s=%s", upstreamIssuerAsString,
		oidcapi.IDTokenClaimSubject, url.QueryEscape(upstreamSubject),

// GetGroupsFromUpstreamIDToken returns mapped group names coerced into a slice of strings.
// It returns nil when there is no configured groups claim name, or then when the configured claim name is not found
// in the provided map of claims. It returns an error when the claim exists but its value cannot be parsed.
func GetGroupsFromUpstreamIDToken(
	upstreamIDPConfig upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI,
	idTokenClaims map[string]interface{},
) ([]string, error) {
	groupsClaimName := upstreamIDPConfig.GetGroupsClaim()
	if groupsClaimName == "" {
		return nil, nil

	groupsAsInterface, ok := idTokenClaims[groupsClaimName]
	if !ok {
			"no groups claim in upstream ID token",
			"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
			"configuredGroupsClaim", groupsClaimName,
		return nil, nil // the upstream IDP may have omitted the claim if the user has no groups

	groupsAsArray, okAsArray := extractGroups(groupsAsInterface)
	if !okAsArray {
			"groups claim in upstream ID token has invalid format",
			"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
			"configuredGroupsClaim", groupsClaimName,
		return nil, requiredClaimInvalidFormatErr

	return groupsAsArray, nil

func extractGroups(groupsAsInterface interface{}) ([]string, bool) {
	groupsAsString, okAsString := groupsAsInterface.(string)
	if okAsString {
		return []string{groupsAsString}, true

	groupsAsStringArray, okAsStringArray := groupsAsInterface.([]string)
	if okAsStringArray {
		return groupsAsStringArray, true

	groupsAsInterfaceArray, okAsArray := groupsAsInterface.([]interface{})
	if !okAsArray {
		return nil, false

	var groupsAsStrings []string
	for _, groupAsInterface := range groupsAsInterfaceArray {
		groupAsString, okAsString := groupAsInterface.(string)
		if !okAsString {
			return nil, false
		if groupAsString != "" {
			groupsAsStrings = append(groupsAsStrings, groupAsString)

	return groupsAsStrings, true