// Copyright 2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// Package clientregistry defines Pinniped's OAuth2/OIDC clients.
package clientregistry

import (


// Client represents a Pinniped OAuth/OIDC client.
type Client struct {

func (c Client) GetResponseModes() []fosite.ResponseModeType {
	// For now, all Pinniped clients always support "" (unspecified), "query", and "form_post" response modes.
	return []fosite.ResponseModeType{fosite.ResponseModeDefault, fosite.ResponseModeQuery, fosite.ResponseModeFormPost}

// It implements both the base, OIDC, and response_mode client interfaces of Fosite.
var (
	_ fosite.Client              = (*Client)(nil)
	_ fosite.OpenIDConnectClient = (*Client)(nil)
	_ fosite.ResponseModeClient  = (*Client)(nil)

// StaticClientManager is a fosite.ClientManager with statically-defined clients.
type StaticClientManager struct{}

var _ fosite.ClientManager = (*StaticClientManager)(nil)

// GetClient returns a static client specified by the given ID.
// It returns a fosite.ErrNotFound if an unknown client is specified.
func (StaticClientManager) GetClient(_ context.Context, id string) (fosite.Client, error) {
	switch id {
	case "pinniped-cli":
		return PinnipedCLI(), nil
		return nil, fosite.ErrNotFound.WithDescription("no such client")

// ClientAssertionJWTValid returns an error if the JTI is
// known or the DB check failed and nil if the JTI is not known.
// This functionality is not supported by the StaticClientManager.
func (StaticClientManager) ClientAssertionJWTValid(ctx context.Context, jti string) error {
	return fmt.Errorf("not implemented")

// SetClientAssertionJWT marks a JTI as known for the given
// expiry time. Before inserting the new JTI, it will clean
// up any existing JTIs that have expired as those tokens can
// not be replayed due to the expiry.
// This functionality is not supported by the StaticClientManager.
func (StaticClientManager) SetClientAssertionJWT(ctx context.Context, jti string, exp time.Time) error {
	return fmt.Errorf("not implemented")

// PinnipedCLI returns the static Client corresponding to the Pinniped CLI.
func PinnipedCLI() *Client {
	return &Client{
		DefaultOpenIDConnectClient: fosite.DefaultOpenIDConnectClient{
			DefaultClient: &fosite.DefaultClient{
				ID:           "pinniped-cli",
				Secret:       nil,
				RedirectURIs: []string{""},
				GrantTypes: fosite.Arguments{
				ResponseTypes: []string{"code"},
				Scopes: fosite.Arguments{
				Audience: nil,
				Public:   true,
			RequestURIs:                       nil,
			JSONWebKeys:                       nil,
			JSONWebKeysURI:                    "",
			RequestObjectSigningAlgorithm:     "",
			TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlgorithm: oidc.RS256,
			TokenEndpointAuthMethod:           "none",