#!/usr/bin/env bash # https://gist.github.com/mohanpedala/1e2ff5661761d3abd0385e8223e16425 set -e # immediately exit set -u # error if variables undefined set -o pipefail # prevent masking errors in a pipeline # set -x # print all executed commands to terminal RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' DEFAULT='\033[0m' echo_yellow() { echo -e "${YELLOW}>> $@${DEFAULT}\n" # printf "${GREEN}$@${DEFAULT}" } echo_green() { echo -e "${GREEN}>> $@${DEFAULT}\n" # printf "${BLUE}$@${DEFAULT}" } echo_red() { echo -e "${RED}>> $@${DEFAULT}\n" # printf "${BLUE}$@${DEFAULT}" } echo_blue() { echo -e "${BLUE}>> $@${DEFAULT}\n" # printf "${BLUE}$@${DEFAULT}" } # got a cluster? echo_yellow "Verify you have a functional kind cluster, otherwise this will fail....." # ./kind-with-registry.sh # got kapp-controller bits? kubectl get customresourcedefinitions kapp deploy --app kapp-controller --file https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-kapp-controller/releases/latest/download/release.yml # -y kubectl get customresourcedefinitions # TODO: since I removed the deployments there is not much in the ./imgpkg/images.yaml output # # build images found in these directories. # make use of build.yaml files to specify how builds should work, # if we need it to be done. # kbld --file ./concierge/config --imgpkg-lock-output ./concierge/.imgpkg/images.yml # this is used in the package-template.yml file for declaring where the package will live. # we need to know where these package images should live :) # REPO_HOST="" # PACKAGE_REPO_HOST="projects.registry.vmware.com/pinniped/pinniped-server" # PACKAGE_REPO_HOST="docker.io/benjaminapetersen/pinniped-package-repo" PACKAGE_REPO_HOST="benjaminapetersen/pinniped-package-repo" PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION="0.25.0" echo "" echo_yellow "cleaning ./package-repository..." rm -rf "./package-repository" mkdir -p "./package-repository/.imgpkg" mkdir -p "./package-repository/packages/concierge.pinniped.dev" mkdir -p "./package-repository/packages/supervisor.pinniped.dev" ## TODO: ## "${resource_name}/deployment.yml" vs "${resource_name}/deployment-HACKED.yml" ## the real one has images. ## - CURRENTLY the deployment.yaml files don't work, there is some error with pushing images. ## come back to this later? declare -a arr=("supervisor" "concierge") for resource_name in "${arr[@]}" do echo "" echo_yellow "handling ${resource_name}..." # just simple templating # ytt --file "./${resource_name}}/config/" # template, but process with kbld to update the yaml files with image digests such as # image: index.docker.io//@sha256: # ytt --file "./${resource_name}}/config/" | kbld --file - echo_yellow "generating ${resource_name}/.imgpkg/images.yaml" # there are bits for image substitution in some of the ytt commands kbld --file "./${resource_name}/config/" --imgpkg-lock-output "./${resource_name}/.imgpkg/images.yml" # generate a schema in each package directory echo_yellow "generating ./${resource_name}/schema-openapi.yaml" ytt \ --file "${resource_name}/config/values.yaml" \ --data-values-schema-inspect --output openapi-v3 > "${resource_name}/schema-openapi.yml" # TODO: # push each package to the repository # note that I am hacking at this pattern to just get them to my dockerhub # this may or may not be the pattern we want when we push to a formal repository location # package_push_repo_location="${PACKAGE_REPO_HOST}/packages/${resource_name}:${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION}" package_push_repo_location="${PACKAGE_REPO_HOST}-package-${resource_name}:${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION}" echo_yellow "pushing package image: ${package_push_repo_location} ..." imgpkg push --bundle "${package_push_repo_location}" --file "./${resource_name}" resource_package_version="${resource_name}.pinniped.dev" echo_yellow "generating ./package-repository/packages/${resource_package_version}/${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION}.yml" ytt \ --file "${resource_name}/package-template.yml" \ --data-value-file openapi="$(pwd)/${resource_name}/schema-openapi.yml" \ --data-value package_version="${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION}" \ --data-value package_image_repo="${package_push_repo_location}" > "package-repository/packages/${resource_package_version}/${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION}.yml" echo_yellow "copying ${resource_name}/metadata.yml to ./package-repository/packages/${resource_name}" cp "./${resource_name}/metadata.yml" "./package-repository/packages/${resource_package_version}/metadata.yml" done echo_yellow "generating ./package-repository/.imgpkg/images.yml" kbld --file ./package-repository/packages/ --imgpkg-lock-output package-repository/.imgpkg/images.yml package_repository_push_repo_location="${PACKAGE_REPO_HOST}:${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION}" echo_yellow "pushing package repository image: ${PACKAGE_REPO_HOST}:${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION}..." imgpkg push --bundle "${package_repository_push_repo_location}" --file ./package-repository echo_yellow "validating imgpkg package bundle contents..." imgpkg pull --bundle "${PACKAGE_REPO_HOST}:${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION}" --output "/tmp/${PACKAGE_REPO_HOST}:${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION}" ls -la "/tmp/${PACKAGE_REPO_HOST}:${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION}" PINNIPED_PACKGE_REPOSITORY_NAME="pinniped-package-repository" PINNIPED_PACKGE_REPOSITORY_FILE="packagerepository.${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION}.yml" echo -n "" > "${PINNIPED_PACKGE_REPOSITORY_FILE}" cat <> "${PINNIPED_PACKGE_REPOSITORY_FILE}" --- apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1 kind: PackageRepository metadata: name: "${PINNIPED_PACKGE_REPOSITORY_NAME}" spec: fetch: imgpkgBundle: image: "${PACKAGE_REPO_HOST}:${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION}" EOT # Now, gotta make this work. It'll be interesting if we can... kapp deploy --app "${PINNIPED_PACKGE_REPOSITORY_NAME}" --file "${PINNIPED_PACKGE_REPOSITORY_FILE}" kapp inspect --app "${PINNIPED_PACKGE_REPOSITORY_NAME}" --tree # this is just a note to break this up, probably should use a separate ./deploy_stuff.sh file. echo_green "CONSUMPTION OF PACKAGE HERE" echo_green "CONSUMPTION OF PACKAGE HERE" echo_green "CONSUMPTION OF PACKAGE HERE" echo_yellow "deploying RBAC for use with pinniped PackageInstall..." # TODO: obviously a mega-role that can do everything is not good. declare -a arr=("supervisor" "concierge") for resource_name in "${arr[@]}" do NAMESPACE="${resource_name}-ns" PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX="pinniped-package-rbac-${resource_name}" PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_FILE="./temp_actual_deploy_resources/${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-${resource_name}-rbac.yml" echo -n "" > "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_FILE}" cat <> "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_FILE}" --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: "${NAMESPACE}" --- # ServiceAccount details from the file linked above apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-sa-superadmin-dangerous" namespace: default # this is default on purpose so the PackageInstall can find it --- kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-role-superadmin-dangerous" rules: - apiGroups: ["*"] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["*"] --- kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-role-binding-superadmin-dangerous" subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-sa-superadmin-dangerous" namespace: "${NAMESPACE}" roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-role-superadmin-dangerous" EOF kapp deploy --app "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}" --file "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_FILE}" -y # kapp deploy --app pkg-demo --file pkginstall.yml -y done #FOOBAR="pinniped-package-rbac" #PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_FILE="./temp_actual_deploy_resources/${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-rbac.yml" ## TODO: obviously a mega-role that can do everything is not good. #echo -n "" > "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_FILE}" #cat <> "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_FILE}" # echo_yellow "deploying PackageInstall resources for pinniped supervisor and concierge packages..." for resource_name in "${arr[@]}" do NAMESPACE="${resource_name}-ns" PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX="pinniped-package-rbac-${resource_name}" RESOURCE_PACKGE_VERSION="${resource_name}.pinniped.dev" PACKAGE_INSTALL_FILE_NAME="./temp_actual_deploy_resources/${resource_name}-pkginstall.yml" SECRET_NAME="${resource_name}-package-install-secret" cat > "${PACKAGE_INSTALL_FILE_NAME}" << EOF --- apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1 kind: PackageInstall metadata: name: "${resource_name}-package-install" namespace: default # this is default on purpose so the ServiceAccount can be found spec: serviceAccountName: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-sa-superadmin-dangerous" packageRef: refName: "${RESOURCE_PACKGE_VERSION}" versionSelection: constraints: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION}" values: - secretRef: name: "${SECRET_NAME}" --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: "${SECRET_NAME}" stringData: values.yml: | --- namespace: "${NAMESPACE}" app_name: "${resource_name}-app-awesomeness" replicas: 3 EOF KAPP_CONTROLLER_APP_NAME="${resource_name}-pkginstall" echo_yellow "deploying ${KAPP_CONTROLLER_APP_NAME}..." kapp deploy --app "${KAPP_CONTROLLER_APP_NAME}" --file "${PACKAGE_INSTALL_FILE_NAME}" -y done echo_yellow "listing all package resources.." kubectl get pkgi && kubectl get pkgr && kubectl get pkg echo_yellow "listing all kapp cli apps..." # list again what is installed so we can ensure we have everything kapp ls --all-namespaces # these are fundamentally different than what kapp cli understands, unfortunately. # the term "app" is overloaded in Carvel and can mean two different things, based on # the use of kapp cli and kapp-controller on cluster echo_yellow "listing all kapp-controller apps..." kubectl get app --all-namespaces # TODO: # update the deployment.yaml and remove the deployment-HACKED.yaml files # both are probably hacked a bit, so delete them and just get fresh from the ./deploy directory # then make sure REAL PINNIPED actually deploys. # In the end we should have: # docker pull benjaminapetersen/pinniped-package-repo:latest # docker pull benjaminapetersen/pinniped-package-repo-package-supervisor:0.25.0 # docker pull benjaminapetersen/pinniped-package-repo-package-concierge:0.25.0