# Deploying `test-webhook` ## What is `test-webhook`? The `test-webhook` app is an identity provider used for integration testing and demos. If you would like to demo Pinniped, but you don't have a compatible identity provider handy, you can use Pinniped's `test-webhook` identity provider. Note that this is not recommended for production use. The `test-webhook` is a Kubernetes Deployment which runs a webhook server that implements the Kubernetes [Webhook Token Authentication interface](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#webhook-token-authentication). User accounts can be created and edited dynamically using `kubectl` commands (see below). ## Tools This example deployment uses `ytt` from [Carvel](https://carvel.dev/) to template the YAML files. Either [install `ytt`](https://get-ytt.io/) or use the [container image from Dockerhub](https://hub.docker.com/r/k14s/image/tags). As well, this demo requires a tool capable of generating a `bcrypt` hash in order to interact with the webhook. The example below uses `htpasswd`, which is installed on most macOS systems, and can be installed on some Linux systems via the `apache2-utils` package (e.g., `apt-get install apache2-utils`). ## Procedure 1. The configuration options are in [values.yml](values.yaml). Fill in the values in that file, or override those values using `ytt` command-line options in the command below. 2. In a terminal, cd to this `deploy-test-webhook` directory 3. To generate the final YAML files, run: `ytt --file .` 4. Deploy the generated YAML using your preferred deployment tool, such as `kubectl` or [`kapp`](https://get-kapp.io/). For example: `ytt --file . | kapp deploy --yes --app test-webhook --diff-changes --file -` ## Configuring After Installing ### Create Users Use `kubectl` to create, edit, and delete user accounts by creating a `Secret` for each user account in the same namespace where `test-webhook` is deployed. The name of the `Secret` resource is the username. Store the user's group membership and `bcrypt` encrypted password as the contents of the `Secret`. For example, to create a user named `ryan` with the password `password123` who belongs to the groups `group1` and `group2`, use: ```bash kubectl create secret generic ryan \ --namespace test-webhook \ --from-literal=groups=group1,group2 \ --from-literal=passwordHash=$(htpasswd -nbBC 10 x password123 | sed -e "s/^x://") ``` ### Get the `test-webhook` App's Auto-Generated Certificate Authority Bundle Fetch the auto-generated CA bundle for the `test-webhook`'s HTTP TLS endpoint. ```bash kubectl get secret api-serving-cert --namespace test-webhook \ -o jsonpath={.data.caCertificate} \ | base64 -d \ | tee /tmp/test-webhook-ca ``` ### Configuring Pinniped to Use `test-webhook` as an Identity Provider When installing Pinniped on the same cluster, configure `test-webhook` as an Identity Provider for Pinniped using the webhook URL `https://test-webhook.test-webhook.svc/authenticate` along with the CA bundle fetched by the above command. ### Optional: Manually Test the Webhook Endpoint 1. Start a pod from which you can curl the endpoint from inside the cluster. ```bash kubectl run curlpod --image=curlimages/curl --command -- /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hi; sleep 120; done" ``` 1. Copy the CA bundle that was fetched above onto the new pod. ```bash kubectl cp /tmp/test-webhook-ca curlpod:/tmp/test-webhook-ca ``` 1. Run a `curl` command to try to authenticate as the user created above. ```bash kubectl -it exec curlpod -- curl https://test-webhook.test-webhook.svc/authenticate \ --cacert /tmp/test-webhook-ca \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d ' { "apiVersion": "authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1", "kind": "TokenReview", "spec": { "token": "ryan:password123" } }' ``` When authentication is successful the above command should return some JSON similar to the following. Note that the value of `authenticated` is `true` to indicate a successful authentication. ```json {"apiVersion":"authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1","kind":"TokenReview","status":{"authenticated":true,"user":{"username":"ryan","uid":"19c433ec-8f58-44ca-9ef0-2d1081ccb876","groups":["group1","group2"]}}} ``` Trying the above `curl` command again with the wrong username or password in the body of the request should result in a JSON response which indicates that the authentication failed. ```json {"apiVersion":"authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1","kind":"TokenReview","status":{"authenticated":false}} ``` 1. Remove the curl pod. ```bash kubectl delete pod curlpod ```