name: Proposal tracking
about: A tracking issue for a proposal document
title: '[Proposal] Your proposal title'
labels: 'proposal-tracking'
assignees: ''



Hey! Thanks for opening an issue!

This type of issue should only be opened if you intend to create a
formal proposal document. Please refer to the proposal process in

Please title this issue starting with `[Proposal]` followed by a
title for what you are going to propose. For example:
`[Proposal] Lunar landing module authentication via Pinniped`.


### Proposal Tracking Issue

- Proposal: <!-- this starts empty, then please update to link to proposal PR, then also link to proposal doc file after it is merged -->

- Discussion Links: <!-- link to any mailing list threads, Slack conversations, community meetings, or other places where the proposal was discussed, if any -->
    - <!-- A -->
    - <!-- B -->

- Pull requests: <!-- link to all PRs related to this proposal such as updates to the proposal doc, implementation PRs, etc. - keep this list up to date -->
    - <!-- #123: briefly describe this PR -->
    - <!-- #456: briefly describe this PR -->