// Copyright 2020-2022 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // Package oidc contains common OIDC functionality needed by Pinniped. package oidc import ( "context" "crypto/subtle" "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "net/url" "time" "github.com/felixge/httpsnoop" "github.com/ory/fosite" "github.com/ory/fosite/compose" errorsx "github.com/pkg/errors" "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/idpdiscovery/v1alpha1" oidcapi "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/oidc" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/httputil/httperr" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidc/csrftoken" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidc/jwks" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidc/provider" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidc/provider/formposthtml" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/plog" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/psession" "go.pinniped.dev/pkg/oidcclient/nonce" "go.pinniped.dev/pkg/oidcclient/pkce" ) const ( WellKnownEndpointPath = "/.well-known/openid-configuration" AuthorizationEndpointPath = "/oauth2/authorize" TokenEndpointPath = "/oauth2/token" //nolint:gosec // ignore lint warning that this is a credential CallbackEndpointPath = "/callback" JWKSEndpointPath = "/jwks.json" PinnipedIDPsPathV1Alpha1 = "/v1alpha1/pinniped_identity_providers" PinnipedLoginPath = "/login" ) const ( // UpstreamStateParamFormatVersion exists just in case we need to make a breaking change to the format of the // upstream state param, we are including a format version number. This gives the opportunity for a future version // of Pinniped to have the consumer of this format decide to reject versions that it doesn't understand. // // Version 1 was the original version. // Version 2 added the UpstreamType field to the UpstreamStateParamData struct. UpstreamStateParamFormatVersion = "2" // UpstreamStateParamEncodingName is the `name` passed to the encoder for encoding the upstream state param value. // This name is short because it will be encoded into the upstream state param value, and we're trying to keep that // small. UpstreamStateParamEncodingName = "s" // CSRFCookieName is the name of the browser cookie which shall hold our CSRF value. // The `__Host` prefix has a special meaning. See: // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#Cookie_prefixes. CSRFCookieName = "__Host-pinniped-csrf" // CSRFCookieEncodingName is the `name` passed to the encoder for encoding and decoding the CSRF // cookie contents. CSRFCookieEncodingName = "csrf" // CSRFCookieLifespan is the length of time that the CSRF cookie is valid. After this time, the // Supervisor's authorization endpoint should give the browser a new CSRF cookie. We set it to // a week so that it is unlikely to expire during a login. CSRFCookieLifespan = time.Hour * 24 * 7 ) // Encoder is the encoding side of the securecookie.Codec interface. type Encoder interface { Encode(name string, value interface{}) (string, error) } // Decoder is the decoding side of the securecookie.Codec interface. type Decoder interface { Decode(name, value string, into interface{}) error } // Codec is both the encoding and decoding sides of the securecookie.Codec interface. It is // interface'd here so that we properly wrap the securecookie dependency. type Codec interface { Encoder Decoder } // UpstreamStateParamData is the format of the state parameter that we use when we communicate to an // upstream OIDC provider. // // Keep the JSON to a minimal size because the upstream provider could impose size limitations on // the state param. type UpstreamStateParamData struct { AuthParams string `json:"p"` UpstreamName string `json:"u"` UpstreamType string `json:"t"` Nonce nonce.Nonce `json:"n"` CSRFToken csrftoken.CSRFToken `json:"c"` PKCECode pkce.Code `json:"k"` FormatVersion string `json:"v"` } type TimeoutsConfiguration struct { // The length of time that our state param that we encrypt and pass to the upstream OIDC IDP should be considered // valid. If a state param generated by the authorize endpoint is sent to the callback endpoint after this much // time has passed, then the callback endpoint should reject it. This allows us to set a limit on how long // the end user has to finish their login with the upstream IDP, including the time that it takes to fumble // with password manager and two-factor authenticator apps, and also accounting for taking a coffee break while // the browser is sitting at the upstream IDP's login page. UpstreamStateParamLifespan time.Duration // How long an authcode issued by the callback endpoint is valid. This determines how much time the end user // has to come back to exchange the authcode for tokens at the token endpoint. AuthorizeCodeLifespan time.Duration // The lifetime of an downstream access token issued by the token endpoint. Access tokens should generally // be fairly short-lived. AccessTokenLifespan time.Duration // The lifetime of an downstream ID token issued by the token endpoint. This should generally be the same // as the AccessTokenLifespan, or longer if it would be useful for the user's proof of identity to be valid // for longer than their proof of authorization. IDTokenLifespan time.Duration // The lifetime of an downstream refresh token issued by the token endpoint. This should generally be // significantly longer than the access token lifetime, so it can be used to refresh the access token // multiple times. Once the refresh token expires, the user's session is over and they will need // to start a new authorization request, which will require them to log in again with the upstream IDP // in their web browser. RefreshTokenLifespan time.Duration // AuthorizationCodeSessionStorageLifetime is the length of time after which an authcode is allowed to be garbage // collected from storage. Authcodes are kept in storage after they are redeemed to allow the system to mark the // authcode as already used, so it can reject any future uses of the same authcode with special case handling which // include revoking the access and refresh tokens associated with the session. Therefore, this should be // significantly longer than the AuthorizeCodeLifespan, and there is probably no reason to make it longer than // the sum of the AuthorizeCodeLifespan and the RefreshTokenLifespan. AuthorizationCodeSessionStorageLifetime time.Duration // PKCESessionStorageLifetime is the length of time after which PKCE data is allowed to be garbage collected from // storage. PKCE sessions are closely related to authorization code sessions. After the authcode is successfully // redeemed, the PKCE session is explicitly deleted. After the authcode expires, the PKCE session is no longer needed, // but it is not explicitly deleted. Therefore, this can be just slightly longer than the AuthorizeCodeLifespan. We'll // avoid making it exactly the same as AuthorizeCodeLifespan to avoid any chance of the garbage collector deleting it // while it is being used. PKCESessionStorageLifetime time.Duration // OIDCSessionStorageLifetime is the length of time after which the OIDC session data related to an authcode // is allowed to be garbage collected from storage. Due to a bug in an underlying library, these are not explicitly // deleted. Similar to the PKCE session, they are not needed anymore after the corresponding authcode has expired. // Therefore, this can be just slightly longer than the AuthorizeCodeLifespan. We'll avoid making it exactly the same // as AuthorizeCodeLifespan to avoid any chance of the garbage collector deleting it while it is being used. OIDCSessionStorageLifetime time.Duration // AccessTokenSessionStorageLifetime is the length of time after which an access token's session data is allowed // to be garbage collected from storage. These must exist in storage for as long as the refresh token is valid // or else the refresh flow will not work properly. So this must be longer than RefreshTokenLifespan. AccessTokenSessionStorageLifetime time.Duration // RefreshTokenSessionStorageLifetime is the length of time after which a refresh token's session data is allowed // to be garbage collected from storage. These must exist in storage for as long as the refresh token is valid. // Therefore, this can be just slightly longer than the RefreshTokenLifespan. We'll avoid making it exactly the same // as RefreshTokenLifespan to avoid any chance of the garbage collector deleting it while it is being used. // If an expired token is still stored when the user tries to refresh it, then they will get a more specific // error message telling them that the token is expired, rather than a more generic error that is returned // when the token does not exist. If this is desirable, then the RefreshTokenSessionStorageLifetime can be made // to be significantly larger than RefreshTokenLifespan, at the cost of slower cleanup. RefreshTokenSessionStorageLifetime time.Duration } // Get the defaults for the Supervisor server. func DefaultOIDCTimeoutsConfiguration() TimeoutsConfiguration { accessTokenLifespan := 2 * time.Minute authorizationCodeLifespan := 10 * time.Minute refreshTokenLifespan := 9 * time.Hour return TimeoutsConfiguration{ UpstreamStateParamLifespan: 90 * time.Minute, AuthorizeCodeLifespan: authorizationCodeLifespan, AccessTokenLifespan: accessTokenLifespan, IDTokenLifespan: accessTokenLifespan, RefreshTokenLifespan: refreshTokenLifespan, AuthorizationCodeSessionStorageLifetime: authorizationCodeLifespan + refreshTokenLifespan, PKCESessionStorageLifetime: authorizationCodeLifespan + (1 * time.Minute), OIDCSessionStorageLifetime: authorizationCodeLifespan + (1 * time.Minute), AccessTokenSessionStorageLifetime: refreshTokenLifespan + accessTokenLifespan, RefreshTokenSessionStorageLifetime: refreshTokenLifespan + accessTokenLifespan, } } func FositeOauth2Helper( oauthStore interface{}, issuer string, hmacSecretOfLengthAtLeast32Func func() []byte, jwksProvider jwks.DynamicJWKSProvider, timeoutsConfiguration TimeoutsConfiguration, ) fosite.OAuth2Provider { isRedirectURISecureStrict := func(_ context.Context, uri *url.URL) bool { return fosite.IsRedirectURISecureStrict(uri) } oauthConfig := &fosite.Config{ IDTokenIssuer: issuer, AuthorizeCodeLifespan: timeoutsConfiguration.AuthorizeCodeLifespan, IDTokenLifespan: timeoutsConfiguration.IDTokenLifespan, AccessTokenLifespan: timeoutsConfiguration.AccessTokenLifespan, RefreshTokenLifespan: timeoutsConfiguration.RefreshTokenLifespan, ScopeStrategy: fosite.ExactScopeStrategy, EnforcePKCE: true, // "offline_access" as per https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#OfflineAccess RefreshTokenScopes: []string{oidcapi.ScopeOfflineAccess}, // The default is to support all prompt values from the spec. // See https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#AuthRequest AllowedPromptValues: nil, // Use the fosite default to make it more likely that off the shelf OIDC clients can work with the supervisor. MinParameterEntropy: fosite.MinParameterEntropy, // do not allow custom scheme redirects, only https and http (on loopback) RedirectSecureChecker: isRedirectURISecureStrict, // html template for rendering the authorization response when the request has response_mode=form_post FormPostHTMLTemplate: formposthtml.Template(), // defaults to using BCrypt when nil ClientSecretsHasher: nil, } oAuth2Provider := compose.Compose( oauthConfig, oauthStore, &compose.CommonStrategy{ // Note that Fosite requires the HMAC secret to be at least 32 bytes. CoreStrategy: newDynamicOauth2HMACStrategy(oauthConfig, hmacSecretOfLengthAtLeast32Func), OpenIDConnectTokenStrategy: newDynamicOpenIDConnectECDSAStrategy(oauthConfig, jwksProvider), }, compose.OAuth2AuthorizeExplicitFactory, compose.OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantFactory, compose.OpenIDConnectExplicitFactory, compose.OpenIDConnectRefreshFactory, compose.OAuth2PKCEFactory, TokenExchangeFactory, // handle the "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange" grant type ) return oAuth2Provider } // FositeErrorForLog generates a list of information about the provided Fosite error that can be // passed to a plog function (e.g., plog.Info()). // // Sample usage: // // err := someFositeLibraryFunction() // if err != nil { // plog.Info("some error", FositeErrorForLog(err)...) // ... // } func FositeErrorForLog(err error) []interface{} { rfc6749Error := fosite.ErrorToRFC6749Error(err) keysAndValues := make([]interface{}, 0) keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, "name") keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, rfc6749Error.Error()) // Error() returns the ErrorField keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, "status") keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, rfc6749Error.Status()) // Status() encodes the CodeField as a string keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, "description") keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, rfc6749Error.GetDescription()) // GetDescription() returns the DescriptionField and the HintField keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, "debug") keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, rfc6749Error.Debug()) // Debug() returns the DebugField if cause := rfc6749Error.Cause(); cause != nil { // Cause() returns the underlying error, or nil keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, "cause") keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, cause.Error()) } return keysAndValues } type UpstreamOIDCIdentityProvidersLister interface { GetOIDCIdentityProviders() []provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI } type UpstreamLDAPIdentityProvidersLister interface { GetLDAPIdentityProviders() []provider.UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI } type UpstreamActiveDirectoryIdentityProviderLister interface { GetActiveDirectoryIdentityProviders() []provider.UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI } type UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister interface { UpstreamOIDCIdentityProvidersLister UpstreamLDAPIdentityProvidersLister UpstreamActiveDirectoryIdentityProviderLister } func GrantScopeIfRequested(authorizeRequester fosite.AuthorizeRequester, scopeName string) { if ScopeWasRequested(authorizeRequester, scopeName) { authorizeRequester.GrantScope(scopeName) } } func ScopeWasRequested(authorizeRequester fosite.AuthorizeRequester, scopeName string) bool { for _, scope := range authorizeRequester.GetRequestedScopes() { if scope == scopeName { return true } } return false } func ReadStateParamAndValidateCSRFCookie(r *http.Request, cookieDecoder Decoder, stateDecoder Decoder) (string, *UpstreamStateParamData, error) { csrfValue, err := readCSRFCookie(r, cookieDecoder) if err != nil { return "", nil, err } encodedState, decodedState, err := readStateParam(r, stateDecoder) if err != nil { return "", nil, err } err = validateCSRFValue(decodedState, csrfValue) if err != nil { return "", nil, err } return encodedState, decodedState, nil } func readCSRFCookie(r *http.Request, cookieDecoder Decoder) (csrftoken.CSRFToken, error) { receivedCSRFCookie, err := r.Cookie(CSRFCookieName) if err != nil { // Error means that the cookie was not found return "", httperr.Wrap(http.StatusForbidden, "CSRF cookie is missing", err) } var csrfFromCookie csrftoken.CSRFToken err = cookieDecoder.Decode(CSRFCookieEncodingName, receivedCSRFCookie.Value, &csrfFromCookie) if err != nil { return "", httperr.Wrap(http.StatusForbidden, "error reading CSRF cookie", err) } return csrfFromCookie, nil } func readStateParam(r *http.Request, stateDecoder Decoder) (string, *UpstreamStateParamData, error) { encodedState := r.FormValue("state") if encodedState == "" { return "", nil, httperr.New(http.StatusBadRequest, "state param not found") } var state UpstreamStateParamData if err := stateDecoder.Decode( UpstreamStateParamEncodingName, r.FormValue("state"), &state, ); err != nil { return "", nil, httperr.New(http.StatusBadRequest, "error reading state") } if state.FormatVersion != UpstreamStateParamFormatVersion { return "", nil, httperr.New(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "state format version is invalid") } return encodedState, &state, nil } func validateCSRFValue(state *UpstreamStateParamData, csrfCookieValue csrftoken.CSRFToken) error { if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(state.CSRFToken), []byte(csrfCookieValue)) != 1 { return httperr.New(http.StatusForbidden, "CSRF value does not match") } return nil } // FindUpstreamIDPByNameAndType finds the requested IDP by name and type, or returns an error. // Note that AD and LDAP IDPs both return the same interface type, but different ProviderTypes values. func FindUpstreamIDPByNameAndType( idpLister UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister, upstreamName string, upstreamType string, ) ( provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI, provider.UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI, psession.ProviderType, error, ) { switch upstreamType { case string(v1alpha1.IDPTypeOIDC): for _, p := range idpLister.GetOIDCIdentityProviders() { if p.GetName() == upstreamName { return p, nil, psession.ProviderTypeOIDC, nil } } case string(v1alpha1.IDPTypeLDAP): for _, p := range idpLister.GetLDAPIdentityProviders() { if p.GetName() == upstreamName { return nil, p, psession.ProviderTypeLDAP, nil } } case string(v1alpha1.IDPTypeActiveDirectory): for _, p := range idpLister.GetActiveDirectoryIdentityProviders() { if p.GetName() == upstreamName { return nil, p, psession.ProviderTypeActiveDirectory, nil } } } return nil, nil, "", errors.New("provider not found") } // WriteAuthorizeError writes an authorization error as it should be returned by the authorization endpoint and other // similar endpoints that are the end of the downstream authcode flow. Errors responses are written in the usual fosite style. func WriteAuthorizeError(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, oauthHelper fosite.OAuth2Provider, authorizeRequester fosite.AuthorizeRequester, err error, isBrowserless bool) { if plog.Enabled(plog.LevelTrace) { // When trace level logging is enabled, include the stack trace in the log message. keysAndValues := FositeErrorForLog(err) errWithStack := errorsx.WithStack(err) keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, "errWithStack") // klog always prints error values using %s, which does not include stack traces, // so convert the error to a string which includes the stack trace here. keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, fmt.Sprintf("%+v", errWithStack)) plog.Trace("authorize response error", keysAndValues...) } else { plog.Info("authorize response error", FositeErrorForLog(err)...) } if isBrowserless { w = rewriteStatusSeeOtherToStatusFoundForBrowserless(w) } // Return an error according to OIDC spec (second paragraph). oauthHelper.WriteAuthorizeError(r.Context(), w, authorizeRequester, err) } // PerformAuthcodeRedirect successfully completes a downstream login by creating a session and // writing the authcode redirect response as it should be returned by the authorization endpoint and other // similar endpoints that are the end of the downstream authcode flow. func PerformAuthcodeRedirect( r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, oauthHelper fosite.OAuth2Provider, authorizeRequester fosite.AuthorizeRequester, openIDSession *psession.PinnipedSession, isBrowserless bool, ) { authorizeResponder, err := oauthHelper.NewAuthorizeResponse(r.Context(), authorizeRequester, openIDSession) if err != nil { plog.WarningErr("error while generating and saving authcode", err, "fositeErr", FositeErrorForLog(err)) WriteAuthorizeError(r, w, oauthHelper, authorizeRequester, err, isBrowserless) return } if isBrowserless { w = rewriteStatusSeeOtherToStatusFoundForBrowserless(w) } oauthHelper.WriteAuthorizeResponse(r.Context(), w, authorizeRequester, authorizeResponder) } func rewriteStatusSeeOtherToStatusFoundForBrowserless(w http.ResponseWriter) http.ResponseWriter { // rewrite http.StatusSeeOther to http.StatusFound for backwards compatibility with old pinniped CLIs. // we can drop this in a few releases once we feel enough time has passed for users to update. // // WriteAuthorizeResponse/WriteAuthorizeError calls used to result in http.StatusFound until // https://github.com/ory/fosite/pull/636 changed it to http.StatusSeeOther to address // https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-oauth-security-topics-18.html#section-4.11 // Safari has the bad behavior in the case of http.StatusFound and not just http.StatusTemporaryRedirect. // // in the browserless flows, the OAuth client is the pinniped CLI and it already has access to the user's // password. Thus there is no security issue with using http.StatusFound vs. http.StatusSeeOther. return httpsnoop.Wrap(w, httpsnoop.Hooks{ WriteHeader: func(delegate httpsnoop.WriteHeaderFunc) httpsnoop.WriteHeaderFunc { return func(code int) { if code == http.StatusSeeOther { code = http.StatusFound } delegate(code) } }, }) }