// Copyright 2020-2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // Package token provides a handler for the OIDC token endpoint. package token import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "github.com/ory/fosite" errorsx "github.com/pkg/errors" "golang.org/x/oauth2" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/sets" "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/warning" "k8s.io/utils/strings/slices" oidcapi "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/oidc" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/httputil/httperr" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/idtransform" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidc" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidc/downstreamsession" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidc/provider" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidc/provider/upstreamprovider" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/plog" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/psession" ) func NewHandler( idpLister provider.FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerI, oauthHelper fosite.OAuth2Provider, ) http.Handler { return httperr.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { session := psession.NewPinnipedSession() accessRequest, err := oauthHelper.NewAccessRequest(r.Context(), r, session) if err != nil { plog.Info("token request error", oidc.FositeErrorForLog(err)...) oauthHelper.WriteAccessError(r.Context(), w, accessRequest, err) return nil } // Check if we are performing a refresh grant. if accessRequest.GetGrantTypes().ExactOne(oidcapi.GrantTypeRefreshToken) { // The above call to NewAccessRequest has loaded the session from storage into the accessRequest variable. // The session, requested scopes, and requested audience from the original authorize request was retrieved // from the Kube storage layer and added to the accessRequest. Additionally, the audience and scopes may // have already been granted on the accessRequest. err = upstreamRefresh(r.Context(), accessRequest, idpLister) if err != nil { plog.Info("upstream refresh error", oidc.FositeErrorForLog(err)...) oauthHelper.WriteAccessError(r.Context(), w, accessRequest, err) return nil } } // When we are in the authorization code flow, check if we have any warnings that previous handlers want us // to send to the client to be printed on the CLI. if accessRequest.GetGrantTypes().ExactOne(oidcapi.GrantTypeAuthorizationCode) { storedSession := accessRequest.GetSession().(*psession.PinnipedSession) customSessionData := storedSession.Custom if customSessionData != nil { for _, warningText := range customSessionData.Warnings { warning.AddWarning(r.Context(), "", warningText) } } } accessResponse, err := oauthHelper.NewAccessResponse(r.Context(), accessRequest) if err != nil { plog.Info("token response error", oidc.FositeErrorForLog(err)...) oauthHelper.WriteAccessError(r.Context(), w, accessRequest, err) return nil } oauthHelper.WriteAccessResponse(r.Context(), w, accessRequest, accessResponse) return nil }) } func errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError() *fosite.RFC6749Error { return &fosite.RFC6749Error{ ErrorField: "error", DescriptionField: "There was an internal server error.", HintField: "Required upstream data not found in session.", CodeField: http.StatusInternalServerError, } } func errUpstreamRefreshError() *fosite.RFC6749Error { return &fosite.RFC6749Error{ ErrorField: "error", DescriptionField: "Error during upstream refresh.", CodeField: http.StatusUnauthorized, } } func upstreamRefresh(ctx context.Context, accessRequest fosite.AccessRequester, idpLister provider.FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerI) error { session := accessRequest.GetSession().(*psession.PinnipedSession) customSessionData := session.Custom if customSessionData == nil { return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError()) } providerName := customSessionData.ProviderName providerUID := customSessionData.ProviderUID if providerUID == "" || providerName == "" { return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError()) } grantedScopes := accessRequest.GetGrantedScopes() clientID := accessRequest.GetClient().GetID() switch customSessionData.ProviderType { case psession.ProviderTypeOIDC: return upstreamOIDCRefresh(ctx, session, idpLister, grantedScopes, clientID) case psession.ProviderTypeLDAP: return upstreamLDAPRefresh(ctx, idpLister, session, grantedScopes, clientID) case psession.ProviderTypeActiveDirectory: return upstreamLDAPRefresh(ctx, idpLister, session, grantedScopes, clientID) default: return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError()) } } //nolint:funlen func upstreamOIDCRefresh( ctx context.Context, session *psession.PinnipedSession, idpLister provider.FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerI, grantedScopes []string, clientID string, ) error { s := session.Custom if s.OIDC == nil { return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError()) } accessTokenStored := s.OIDC.UpstreamAccessToken != "" refreshTokenStored := s.OIDC.UpstreamRefreshToken != "" exactlyOneTokenStored := (accessTokenStored || refreshTokenStored) && !(accessTokenStored && refreshTokenStored) if !exactlyOneTokenStored { return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError()) } p, err := findOIDCProviderByNameAndValidateUID(s, idpLister) if err != nil { return err } plog.Debug("attempting upstream refresh request", "providerName", s.ProviderName, "providerType", s.ProviderType, "providerUID", s.ProviderUID) var tokens *oauth2.Token if refreshTokenStored { tokens, err = p.Provider.PerformRefresh(ctx, s.OIDC.UpstreamRefreshToken) if err != nil { return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHint( "Upstream refresh failed.", ).WithTrace(err).WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType) } } else { tokens = &oauth2.Token{AccessToken: s.OIDC.UpstreamAccessToken} } // Upstream refresh may or may not return a new ID token. From the spec: // "the response body is the Token Response of Section except that it might not contain an id_token." // https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#RefreshTokenResponse _, hasIDTok := tokens.Extra("id_token").(string) // We may or may not have an ID token, and we may or may not have a userinfo endpoint to call for more claims. // Use what we can (one, both, or neither) and return the union of their claims. If we stored an access token, // then require that the userinfo endpoint exists and returns a successful response, or else we would have no // way to check that the user's session was not revoked on the server. // The spec is not 100% clear about whether an ID token from the refresh flow should include a nonce, and at // least some providers do not include one, so we skip the nonce validation here (but not other validations). validatedTokens, err := p.Provider.ValidateTokenAndMergeWithUserInfo(ctx, tokens, "", hasIDTok, accessTokenStored) if err != nil { return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf( "Upstream refresh returned an invalid ID token or UserInfo response.").WithTrace(err). WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType) } mergedClaims := validatedTokens.IDToken.Claims oldTransformedUsername, err := getDownstreamUsernameFromPinnipedSession(session) if err != nil { return err } oldTransformedGroups, err := getDownstreamGroupsFromPinnipedSession(session) if err != nil { return err } // To the extent possible, check that the user's basic identity hasn't changed. err = validateSubjectAndIssuerUnchangedSinceInitialLogin(mergedClaims, session) if err != nil { return err } var refreshedUntransformedGroups []string groupsScope := slices.Contains(grantedScopes, oidcapi.ScopeGroups) if groupsScope { // If possible, update the user's group memberships. The configured groups claim name (if there is one) may or // may not be included in the newly fetched and merged claims. It could be missing due to a misconfiguration of the // claim name. It could also be missing because the claim was originally found in the ID token during login, but // now we might not have a refreshed ID token. // If the claim is found, then use it to update the user's group membership in the session. // If the claim is not found, then we have no new information about groups, so skip updating the group membership // and let any old groups memberships in the session remain. refreshedUntransformedGroups, err = downstreamsession.GetGroupsFromUpstreamIDToken(p.Provider, mergedClaims) if err != nil { return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf( "Upstream refresh error while extracting groups claim.").WithTrace(err). WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType) } } // It's possible that a username wasn't returned by the upstream provider during refresh, // but if it is, verify that the transformed version of it hasn't changed. refreshedUntransformedUsername, hasRefreshedUntransformedUsername := getString(mergedClaims, p.Provider.GetUsernameClaim()) if !hasRefreshedUntransformedUsername { // If we could not get a new username, then we still need the untransformed username to be able to // run the transformations again, so fetch the original untransformed username from the session. refreshedUntransformedUsername = s.UpstreamUsername } if refreshedUntransformedGroups == nil { // If we could not get a new list of groups, then we still need the untransformed groups list to be able to // run the transformations again, so fetch the original untransformed groups list from the session. refreshedUntransformedGroups = s.UpstreamGroups } transformationResult, err := transformRefreshedIdentity(ctx, p.Transforms, oldTransformedUsername, refreshedUntransformedUsername, refreshedUntransformedGroups, s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType, ) if err != nil { return err } warnIfGroupsChanged(ctx, oldTransformedGroups, transformationResult.Groups, transformationResult.Username, clientID) session.Fosite.Claims.Extra[oidcapi.IDTokenClaimGroups] = refreshedUntransformedGroups // Upstream refresh may or may not return a new refresh token. If we got a new refresh token, then update it in // the user's session. If we did not get a new refresh token, then keep the old one in the session by avoiding // overwriting the old one. if tokens.RefreshToken != "" { plog.Debug("upstream refresh request returned a new refresh token", "providerName", s.ProviderName, "providerType", s.ProviderType, "providerUID", s.ProviderUID) s.OIDC.UpstreamRefreshToken = tokens.RefreshToken } return nil } // print out the diff between two lists of sorted groups. func diffSortedGroups(oldGroups, newGroups []string) ([]string, []string) { oldGroupsAsSet := sets.NewString(oldGroups...) newGroupsAsSet := sets.NewString(newGroups...) added := newGroupsAsSet.Difference(oldGroupsAsSet) // groups in newGroups that are not in oldGroups i.e. added removed := oldGroupsAsSet.Difference(newGroupsAsSet) // groups in oldGroups that are not in newGroups i.e. removed return added.List(), removed.List() } func validateSubjectAndIssuerUnchangedSinceInitialLogin(mergedClaims map[string]interface{}, session *psession.PinnipedSession) error { s := session.Custom // If we have any claims at all, we better have a subject, and it better match the previous value. // but it's possible that we don't because both returning a new id token on refresh and having a userinfo // endpoint are optional. if len(mergedClaims) == 0 { return nil } newSub, hasSub := getString(mergedClaims, oidcapi.IDTokenClaimSubject) if !hasSub { return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf( "Upstream refresh failed.").WithTrace(errors.New("subject in upstream refresh not found")). WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType) } if s.OIDC.UpstreamSubject != newSub { return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf( "Upstream refresh failed.").WithTrace(errors.New("subject in upstream refresh does not match previous value")). WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType) } newIssuer, hasIssuer := getString(mergedClaims, oidcapi.IDTokenClaimIssuer) // It's possible that an issuer wasn't returned by the upstream provider during refresh, // but if it is, verify that it hasn't changed. if hasIssuer && s.OIDC.UpstreamIssuer != newIssuer { return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf( "Upstream refresh failed.").WithTrace(errors.New("issuer in upstream refresh does not match previous value")). WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType) } return nil } func getString(m map[string]interface{}, key string) (string, bool) { val, ok := m[key].(string) return val, ok } func findOIDCProviderByNameAndValidateUID( s *psession.CustomSessionData, idpLister provider.FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerI, ) (*provider.FederationDomainResolvedOIDCIdentityProvider, error) { for _, p := range idpLister.GetOIDCIdentityProviders() { if p.Provider.GetName() == s.ProviderName { if p.Provider.GetResourceUID() != s.ProviderUID { return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHint( "Provider from upstream session data has changed its resource UID since authentication.")) } return p, nil } } return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errUpstreamRefreshError(). WithHint("Provider from upstream session data was not found."). WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)) } func upstreamLDAPRefresh( ctx context.Context, idpLister provider.FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerI, session *psession.PinnipedSession, grantedScopes []string, clientID string, ) error { oldTransformedUsername, err := getDownstreamUsernameFromPinnipedSession(session) if err != nil { return err } subject := session.Fosite.Claims.Subject var oldTransformedGroups []string if slices.Contains(grantedScopes, oidcapi.ScopeGroups) { oldTransformedGroups, err = getDownstreamGroupsFromPinnipedSession(session) if err != nil { return err } } s := session.Custom validLDAP := s.ProviderType == psession.ProviderTypeLDAP && s.LDAP != nil && s.LDAP.UserDN != "" validAD := s.ProviderType == psession.ProviderTypeActiveDirectory && s.ActiveDirectory != nil && s.ActiveDirectory.UserDN != "" if !(validLDAP || validAD) { return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError()) } var additionalAttributes map[string]string if s.ProviderType == psession.ProviderTypeLDAP { additionalAttributes = s.LDAP.ExtraRefreshAttributes } else { additionalAttributes = s.ActiveDirectory.ExtraRefreshAttributes } p, dn, err := findLDAPProviderByNameAndValidateUID(s, idpLister) if err != nil { return err } if session.IDTokenClaims().AuthTime.IsZero() { return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError()) } refreshedUntransformedGroups, err := p.Provider.PerformRefresh(ctx, upstreamprovider.RefreshAttributes{ Username: s.UpstreamUsername, Subject: subject, DN: dn, Groups: s.UpstreamGroups, AdditionalAttributes: additionalAttributes, GrantedScopes: grantedScopes, }) if err != nil { return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHint( "Upstream refresh failed.").WithTrace(err). WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType) } transformationResult, err := transformRefreshedIdentity(ctx, p.Transforms, oldTransformedUsername, s.UpstreamUsername, refreshedUntransformedGroups, s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType, ) if err != nil { return err } groupsScope := slices.Contains(grantedScopes, oidcapi.ScopeGroups) if groupsScope { warnIfGroupsChanged(ctx, oldTransformedGroups, transformationResult.Groups, transformationResult.Username, clientID) // Replace the old value with the new value. session.Fosite.Claims.Extra[oidcapi.IDTokenClaimGroups] = transformationResult.Groups } return nil } func transformRefreshedIdentity( ctx context.Context, transforms *idtransform.TransformationPipeline, oldTransformedUsername string, upstreamUsername string, upstreamGroups []string, providerName string, providerType psession.ProviderType, ) (*idtransform.TransformationResult, error) { transformationResult, err := transforms.Evaluate(ctx, upstreamUsername, upstreamGroups) if err != nil { return nil, errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf( "Upstream refresh error while applying configured identity transformations."). WithTrace(err). WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", providerName, providerType) } if !transformationResult.AuthenticationAllowed { return nil, errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf( "Upstream refresh rejected by configured identity policy: %s.", transformationResult.RejectedAuthenticationMessage). WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", providerName, providerType) } if oldTransformedUsername != transformationResult.Username { return nil, errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf( "Upstream refresh failed."). WithTrace(errors.New("username in upstream refresh does not match previous value")). WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", providerName, providerType) } return transformationResult, nil } func findLDAPProviderByNameAndValidateUID( s *psession.CustomSessionData, idpLister provider.FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerI, ) (*provider.FederationDomainResolvedLDAPIdentityProvider, string, error) { var providers []*provider.FederationDomainResolvedLDAPIdentityProvider var dn string if s.ProviderType == psession.ProviderTypeLDAP { providers = idpLister.GetLDAPIdentityProviders() dn = s.LDAP.UserDN } else if s.ProviderType == psession.ProviderTypeActiveDirectory { providers = idpLister.GetActiveDirectoryIdentityProviders() dn = s.ActiveDirectory.UserDN } for _, p := range providers { if p.Provider.GetName() == s.ProviderName { if p.Provider.GetResourceUID() != s.ProviderUID { return nil, "", errorsx.WithStack(errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHint( "Provider from upstream session data has changed its resource UID since authentication."). WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)) } return p, dn, nil } } return nil, "", errorsx.WithStack(errUpstreamRefreshError(). WithHint("Provider from upstream session data was not found."). WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)) } func getDownstreamUsernameFromPinnipedSession(session *psession.PinnipedSession) (string, error) { downstreamUsername := session.Custom.Username if len(downstreamUsername) == 0 { return "", errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError()) } return downstreamUsername, nil } func getDownstreamGroupsFromPinnipedSession(session *psession.PinnipedSession) ([]string, error) { extra := session.Fosite.Claims.Extra if extra == nil { return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError()) } downstreamGroupsInterface := extra[oidcapi.IDTokenClaimGroups] if downstreamGroupsInterface == nil { return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError()) } downstreamGroupsInterfaceList, ok := downstreamGroupsInterface.([]interface{}) if !ok { return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError()) } downstreamGroups := make([]string, 0, len(downstreamGroupsInterfaceList)) for _, downstreamGroupInterface := range downstreamGroupsInterfaceList { downstreamGroup, ok := downstreamGroupInterface.(string) if !ok || len(downstreamGroup) == 0 { return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError()) } downstreamGroups = append(downstreamGroups, downstreamGroup) } return downstreamGroups, nil } func warnIfGroupsChanged(ctx context.Context, oldGroups, newGroups []string, username string, clientID string) { if clientID != oidcapi.ClientIDPinnipedCLI { // Only send these warnings to the CLI client. They are intended for kubectl to print to the screen. // A webapp using a dynamic client wouldn't know to look for these special warning headers, and // if the dynamic client lacked the username scope, then these warning messages would be leaking // the user's username to the client within the text of the warning. return } added, removed := diffSortedGroups(oldGroups, newGroups) if len(added) > 0 { warning.AddWarning(ctx, "", fmt.Sprintf("User %q has been added to the following groups: %q", username, added)) } if len(removed) > 0 { warning.AddWarning(ctx, "", fmt.Sprintf("User %q has been removed from the following groups: %q", username, removed)) } }