#! Copyright 2020-2022 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved. #! SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 #@ load("@ytt:data", "data") #@ load("@ytt:yaml", "yaml") #@ load("helpers.lib.yaml", #@ "defaultLabel", #@ "labels", #@ "deploymentPodLabel", #@ "namespace", #@ "defaultResourceName", #@ "defaultResourceNameWithSuffix", #@ "pinnipedDevAPIGroupWithPrefix", #@ "getPinnipedConfigMapData", #@ "hasUnixNetworkEndpoint", #@ ) #@ load("@ytt:template", "template") #@ if not data.values.into_namespace: --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: #@ data.values.namespace labels: #@ labels() #@ end --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: #@ defaultResourceName() namespace: #@ namespace() labels: #@ labels() --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: #@ defaultResourceNameWithSuffix("static-config") namespace: #@ namespace() labels: #@ labels() data: #@yaml/text-templated-strings pinniped.yaml: #@ yaml.encode(getPinnipedConfigMapData()) --- #@ if data.values.image_pull_dockerconfigjson and data.values.image_pull_dockerconfigjson != "": apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: image-pull-secret namespace: #@ namespace() labels: #@ labels() type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson data: .dockerconfigjson: #@ data.values.image_pull_dockerconfigjson #@ end --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: #@ defaultResourceName() namespace: #@ namespace() labels: #@ labels() spec: replicas: #@ data.values.replicas selector: #! In hindsight, this should have been deploymentPodLabel(), but this field is immutable so changing it would break upgrades. matchLabels: #@ defaultLabel() template: metadata: labels: #! This has always included defaultLabel(), which is used by this Deployment's selector. _: #@ template.replace(defaultLabel()) #! More recently added the more unique deploymentPodLabel() so Services can select these Pods more specifically #! without accidentally selecting pods from any future Deployments which might also want to use the defaultLabel(). _: #@ template.replace(deploymentPodLabel()) spec: securityContext: runAsUser: #@ data.values.run_as_user runAsGroup: #@ data.values.run_as_group serviceAccountName: #@ defaultResourceName() #@ if data.values.image_pull_dockerconfigjson and data.values.image_pull_dockerconfigjson != "": imagePullSecrets: - name: image-pull-secret #@ end containers: - name: #@ defaultResourceName() #@ if data.values.image_digest: image: #@ data.values.image_repo + "@" + data.values.image_digest #@ else: image: #@ data.values.image_repo + ":" + data.values.image_tag #@ end imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent command: - pinniped-supervisor - /etc/podinfo - /etc/config/pinniped.yaml securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: true runAsNonRoot: true allowPrivilegeEscalation: false capabilities: drop: [ "ALL" ] #! seccompProfile was introduced in Kube v1.19. Using it on an older Kube version will result in a #! kubectl validation error when installing via `kubectl apply`, which can be ignored using kubectl's #! `--validate=false` flag. Note that installing via `kapp` does not complain about this validation error. seccompProfile: type: "RuntimeDefault" resources: requests: #! If OIDCClient CRs are being used, then the Supervisor needs enough CPU to run expensive bcrypt #! operations inside the implementation of the token endpoint for any authcode flows performed by those #! clients, so for that use case administrators may wish to increase the requests.cpu value to more #! closely align with their anticipated needs. Increasing this value will cause Kubernetes to give more #! available CPU to this process during times of high CPU contention. By default, don't ask for too much #! because that would make it impossible to install the Pinniped Supervisor on small clusters. #! Aside from performing bcrypts at the token endpoint for those clients, the Supervisor is not a #! particularly CPU-intensive process. cpu: "100m" #! by default, request one-tenth of a CPU memory: "128Mi" limits: #! By declaring a CPU limit that is not equal to the CPU request value, the Supervisor will be classified #! by Kubernetes to have "burstable" quality of service. #! See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/quality-service-pod/#create-a-pod-that-gets-assigned-a-qos-class-of-burstable #! If OIDCClient CRs are being used, and lots of simultaneous users have active sessions, then it is hard #! pre-determine what the CPU limit should be for that use case. Guessing too low would cause the #! pod's CPU usage to be throttled, resulting in poor performance. Guessing too high would allow clients #! to cause the usage of lots of CPU resources. Administrators who have a good sense of anticipated usage #! patterns may choose to set the requests.cpu and limits.cpu differently from these defaults. cpu: "1000m" #! by default, throttle each pod's usage at 1 CPU memory: "128Mi" volumeMounts: - name: config-volume mountPath: /etc/config readOnly: true - name: podinfo mountPath: /etc/podinfo readOnly: true #@ if hasUnixNetworkEndpoint(): - name: socket mountPath: /pinniped_socket readOnly: false #! writable to allow for socket use #@ end ports: - containerPort: 8443 protocol: TCP env: #@ if data.values.https_proxy: - name: HTTPS_PROXY value: #@ data.values.https_proxy #@ end #@ if data.values.https_proxy and data.values.no_proxy: - name: NO_PROXY value: #@ data.values.no_proxy #@ end livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /healthz port: 8443 scheme: HTTPS initialDelaySeconds: 2 timeoutSeconds: 15 periodSeconds: 10 failureThreshold: 5 readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /healthz port: 8443 scheme: HTTPS initialDelaySeconds: 2 timeoutSeconds: 3 periodSeconds: 10 failureThreshold: 3 volumes: - name: config-volume configMap: name: #@ defaultResourceNameWithSuffix("static-config") - name: podinfo downwardAPI: items: - path: "labels" fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.labels - path: "namespace" fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace - path: "name" fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.name #@ if hasUnixNetworkEndpoint(): - name: socket emptyDir: {} #@ end #! This will help make sure our multiple pods run on different nodes, making #! our deployment "more" "HA". affinity: podAntiAffinity: preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 50 podAffinityTerm: labelSelector: matchLabels: #@ deploymentPodLabel() topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: #! If name is changed, must also change names.apiService in the ConfigMap above and spec.service.name in the APIService below. name: #@ defaultResourceNameWithSuffix("api") namespace: #@ namespace() labels: #@ labels() #! prevent kapp from altering the selector of our services to match kubectl behavior annotations: kapp.k14s.io/disable-default-label-scoping-rules: "" spec: type: ClusterIP selector: #@ deploymentPodLabel() ports: - protocol: TCP port: 443 targetPort: 10250 --- apiVersion: apiregistration.k8s.io/v1 kind: APIService metadata: name: #@ pinnipedDevAPIGroupWithPrefix("v1alpha1.clientsecret.supervisor") labels: #@ labels() spec: version: v1alpha1 group: #@ pinnipedDevAPIGroupWithPrefix("clientsecret.supervisor") groupPriorityMinimum: 9900 versionPriority: 15 #! caBundle: Do not include this key here. Starts out null, will be updated/owned by the golang code. service: name: #@ defaultResourceNameWithSuffix("api") namespace: #@ namespace() port: 443