// Copyright 2020 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package callback import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "net/url" "regexp" "strings" "testing" "github.com/gorilla/securecookie" "github.com/ory/fosite" "github.com/ory/fosite/handler/openid" "github.com/ory/fosite/storage" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidc" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidc/provider" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidcclient" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidcclient/nonce" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidcclient/pkce" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/testutil" ) const ( happyUpstreamIDPName = "upstream-idp-name" ) func TestCallbackEndpoint(t *testing.T) { const ( downstreamRedirectURI = "" ) // Configure fosite the same way that the production code would, except use in-memory storage. oauthStore := &storage.MemoryStore{ Clients: map[string]fosite.Client{oidc.PinnipedCLIOIDCClient().ID: oidc.PinnipedCLIOIDCClient()}, AuthorizeCodes: map[string]storage.StoreAuthorizeCode{}, PKCES: map[string]fosite.Requester{}, IDSessions: map[string]fosite.Requester{}, } hmacSecret := []byte("some secret - must have at least 32 bytes") require.GreaterOrEqual(t, len(hmacSecret), 32, "fosite requires that hmac secrets have at least 32 bytes") oauthHelper := oidc.FositeOauth2Helper(oauthStore, hmacSecret) upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider := testutil.TestUpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider{ Name: happyUpstreamIDPName, ClientID: "some-client-id", UsernameClaim: "the-user-claim", GroupsClaim: "the-groups-claim", Scopes: []string{"scope1", "scope2"}, ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokensFunc: func(ctx context.Context, authcode string, pkceCodeVerifier pkce.Code, expectedIDTokenNonce nonce.Nonce) (oidcclient.Token, map[string]interface{}, error) { return oidcclient.Token{}, map[string]interface{}{ "the-user-claim": "test-pinniped-username", "other-claim": "should be ignored", }, nil }, } otherUpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider := testutil.TestUpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider{ Name: "other-upstream-idp-name", ClientID: "other-some-client-id", Scopes: []string{"other-scope1", "other-scope2"}, } failedExchangeUpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider := testutil.TestUpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider{ Name: happyUpstreamIDPName, ClientID: upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider.ClientID, UsernameClaim: upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider.UsernameClaim, GroupsClaim: upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider.GroupsClaim, Scopes: upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider.Scopes, ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokensFunc: func(ctx context.Context, authcode string, pkceCodeVerifier pkce.Code, expectedIDTokenNonce nonce.Nonce) (oidcclient.Token, map[string]interface{}, error) { return oidcclient.Token{}, nil, errors.New("some exchange error") }, } var stateEncoderHashKey = []byte("fake-hash-secret") var stateEncoderBlockKey = []byte("0123456789ABCDEF") // block encryption requires 16/24/32 bytes for AES var cookieEncoderHashKey = []byte("fake-hash-secret2") var cookieEncoderBlockKey = []byte("0123456789ABCDE2") // block encryption requires 16/24/32 bytes for AES require.NotEqual(t, stateEncoderHashKey, cookieEncoderHashKey) require.NotEqual(t, stateEncoderBlockKey, cookieEncoderBlockKey) var happyStateCodec = securecookie.New(stateEncoderHashKey, stateEncoderBlockKey) happyStateCodec.SetSerializer(securecookie.JSONEncoder{}) var happyCookieCodec = securecookie.New(cookieEncoderHashKey, cookieEncoderBlockKey) happyCookieCodec.SetSerializer(securecookie.JSONEncoder{}) happyDownstreamState := "some-downstream-state" happyOriginalRequestParamsQuery := url.Values{ "response_type": []string{"code"}, "scope": []string{"openid profile email"}, "client_id": []string{"pinniped-cli"}, "state": []string{happyDownstreamState}, "nonce": []string{"some-nonce-value"}, "code_challenge": []string{"some-challenge"}, "code_challenge_method": []string{"S256"}, "redirect_uri": []string{downstreamRedirectURI}, } happyOriginalRequestParams := happyOriginalRequestParamsQuery.Encode() happyCSRF := "test-csrf" happyPKCE := "test-pkce" happyNonce := "test-nonce" happyStateVersion := "1" happyState, err := happyStateCodec.Encode("s", testutil.ExpectedUpstreamStateParamFormat{ P: happyOriginalRequestParams, N: happyNonce, C: happyCSRF, K: happyPKCE, V: happyStateVersion, }, ) require.NoError(t, err) wrongCSRFValueState, err := happyStateCodec.Encode("s", testutil.ExpectedUpstreamStateParamFormat{ P: happyOriginalRequestParams, N: happyNonce, C: "wrong-csrf-value", K: happyPKCE, V: happyStateVersion, }, ) require.NoError(t, err) wrongVersionState, err := happyStateCodec.Encode("s", testutil.ExpectedUpstreamStateParamFormat{ P: happyOriginalRequestParams, N: happyNonce, C: happyCSRF, K: happyPKCE, V: "wrong-state-version", }, ) require.NoError(t, err) wrongDownstreamAuthParamsState, err := happyStateCodec.Encode("s", testutil.ExpectedUpstreamStateParamFormat{ P: "these-is-not-a-valid-url-query-%z", N: happyNonce, C: happyCSRF, K: happyPKCE, V: happyStateVersion, }, ) require.NoError(t, err) missingClientIDState, err := happyStateCodec.Encode("s", testutil.ExpectedUpstreamStateParamFormat{ P: shallowCopyQueryExceptFor(happyOriginalRequestParamsQuery, "client_id").Encode(), N: happyNonce, C: happyCSRF, K: happyPKCE, V: happyStateVersion, }, ) require.NoError(t, err) encodedIncomingCookieCSRFValue, err := happyCookieCodec.Encode("csrf", happyCSRF) require.NoError(t, err) happyCSRFCookie := "__Host-pinniped-csrf=" + encodedIncomingCookieCSRFValue tests := []struct { name string idpListGetter provider.DynamicUpstreamIDPProvider method string path string csrfCookie string wantStatus int wantBody string wantRedirectLocationRegexp string wantAuthcodeStored bool }{ { name: "GET with good state and cookie and successful upstream token exchange returns 302 to downstream client callback with its state and code", idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider), method: http.MethodGet, path: newRequestPath().WithState(happyState).String(), csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie, wantStatus: http.StatusFound, // Note that fosite puts the granted scopes as a param in the redirect URI even though the spec doesn't seem to require it wantRedirectLocationRegexp: downstreamRedirectURI + `\?code=([^&]+)&scope=openid&state=` + happyDownstreamState, wantAuthcodeStored: true, wantBody: "", }, // TODO: when we call the callback twice in a row, we get two different auth codes (to prove we are using an RNG for auth codes) // Pre-upstream-exchange verification { name: "PUT method is invalid", method: http.MethodPut, path: newRequestPath().String(), wantStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, wantBody: "Method Not Allowed: PUT (try GET)\n", }, { name: "POST method is invalid", method: http.MethodPost, path: newRequestPath().String(), wantStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, wantBody: "Method Not Allowed: POST (try GET)\n", }, { name: "PATCH method is invalid", method: http.MethodPatch, path: newRequestPath().String(), wantStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, wantBody: "Method Not Allowed: PATCH (try GET)\n", }, { name: "DELETE method is invalid", method: http.MethodDelete, path: newRequestPath().String(), wantStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, wantBody: "Method Not Allowed: DELETE (try GET)\n", }, { name: "code param was not included on request", method: http.MethodGet, path: newRequestPath().WithState(happyState).WithoutCode().String(), csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie, wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, wantBody: "Bad Request: code param not found\n", }, { name: "state param was not included on request", method: http.MethodGet, path: newRequestPath().WithoutState().String(), csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie, wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, wantBody: "Bad Request: state param not found\n", }, { name: "state param was not signed correctly, has expired, or otherwise cannot be decoded for any reason", idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider), method: http.MethodGet, path: newRequestPath().WithState("this-will-not-decode").String(), csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie, wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, wantBody: "Bad Request: error reading state\n", }, { name: "state's internal version does not match what we want", idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider), method: http.MethodGet, path: newRequestPath().WithState(wrongVersionState).String(), csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie, wantStatus: http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, wantBody: "Unprocessable Entity: state format version is invalid\n", }, { name: "state's downstream auth params element is invalid", idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider), method: http.MethodGet, path: newRequestPath().WithState(wrongDownstreamAuthParamsState).String(), csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie, wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, wantBody: "Bad Request: error reading state downstream auth params\n", }, { name: "state's downstream auth params are missing required value (e.g., client_id)", idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider), method: http.MethodGet, path: newRequestPath().WithState(missingClientIDState).String(), csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie, wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, wantBody: "Bad Request: error using state downstream auth params\n", }, { name: "the UpstreamOIDCProvider CRD has been deleted", idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(otherUpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider), method: http.MethodGet, path: newRequestPath().WithState(happyState).String(), csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie, wantStatus: http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, wantBody: "Unprocessable Entity: upstream provider not found\n", }, { name: "the CSRF cookie does not exist on request", idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider), method: http.MethodGet, path: newRequestPath().WithState(happyState).String(), wantStatus: http.StatusForbidden, wantBody: "Forbidden: CSRF cookie is missing\n", }, { name: "cookie was not signed correctly, has expired, or otherwise cannot be decoded for any reason", idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider), method: http.MethodGet, path: newRequestPath().WithState(happyState).String(), csrfCookie: "__Host-pinniped-csrf=this-value-was-not-signed-by-pinniped", wantStatus: http.StatusForbidden, wantBody: "Forbidden: error reading CSRF cookie\n", }, { name: "cookie csrf value does not match state csrf value", idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider), method: http.MethodGet, path: newRequestPath().WithState(wrongCSRFValueState).String(), csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie, wantStatus: http.StatusForbidden, wantBody: "Forbidden: CSRF value does not match\n", }, // Upstream exchange { name: "upstream auth code exchange fails", idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(failedExchangeUpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider), method: http.MethodGet, path: newRequestPath().WithState(happyState).String(), csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie, wantStatus: http.StatusBadGateway, wantBody: "Bad Gateway: error exchanging and validating upstream tokens\n", }, } for _, test := range tests { test := test t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { subject := NewHandler(test.idpListGetter, oauthHelper, happyStateCodec, happyCookieCodec) req := httptest.NewRequest(test.method, test.path, nil) if test.csrfCookie != "" { req.Header.Set("Cookie", test.csrfCookie) } rsp := httptest.NewRecorder() subject.ServeHTTP(rsp, req) require.Equal(t, test.wantStatus, rsp.Code) require.False(t, test.wantBody != "" && test.wantRedirectLocationRegexp != "", "test cannot set both body and redirect assertions") if test.wantBody != "" { require.Equal(t, test.wantBody, rsp.Body.String()) } else { require.Empty(t, rsp.Body.String()) } if test.wantRedirectLocationRegexp != "" { // Assert that Location header matches regular expression. require.Len(t, rsp.Header().Values("Location"), 1) actualLocation := rsp.Header().Get("Location") regex := regexp.MustCompile(test.wantRedirectLocationRegexp) submatches := regex.FindStringSubmatch(actualLocation) require.Lenf(t, submatches, 2, "no regexp match in actualLocation: %q", actualLocation) capturedAuthCode := submatches[1] // One authcode should have been stored. require.Len(t, oauthStore.AuthorizeCodes, 1) // fosite authcodes are in the format `data.signature`, so grab the signature part, which is the lookup key in the storage interface authcodeDataAndSignature := strings.Split(capturedAuthCode, ".") require.Len(t, authcodeDataAndSignature, 2) // Get the authcode session back from storage so we can require that it was stored correctly. storedAuthorizeRequest, err := oauthStore.GetAuthorizeCodeSession(context.Background(), authcodeDataAndSignature[1], nil) require.NoError(t, err) // Check that storage returned the expected concrete data types. _, ok := storedAuthorizeRequest.(*fosite.Request) require.True(t, ok) storedSession, ok := storedAuthorizeRequest.GetSession().(*openid.DefaultSession) require.True(t, ok) // Check various fields of the stored data. require.Equal(t, "test-pinniped-username", storedSession.Claims.Subject) } else { require.Empty(t, rsp.Header().Values("Location")) } }) } } type requestPath struct { upstreamIDPName, code, state *string } func newRequestPath() *requestPath { n := happyUpstreamIDPName c := "1234" s := "4321" return &requestPath{ upstreamIDPName: &n, code: &c, state: &s, } } func (r *requestPath) WithUpstreamIDPName(name string) *requestPath { r.upstreamIDPName = &name return r } func (r *requestPath) WithCode(code string) *requestPath { r.code = &code return r } func (r *requestPath) WithoutCode() *requestPath { r.code = nil return r } func (r *requestPath) WithState(state string) *requestPath { r.state = &state return r } func (r *requestPath) WithoutState() *requestPath { r.state = nil return r } func (r *requestPath) String() string { path := fmt.Sprintf("/downstream-provider-name/callback/%s?", *r.upstreamIDPName) params := url.Values{} if r.code != nil { params.Add("code", *r.code) } if r.state != nil { params.Add("state", *r.state) } return path + params.Encode() } func shallowCopyQueryExceptFor(query url.Values, keys ...string) url.Values { copied := url.Values{} for key, value := range query { if !contains(keys, key) { copied[key] = value } } return copied } func contains(haystack []string, needle string) bool { for _, hay := range haystack { if hay == needle { return true } } return false }