// Copyright 2020 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package controller import ( metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/controllerlib" ) func NameAndNamespaceExactMatchFilterFactory(name, namespace string) controllerlib.Filter { return SimpleFilter(func(obj metav1.Object) bool { return obj.GetName() == name && obj.GetNamespace() == namespace // nil parent func is fine because we only match a key with the given name and namespace // i.e. it is equivalent to having a SingletonQueue() parent func }, nil) } // MatchAnythingFilter returns a controllerlib.Filter that allows all objects. func MatchAnythingFilter(parentFunc controllerlib.ParentFunc) controllerlib.Filter { return SimpleFilter(func(object metav1.Object) bool { return true }, parentFunc) } // SimpleFilter takes a single boolean match function on a metav1.Object and wraps it into a proper controllerlib.Filter. func SimpleFilter(match func(metav1.Object) bool, parentFunc controllerlib.ParentFunc) controllerlib.Filter { return controllerlib.FilterFuncs{ AddFunc: match, UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj metav1.Object) bool { return match(oldObj) || match(newObj) }, DeleteFunc: match, ParentFunc: parentFunc, } } // SingletonQueue returns a parent func that treats all events as the same key. func SingletonQueue() controllerlib.ParentFunc { return func(_ metav1.Object) controllerlib.Key { return controllerlib.Key{} } } // SimpleFilterWithSingletonQueue returns a Filter based on the given match function that treats all events as the same key. func SimpleFilterWithSingletonQueue(match func(metav1.Object) bool) controllerlib.Filter { return SimpleFilter(match, SingletonQueue()) } // Same signature as controllerlib.WithInformer(). type WithInformerOptionFunc func( getter controllerlib.InformerGetter, filter controllerlib.Filter, opt controllerlib.InformerOption) controllerlib.Option // Same signature as controllerlib.WithInitialEvent(). type WithInitialEventOptionFunc func(key controllerlib.Key) controllerlib.Option