openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: 0.1.0 title: Schema for data values, generated by ytt paths: {} components: schemas: dataValues: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: image_repo: type: string description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used. default: image_digest: type: string nullable: true description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used. default: null image_tag: type: string description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used. default: latest image_pull_dockerconfigjson: type: object additionalProperties: false nullable: true description: 'Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image. Can be used when the above image_repo is a private registry. Typically the value would be the output of: kubectl create secret docker-registry x --docker-server= --docker-username=''USERNAME'' --docker-password=''PASSWORD'' --dry-run=client -o json | jq -r ''.data[''.dockerconfigjson'']'' Optional.' properties: auths: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: type: object additionalProperties: false properties: username: type: string default: USERNAME password: type: string default: PASSWORD auth: type: string default: BASE64_ENCODED_USERNAME_COLON_PASSWORD run_as_user: type: integer description: run_as_user specifies the user ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice default: 65532 run_as_group: type: integer description: run_as_group specifies the group ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice default: 65532