// Copyright 2020-2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package provider

import (



type UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI interface {
	// GetName returns a name for this upstream provider, which will be used as a component of the path for the
	// callback endpoint hosted by the Supervisor.
	GetName() string

	// GetClientID returns the OAuth client ID registered with the upstream provider to be used in the authorization code flow.
	GetClientID() string

	// GetAuthorizationURL returns the Authorization Endpoint fetched from discovery.
	GetAuthorizationURL() *url.URL

	// GetScopes returns the scopes to request in authorization (authcode or password grant) flow.
	GetScopes() []string

	// GetUsernameClaim returns the ID Token username claim name. May return empty string, in which case we
	// will use some reasonable defaults.
	GetUsernameClaim() string

	// GetGroupsClaim returns the ID Token groups claim name. May return empty string, in which case we won't
	// try to read groups from the upstream provider.
	GetGroupsClaim() string

	// AllowsPasswordGrant returns true if a client should be allowed to use the resource owner password credentials grant
	// flow with this upstream provider. When false, it should not be allowed.
	AllowsPasswordGrant() bool

	// PasswordCredentialsGrantAndValidateTokens performs upstream OIDC resource owner password credentials grant and
	// token validation. Returns the validated raw tokens as well as the parsed claims of the ID token.
	PasswordCredentialsGrantAndValidateTokens(ctx context.Context, username, password string) (*oidctypes.Token, error)

	// ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens performs upstream OIDC authorization code exchange and token validation.
	// Returns the validated raw tokens as well as the parsed claims of the ID token.
		ctx context.Context,
		authcode string,
		pkceCodeVerifier pkce.Code,
		expectedIDTokenNonce nonce.Nonce,
		redirectURI string,
	) (*oidctypes.Token, error)

	ValidateToken(ctx context.Context, tok *oauth2.Token, expectedIDTokenNonce nonce.Nonce) (*oidctypes.Token, error)

type UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI interface {
	// GetName returns a name for this upstream provider.
	GetName() string

	// GetURL returns a URL which uniquely identifies this LDAP provider, e.g. "ldaps://host.example.com:1234".
	// This URL is not used for connecting to the provider, but rather is used for creating a globally unique user
	// identifier by being combined with the user's UID, since user UIDs are only unique within one provider.
	GetURL() *url.URL

	// UserAuthenticator adds an interface method for performing user authentication against the upstream LDAP provider.

type DynamicUpstreamIDPProvider interface {
	SetOIDCIdentityProviders(oidcIDPs []UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI)
	GetOIDCIdentityProviders() []UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI
	SetLDAPIdentityProviders(ldapIDPs []UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI)
	GetLDAPIdentityProviders() []UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI

type dynamicUpstreamIDPProvider struct {
	oidcUpstreams []UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI
	ldapUpstreams []UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI
	mutex         sync.RWMutex

func NewDynamicUpstreamIDPProvider() DynamicUpstreamIDPProvider {
	return &dynamicUpstreamIDPProvider{
		oidcUpstreams: []UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI{},
		ldapUpstreams: []UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI{},

func (p *dynamicUpstreamIDPProvider) SetOIDCIdentityProviders(oidcIDPs []UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI) {
	p.mutex.Lock() // acquire a write lock
	defer p.mutex.Unlock()
	p.oidcUpstreams = oidcIDPs

func (p *dynamicUpstreamIDPProvider) GetOIDCIdentityProviders() []UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
	p.mutex.RLock() // acquire a read lock
	defer p.mutex.RUnlock()
	return p.oidcUpstreams

func (p *dynamicUpstreamIDPProvider) SetLDAPIdentityProviders(ldapIDPs []UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI) {
	p.mutex.Lock() // acquire a write lock
	defer p.mutex.Unlock()
	p.ldapUpstreams = ldapIDPs

func (p *dynamicUpstreamIDPProvider) GetLDAPIdentityProviders() []UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI {
	p.mutex.RLock() // acquire a read lock
	defer p.mutex.RUnlock()
	return p.ldapUpstreams