// Copyright 2020 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// Package server is the command line entry point for pinniped-concierge.
package server

import (

	genericapiserver "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server"
	genericoptions "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/options"

	loginv1alpha1 "go.pinniped.dev/generated/1.19/apis/concierge/login/v1alpha1"

// App is an object that represents the pinniped-concierge application.
type App struct {
	cmd *cobra.Command

	// CLI flags
	configPath      string
	downwardAPIPath string

// This is ignored for now because we turn off etcd storage below, but this is
// the right prefix in case we turn it back on.
const defaultEtcdPathPrefix = "/registry/" + loginv1alpha1.GroupName

// New constructs a new App with command line args, stdout and stderr.
func New(ctx context.Context, args []string, stdout, stderr io.Writer) *App {
	app := &App{}
	app.addServerCommand(ctx, args, stdout, stderr)
	return app

// Run the server.
func (a *App) Run() error {
	return a.cmd.Execute()

// Create the server command and save it into the App.
func (a *App) addServerCommand(ctx context.Context, args []string, stdout, stderr io.Writer) {
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use: "pinniped-concierge",
		Long: here.Doc(`
			pinniped-concierge provides a generic API for mapping an external
			credential from somewhere to an internal credential to be used for
			authenticating to the Kubernetes API.`),
		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { return a.runServer(ctx) },
		Args: cobra.NoArgs,

	addCommandlineFlagsToCommand(cmd, a)

	a.cmd = cmd

// Define the app's commandline flags.
func addCommandlineFlagsToCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, app *App) {
		"path to configuration file",

		"path to Downward API volume mount",


// Boot the aggregated API server, which will in turn boot the controllers.
func (a *App) runServer(ctx context.Context) error {
	// Read the server config file.
	cfg, err := concierge.FromPath(a.configPath)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("could not load config: %w", err)

	// Discover in which namespace we are installed.
	podInfo, err := downward.Load(a.downwardAPIPath)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("could not read pod metadata: %w", err)
	serverInstallationNamespace := podInfo.Namespace

	// Initialize the cache of active authenticators.
	authenticators := authncache.New()

	// This cert provider will provide certs to the API server and will
	// be mutated by a controller to keep the certs up to date with what
	// is stored in a k8s Secret. Therefore it also effectively acting as
	// an in-memory cache of what is stored in the k8s Secret, helping to
	// keep incoming requests fast.
	dynamicServingCertProvider := dynamiccert.New()

	// This cert provider will be used to provide a signing key to the
	// cert issuer used to issue certs to Pinniped clients wishing to login.
	dynamicSigningCertProvider := dynamiccert.New()

	// Prepare to start the controllers, but defer actually starting them until the
	// post start hook of the aggregated API server.
	startControllersFunc, err := controllermanager.PrepareControllers(
			ServerInstallationNamespace: serverInstallationNamespace,
			NamesConfig:                 &cfg.NamesConfig,
			Labels:                      cfg.Labels,
			KubeCertAgentConfig:         &cfg.KubeCertAgentConfig,
			DiscoveryURLOverride:        cfg.DiscoveryInfo.URL,
			DynamicServingCertProvider:  dynamicServingCertProvider,
			DynamicSigningCertProvider:  dynamicSigningCertProvider,
			ServingCertDuration:         time.Duration(*cfg.APIConfig.ServingCertificateConfig.DurationSeconds) * time.Second,
			ServingCertRenewBefore:      time.Duration(*cfg.APIConfig.ServingCertificateConfig.RenewBeforeSeconds) * time.Second,
			AuthenticatorCache:          authenticators,
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("could not prepare controllers: %w", err)

	// Get the aggregated API server config.
	aggregatedAPIServerConfig, err := getAggregatedAPIServerConfig(
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("could not configure aggregated API server: %w", err)

	// Complete the aggregated API server config and make a server instance.
	server, err := aggregatedAPIServerConfig.Complete().New()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("could not create aggregated API server: %w", err)

	// Run the server. Its post-start hook will start the controllers.
	return server.GenericAPIServer.PrepareRun().Run(ctx.Done())

// Create a configuration for the aggregated API server.
func getAggregatedAPIServerConfig(
	dynamicCertProvider dynamiccert.Provider,
	authenticator credentialrequest.TokenCredentialRequestAuthenticator,
	issuer credentialrequest.CertIssuer,
	startControllersPostStartHook func(context.Context),
) (*apiserver.Config, error) {
	recommendedOptions := genericoptions.NewRecommendedOptions(
		// TODO we should check to see if all the other default settings are acceptable for us
	recommendedOptions.Etcd = nil // turn off etcd storage because we don't need it yet
	recommendedOptions.SecureServing.ServerCert.GeneratedCert = dynamicCertProvider
	recommendedOptions.SecureServing.BindPort = 8443 // Don't run on default 443 because that requires root

	serverConfig := genericapiserver.NewRecommendedConfig(apiserver.Codecs)
	// Note that among other things, this ApplyTo() function copies
	// `recommendedOptions.SecureServing.ServerCert.GeneratedCert` into
	// `serverConfig.SecureServing.Cert` thus making `dynamicCertProvider`
	// the cert provider for the running server. The provider will be called
	// by the API machinery periodically. When the provider returns nil certs,
	// the API server will return "the server is currently unable to
	// handle the request" error responses for all incoming requests.
	// If the provider later starts returning certs, then the API server
	// will use them to handle the incoming requests successfully.
	if err := recommendedOptions.ApplyTo(serverConfig); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// temporarily disable max inflight checks for mutating requests until we
	// pick up a fix for https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/95300
	// we do not need to set MaxRequestsInFlight to 0 because we are constantly
	// hammered by the kubelet for /healthz and the api server for discovery
	// which keeps the non-mutating request watermark histograms up to date
	serverConfig.Config.MaxMutatingRequestsInFlight = 0

	apiServerConfig := &apiserver.Config{
		GenericConfig: serverConfig,
		ExtraConfig: apiserver.ExtraConfig{
			Authenticator:                 authenticator,
			Issuer:                        issuer,
			StartControllersPostStartHook: startControllersPostStartHook,
	return apiServerConfig, nil