#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2020-2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # This script can be used to prepare a kind cluster and deploy the app. # You can call this script again to redeploy the app. # It will also output instructions on how to run the integration. # set -e # immediately exit set -u # error if variables undefined set -o pipefail # prevent masking errors in a pipeline # set -x # print all executed commands to terminal # # Helper functions # function log_note() { GREEN='\033[0;32m' NC='\033[0m' if [[ ${COLORTERM:-unknown} =~ ^(truecolor|24bit)$ ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}$*${NC}" else echo "$*" fi } function log_error() { RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' if [[ ${COLORTERM:-unknown} =~ ^(truecolor|24bit)$ ]]; then echo -e "🙁${RED} Error: $* ${NC}" else echo ":( Error: $*" fi } function check_dependency() { if ! command -v "$1" >/dev/null; then log_error "Missing dependency..." log_error "$2" exit 1 fi } # Deploy the PackageRepository and Package resources # Requires a running kind cluster # Does not configure Pinniped # app="${1:-undefined}" tag="${2:-undefined}" SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) log_note "log-args.sh >>> script dir: ${SCRIPT_DIR} 🦄 🦄 🦄 🦄 🦄 🦄 🦄 🦄" log_note "log-args.sh >>> app: ${app} tag: ${tag} 🦄 🦄 🦄 🦄 🦄 🦄 🦄 🦄" log_note "Deploying kapp-controller on kind cluster..." kapp deploy --app kapp-controller --file https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-kapp-controller/releases/latest/download/release.yml -y kubectl get customresourcedefinitions # Global kapp-controller-namespace: # -packaging-global-namespace=kapp-controller-packaging-global # kapp-controller resources like PackageRepository and Package are namepaced. # However, this namespace, provided via flag to kapp-controller in the yaml above, # defines a "global" namespace. That is, resources installed in this namespace # can be installed in every namespace as kapp will always pay attention to its # pseudo-global namespace. KAPP_CONTROLLER_GLOBAL_NAMESPACE="kapp-controller-packaging-global" # deploy the Carvel packages for Pinniped & Supervisor. # - Deploy the PackageRepository # - Create PackageInstalls for Supervisor, Concierge # - deploy these # - then after, run hack/prepare-supervisor-on-kind.sh # - ideally this configures the Supervisor # need a directory for our yamls for deployment log_note "Clean previous PackageInstalls in order to create new ones..." PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR="temp_actual_deploy_resources" rm -rf "${SCRIPT_DIR}/${PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR}" mkdir "${SCRIPT_DIR}/${PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR}" # this is built via the build.sh script # build.sh must be run first. # TODO: since the ytt values.yaml takes in a version="x.y.z" # for Pinniped, our packages are currently not meaningfully versioned. # this is one of the questions we must answer, do we deviate in the # "./deploy_carvel" directory by hard-coding this version in the packages? log_note "Deploying Pinniped PackageRepository on kind cluster..." PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION="0.25.0" PINNIPED_PACKGE_REPOSITORY_NAME="pinniped-package-repository" PINNIPED_PACKGE_REPOSITORY_FILE_NAME="packagerepository.${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION}.yml" PINNIPED_PACKGE_REPOSITORY_FILE_PATH="${SCRIPT_DIR}/${PINNIPED_PACKGE_REPOSITORY_FILE_NAME}" # Now, gotta make this work. It'll be interesting if we can... kapp deploy \ --namespace "${KAPP_CONTROLLER_GLOBAL_NAMESPACE}" \ --app "${PINNIPED_PACKGE_REPOSITORY_NAME}" \ --file "${PINNIPED_PACKGE_REPOSITORY_FILE_PATH}" -y kapp inspect \ --namespace "${KAPP_CONTROLLER_GLOBAL_NAMESPACE}" \ --app "${PINNIPED_PACKGE_REPOSITORY_NAME}" \ --tree log_note "Generating RBAC for use with pinniped PackageInstall..." # TODO: obviously a mega-role that can do everything is not good. we need to scope this down to appropriate things. declare -a arr=("supervisor" "concierge") for resource_name in "${arr[@]}" do # we want the install-ns to not be "default" # it should be a unique namespace # but it should also not be in kapp-controllers global namespace # nor should it be in any Pinniped resource namespace # - PackageRepository,Package = global kapp-controller namespace # - PackageInstall,RBAC = *-install namespace # - App = (supervisor, concierge) generated via ytt namespace INSTALL_NAMESPACE="${resource_name}-install-ns" PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX="pinniped-package-rbac-${resource_name}" PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_FILE_NAME="${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-${resource_name}-rbac.yml" PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_FILE_PATH="${SCRIPT_DIR}/${PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR}/${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_FILE_NAME}" # empty and regenerate echo -n "" > "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_FILE_PATH}" cat <> "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_FILE_PATH}" --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: "${INSTALL_NAMESPACE}" --- # ServiceAccount details from the file linked above apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-sa-superadmin-dangerous" namespace: "${INSTALL_NAMESPACE}" # namespace: default # --> sticking to default for everything for now. --- kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-role-superadmin-dangerous" rules: - apiGroups: ["*"] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["*"] --- kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-role-binding-superadmin-dangerous" subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-sa-superadmin-dangerous" namespace: "${INSTALL_NAMESPACE}" # namespace: default # --> sticking to default for everything for now. roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-role-superadmin-dangerous" EOF kapp deploy --app "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}" --file "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_FILE_PATH}" -y done log_note "Deploying PackageInstall resources for pinniped supervisor and concierge packages..." for resource_name in "${arr[@]}" do RESOURCE_NAMESPACE="${resource_name}" # to match the hack/prepare-for-integration-tests.sh file INSTALL_NAME="${resource_name}-install" INSTALL_NAMESPACE="${INSTALL_NAME}-ns" PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX="pinniped-package-rbac-${resource_name}" RESOURCE_PACKGE_VERSION="${resource_name}.pinniped.dev" PACKAGE_INSTALL_FILE_NAME="./${PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR}/${resource_name}-pkginstall.yml" PACKAGE_INSTALL_FILE_PATH="${SCRIPT_DIR}/${PACKAGE_INSTALL_FILE_NAME}" SECRET_NAME="${resource_name}-package-install-secret" cat > "${PACKAGE_INSTALL_FILE_PATH}" << EOF --- apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1 kind: PackageInstall metadata: # name, does not have to be versioned, versionSelection.constraints below will handle name: ${INSTALL_NAME} namespace: ${INSTALL_NAMESPACE} spec: serviceAccountName: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-sa-superadmin-dangerous" packageRef: refName: "${RESOURCE_PACKGE_VERSION}" versionSelection: constraints: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_VERSION}" values: - secretRef: name: "${SECRET_NAME}" --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: "${SECRET_NAME}" namespace: ${INSTALL_NAMESPACE} stringData: values.yml: | --- namespace: "${RESOURCE_NAMESPACE}" app_name: "${resource_name}-app-installed-via-package" replicas: 3 EOF KAPP_CONTROLLER_APP_NAME="${resource_name}-pkginstall" log_note "deploying ${KAPP_CONTROLLER_APP_NAME}..." kapp deploy --app "${KAPP_CONTROLLER_APP_NAME}" --file "${PACKAGE_INSTALL_FILE_PATH}" -y done log_note "Available Packages:" kubectl get pkgr -A && kubectl get pkg -A && kubectl get pkgi -A log_note "Pinniped Supervisor Package Deployed" log_note "Pinniped Concierge Package Deployed" kubectl get namespace -A | grep pinniped kubectl get deploy -n supervisor kubectl get deploy -n concierge # TODO: # - change the namespace to whatever it is in ./hack/prepare-for-integration-tests.sh # - make a script that can work for $alternate-deploy # - then run ./hack/prepare-supervisor-on-kind.sh and make sure it works # # #log_note "verifying PackageInstall resources..." #kubectl get PackageInstall -A | grep pinniped #kubectl get secret -A | grep pinniped # #log_note "listing all package resources (PackageRepository, Package, PackageInstall)..." #kubectl get pkgi && kubectl get pkgr && kubectl get pkg # #log_note "listing all kapp cli apps..." ## list again what is installed so we can ensure we have everything #kapp ls --all-namespaces # ## these are fundamentally different than what kapp cli understands, unfortunately. ## the term "app" is overloaded in Carvel and can mean two different things, based on ## the use of kapp cli and kapp-controller on cluster #log_note "listing all kapp-controller apps..." #kubectl get app --all-namespaces # ## TODO: ## update the deployment.yaml and remove the deployment-HACKED.yaml files ## both are probably hacked a bit, so delete them and just get fresh from the ./deploy directory ## then make sure REAL PINNIPED actually deploys. # # ## In the end we should have: ## docker pull benjaminapetersen/pinniped-package-repo:latest ## docker pull benjaminapetersen/pinniped-package-repo-package-supervisor:0.25.0 ## docker pull benjaminapetersen/pinniped-package-repo-package-concierge:0.25.0 # ## log_note "verifying RBAC resources created (namespace, serviceaccount, clusterrole, clusterrolebinding)..." ## kubectl get ns -A | grep pinniped ## kubectl get sa -A | grep pinniped ## kubectl get ClusterRole -A | grep pinniped ## kubectl get clusterrolebinding -A | grep pinniped # # ## stuff #kubectl get PackageRepository -A #kubectl get Package -A #kubectl get PackageInstall -A