// Copyright 2020-2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// Package upstreamwatcher implements a controller that watches OIDCIdentityProvider objects.
package upstreamwatcher

import (

	corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
	corev1informers "k8s.io/client-go/informers/core/v1"

	pinnipedclientset "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/client/supervisor/clientset/versioned"
	idpinformers "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/client/supervisor/informers/externalversions/idp/v1alpha1"
	pinnipedcontroller "go.pinniped.dev/internal/controller"

const (
	// Setup for the name of our controller in logs.
	controllerName = "upstream-observer"

	// Constants related to the client credentials Secret.
	oidcClientSecretType corev1.SecretType = "secrets.pinniped.dev/oidc-client"

	clientIDDataKey     = "clientID"
	clientSecretDataKey = "clientSecret"

	// Constants related to the OIDC provider discovery cache. These do not affect the cache of JWKS.
	validatorCacheTTL = 15 * time.Minute

	// Constants related to conditions.
	typeClientCredsValid       = "ClientCredentialsValid"
	typeOIDCDiscoverySucceeded = "OIDCDiscoverySucceeded"
	reasonNotFound             = "SecretNotFound"
	reasonWrongType            = "SecretWrongType"
	reasonMissingKeys          = "SecretMissingKeys"
	reasonSuccess              = "Success"
	reasonUnreachable          = "Unreachable"
	reasonInvalidTLSConfig     = "InvalidTLSConfig"
	reasonInvalidResponse      = "InvalidResponse"

	// Errors that are generated by our reconcile process.
	errFailureStatus  = constable.Error("OIDCIdentityProvider has a failing condition")
	errNoCertificates = constable.Error("no certificates found")

// IDPCache is a thread safe cache that holds a list of validated upstream OIDC IDP configurations.
type IDPCache interface {

// lruValidatorCache caches the *oidc.Provider associated with a particular issuer/TLS configuration.
type lruValidatorCache struct{ cache *cache.Expiring }

type lruValidatorCacheEntry struct {
	provider *oidc.Provider
	client   *http.Client

func (c *lruValidatorCache) getProvider(spec *v1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProviderSpec) (*oidc.Provider, *http.Client) {
	if result, ok := c.cache.Get(c.cacheKey(spec)); ok {
		entry := result.(*lruValidatorCacheEntry)
		return entry.provider, entry.client
	return nil, nil

func (c *lruValidatorCache) putProvider(spec *v1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProviderSpec, provider *oidc.Provider, client *http.Client) {
	c.cache.Set(c.cacheKey(spec), &lruValidatorCacheEntry{provider: provider, client: client}, validatorCacheTTL)

func (c *lruValidatorCache) cacheKey(spec *v1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProviderSpec) interface{} {
	var key struct{ issuer, caBundle string }
	key.issuer = spec.Issuer
	if spec.TLS != nil {
		key.caBundle = spec.TLS.CertificateAuthorityData
	return key

type controller struct {
	cache                        IDPCache
	log                          logr.Logger
	client                       pinnipedclientset.Interface
	oidcIdentityProviderInformer idpinformers.OIDCIdentityProviderInformer
	secretInformer               corev1informers.SecretInformer
	validatorCache               interface {
		getProvider(*v1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProviderSpec) (*oidc.Provider, *http.Client)
		putProvider(*v1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProviderSpec, *oidc.Provider, *http.Client)

// New instantiates a new controllerlib.Controller which will populate the provided IDPCache.
func New(
	idpCache IDPCache,
	client pinnipedclientset.Interface,
	oidcIdentityProviderInformer idpinformers.OIDCIdentityProviderInformer,
	secretInformer corev1informers.SecretInformer,
	log logr.Logger,
	withInformer pinnipedcontroller.WithInformerOptionFunc,
) controllerlib.Controller {
	c := controller{
		cache:                        idpCache,
		log:                          log.WithName(controllerName),
		client:                       client,
		oidcIdentityProviderInformer: oidcIdentityProviderInformer,
		secretInformer:               secretInformer,
		validatorCache:               &lruValidatorCache{cache: cache.NewExpiring()},
	return controllerlib.New(
		controllerlib.Config{Name: controllerName, Syncer: &c},
			pinnipedcontroller.MatchAnySecretOfTypeFilter(oidcClientSecretType, pinnipedcontroller.SingletonQueue()),

// Sync implements controllerlib.Syncer.
func (c *controller) Sync(ctx controllerlib.Context) error {
	actualUpstreams, err := c.oidcIdentityProviderInformer.Lister().List(labels.Everything())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to list OIDCIdentityProviders: %w", err)

	requeue := false
	validatedUpstreams := make([]provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI, 0, len(actualUpstreams))
	for _, upstream := range actualUpstreams {
		valid := c.validateUpstream(ctx, upstream)
		if valid == nil {
			requeue = true
		} else {
			validatedUpstreams = append(validatedUpstreams, provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI(valid))
	if requeue {
		return controllerlib.ErrSyntheticRequeue
	return nil

// validateUpstream validates the provided v1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProvider and returns the validated configuration as a
// provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider. As a side effect, it also updates the status of the v1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProvider.
func (c *controller) validateUpstream(ctx controllerlib.Context, upstream *v1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProvider) *upstreamoidc.ProviderConfig {
	result := upstreamoidc.ProviderConfig{
		Name: upstream.Name,
		Config: &oauth2.Config{
			Scopes: computeScopes(upstream.Spec.AuthorizationConfig.AdditionalScopes),
		UsernameClaim: upstream.Spec.Claims.Username,
		GroupsClaim:   upstream.Spec.Claims.Groups,
	conditions := []*v1alpha1.Condition{
		c.validateSecret(upstream, &result),
		c.validateIssuer(ctx.Context, upstream, &result),
	c.updateStatus(ctx.Context, upstream, conditions)

	valid := true
	log := c.log.WithValues("namespace", upstream.Namespace, "name", upstream.Name)
	for _, condition := range conditions {
		if condition.Status == v1alpha1.ConditionFalse {
			valid = false
				"type", condition.Type,
				"reason", condition.Reason,
				"message", condition.Message,
			).Error(errFailureStatus, "found failing condition")
	if valid {
		return &result
	return nil

// validateSecret validates the .spec.client.secretName field and returns the appropriate ClientCredentialsValid condition.
func (c *controller) validateSecret(upstream *v1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProvider, result *upstreamoidc.ProviderConfig) *v1alpha1.Condition {
	secretName := upstream.Spec.Client.SecretName

	// Fetch the Secret from informer cache.
	secret, err := c.secretInformer.Lister().Secrets(upstream.Namespace).Get(secretName)
	if err != nil {
		return &v1alpha1.Condition{
			Type:    typeClientCredsValid,
			Status:  v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
			Reason:  reasonNotFound,
			Message: err.Error(),

	// Validate the secret .type field.
	if secret.Type != oidcClientSecretType {
		return &v1alpha1.Condition{
			Type:    typeClientCredsValid,
			Status:  v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
			Reason:  reasonWrongType,
			Message: fmt.Sprintf("referenced Secret %q has wrong type %q (should be %q)", secretName, secret.Type, oidcClientSecretType),

	// Validate the secret .data field.
	clientID := secret.Data[clientIDDataKey]
	clientSecret := secret.Data[clientSecretDataKey]
	if len(clientID) == 0 || len(clientSecret) == 0 {
		return &v1alpha1.Condition{
			Type:    typeClientCredsValid,
			Status:  v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
			Reason:  reasonMissingKeys,
			Message: fmt.Sprintf("referenced Secret %q is missing required keys %q", secretName, []string{clientIDDataKey, clientSecretDataKey}),

	// If everything is valid, update the result and set the condition to true.
	result.Config.ClientID = string(clientID)
	result.Config.ClientSecret = string(clientSecret)
	return &v1alpha1.Condition{
		Type:    typeClientCredsValid,
		Status:  v1alpha1.ConditionTrue,
		Reason:  reasonSuccess,
		Message: "loaded client credentials",

// validateIssuer validates the .spec.issuer field, performs OIDC discovery, and returns the appropriate OIDCDiscoverySucceeded condition.
func (c *controller) validateIssuer(ctx context.Context, upstream *v1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProvider, result *upstreamoidc.ProviderConfig) *v1alpha1.Condition {
	// Get the provider and HTTP Client from cache if possible.
	discoveredProvider, httpClient := c.validatorCache.getProvider(&upstream.Spec)

	// If the provider does not exist in the cache, do a fresh discovery lookup and save to the cache.
	if discoveredProvider == nil {
		tlsConfig, err := getTLSConfig(upstream)
		if err != nil {
			return &v1alpha1.Condition{
				Type:    typeOIDCDiscoverySucceeded,
				Status:  v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
				Reason:  reasonInvalidTLSConfig,
				Message: err.Error(),
		httpClient = &http.Client{Transport: &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig}}

		discoveredProvider, err = oidc.NewProvider(oidc.ClientContext(ctx, httpClient), upstream.Spec.Issuer)
		if err != nil {
			return &v1alpha1.Condition{
				Type:    typeOIDCDiscoverySucceeded,
				Status:  v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
				Reason:  reasonUnreachable,
				Message: fmt.Sprintf("failed to perform OIDC discovery against %q", upstream.Spec.Issuer),

		// Update the cache with the newly discovered value.
		c.validatorCache.putProvider(&upstream.Spec, discoveredProvider, httpClient)

	// Parse out and validate the discovered authorize endpoint.
	authURL, err := url.Parse(discoveredProvider.Endpoint().AuthURL)
	if err != nil {
		return &v1alpha1.Condition{
			Type:    typeOIDCDiscoverySucceeded,
			Status:  v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
			Reason:  reasonInvalidResponse,
			Message: fmt.Sprintf("failed to parse authorization endpoint URL: %v", err),
	if authURL.Scheme != "https" {
		return &v1alpha1.Condition{
			Type:    typeOIDCDiscoverySucceeded,
			Status:  v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
			Reason:  reasonInvalidResponse,
			Message: fmt.Sprintf(`authorization endpoint URL scheme must be "https", not %q`, authURL.Scheme),

	// If everything is valid, update the result and set the condition to true.
	result.Config.Endpoint = discoveredProvider.Endpoint()
	result.Provider = discoveredProvider
	result.Client = httpClient
	return &v1alpha1.Condition{
		Type:    typeOIDCDiscoverySucceeded,
		Status:  v1alpha1.ConditionTrue,
		Reason:  reasonSuccess,
		Message: "discovered issuer configuration",

func getTLSConfig(upstream *v1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProvider) (*tls.Config, error) {
	result := tls.Config{
		MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,

	if upstream.Spec.TLS == nil || upstream.Spec.TLS.CertificateAuthorityData == "" {
		return &result, nil

	bundle, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(upstream.Spec.TLS.CertificateAuthorityData)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("spec.certificateAuthorityData is invalid: %w", err)

	result.RootCAs = x509.NewCertPool()
	if !result.RootCAs.AppendCertsFromPEM(bundle) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("spec.certificateAuthorityData is invalid: %w", errNoCertificates)

	return &result, nil

func (c *controller) updateStatus(ctx context.Context, upstream *v1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProvider, conditions []*v1alpha1.Condition) {
	log := c.log.WithValues("namespace", upstream.Namespace, "name", upstream.Name)
	updated := upstream.DeepCopy()

	updated.Status.Phase = v1alpha1.PhaseReady

	for i := range conditions {
		cond := conditions[i].DeepCopy()
		cond.LastTransitionTime = metav1.Now()
		cond.ObservedGeneration = upstream.Generation
		if mergeCondition(&updated.Status.Conditions, cond) {
			log.Info("updated condition", "type", cond.Type, "status", cond.Status, "reason", cond.Reason, "message", cond.Message)
		if cond.Status == v1alpha1.ConditionFalse {
			updated.Status.Phase = v1alpha1.PhaseError

	sort.SliceStable(updated.Status.Conditions, func(i, j int) bool {
		return updated.Status.Conditions[i].Type < updated.Status.Conditions[j].Type

	if equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(upstream, updated) {

	_, err := c.client.
		UpdateStatus(ctx, updated, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		log.Error(err, "failed to update status")

// mergeCondition merges a new v1alpha1.Condition into a slice of existing conditions. It returns true
// if the condition has meaningfully changed.
func mergeCondition(existing *[]v1alpha1.Condition, new *v1alpha1.Condition) bool {
	// Find any existing condition with a matching type.
	var old *v1alpha1.Condition
	for i := range *existing {
		if (*existing)[i].Type == new.Type {
			old = &(*existing)[i]

	// If there is no existing condition of this type, append this one and we're done.
	if old == nil {
		*existing = append(*existing, *new)
		return true

	// Set the LastTransitionTime depending on whether the status has changed.
	new = new.DeepCopy()
	if old.Status == new.Status {
		new.LastTransitionTime = old.LastTransitionTime

	// If anything has actually changed, update the entry and return true.
	if !equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(old, new) {
		*old = *new
		return true

	// Otherwise the entry is already up to date.
	return false

func computeScopes(additionalScopes []string) []string {
	// First compute the unique set of scopes, including "openid" (de-duplicate).
	set := make(map[string]bool, len(additionalScopes)+1)
	set["openid"] = true
	for _, s := range additionalScopes {
		set[s] = true

	// Then grab all the keys and sort them.
	scopes := make([]string, 0, len(set))
	for s := range set {
		scopes = append(scopes, s)
	return scopes