#!/usr/bin/env bash # # This script is intended to be used with: # - $repo_root/hack/prepare-for-integration-test.sh --alternate-deploy $(pwd)/deploy_carvel/hack/log-args.sh # and originated with the following: # - https://github.com/jvanzyl/pinniped-charts/blob/main/alternate-deploy-helm # along with this PR to pinniped: # - https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/pinniped/pull/1028 set -euo pipefail # # Helper functions # function log_note() { GREEN='\033[0;32m' NC='\033[0m' if [[ ${COLORTERM:-unknown} =~ ^(truecolor|24bit)$ ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}$*${NC}" else echo "$*" fi } function log_error() { RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' if [[ ${COLORTERM:-unknown} =~ ^(truecolor|24bit)$ ]]; then echo -e "🙁${RED} Error: $* ${NC}" else echo ":( Error: $*" fi } function check_dependency() { if ! command -v "$1" >/dev/null; then log_error "Missing dependency..." log_error "$2" exit 1 fi } ## two vars will be received by this script: ## Received: local-user-authenticator ## Received: D00A4537-80F1-4AF2-A3B3-5F20BDBB9AEB app=${1} ## tag is fed in from the prepare-for-integration-tests.sh script, just uuidgen to identify a ## specific docker build of the pinniped-server image. tag=${2} # env_file_name is where to write env vars, if necessary to contribute to the environment env_file_name=${3} #SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) #log_note "noop.sh >>> script dir: ${SCRIPT_DIR}" log_note "noop.sh >>> app: ${app} tag: ${tag}" ## nothing else, this is a test. # #log_note "temporarily creating ns:local-user-authenticator as workaround..." # #local_user_authenticator_file="/tmp/install-local-user-authenticator-namespace.yaml" #cat < "${local_user_authenticator_file}" #--- #apiVersion: v1 #kind: Namespace #metadata: # name: local-user-authenticator # labels: # name: local-user-authenticator #EOF # #kubectl apply -f "${local_user_authenticator_file}"