#@ load("@ytt:data", "data") #! Example of valid LoginDiscoveryConfig object: #! --- #! apiVersion: suzerain-io.github.io/v1alpha1 #! kind: LoginDiscoveryConfig #! metadata: #! name: login-discovery #! namespace: integration #! spec: #! server: https://foo #! certificateAuthorityData: bar --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: logindiscoveryconfigs.crds.placeholder.suzerain-io.github.io spec: group: crds.placeholder.suzerain-io.github.io versions: #! Any changes to these schemas should also be reflected in the types.go file(s) #! in https://github.com/suzerain-io/placeholder-name-api/tree/main/pkg/apis/placeholder - name: v1alpha1 served: true storage: true schema: openAPIV3Schema: type: object required: [spec] properties: spec: type: object required: [server, certificateAuthorityData] properties: server: type: string minLength: 1 pattern: '^https://' certificateAuthorityData: type: string minLength: 1 scope: Namespaced names: plural: logindiscoveryconfigs singular: logindiscoveryconfig kind: LoginDiscoveryConfig shortNames: - ldc