# Project Scope The Pinniped project is guided by the following principles. - Pinniped lets you plug any external identity providers into Kubernetes. These integrations follow enterprise-grade security principles. - Pinniped is easy to install and use on any Kubernetes cluster via distribution-specific integration mechanisms. - Pinniped uses a declarative configuration via Kubernetes APIs. - Pinniped provides optimal user experience when authenticating to many clusters at one time. - Pinniped provides enterprise-grade security posture via secure defaults and revocable or very short-lived credentials. - Where possible, Pinniped will contribute ideas and code to upstream Kubernetes. When contributing to Pinniped, please consider whether your contribution follows these guiding principles. ## Out Of Scope The following items are out of scope for the Pinniped project. - Authorization. - Standalone identity provider for general use. - Machine-to-machine (service) identity. - Running outside of Kubernetes. ## Roadmap See our [open milestones][milestones] and the [`priority/backlog` label][backlog] for an idea about what's next on our roadmap. For more details on proposing features and bugs, check out our [contributing](./CONTRIBUTING.md) doc. [milestones]: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/pinniped/milestones [backlog]: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/pinniped/labels/priority%2Fbacklog