// Copyright 2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package integration import ( "context" "fmt" "strings" "testing" "time" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" k8serrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "k8s.io/client-go/util/retry" "k8s.io/utils/ptr" "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/config/v1alpha1" idpv1alpha1 "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/idp/v1alpha1" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/here" "go.pinniped.dev/internal/testutil" "go.pinniped.dev/test/testlib" ) // Never run this test in parallel since deleting all federation domains is disruptive, see main_test.go. func TestSupervisorFederationDomainStatus_Disruptive(t *testing.T) { env := testlib.IntegrationEnv(t) supervisorClient := testlib.NewSupervisorClientset(t) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Minute) t.Cleanup(cancel) temporarilyRemoveAllFederationDomainsAndDefaultTLSCertSecret(ctx, t, env.SupervisorNamespace, defaultTLSCertSecretName(env), supervisorClient, testlib.NewKubernetesClientset(t)) tests := []struct { name string run func(t *testing.T) }{ { name: "valid spec in without explicit identity providers makes status error unless there is exactly one identity provider", run: func(t *testing.T) { // Creating FederationDomain without any explicit IDPs should put the FederationDomain into an error status. fd := testlib.CreateTestFederationDomain(ctx, t, v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.com/fake", }, v1alpha1.FederationDomainPhaseError) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusConditions(ctx, t, fd.Name, replaceSomeConditions( allSuccessfulLegacyFederationDomainConditions("", fd.Spec), []metav1.Condition{ { Type: "IdentityProvidersFound", Status: "False", Reason: "LegacyConfigurationIdentityProviderNotFound", Message: "no resources were specified by .spec.identityProviders[].objectRef and no identity provider resources have been found: please create an identity provider resource", }, { Type: "Ready", Status: "False", Reason: "NotReady", Message: "the FederationDomain is not ready: see other conditions for details", }, }, )) // Creating an IDP should put the FederationDomain into a successful status. oidcIdentityProvider1 := testlib.CreateTestOIDCIdentityProvider(t, idpv1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProviderSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.cluster.local/fake-issuer-url-does-not-matter", Client: idpv1alpha1.OIDCClient{SecretName: "this-will-not-exist-but-does-not-matter"}, }, idpv1alpha1.PhaseError) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusPhase(ctx, t, fd.Name, v1alpha1.FederationDomainPhaseReady) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusConditions(ctx, t, fd.Name, allSuccessfulLegacyFederationDomainConditions(oidcIdentityProvider1.Name, fd.Spec)) // Creating a second IDP should put the FederationDomain back into an error status again. oidcIdentityProvider2 := testlib.CreateTestOIDCIdentityProvider(t, idpv1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProviderSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.cluster.local/fake-issuer-url-does-not-matter", Client: idpv1alpha1.OIDCClient{SecretName: "this-will-not-exist-but-does-not-matter"}, }, idpv1alpha1.PhaseError) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusPhase(ctx, t, fd.Name, v1alpha1.FederationDomainPhaseError) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusConditions(ctx, t, fd.Name, replaceSomeConditions( allSuccessfulLegacyFederationDomainConditions(oidcIdentityProvider2.Name, fd.Spec), []metav1.Condition{ { Type: "IdentityProvidersFound", Status: "False", Reason: "IdentityProviderNotSpecified", Message: "no resources were specified by .spec.identityProviders[].objectRef and 2 identity provider " + "resources have been found: please update .spec.identityProviders to specify which identity providers " + "this federation domain should use", }, { Type: "Ready", Status: "False", Reason: "NotReady", Message: "the FederationDomain is not ready: see other conditions for details", }, }, )) }, }, { name: "valid spec with explicit identity providers makes status error until those identity providers all exist", run: func(t *testing.T) { oidcIDP1Meta := testlib.ObjectMetaWithRandomName(t, "upstream-oidc-idp") oidcIDP2Meta := testlib.ObjectMetaWithRandomName(t, "upstream-oidc-idp") // Creating FederationDomain with explicit IDPs that don't exist should put the FederationDomain into an error status. fd := testlib.CreateTestFederationDomain(ctx, t, v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.com/fake", IdentityProviders: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{ { DisplayName: "idp1", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("idp.supervisor." + env.APIGroupSuffix), Kind: "OIDCIdentityProvider", Name: oidcIDP1Meta.Name, }, Transforms: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransforms{}, }, { DisplayName: "idp2", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("idp.supervisor." + env.APIGroupSuffix), Kind: "OIDCIdentityProvider", Name: oidcIDP2Meta.Name, }, Transforms: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransforms{}, }, }, }, v1alpha1.FederationDomainPhaseError) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusConditions(ctx, t, fd.Name, replaceSomeConditions( allSuccessfulFederationDomainConditions(fd.Spec), []metav1.Condition{ { Type: "IdentityProvidersFound", Status: "False", Reason: "IdentityProvidersObjectRefsNotFound", Message: here.Docf(` cannot find resource specified by .spec.identityProviders[0].objectRef (with name "%s") cannot find resource specified by .spec.identityProviders[1].objectRef (with name "%s")`, oidcIDP1Meta.Name, oidcIDP2Meta.Name), }, { Type: "Ready", Status: "False", Reason: "NotReady", Message: "the FederationDomain is not ready: see other conditions for details", }, }, )) // Creating the first IDP should not be enough to put the FederationDomain into a successful status. oidcIdentityProvider1 := testlib.CreateTestOIDCIdentityProviderWithObjectMeta(t, idpv1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProviderSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.cluster.local/fake-issuer-url-does-not-matter", Client: idpv1alpha1.OIDCClient{SecretName: "this-will-not-exist-but-does-not-matter"}, }, oidcIDP1Meta, idpv1alpha1.PhaseError) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusPhase(ctx, t, fd.Name, v1alpha1.FederationDomainPhaseError) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusConditions(ctx, t, fd.Name, replaceSomeConditions( allSuccessfulFederationDomainConditions(fd.Spec), []metav1.Condition{ { Type: "IdentityProvidersFound", Status: "False", Reason: "IdentityProvidersObjectRefsNotFound", Message: fmt.Sprintf(`cannot find resource specified by .spec.identityProviders[1].objectRef (with name "%s")`, oidcIDP2Meta.Name), }, { Type: "Ready", Status: "False", Reason: "NotReady", Message: "the FederationDomain is not ready: see other conditions for details", }, }, )) // Creating the second IDP should put the FederationDomain into a successful status. testlib.CreateTestOIDCIdentityProviderWithObjectMeta(t, idpv1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProviderSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.cluster.local/fake-issuer-url-does-not-matter", Client: idpv1alpha1.OIDCClient{SecretName: "this-will-not-exist-but-does-not-matter"}, }, oidcIDP2Meta, idpv1alpha1.PhaseError) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusPhase(ctx, t, fd.Name, v1alpha1.FederationDomainPhaseReady) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusConditions(ctx, t, fd.Name, allSuccessfulFederationDomainConditions(fd.Spec)) // Removing one IDP should put the FederationDomain back into an error status again. oidcIDPClient := supervisorClient.IDPV1alpha1().OIDCIdentityProviders(env.SupervisorNamespace) err := oidcIDPClient.Delete(ctx, oidcIdentityProvider1.Name, metav1.DeleteOptions{}) require.NoError(t, err) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusPhase(ctx, t, fd.Name, v1alpha1.FederationDomainPhaseError) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusConditions(ctx, t, fd.Name, replaceSomeConditions( allSuccessfulFederationDomainConditions(fd.Spec), []metav1.Condition{ { Type: "IdentityProvidersFound", Status: "False", Reason: "IdentityProvidersObjectRefsNotFound", Message: fmt.Sprintf(`cannot find resource specified by .spec.identityProviders[0].objectRef (with name "%s")`, oidcIDP1Meta.Name), }, { Type: "Ready", Status: "False", Reason: "NotReady", Message: "the FederationDomain is not ready: see other conditions for details", }, }, )) }, }, { name: "spec with explicit identity providers and lots of validation errors", run: func(t *testing.T) { federationDomainsClient := testlib.NewSupervisorClientset(t).ConfigV1alpha1().FederationDomains(env.SupervisorNamespace) oidcIdentityProvider := testlib.CreateTestOIDCIdentityProvider(t, idpv1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProviderSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.cluster.local/fake-issuer-url-does-not-matter", Client: idpv1alpha1.OIDCClient{SecretName: "this-will-not-exist-but-does-not-matter"}, }, idpv1alpha1.PhaseError) fd := testlib.CreateTestFederationDomain(ctx, t, v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.com/fake", IdentityProviders: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{ { DisplayName: "not unique", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("this is the wrong api group"), Kind: "OIDCIdentityProvider", Name: "will not be found", }, Transforms: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransforms{ Constants: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsConstant{ {Name: "foo", Type: "string", StringValue: "bar"}, }, Expressions: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExpression{ {Type: "username/v1", Expression: "this is not a valid cel expression"}, {Type: "groups/v1", Expression: "this is also not a valid cel expression"}, {Type: "username/v1", Expression: "username"}, // valid {Type: "policy/v1", Expression: "still not a valid cel expression"}, }, Examples: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExample{ { Username: "does not matter because expressions did not compile", }, }, }, }, { // this identity provider should be valid DisplayName: "unique", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("idp.supervisor." + env.APIGroupSuffix), Kind: "OIDCIdentityProvider", Name: oidcIdentityProvider.Name, }, }, { DisplayName: "not unique", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("idp.supervisor." + env.APIGroupSuffix), Kind: "this is the wrong kind", Name: "also will not be found", }, Transforms: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransforms{ Constants: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsConstant{ {Name: "ryan", Type: "string", StringValue: "ryan"}, {Name: "unused", Type: "stringList", StringListValue: []string{"foo", "bar"}}, {Name: "rejectMe", Type: "string", StringValue: "rejectMeWithDefaultMessage"}, }, Expressions: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExpression{ {Type: "policy/v1", Expression: `username == strConst.ryan || username == strConst.rejectMe`, Message: "only special users allowed"}, {Type: "policy/v1", Expression: `username != "rejectMeWithDefaultMessage"`}, // no message specified {Type: "username/v1", Expression: `"pre:" + username`}, {Type: "groups/v1", Expression: `groups.map(g, "pre:" + g)`}, }, Examples: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExample{ { // this example should pass Username: "ryan", Groups: []string{"a", "b"}, Expects: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExampleExpects{ Username: "pre:ryan", Groups: []string{"pre:b", "pre:a", "pre:b", "pre:a"}, // order and repeats don't matter, treated like a set Rejected: false, }, }, { // this example should pass Username: "other", Expects: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExampleExpects{ Rejected: true, Message: "only special users allowed", }, }, { // this example should fail because it expects the user to be rejected but the user was actually not rejected Username: "ryan", Groups: []string{"a", "b"}, Expects: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExampleExpects{ Rejected: true, Message: "this input is ignored in this case", }, }, { // this example should fail because it expects the user not to be rejected but they were actually rejected Username: "other", Groups: []string{"a", "b"}, Expects: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExampleExpects{ Username: "pre:other", Groups: []string{"pre:a", "pre:b"}, Rejected: false, }, }, { // this example should fail because it expects the wrong rejection message Username: "other", Groups: []string{"a", "b"}, Expects: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExampleExpects{ Rejected: true, Message: "wrong message", }, }, { // this example should pass even though it does not make any assertion about the rejection message // because the message assertions defaults to asserting the default rejection message Username: "rejectMeWithDefaultMessage", Groups: []string{"a", "b"}, Expects: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExampleExpects{ Rejected: true, }, }, { // this example should fail because it expects both the wrong username and groups Username: "ryan", Groups: []string{"b", "a"}, Expects: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExampleExpects{ Username: "wrong", Groups: []string{}, Rejected: false, }, }, { // this example should fail because it expects the wrong username only Username: "ryan", Groups: []string{"a", "b"}, Expects: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExampleExpects{ Username: "wrong", Groups: []string{"pre:b", "pre:a"}, Rejected: false, }, }, { // this example should fail because it expects the wrong groups only Username: "ryan", Groups: []string{"b", "a"}, Expects: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExampleExpects{ Username: "pre:ryan", Groups: []string{"wrong2", "wrong1"}, Rejected: false, }, }, { // this example should fail because it does not expect anything but the auth actually was successful Username: "ryan", Groups: []string{"b", "a"}, Expects: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExampleExpects{}, }, }, }, }, }, }, v1alpha1.FederationDomainPhaseError) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusConditions(ctx, t, fd.Name, replaceSomeConditions( allSuccessfulFederationDomainConditions(fd.Spec), []metav1.Condition{ { Type: "IdentityProvidersDisplayNamesUnique", Status: "False", Reason: "DuplicateDisplayNames", Message: `the names specified by .spec.identityProviders[].displayName contain duplicates: "not unique"`, }, { Type: "IdentityProvidersFound", Status: "False", Reason: "IdentityProvidersObjectRefsNotFound", Message: here.Doc( `cannot find resource specified by .spec.identityProviders[0].objectRef (with name "will not be found") cannot find resource specified by .spec.identityProviders[2].objectRef (with name "also will not be found")`, )}, { Type: "IdentityProvidersObjectRefAPIGroupSuffixValid", Status: "False", Reason: "APIGroupUnrecognized", Message: fmt.Sprintf(`some API groups specified by .spec.identityProviders[].objectRef.apiGroup are not recognized `+ `(should be "idp.supervisor.%s"): "this is the wrong api group"`, env.APIGroupSuffix), }, { Type: "IdentityProvidersObjectRefKindValid", Status: "False", Reason: "KindUnrecognized", Message: `some kinds specified by .spec.identityProviders[].objectRef.kind are not recognized ` + `(should be one of "ActiveDirectoryIdentityProvider", "LDAPIdentityProvider", "OIDCIdentityProvider"): "this is the wrong kind"`, }, { Type: "Ready", Status: "False", Reason: "NotReady", Message: "the FederationDomain is not ready: see other conditions for details", }, { Type: "TransformsExamplesPassed", Status: "False", Reason: "TransformsExamplesFailed", Message: here.Doc( `unable to check if the examples specified by .spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.examples[] had errors because an expression was invalid .spec.identityProviders[2].transforms.examples[2] example failed: expected: authentication to be rejected actual: authentication was not rejected .spec.identityProviders[2].transforms.examples[3] example failed: expected: authentication not to be rejected actual: authentication was rejected with message "only special users allowed" .spec.identityProviders[2].transforms.examples[4] example failed: expected: authentication rejection message "wrong message" actual: authentication rejection message "only special users allowed" .spec.identityProviders[2].transforms.examples[6] example failed: expected: username "wrong" actual: username "pre:ryan" .spec.identityProviders[2].transforms.examples[6] example failed: expected: groups [] actual: groups ["pre:a", "pre:b"] .spec.identityProviders[2].transforms.examples[7] example failed: expected: username "wrong" actual: username "pre:ryan" .spec.identityProviders[2].transforms.examples[8] example failed: expected: groups ["wrong1", "wrong2"] actual: groups ["pre:a", "pre:b"] .spec.identityProviders[2].transforms.examples[9] example failed: expected: username "" actual: username "pre:ryan" .spec.identityProviders[2].transforms.examples[9] example failed: expected: groups [] actual: groups ["pre:a", "pre:b"]`, ), }, { Type: "TransformsExpressionsValid", Status: "False", Reason: "InvalidTransformsExpressions", Message: here.Doc( `spec.identityProvider[0].transforms.expressions[0].expression was invalid: CEL expression compile error: ERROR: <input>:1:6: Syntax error: mismatched input 'is' expecting <EOF> | this is not a valid cel expression | .....^ spec.identityProvider[0].transforms.expressions[1].expression was invalid: CEL expression compile error: ERROR: <input>:1:6: Syntax error: mismatched input 'is' expecting <EOF> | this is also not a valid cel expression | .....^ spec.identityProvider[0].transforms.expressions[3].expression was invalid: CEL expression compile error: ERROR: <input>:1:7: Syntax error: mismatched input 'not' expecting <EOF> | still not a valid cel expression | ......^`, ), }, }, )) // Updating the FederationDomain to fix some of the problems should make some of the errors go away. err := retry.RetryOnConflict(retry.DefaultRetry, func() error { gotFD, err := federationDomainsClient.Get(ctx, fd.Name, metav1.GetOptions{}) require.NoError(t, err) gotFD.Spec.IdentityProviders[0] = v1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{ // Fix the display name. DisplayName: "now made unique", // Fix the objectRef. ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("idp.supervisor." + env.APIGroupSuffix), Kind: "OIDCIdentityProvider", Name: oidcIdentityProvider.Name, }, Transforms: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransforms{ Constants: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsConstant{ {Name: "foo", Type: "string", StringValue: "bar"}, }, Expressions: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExpression{ // Fix the compile errors. {Type: "username/v1", Expression: `"pre:" + username`}, }, Examples: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExample{ { // this example should fail because it expects both the wrong username and groups Username: "ryan", Groups: []string{"b", "a"}, Expects: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExampleExpects{ Username: "wrong", Groups: []string{}, Rejected: false, }, }, }, }, } gotFD.Spec.IdentityProviders[2].Transforms.Examples = []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExample{ { // this example should pass Username: "other", Expects: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExampleExpects{ Rejected: true, Message: "only special users allowed", }, }, } _, updateErr := federationDomainsClient.Update(ctx, gotFD, metav1.UpdateOptions{}) return updateErr }) require.NoError(t, err) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusConditions(ctx, t, fd.Name, replaceSomeConditions( allSuccessfulFederationDomainConditions(fd.Spec), []metav1.Condition{ { Type: "IdentityProvidersFound", Status: "False", Reason: "IdentityProvidersObjectRefsNotFound", Message: `cannot find resource specified by .spec.identityProviders[2].objectRef (with name "also will not be found")`, }, { Type: "IdentityProvidersObjectRefKindValid", Status: "False", Reason: "KindUnrecognized", Message: `some kinds specified by .spec.identityProviders[].objectRef.kind are not recognized ` + `(should be one of "ActiveDirectoryIdentityProvider", "LDAPIdentityProvider", "OIDCIdentityProvider"): "this is the wrong kind"`, }, { Type: "Ready", Status: "False", Reason: "NotReady", Message: "the FederationDomain is not ready: see other conditions for details", }, { Type: "TransformsExamplesPassed", Status: "False", Reason: "TransformsExamplesFailed", Message: here.Doc( `.spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.examples[0] example failed: expected: username "wrong" actual: username "pre:ryan" .spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.examples[0] example failed: expected: groups [] actual: groups ["a", "b"]`, ), }, }, )) // Updating the FederationDomain to fix the rest of the problems should make all the errors go away. err = retry.RetryOnConflict(retry.DefaultRetry, func() error { gotFD, err := federationDomainsClient.Get(ctx, fd.Name, metav1.GetOptions{}) require.NoError(t, err) gotFD.Spec.IdentityProviders[2].ObjectRef = corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("idp.supervisor." + env.APIGroupSuffix), Kind: "OIDCIdentityProvider", Name: oidcIdentityProvider.Name, } gotFD.Spec.IdentityProviders[0].Transforms.Examples = []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExample{ { // this example should pass Username: "ryan", Groups: []string{"b", "a"}, Expects: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExampleExpects{ Username: "pre:ryan", Groups: []string{"a", "b"}, }, }, } _, updateErr := federationDomainsClient.Update(ctx, gotFD, metav1.UpdateOptions{}) return updateErr }) require.NoError(t, err) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusPhase(ctx, t, fd.Name, v1alpha1.FederationDomainPhaseReady) testlib.WaitForFederationDomainStatusConditions(ctx, t, fd.Name, allSuccessfulFederationDomainConditions(fd.Spec)) }, }, } for _, test := range tests { tt := test t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { tt.run(t) }) } } func TestSupervisorFederationDomainCRDValidations_Parallel(t *testing.T) { env := testlib.IntegrationEnv(t) fdClient := testlib.NewSupervisorClientset(t).ConfigV1alpha1().FederationDomains(env.SupervisorNamespace) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Minute) t.Cleanup(cancel) adminClient := testlib.NewKubernetesClientset(t) usingOldKubeVersionInCluster := testutil.KubeServerMinorVersionInBetweenInclusive(t, adminClient.Discovery(), 0, 23) usingReallyOldKubeVersionInCluster := testutil.KubeServerMinorVersionInBetweenInclusive(t, adminClient.Discovery(), 0, 19) objectMeta := testlib.ObjectMetaWithRandomName(t, "federation-domain") tests := []struct { name string fd *v1alpha1.FederationDomain wantErr string wantOldKubeErr string wantReallyOldKubeErr string }{ { name: "issuer cannot be empty", fd: &v1alpha1.FederationDomain{ ObjectMeta: objectMeta, Spec: v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "", }, }, wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("FederationDomain.config.supervisor.%s %q is invalid: "+ `spec.issuer: Invalid value: "": spec.issuer in body should be at least 1 chars long`, env.APIGroupSuffix, objectMeta.Name), }, { name: "IDP display names cannot be empty", fd: &v1alpha1.FederationDomain{ ObjectMeta: objectMeta, Spec: v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.com", IdentityProviders: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{ { DisplayName: "", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("required in older versions of Kubernetes for each item in the identityProviders slice"), }, }, }, }, }, wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("FederationDomain.config.supervisor.%s %q is invalid: "+ `spec.identityProviders[0].displayName: Invalid value: "": `+ "spec.identityProviders[0].displayName in body should be at least 1 chars long", env.APIGroupSuffix, objectMeta.Name), }, { name: "IDP transform constants must have unique names", fd: &v1alpha1.FederationDomain{ ObjectMeta: objectMeta, Spec: v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.com", IdentityProviders: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{ { DisplayName: "foo", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("required in older versions of Kubernetes for each item in the identityProviders slice"), }, Transforms: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransforms{ Constants: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsConstant{ {Name: "notUnique", Type: "string", StringValue: "foo"}, {Name: "notUnique", Type: "string", StringValue: "bar"}, }, }, }, }, }, }, wantOldKubeErr: fmt.Sprintf("FederationDomain.config.supervisor.%s %q is invalid: "+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.constants[1]: Duplicate value: map[string]interface {}{"name":"notUnique"}`, env.APIGroupSuffix, objectMeta.Name), wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("FederationDomain.config.supervisor.%s %q is invalid: "+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.constants[1]: Duplicate value: map[string]interface {}{"name":"notUnique"}`, env.APIGroupSuffix, objectMeta.Name), }, { name: "IDP transform constant names cannot be empty", fd: &v1alpha1.FederationDomain{ ObjectMeta: objectMeta, Spec: v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.com", IdentityProviders: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{ { DisplayName: "foo", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("required in older versions of Kubernetes for each item in the identityProviders slice"), }, Transforms: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransforms{ Constants: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsConstant{ {Name: "", Type: "string"}, }, }, }, }, }, }, wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("FederationDomain.config.supervisor.%s %q is invalid: "+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.constants[0].name: Invalid value: "": `+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.constants[0].name in body should be at least 1 chars long`, env.APIGroupSuffix, objectMeta.Name), }, { name: "IDP transform constant names cannot be more than 64 characters", fd: &v1alpha1.FederationDomain{ ObjectMeta: objectMeta, Spec: v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.com", IdentityProviders: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{ { DisplayName: "foo", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("required in older versions of Kubernetes for each item in the identityProviders slice"), }, Transforms: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransforms{ Constants: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsConstant{ {Name: "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345", Type: "string"}, }, }, }, }, }, }, wantReallyOldKubeErr: fmt.Sprintf("FederationDomain.config.supervisor.%s %q is invalid: "+ `spec.identityProviders.transforms.constants.name: Invalid value: "": `+ `spec.identityProviders.transforms.constants.name in body should be at most 64 chars long`, env.APIGroupSuffix, objectMeta.Name), wantOldKubeErr: fmt.Sprintf("FederationDomain.config.supervisor.%s %q is invalid: "+ `spec.identityProviders.transforms.constants.name: Invalid value: "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345": `+ `spec.identityProviders.transforms.constants.name in body should be at most 64 chars long`, env.APIGroupSuffix, objectMeta.Name), wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("FederationDomain.config.supervisor.%s %q is invalid: "+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.constants[0].name: Too long: may not be longer than 64`, env.APIGroupSuffix, objectMeta.Name), }, { name: "IDP transform constant names must be a legal CEL variable name", fd: &v1alpha1.FederationDomain{ ObjectMeta: objectMeta, Spec: v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.com", IdentityProviders: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{ { DisplayName: "foo", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("required in older versions of Kubernetes for each item in the identityProviders slice"), }, Transforms: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransforms{ Constants: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsConstant{ {Name: "cannot have spaces", Type: "string"}, {Name: "1mustStartWithLetter", Type: "string"}, {Name: "_mustStartWithLetter", Type: "string"}, {Name: "canOnlyIncludeLettersAndNumbersAnd_", Type: "string"}, {Name: "CanStart1_withUpperCase", Type: "string"}, }, }, }, }, }, }, wantReallyOldKubeErr: fmt.Sprintf("FederationDomain.config.supervisor.%s %q is invalid: "+ `spec.identityProviders.transforms.constants.name: Invalid value: "": `+ `spec.identityProviders.transforms.constants.name in body should match '^[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$'`, env.APIGroupSuffix, objectMeta.Name), wantOldKubeErr: fmt.Sprintf("FederationDomain.config.supervisor.%s %q is invalid: "+ `spec.identityProviders.transforms.constants.name: Invalid value: "cannot have spaces": `+ `spec.identityProviders.transforms.constants.name in body should match '^[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$'`, env.APIGroupSuffix, objectMeta.Name), wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("FederationDomain.config.supervisor.%s %q is invalid: "+ `[spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.constants[0].name: Invalid value: "cannot have spaces": `+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.constants[0].name in body should match '^[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$', `+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.constants[1].name: Invalid value: "1mustStartWithLetter": `+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.constants[1].name in body should match '^[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$', `+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.constants[2].name: Invalid value: "_mustStartWithLetter": `+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.constants[2].name in body should match '^[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$']`, env.APIGroupSuffix, objectMeta.Name), }, { name: "IDP transform constant types must be one of the allowed enum strings", fd: &v1alpha1.FederationDomain{ ObjectMeta: objectMeta, Spec: v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.com", IdentityProviders: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{ { DisplayName: "foo", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("required in older versions of Kubernetes for each item in the identityProviders slice"), }, Transforms: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransforms{ Constants: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsConstant{ {Name: "a", Type: "this is invalid"}, {Name: "b", Type: "string"}, {Name: "c", Type: "stringList"}, }, }, }, }, }, }, wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("FederationDomain.config.supervisor.%s %q is invalid: "+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.constants[0].type: Unsupported value: "this is invalid": `+ `supported values: "string", "stringList"`, env.APIGroupSuffix, objectMeta.Name), }, { name: "IDP transform expression types must be one of the allowed enum strings", fd: &v1alpha1.FederationDomain{ ObjectMeta: objectMeta, Spec: v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.com", IdentityProviders: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{ { DisplayName: "foo", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("required in older versions of Kubernetes for each item in the identityProviders slice"), }, Transforms: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransforms{ Expressions: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExpression{ {Type: "this is invalid", Expression: "foo"}, {Type: "policy/v1", Expression: "foo"}, {Type: "username/v1", Expression: "foo"}, {Type: "groups/v1", Expression: "foo"}, }, }, }, }, }, }, wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("FederationDomain.config.supervisor.%s %q is invalid: "+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.expressions[0].type: Unsupported value: "this is invalid": `+ `supported values: "policy/v1", "username/v1", "groups/v1"`, env.APIGroupSuffix, objectMeta.Name), }, { name: "IDP transform expressions cannot be empty", fd: &v1alpha1.FederationDomain{ ObjectMeta: objectMeta, Spec: v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.com", IdentityProviders: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{ { DisplayName: "foo", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("required in older versions of Kubernetes for each item in the identityProviders slice"), }, Transforms: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransforms{ Expressions: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExpression{ {Type: "username/v1", Expression: ""}, }, }, }, }, }, }, wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("FederationDomain.config.supervisor.%s %q is invalid: "+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.expressions[0].expression: Invalid value: "": `+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.expressions[0].expression in body should be at least 1 chars long`, env.APIGroupSuffix, objectMeta.Name), }, { name: "IDP transform example usernames cannot be empty", fd: &v1alpha1.FederationDomain{ ObjectMeta: objectMeta, Spec: v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.com", IdentityProviders: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{ { DisplayName: "foo", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("required in older versions of Kubernetes for each item in the identityProviders slice"), }, Transforms: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransforms{ Examples: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExample{ {Username: ""}, {Username: "non-empty"}, }, }, }, }, }, }, wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("FederationDomain.config.supervisor.%s %q is invalid: "+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.examples[0].username: Invalid value: "": `+ `spec.identityProviders[0].transforms.examples[0].username in body should be at least 1 chars long`, env.APIGroupSuffix, objectMeta.Name), }, { name: "minimum valid", fd: &v1alpha1.FederationDomain{ ObjectMeta: testlib.ObjectMetaWithRandomName(t, "fd"), Spec: v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.com", }, }, }, { name: "minimum valid when IDPs are included", fd: &v1alpha1.FederationDomain{ ObjectMeta: testlib.ObjectMetaWithRandomName(t, "fd"), Spec: v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.com", IdentityProviders: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{ { DisplayName: "foo", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("required in older versions of Kubernetes for each item in the identityProviders slice"), }, }, }, }, }, }, { name: "minimum valid when IDP has transform constants, expressions, and examples", fd: &v1alpha1.FederationDomain{ ObjectMeta: testlib.ObjectMetaWithRandomName(t, "fd"), Spec: v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec{ Issuer: "https://example.com", IdentityProviders: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{ { DisplayName: "foo", ObjectRef: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{ APIGroup: ptr.To("required in older versions of Kubernetes for each item in the identityProviders slice"), }, Transforms: v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransforms{ Constants: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsConstant{ {Name: "foo", Type: "string"}, }, Expressions: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExpression{ {Type: "username/v1", Expression: "foo"}, }, Examples: []v1alpha1.FederationDomainTransformsExample{ {Username: "foo"}, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, } for _, test := range tests { tt := test t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() _, createErr := fdClient.Create(ctx, tt.fd, metav1.CreateOptions{}) t.Cleanup(func() { // Delete it if it exists. delErr := fdClient.Delete(ctx, tt.fd.Name, metav1.DeleteOptions{}) if !k8serrors.IsNotFound(delErr) { require.NoError(t, delErr) } }) if tt.wantErr == "" && tt.wantOldKubeErr == "" && tt.wantReallyOldKubeErr == "" { require.NoError(t, createErr) } else { wantErr := tt.wantErr if usingOldKubeVersionInCluster || usingReallyOldKubeVersionInCluster { // Old versions of Kubernetes did not show the index where the error occurred in some of the messages, // so remove the indices from the expected messages when running against an old version of Kube. // For the above tests, it should be enough to assume that there will only be indices up to 10. // This is useful when the only difference in the message between old and new is the missing indices. // Otherwise, use wantOldKubeErr to say what the expected message should be for old versions. for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { wantErr = strings.ReplaceAll(wantErr, fmt.Sprintf("[%d]", i), "") } } if usingOldKubeVersionInCluster && tt.wantOldKubeErr != "" { // Sometimes there are other difference in older Kubernetes messages, so also allow exact // expectation strings for those cases in wantOldKubeErr. When provided, use it on old Kube clusters. wantErr = tt.wantOldKubeErr } if usingReallyOldKubeVersionInCluster && tt.wantReallyOldKubeErr != "" { // Sometimes there are other difference in really old Kubernetes messages, so also allow exact // expectation strings for those cases in wantOldKubeErr. When provided, use it on // really old Kube clusters. wantErr = tt.wantReallyOldKubeErr } require.EqualError(t, createErr, wantErr) } }) } } func replaceSomeConditions(conditions []metav1.Condition, replaceWithTheseConditions []metav1.Condition) []metav1.Condition { cp := make([]metav1.Condition, len(conditions)) copy(cp, conditions) for _, replacementCond := range replaceWithTheseConditions { for i, cond := range cp { if replacementCond.Type == cond.Type { cp[i] = replacementCond break } } } return cp } func allSuccessfulLegacyFederationDomainConditions(idpName string, federationDomainSpec v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec) []metav1.Condition { return replaceSomeConditions( allSuccessfulFederationDomainConditions(federationDomainSpec), []metav1.Condition{ { Type: "IdentityProvidersFound", Status: "True", Reason: "LegacyConfigurationSuccess", Message: fmt.Sprintf(`no resources were specified by .spec.identityProviders[].objectRef but exactly one `+ `identity provider resource has been found: using "%s" as identity provider: `+ `please explicitly list identity providers in .spec.identityProviders `+ `(this legacy configuration mode may be removed in a future version of Pinniped)`, idpName), }, }, ) } func allSuccessfulFederationDomainConditions(federationDomainSpec v1alpha1.FederationDomainSpec) []metav1.Condition { return []metav1.Condition{ { Type: "IdentityProvidersDisplayNamesUnique", Status: "True", Reason: "Success", Message: "the names specified by .spec.identityProviders[].displayName are unique", }, { Type: "IdentityProvidersFound", Status: "True", Reason: "Success", Message: "the resources specified by .spec.identityProviders[].objectRef were found", }, { Type: "IdentityProvidersObjectRefAPIGroupSuffixValid", Status: "True", Reason: "Success", Message: "the API groups specified by .spec.identityProviders[].objectRef.apiGroup are recognized", }, { Type: "IdentityProvidersObjectRefKindValid", Status: "True", Reason: "Success", Message: "the kinds specified by .spec.identityProviders[].objectRef.kind are recognized", }, { Type: "IssuerIsUnique", Status: "True", Reason: "Success", Message: "spec.issuer is unique among all FederationDomains", }, { Type: "IssuerURLValid", Status: "True", Reason: "Success", Message: "spec.issuer is a valid URL", }, { Type: "OneTLSSecretPerIssuerHostname", Status: "True", Reason: "Success", Message: "all FederationDomains are using the same TLS secret when using the same hostname in the spec.issuer URL", }, { Type: "Ready", Status: "True", Reason: "Success", Message: fmt.Sprintf("the FederationDomain is ready and its endpoints are available: "+ "the discovery endpoint is %s/.well-known/openid-configuration", federationDomainSpec.Issuer), }, { Type: "TransformsExamplesPassed", Status: "True", Reason: "Success", Message: "the examples specified by .spec.identityProviders[].transforms.examples[] had no errors", }, { Type: "TransformsExpressionsValid", Status: "True", Reason: "Success", Message: "the expressions specified by .spec.identityProviders[].transforms.expressions[] are valid", }, } }