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40 Commits
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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
kind: pipeline
type: kubernetes
name: Container
- name: build & publish
image: spritsail/docker-build
context: .
tags: latest
- BUILDPLATFORM=linux/amd64
mtu: 1450
from_secret: harbor_username
from_secret: harbor_password
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Prepare to cross-compile by always running the build stage in the build platform, not the target platform.
FROM --platform=linux/amd64 golang:1.21.3 as build-env
FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM golang:1.21.2 as build-env
@ -1,75 +1,97 @@
#! Copyright 2020-2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#! SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#@schema/desc "Name of pinniped-concierge."
app_name: pinniped-concierge
#! Creates a new namespace statically in yaml with the given name and installs the app into that namespace.
#@schema/desc "Creates a new namespace statically in yaml with the given name and installs the app into that namespace."
namespace: pinniped-concierge
#! If specified, assumes that a namespace of the given name already exists and installs the app into that namespace.
#! If both `namespace` and `into_namespace` are specified, then only `into_namespace` is used.
into_namespace: #! e.g. my-preexisting-namespace
#@ into_namespace_desc = "If specified, assumes that a namespace of the given name already exists and installs the app into that namespace. \
#@ If both `namespace` and `into_namespace` are specified, then only `into_namespace` is used."
#@schema/desc into_namespace_desc
into_namespace: my-preexisting-namespace
#! All resources created statically by yaml at install-time and all resources created dynamically
#! by controllers at runtime will be labelled with `app: $app_name` and also with the labels
#! specified here. The value of `custom_labels` must be a map of string keys to string values.
#! The app can be uninstalled either by:
#! 1. Deleting the static install-time yaml resources including the static namespace, which will cascade and also delete
#! resources that were dynamically created by controllers at runtime
#! 2. Or, deleting all resources by label, which does not assume that there was a static install-time yaml namespace.
custom_labels: {} #! e.g. {myCustomLabelName: myCustomLabelValue, otherCustomLabelName: otherCustomLabelValue}
#@ custom_labels_desc = "All resources created statically by yaml at install-time and all resources created dynamically \
#@ by controllers at runtime will be labelled with `app: $app_name` and also with the labels \
#@ specified here. The value of `custom_labels` must be a map of string keys to string values. \
#@ The app can be uninstalled either by: \
#@ 1. Deleting the static install-time yaml resources including the static namespace, which will cascade and also delete \
#@ resources that were dynamically created by controllers at runtime \
#@ 2. Or, deleting all resources by label, which does not assume that there was a static install-time yaml namespace."
#@schema/desc custom_labels_desc
#@schema/type any=True
custom_labels: {} #! {myCustomLabelName: myCustomLabelValue, otherCustomLabelName: otherCustomLabelValue}
#! Specify how many replicas of the Pinniped server to run.
#@schema/desc "Specify how many replicas of the Pinniped server to run."
replicas: 2
#! Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
#@schema/desc "Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used."
image_digest: #! e.g. sha256:f3c4fdfd3ef865d4b97a1fd295d94acc3f0c654c46b6f27ffad5cf80216903c8
#@schema/desc "Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used."
image_digest: sha256:f3c4fdfd3ef865d4b97a1fd295d94acc3f0c654c46b6f27ffad5cf80216903c8
#@schema/desc "Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used."
image_tag: latest
#! Optionally specify a different image for the "kube-cert-agent" pod which is scheduled
#! on the control plane. This image needs only to include `sleep` and `cat` binaries.
#! By default, the same image specified for image_repo/image_digest/image_tag will be re-used.
#@ kube_cert_agent_image = "Optionally specify a different image for the 'kube-cert-agent' pod which is scheduled \
#@ on the control plane. This image needs only to include `sleep` and `cat` binaries. \
#@ By default, the same image specified for image_repo/image_digest/image_tag will be re-used."
#@schema/desc kube_cert_agent_image
#! Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image.
#! Can be used when the above image_repo is a private registry.
#! Typically the value would be the output of: kubectl create secret docker-registry x --docker-server= --docker-username="USERNAME" --docker-password="PASSWORD" --dry-run=client -o json | jq -r '.data[".dockerconfigjson"]'
#! Optional.
image_pull_dockerconfigjson: #! e.g. {"auths":{"":{"username":"USERNAME","password":"PASSWORD","auth":"BASE64_ENCODED_USERNAME_COLON_PASSWORD"}}}
#@ image_pull_dockerconfigjson_desc = "Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image. \
#@ Can be used when the above image_repo is a private registry. \
#@ Typically the value would be the output of: kubectl create secret docker-registry x --docker-server= --docker-username=\"USERNAME\" --docker-password=\"PASSWORD\" --dry-run=client -o json | jq -r '.data[\".dockerconfigjson\"]' \
#@ Optional."
#! base64 encoded: {"auths":{"":{"username":"USERNAME","password":"PASSWORD","auth":"BASE64_ENCODED_USERNAME_COLON_PASSWORD"}}}
#! result: eyJhdXRocyI6eyJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuaW8iOnsidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJVU0VSTkFNRSIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoiUEFTU1dPUkQiLCJhdXRoIjoiVlZORlVrNUJUVVU2VUVGVFUxZFBVa1E9In19fQ==
#@schema/desc image_pull_dockerconfigjson_desc
image_pull_dockerconfigjson: "eyJhdXRocyI6eyJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuaW8iOnsidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJVU0VSTkFNRSIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoiUEFTU1dPUkQiLCJhdXRoIjoiVlZORlVrNUJUVVU2VUVGVFUxZFBVa1E9In19fQ=="
#! Pinniped will try to guess the right K8s API URL for sharing that information with potential clients.
#! This setting allows the guess to be overridden.
#! Optional.
discovery_url: #! e.g.,
#@schema/desc "Pinniped will try to guess the right K8s API URL for sharing that information with potential clients. This setting allows the guess to be overridden."
#! Specify the duration and renewal interval for the API serving certificate.
#! The defaults are set to expire the cert about every 30 days, and to rotate it
#! about every 25 days.
#@ api_serving_certificate_desc = "Specify the duration and renewal interval for the API serving certificate. \
#@ The defaults are set to expire the cert about every 30 days, and to rotate it \
#@ about every 25 days."
#@schema/desc api_serving_certificate_desc
api_serving_certificate_duration_seconds: 2592000
#@schema/desc api_serving_certificate_desc
api_serving_certificate_renew_before_seconds: 2160000
#! Specify the verbosity of logging: info ("nice to know" information), debug (developer
#! information), trace (timing information), all (kitchen sink).
log_level: #! By default, when this value is left unset, only warnings and errors are printed. There is no way to suppress warning and error logs.
#! Specify the format of logging: json (for machine parsable logs) and text (for legacy klog formatted logs).
#! By default, when this value is left unset, logs are formatted in json.
#! This configuration is deprecated and will be removed in a future release at which point logs will always be formatted as json.
#! Specify the verbosity of logging: info ("nice to know" information), debug (developer information), trace (timing information),
#! or all (kitchen sink). Do not use trace or all on production systems, as credentials may get logged.
#@schema/desc "default, when this value is left unset, only warnings and errors are printed. There is no way to suppress warning and error logs."
log_level: info
#@ deprecated_log_format_desc = "Specify the format of logging: json (for machine parsable logs) and text (for legacy klog formatted logs). \
#@ By default, when this value is left unset, logs are formatted in json. \
#@ This configuration is deprecated and will be removed in a future release at which point logs will always be formatted as json."
#@schema/desc deprecated_log_format_desc
deprecated_log_format: json
run_as_user: 65532 #! run_as_user specifies the user ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
run_as_group: 65532 #! run_as_group specifies the group ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
#@schema/desc "run_as_user specifies the user ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice"
run_as_user: 65532
#@schema/desc "run_as_group specifies the group ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice"
run_as_group: 65532
#! Specify the API group suffix for all Pinniped API groups. By default, this is set to
#!, so Pinniped API groups will look like,
#!, etc. As an example, if this is set to, then
#! Pinniped API groups will look like, etc.
#@ api_group_suffix_desc = "Specify the API group suffix for all Pinniped API groups. By default, this is set to \
#@, so Pinniped API groups will look like, \
#@, etc. As an example, if this is set to, then \
#@ Pinniped API groups will look like, etc."
#@schema/desc api_group_suffix_desc
#! Customize CredentialIssuer.spec.impersonationProxy to change how the concierge
#! handles impersonation.
#@schema/desc "Customize CredentialIssuer.spec.impersonationProxy to change how the concierge handles impersonation."
#! options are "auto", "disabled" or "enabled".
#! If auto, the impersonation proxy will run only if the cluster signing key is not available
@ -77,11 +99,14 @@ impersonation_proxy_spec:
#! If disabled, the impersonation proxy will never run, which could mean that the concierge
#! doesn't work at all.
#! If enabled, the impersonation proxy will always run regardless of other strategies available.
#@schema/desc "If enabled, the impersonation proxy will always run regardless of other strategies available."
mode: auto
#! The endpoint which the client should use to connect to the impersonation proxy.
#! If left unset, the client will default to connecting based on the ClusterIP or LoadBalancer
#! endpoint.
#@ external_endpoint_desc = "The endpoint which the client should use to connect to the impersonation proxy. \
#@ If left unset, the client will default to connecting based on the ClusterIP or LoadBalancer endpoint."
#@schema/desc external_endpoint_desc
#@schema/desc "The impersonation proxy service configuration"
#! Options are "LoadBalancer", "ClusterIP" and "None".
#! LoadBalancer automatically provisions a Service of type LoadBalancer pointing at
@ -91,17 +116,24 @@ impersonation_proxy_spec:
#! impersonation proxy.
#! None does not provision either and assumes that you have set the external_endpoint
#! and set up your own ingress to connect to the impersonation proxy.
#@schema/desc "Options are 'LoadBalancer', 'ClusterIP' and 'None'."
type: LoadBalancer
#! The annotations that should be set on the ClusterIP or LoadBalancer Service.
#@schema/desc "The annotations that should be set on the ClusterIP or LoadBalancer Service."
{ "4000"}
#! When mode LoadBalancer is set, this will set the LoadBalancer Service's Spec.LoadBalancerIP.
#@schema/desc "When mode LoadBalancer is set, this will set the LoadBalancer Service's Spec.LoadBalancerIP."
#! Set the standard golang HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables on the Concierge containers.
#! These will be used when the Concierge makes backend-to-backend calls to authenticators using HTTPS,
#! e.g. when the Concierge fetches discovery documents, JWKS keys, and POSTs to token webhooks.
#! The Concierge never makes insecure HTTP calls, so there is no reason to set HTTP_PROXY.
#! Optional.
https_proxy: #! e.g.
#@ https_proxy_desc = "Set the standard golang HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables on the Supervisor containers. \
#@ These will be used when the Supervisor makes backend-to-backend calls to upstream identity providers using HTTPS, \
#@ e.g. when the Supervisor fetches discovery documents, JWKS keys, and tokens from an upstream OIDC Provider. \
#@ The Supervisor never makes insecure HTTP calls, so there is no reason to set HTTP_PROXY. \
#@ Optional."
#@schema/desc https_proxy_desc
#@schema/desc "do not proxy Kubernetes endpoints"
no_proxy: "$(KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST),,,localhost,.svc,.cluster.local" #! do not proxy Kubernetes endpoints
@ -1,19 +1,26 @@
#! Copyright 2020-2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#! Copyright 2020-2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#! SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#! Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
#@schema/desc "Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used."
image_digest: #! e.g. sha256:f3c4fdfd3ef865d4b97a1fd295d94acc3f0c654c46b6f27ffad5cf80216903c8
#@schema/desc "Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used."
image_digest: sha256:f3c4fdfd3ef865d4b97a1fd295d94acc3f0c654c46b6f27ffad5cf80216903c8
#@schema/desc "Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used."
image_tag: latest
#! Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image.
#! Can be used when the above image_repo is a private registry.
#! Typically the value would be the output of: kubectl create secret docker-registry x --docker-server= --docker-username="USERNAME" --docker-password="PASSWORD" --dry-run=client -o json | jq -r '.data[".dockerconfigjson"]'
#! Optional.
image_pull_dockerconfigjson: #! e.g. {"auths":{"":{"username":"USERNAME","password":"PASSWORD","auth":"BASE64_ENCODED_USERNAME_COLON_PASSWORD"}}}
#@ image_pull_dockerconfigjson_desc = "Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image. \
#@ Can be used when the above image_repo is a private registry. \
#@ Typically the value would be the output of: kubectl create secret docker-registry x --docker-server= --docker-username='USERNAME' --docker-password='PASSWORD' --dry-run=client -o json | jq -r '.data['.dockerconfigjson']' \
#@ Optional."
#@schema/desc image_pull_dockerconfigjson_desc
image_pull_dockerconfigjson: {"auths":{"":{"username":"USERNAME","password":"PASSWORD","auth":"BASE64_ENCODED_USERNAME_COLON_PASSWORD"}}}
run_as_user: 65532 #! run_as_user specifies the user ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
run_as_group: 65532 #! run_as_group specifies the group ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
#@schema/desc "run_as_user specifies the user ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice"
run_as_user: 65532
#@schema/desc "run_as_group specifies the group ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice"
run_as_group: 65532
@ -1,39 +1,50 @@
#! Copyright 2020-2022 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#! SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#@schema/desc "Name of pinniped-supervisor."
app_name: pinniped-supervisor
#! Creates a new namespace statically in yaml with the given name and installs the app into that namespace.
#@schema/desc "Creates a new namespace statically in yaml with the given name and installs the app into that namespace."
namespace: pinniped-supervisor
#! If specified, assumes that a namespace of the given name already exists and installs the app into that namespace.
#! If both `namespace` and `into_namespace` are specified, then only `into_namespace` is used.
into_namespace: #! e.g. my-preexisting-namespace
#@ into_namespace_desc = "If specified, assumes that a namespace of the given name already exists and installs the app into that namespace. \
#@ If both `namespace` and `into_namespace` are specified, then only `into_namespace` is used."
#@schema/desc into_namespace_desc
into_namespace: my-preexisting-namespace
#! All resources created statically by yaml at install-time and all resources created dynamically
#! by controllers at runtime will be labelled with `app: $app_name` and also with the labels
#! specified here. The value of `custom_labels` must be a map of string keys to string values.
#! The app can be uninstalled either by:
#! 1. Deleting the static install-time yaml resources including the static namespace, which will cascade and also delete
#! resources that were dynamically created by controllers at runtime
#! 2. Or, deleting all resources by label, which does not assume that there was a static install-time yaml namespace.
custom_labels: {} #! e.g. {myCustomLabelName: myCustomLabelValue, otherCustomLabelName: otherCustomLabelValue}
#@ custom_labels_desc = "All resources created statically by yaml at install-time and all resources created dynamically \
#@ by controllers at runtime will be labelled with `app: $app_name` and also with the labels \
#@ specified here. The value of `custom_labels` must be a map of string keys to string values. \
#@ The app can be uninstalled either by: \
#@ 1. Deleting the static install-time yaml resources including the static namespace, which will cascade and also delete \
#@ resources that were dynamically created by controllers at runtime \
#@ 2. Or, deleting all resources by label, which does not assume that there was a static install-time yaml namespace."
#@schema/desc custom_labels_desc
#@schema/type any=True
custom_labels: {} #! {myCustomLabelName: myCustomLabelValue, otherCustomLabelName: otherCustomLabelValue}
#! Specify how many replicas of the Pinniped server to run.
#@schema/desc "Specify how many replicas of the Pinniped server to run."
replicas: 2
#! Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
#@schema/desc "Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used."
image_digest: #! e.g. sha256:f3c4fdfd3ef865d4b97a1fd295d94acc3f0c654c46b6f27ffad5cf80216903c8
#@schema/desc "Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used."
image_digest: sha256:f3c4fdfd3ef865d4b97a1fd295d94acc3f0c654c46b6f27ffad5cf80216903c8
#@schema/desc "Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used."
image_tag: latest
#! Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image.
#! Can be used when the above image_repo is a private registry.
#! Typically the value would be the output of: kubectl create secret docker-registry x --docker-server= --docker-username="USERNAME" --docker-password="PASSWORD" --dry-run=client -o json | jq -r '.data[".dockerconfigjson"]'
#! Optional.
image_pull_dockerconfigjson: #! e.g. {"auths":{"":{"username":"USERNAME","password":"PASSWORD","auth":"BASE64_ENCODED_USERNAME_COLON_PASSWORD"}}}
#@ image_pull_dockerconfigjson_desc = "Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image. \
#@ Can be used when the above image_repo is a private registry. \
#@ Typically the value would be the output of: kubectl create secret docker-registry x --docker-server= --docker-username=\"USERNAME\" --docker-password=\"PASSWORD\" --dry-run=client -o json | jq -r '.data[\".dockerconfigjson\"]' \
#@ Optional."
#! base64 encoded: {"auths":{"":{"username":"USERNAME","password":"PASSWORD","auth":"BASE64_ENCODED_USERNAME_COLON_PASSWORD"}}}
#! result: eyJhdXRocyI6eyJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuaW8iOnsidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJVU0VSTkFNRSIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoiUEFTU1dPUkQiLCJhdXRoIjoiVlZORlVrNUJUVVU2VUVGVFUxZFBVa1E9In19fQ==
#@schema/desc image_pull_dockerconfigjson_desc
image_pull_dockerconfigjson: "eyJhdXRocyI6eyJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuaW8iOnsidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJVU0VSTkFNRSIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoiUEFTU1dPUkQiLCJhdXRoIjoiVlZORlVrNUJUVVU2VUVGVFUxZFBVa1E9In19fQ=="
#! Specify how to expose the Supervisor app's HTTPS port as a Service.
#! Typically, you would set a value for only one of the following service types.
@ -41,43 +52,70 @@ image_pull_dockerconfigjson: #! e.g. {"auths":{"":{"
#! Note that all port numbers should be numbers (not strings), i.e. use ytt's `--data-value-yaml` instead of `--data-value`.
#! Several of these values have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Their names have been changed to
#! mark them as deprecated and to make it obvious upon upgrade to anyone who was using them that they have been deprecated.
deprecated_service_http_nodeport_port: #! will be removed in a future release; when specified, creates a NodePort Service with this `port` value, with port 8080 as its `targetPort`; e.g. 31234
deprecated_service_http_nodeport_nodeport: #! will be removed in a future release; the `nodePort` value of the NodePort Service, optional when `deprecated_service_http_nodeport_port` is specified; e.g. 31234
deprecated_service_http_loadbalancer_port: #! will be removed in a future release; when specified, creates a LoadBalancer Service with this `port` value, with port 8080 as its `targetPort`; e.g. 8443
deprecated_service_http_clusterip_port: #! will be removed in a future release; when specified, creates a ClusterIP Service with this `port` value, with port 8080 as its `targetPort`; e.g. 8443
service_https_nodeport_port: #! when specified, creates a NodePort Service with this `port` value, with port 8443 as its `targetPort`; e.g. 31243
service_https_nodeport_nodeport: #! the `nodePort` value of the NodePort Service, optional when `service_https_nodeport_port` is specified; e.g. 31243
service_https_loadbalancer_port: #! when specified, creates a LoadBalancer Service with this `port` value, with port 8443 as its `targetPort`; e.g. 8443
service_https_clusterip_port: #! when specified, creates a ClusterIP Service with this `port` value, with port 8443 as its `targetPort`; e.g. 8443
#! The `loadBalancerIP` value of the LoadBalancer Service.
#! Ignored unless service_https_loadbalancer_port is provided.
#! Optional.
service_loadbalancer_ip: #! e.g.
#@schema/desc "will be removed in a future release; when specified, creates a NodePort Service with this `port` value, with port 8080 as its `targetPort`"
deprecated_service_http_nodeport_port: 31234
#@schema/desc "will be removed in a future release; the `nodePort` value of the NodePort Service, optional when `deprecated_service_http_nodeport_port` is specified"
deprecated_service_http_nodeport_nodeport: 31234
#@schema/desc "will be removed in a future release; when specified, creates a LoadBalancer Service with this `port` value, with port 8080 as its `targetPort`"
deprecated_service_http_loadbalancer_port: 8443
#@schema/desc "#! will be removed in a future release; when specified, creates a ClusterIP Service with this `port` value, with port 8080 as its `targetPort`"
deprecated_service_http_clusterip_port: 8443
#@schema/desc "#! when specified, creates a NodePort Service with this `port` value, with port 8443 as its `targetPort`"
service_https_nodeport_port: 31243
#@schema/desc "#! the `nodePort` value of the NodePort Service, optional when `service_https_nodeport_port` is specified"
service_https_nodeport_nodeport: 31243
#@schema/desc "#! when specified, creates a LoadBalancer Service with this `port` value, with port 8443 as its `targetPort`"
service_https_loadbalancer_port: 8443
#@schema/desc "#! when specified, creates a ClusterIP Service with this `port` value, with port 8443 as its `targetPort`"
service_https_clusterip_port: 8443
#@ service_loadbalancer_ip_desc="The `loadBalancerIP` value of the LoadBalancer Service. \
#@ Ignored unless service_https_loadbalancer_port is provided."
#@schema/desc service_loadbalancer_ip_desc
#! Specify the verbosity of logging: info ("nice to know" information), debug (developer information), trace (timing information),
#! or all (kitchen sink). Do not use trace or all on production systems, as credentials may get logged.
log_level: #! By default, when this value is left unset, only warnings and errors are printed. There is no way to suppress warning and error logs.
#! Specify the format of logging: json (for machine parsable logs) and text (for legacy klog formatted logs).
#! By default, when this value is left unset, logs are formatted in json.
#! This configuration is deprecated and will be removed in a future release at which point logs will always be formatted as json.
#@schema/desc "default, when this value is left unset, only warnings and errors are printed. There is no way to suppress warning and error logs."
log_level: info
#@ deprecated_log_format_desc = "Specify the format of logging: json (for machine parsable logs) and text (for legacy klog formatted logs). \
#@ By default, when this value is left unset, logs are formatted in json. \
#@ This configuration is deprecated and will be removed in a future release at which point logs will always be formatted as json."
#@schema/desc deprecated_log_format_desc
deprecated_log_format: json
run_as_user: 65532 #! run_as_user specifies the user ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
run_as_group: 65532 #! run_as_group specifies the group ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
#@schema/desc "run_as_user specifies the user ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice"
run_as_user: 65532
#@schema/desc "run_as_group specifies the group ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice"
run_as_group: 65532
#! Specify the API group suffix for all Pinniped API groups. By default, this is set to
#!, so Pinniped API groups will look like,
#!, etc. As an example, if this is set to, then
#! Pinniped API groups will look like, etc.
#@ api_group_suffix_desc = "Specify the API group suffix for all Pinniped API groups. By default, this is set to \
#@, so Pinniped API groups will look like, \
#@, etc. As an example, if this is set to, then \
#@ Pinniped API groups will look like, etc."
#@schema/desc api_group_suffix_desc
#! Set the standard golang HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables on the Supervisor containers.
#! These will be used when the Supervisor makes backend-to-backend calls to upstream identity providers using HTTPS,
#! e.g. when the Supervisor fetches discovery documents, JWKS keys, and tokens from an upstream OIDC Provider.
#! The Supervisor never makes insecure HTTP calls, so there is no reason to set HTTP_PROXY.
#! Optional.
https_proxy: #! e.g.
no_proxy: "$(KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST),,,localhost,.svc,.cluster.local" #! do not proxy Kubernetes endpoints
#@ https_proxy_desc = "Set the standard golang HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables on the Supervisor containers. \
#@ These will be used when the Supervisor makes backend-to-backend calls to upstream identity providers using HTTPS, \
#@ e.g. when the Supervisor fetches discovery documents, JWKS keys, and tokens from an upstream OIDC Provider. \
#@ The Supervisor never makes insecure HTTP calls, so there is no reason to set HTTP_PROXY. \
#@ Optional."
#@schema/desc https_proxy_desc
#@schema/desc "do not proxy Kubernetes endpoints"
no_proxy: "$(KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST),,,localhost,.svc,.cluster.local"
#! Control the HTTP and HTTPS listeners of the Supervisor.
@ -118,16 +156,22 @@ no_proxy: "$(KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST),,,localhost,.svc,.
#! Changing the HTTPS port number must be accompanied by matching changes to the service and deployment
#! manifests. Changes to the HTTPS listener must be coordinated with the deployment health checks.
#! Optional.
#@schema/desc "Control the HTTP and HTTPS listeners of the Supervisor."
network: tcp
#! Optionally override the validation on the endpoints.http value which checks that only loopback interfaces are used.
#! When deprecated_insecure_accept_external_unencrypted_http_requests is true, the HTTP listener is allowed to bind to any
#! interface, including interfaces that are listening for traffic from outside the pod. This value is being introduced
#! to ease the transition to the new loopback interface validation for the HTTP port for any users who need more time
#! to change their ingress strategy to avoid using plain HTTP into the Supervisor pods.
#! This value is immediately deprecated upon its introduction. It will be removed in some future release, at which time
#! traffic from outside the pod will need to be sent to the HTTPS listener instead, with no simple workaround available.
#! Allowed values are true (boolean), "true" (string), false (boolean), and "false" (string). The default is false.
#! Optional.
#! deprecated_insecure_accept_external_unencrypted_http_requests_desc = "Optionally override the validation on the endpoints. \
#! http value which checks that only loopback interfaces are used. \
#! When deprecated_insecure_accept_external_unencrypted_http_requests is true, the HTTP listener is allowed to bind to any \
#! interface, including interfaces that are listening for traffic from outside the pod. This value is being introduced \
#! to ease the transition to the new loopback interface validation for the HTTP port for any users who need more time \
#! to change their ingress strategy to avoid using plain HTTP into the Supervisor pods. \
#! This value is immediately deprecated upon its introduction. It will be removed in some future release, at which time \
#! traffic from outside the pod will need to be sent to the HTTPS listener instead, with no simple workaround available. \
#! Allowed values are true (boolean), "true" (string), false (boolean), and "false" (string). The default is false. \
#! Optional."
#@schema/desc https_proxy_desc
deprecated_insecure_accept_external_unencrypted_http_requests: false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# package_repository/packages/{pkg}/ contains specific SHAs of images
# we are using 0.0.0- to indicate dev versions of images
# installation artifacts will be generated here
# images.yml files contain specific SHAs of images
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Deployment via Carvel Packages
The Carvel Package deployment method can be exercised via the following invocation:
--clean \
--alternate-deploy ./hack/ \
--post-install ./hack/
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Pinniped Concierge Deployment
See [the how-to guide for details](
The Carvel Package deployment method can be exercised via the following invocation:
--clean \
--alternate-deploy ./hack/ \
--post-install ./hack/
## In this directory:
- `vendir` is used to copy the <root>/deploy/concierge ytt files to <root>/deploy_carvel/concierge/config.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
kind: Config
minimumRequiredVersion: 0.31.0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
kind: PackageMetadata
displayName: "Pinniped Concierge"
longDescription: "Pinniped concierge enables consistent login across Kubernetes clusters on public cloud providers such as AKS, EKS and GKE"
shortDescription: "Pinniped concierge enables consistent login across public clouds"
- auth
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#@ load("@ytt:data", "data") # for reading data values (generated via ytt's data-values-schema-inspect mode).
#@ load("@ytt:yaml", "yaml") # for dynamically decoding the output of ytt's data-values-schema-inspect
kind: Package
name: #@ "" + data.values.version
version: #@ data.values.version
releaseNotes: |
Initial release of the pinniped concierge package, TODO: AUTOMATE THIS??
openAPIv3: #@ yaml.decode(data.values.openapi)["components"]["schemas"]["dataValues"]
- imgpkgBundle:
image: #@ data.values.repo_host + ":" + data.values.version
- ytt:
- "config/"
- kbld:
- ".imgpkg/images.yml"
- "-"
- kapp: {}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
openapi: 3.0.0
version: 0.1.0
title: Schema for data values, generated by ytt
paths: {}
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: string
description: Name of pinniped-concierge.
default: pinniped-concierge
type: string
description: Creates a new namespace statically in yaml with the given name and installs the app into that namespace.
default: pinniped-concierge
type: string
nullable: true
description: If specified, assumes that a namespace of the given name already exists and installs the app into that namespace. If both `namespace` and `into_namespace` are specified, then only `into_namespace` is used.
default: null
nullable: true
description: 'All resources created statically by yaml at install-time and all resources created dynamically by controllers at runtime will be labelled with `app: $app_name` and also with the labels specified here. The value of `custom_labels` must be a map of string keys to string values. The app can be uninstalled either by: 1. Deleting the static install-time yaml resources including the static namespace, which will cascade and also delete resources that were dynamically created by controllers at runtime 2. Or, deleting all resources by label, which does not assume that there was a static install-time yaml namespace.'
default: {}
type: integer
description: Specify how many replicas of the Pinniped server to run.
default: 2
type: string
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
type: string
nullable: true
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
default: null
type: string
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
default: latest
type: string
nullable: true
description: Optionally specify a different image for the 'kube-cert-agent' pod which is scheduled on the control plane. This image needs only to include `sleep` and `cat` binaries. By default, the same image specified for image_repo/image_digest/image_tag will be re-used.
default: null
type: string
nullable: true
description: 'Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image. Can be used when the above image_repo is a private registry. Typically the value would be the output of: kubectl create secret docker-registry x --docker-server= --docker-username=''USERNAME'' --docker-password=''PASSWORD'' --dry-run=client -o json | jq -r ''.data[''.dockerconfigjson'']'' Optional.'
default: null
type: string
nullable: true
description: Pinniped will try to guess the right K8s API URL for sharing that information with potential clients. This setting allows the guess to be overridden.
default: null
type: integer
description: Specify the duration and renewal interval for the API serving certificate. The defaults are set to expire the cert about every 30 days, and to rotate it about every 25 days.
default: 2592000
type: integer
description: Specify the duration and renewal interval for the API serving certificate. The defaults are set to expire the cert about every 30 days, and to rotate it about every 25 days.
default: 2160000
type: string
nullable: true
description: default, when this value is left unset, only warnings and errors are printed. There is no way to suppress warning and error logs.
default: null
type: string
nullable: true
description: 'Specify the format of logging: json (for machine parsable logs) and text (for legacy klog formatted logs). By default, when this value is left unset, logs are formatted in json. This configuration is deprecated and will be removed in a future release at which point logs will always be formatted as json.'
default: null
type: integer
description: run_as_user specifies the user ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
default: 65532
type: integer
description: run_as_group specifies the group ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
default: 65532
type: string
description: Specify the API group suffix for all Pinniped API groups. By default, this is set to, so Pinniped API groups will look like,, etc. As an example, if this is set to, then Pinniped API groups will look like, etc.
type: object
additionalProperties: false
description: Customize CredentialIssuer.spec.impersonationProxy to change how the concierge handles impersonation.
type: string
description: If enabled, the impersonation proxy will always run regardless of other strategies available.
default: auto
type: string
nullable: true
description: The endpoint which the client should use to connect to the impersonation proxy. If left unset, the client will default to connecting based on the ClusterIP or LoadBalancer endpoint.
default: null
type: object
additionalProperties: false
description: The impersonation proxy service configuration
type: string
nullable: true
description: Options are 'LoadBalancer', 'ClusterIP' and 'None'.
default: null
type: object
additionalProperties: false
nullable: true
description: The annotations that should be set on the ClusterIP or LoadBalancer Service.
type: string
default: "4000"
type: string
nullable: true
description: When mode LoadBalancer is set, this will set the LoadBalancer Service's Spec.LoadBalancerIP.
default: null
type: string
nullable: true
description: Set the standard golang HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables on the Supervisor containers. These will be used when the Supervisor makes backend-to-backend calls to upstream identity providers using HTTPS, e.g. when the Supervisor fetches discovery documents, JWKS keys, and tokens from an upstream OIDC Provider. The Supervisor never makes insecure HTTP calls, so there is no reason to set HTTP_PROXY. Optional.
default: null
type: string
description: do not proxy Kubernetes endpoints
default: $(KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST),,,localhost,.svc,.cluster.local
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
openapi: 3.0.0
version: 0.1.0
title: Schema for data values, generated by ytt
paths: {}
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: string
description: Name of pinniped-concierge.
default: pinniped-concierge
type: string
description: Creates a new namespace statically in yaml with the given name and installs the app into that namespace.
default: pinniped-concierge
type: string
nullable: true
description: If specified, assumes that a namespace of the given name already exists and installs the app into that namespace. If both `namespace` and `into_namespace` are specified, then only `into_namespace` is used.
default: null
nullable: true
description: 'All resources created statically by yaml at install-time and all resources created dynamically by controllers at runtime will be labelled with `app: $app_name` and also with the labels specified here. The value of `custom_labels` must be a map of string keys to string values. The app can be uninstalled either by: 1. Deleting the static install-time yaml resources including the static namespace, which will cascade and also delete resources that were dynamically created by controllers at runtime 2. Or, deleting all resources by label, which does not assume that there was a static install-time yaml namespace.'
default: null
type: integer
description: Specify how many replicas of the Pinniped server to run.
default: 2
type: string
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
type: string
nullable: true
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
default: null
type: string
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
default: latest
type: string
nullable: true
description: Optionally specify a different image for the 'kube-cert-agent' pod which is scheduled on the control plane. This image needs only to include `sleep` and `cat` binaries. By default, the same image specified for image_repo/image_digest/image_tag will be re-used.
default: null
type: object
additionalProperties: false
nullable: true
description: 'Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image. Can be used when the above image_repo is a private registry. Typically the value would be the output of: kubectl create secret docker-registry x --docker-server= --docker-username=''USERNAME'' --docker-password=''PASSWORD'' --dry-run=client -o json | jq -r ''.data[''.dockerconfigjson'']'' Optional.'
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: string
default: USERNAME
type: string
default: PASSWORD
type: string
type: string
nullable: true
description: Pinniped will try to guess the right K8s API URL for sharing that information with potential clients. This setting allows the guess to be overridden.
default: null
type: integer
description: Specify the duration and renewal interval for the API serving certificate. The defaults are set to expire the cert about every 30 days, and to rotate it about every 25 days.
default: 2592000
type: integer
description: Specify the duration and renewal interval for the API serving certificate. The defaults are set to expire the cert about every 30 days, and to rotate it about every 25 days.
default: 2160000
type: string
nullable: true
description: default, when this value is left unset, only warnings and errors are printed. There is no way to suppress warning and error logs.
default: null
type: string
nullable: true
description: 'Specify the format of logging: json (for machine parsable logs) and text (for legacy klog formatted logs). By default, when this value is left unset, logs are formatted in json. This configuration is deprecated and will be removed in a future release at which point logs will always be formatted as json.'
default: null
type: integer
description: run_as_user specifies the user ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
default: 65532
type: integer
description: run_as_group specifies the group ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
default: 65532
type: string
description: Specify the API group suffix for all Pinniped API groups. By default, this is set to, so Pinniped API groups will look like,, etc. As an example, if this is set to, then Pinniped API groups will look like, etc.
type: object
additionalProperties: false
description: Customize CredentialIssuer.spec.impersonationProxy to change how the concierge handles impersonation.
type: string
description: If enabled, the impersonation proxy will always run regardless of other strategies available.
default: auto
type: string
nullable: true
description: The endpoint which the client should use to connect to the impersonation proxy. If left unset, the client will default to connecting based on the ClusterIP or LoadBalancer endpoint.
default: null
type: object
additionalProperties: false
description: The impersonation proxy service configuration
type: string
nullable: true
description: Options are 'LoadBalancer', 'ClusterIP' and 'None'.
default: null
type: object
additionalProperties: false
nullable: true
description: The annotations that should be set on the ClusterIP or LoadBalancer Service.
type: string
default: "4000"
type: string
nullable: true
description: When mode LoadBalancer is set, this will set the LoadBalancer Service's Spec.LoadBalancerIP.
default: null
type: string
nullable: true
description: Set the standard golang HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables on the Supervisor containers. These will be used when the Supervisor makes backend-to-backend calls to upstream identity providers using HTTPS, e.g. when the Supervisor fetches discovery documents, JWKS keys, and tokens from an upstream OIDC Provider. The Supervisor never makes insecure HTTP calls, so there is no reason to set HTTP_PROXY. Optional.
default: null
type: string
description: do not proxy Kubernetes endpoints
default: $(KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST),,,localhost,.svc,.cluster.local
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- contents:
- directory: {}
path: .
path: config
kind: LockConfig
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
kind: Config
- path: config
- path: .
path: ../../deploy/concierge
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
kind: PackageInstall
# name, does not have to be versioned, versionSelection.constraints below will handle
name: "local-user-authenticator-package-install"
namespace: "local-user-authenticator-install-ns"
serviceAccountName: "pinniped-package-rbac-local-user-authenticator-sa-superadmin-dangerous"
refName: ""
constraints: "0.0.0-7E26B8EF-A4D6-4020-83E8-EAF8F3D1533F"
- secretRef:
name: "local-user-authenticator-package-install-secret"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: "local-user-authenticator-package-install-secret"
namespace: "local-user-authenticator-install-ns"
values.yml: |
image_repo: kind-registry.local:5000/test/build
image_tag: 0.0.0-7E26B8EF-A4D6-4020-83E8-EAF8F3D1533F
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: "concierge-install-ns"
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: "pinniped-package-rbac-concierge-sa-superadmin-dangerous"
namespace: "concierge-install-ns"
kind: ClusterRole
name: "pinniped-package-rbac-concierge-role-superadmin-dangerous"
namespace: "concierge-install-ns"
- apiGroups: ["*"]
resources: ["*"]
verbs: ["*"]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: "pinniped-package-rbac-concierge-role-binding-superadmin-dangerous"
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: "pinniped-package-rbac-concierge-sa-superadmin-dangerous"
namespace: "concierge-install-ns"
kind: ClusterRole
name: "pinniped-package-rbac-concierge-role-superadmin-dangerous"
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: "local-user-authenticator-install-ns"
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: "pinniped-package-rbac-local-user-authenticator-sa-superadmin-dangerous"
namespace: "local-user-authenticator-install-ns"
kind: ClusterRole
name: "pinniped-package-rbac-local-user-authenticator-role-superadmin-dangerous"
namespace: "local-user-authenticator-install-ns"
- apiGroups: ["*"]
resources: ["*"]
verbs: ["*"]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: "pinniped-package-rbac-local-user-authenticator-role-binding-superadmin-dangerous"
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: "pinniped-package-rbac-local-user-authenticator-sa-superadmin-dangerous"
namespace: "local-user-authenticator-install-ns"
kind: ClusterRole
name: "pinniped-package-rbac-local-user-authenticator-role-superadmin-dangerous"
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: "supervisor-install-ns"
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: "pinniped-package-rbac-supervisor-sa-superadmin-dangerous"
namespace: "supervisor-install-ns"
kind: ClusterRole
name: "pinniped-package-rbac-supervisor-role-superadmin-dangerous"
namespace: "supervisor-install-ns"
- apiGroups: ["*"]
resources: ["*"]
verbs: ["*"]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: "pinniped-package-rbac-supervisor-role-binding-superadmin-dangerous"
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: "pinniped-package-rbac-supervisor-sa-superadmin-dangerous"
namespace: "supervisor-install-ns"
kind: ClusterRole
name: "pinniped-package-rbac-supervisor-role-superadmin-dangerous"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# local-user-authenticator
The local-user-authenticator is a component used for testing Pinniped and is not a production component.
See [Application main functions]( for a brief description.
The Carvel Package deployment method can be exercised via the following invocation:
--clean \
--alternate-deploy ./hack/ \
--post-install ./hack/
## In this directory:
- `vendir` is used to copy the <root>/deploy/local-user-authenticator ytt files to <root>/deploy_carvel/local-user-authenticator/config.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
kind: Config
minimumRequiredVersion: 0.31.0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
kind: PackageMetadata
displayName: "local-user-authenticator"
longDescription: "The local-user-authenticator app is an identity provider used for integration testing and demos. Note that this is not recommended for
production use."
shortDescription: "The local-user-authenticator app is an identity provider used for integration testing and demos."
- auth
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#@ load("@ytt:data", "data") # for reading data values (generated via ytt's data-values-schema-inspect mode).
#@ load("@ytt:yaml", "yaml") # for dynamically decoding the output of ytt's data-values-schema-inspect
kind: Package
name: #@ "" + data.values.version
version: #@ data.values.version
releaseNotes: |
Initial release of the local-user-authenticator package, TODO: AUTOMATE THIS??
openAPIv3: #@ yaml.decode(data.values.openapi)["components"]["schemas"]["dataValues"]
- imgpkgBundle:
image: #@ data.values.repo_host + ":" + data.values.version
- ytt:
- "config/"
- kbld:
- ".imgpkg/images.yml"
- "-"
- kapp: {}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
openapi: 3.0.0
version: 0.1.0
title: Schema for data values, generated by ytt
paths: {}
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: string
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
type: string
nullable: true
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
default: null
type: string
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
default: latest
type: object
additionalProperties: false
nullable: true
description: 'Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image. Can be used when the above image_repo is a private registry. Typically the value would be the output of: kubectl create secret docker-registry x --docker-server= --docker-username=''USERNAME'' --docker-password=''PASSWORD'' --dry-run=client -o json | jq -r ''.data[''.dockerconfigjson'']'' Optional.'
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: string
default: USERNAME
type: string
default: PASSWORD
type: string
type: integer
description: run_as_user specifies the user ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
default: 65532
type: integer
description: run_as_group specifies the group ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
default: 65532
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
openapi: 3.0.0
version: 0.1.0
title: Schema for data values, generated by ytt
paths: {}
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: string
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
type: string
nullable: true
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
default: null
type: string
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
default: latest
type: object
additionalProperties: false
nullable: true
description: 'Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image. Can be used when the above image_repo is a private registry. Typically the value would be the output of: kubectl create secret docker-registry x --docker-server= --docker-username=''USERNAME'' --docker-password=''PASSWORD'' --dry-run=client -o json | jq -r ''.data[''.dockerconfigjson'']'' Optional.'
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: string
default: USERNAME
type: string
default: PASSWORD
type: string
type: integer
description: run_as_user specifies the user ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
default: 65532
type: integer
description: run_as_group specifies the group ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
default: 65532
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- contents:
- directory: {}
path: .
path: config
kind: LockConfig
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
kind: Config
- path: config
- path: .
path: ../../deploy/local-user-authenticator
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
kind: PackageMetadata
displayName: "Pinniped Concierge"
longDescription: "Pinniped concierge enables consistent login across Kubernetes clusters on public cloud providers such as AKS, EKS and GKE"
shortDescription: "Pinniped concierge enables consistent login across public clouds"
- auth
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
kind: PackageMetadata
displayName: "local-user-authenticator"
longDescription: "The local-user-authenticator app is an identity provider used for integration testing and demos. Note that this is not recommended for
production use."
shortDescription: "The local-user-authenticator app is an identity provider used for integration testing and demos."
- auth
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
kind: PackageMetadata
displayName: "Pinniped Supervisor"
longDescription: "Pinniped supervisor allows seamless login across one or many Kubernetes clusters including AKS, EKS and GKE"
shortDescription: "Pinniped supervisor provides login capabilities"
- auth
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Pinniped Supervisor Deployment
See [the how-to guide for details](
The Carvel Package deployment method can be exercised via the following invocation:
--clean \
--alternate-deploy ./hack/ \
--post-install ./hack/
## In this directory:
- `vendir` is used to copy the <root>/deploy/supervisor ytt files to <root>/deploy_carvel/supervisor/config.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
kind: Config
minimumRequiredVersion: 0.31.0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
kind: PackageMetadata
displayName: "Pinniped Supervisor"
longDescription: "Pinniped supervisor allows seamless login across one or many Kubernetes clusters including AKS, EKS and GKE"
shortDescription: "Pinniped supervisor provides login capabilities"
- auth
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#@ load("@ytt:data", "data") # for reading data values (generated via ytt's data-values-schema-inspect mode).
#@ load("@ytt:yaml", "yaml") # for dynamically decoding the output of ytt's data-values-schema-inspect
kind: Package
name: #@ "" + data.values.version
version: #@ data.values.version
releaseNotes: |
Initial release of the pinniped supervisor package, TODO: AUTOMATE THIS??
openAPIv3: #@ yaml.decode(data.values.openapi)["components"]["schemas"]["dataValues"]
- imgpkgBundle:
image: #@ data.values.repo_host + ":" + data.values.version
- ytt:
- "config/"
- kbld:
- ".imgpkg/images.yml"
- "-"
- kapp: {}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
openapi: 3.0.0
version: 0.1.0
title: Schema for data values, generated by ytt
paths: {}
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: string
description: Name of pinniped-supervisor.
default: pinniped-supervisor
type: string
description: Creates a new namespace statically in yaml with the given name and installs the app into that namespace.
default: pinniped-supervisor
type: string
nullable: true
description: If specified, assumes that a namespace of the given name already exists and installs the app into that namespace. If both `namespace` and `into_namespace` are specified, then only `into_namespace` is used.
default: null
nullable: true
description: 'All resources created statically by yaml at install-time and all resources created dynamically by controllers at runtime will be labelled with `app: $app_name` and also with the labels specified here. The value of `custom_labels` must be a map of string keys to string values. The app can be uninstalled either by: 1. Deleting the static install-time yaml resources including the static namespace, which will cascade and also delete resources that were dynamically created by controllers at runtime 2. Or, deleting all resources by label, which does not assume that there was a static install-time yaml namespace.'
default: {}
type: integer
description: Specify how many replicas of the Pinniped server to run.
default: 2
type: string
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
type: string
nullable: true
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
default: null
type: string
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
default: latest
type: string
nullable: true
description: 'Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image. Can be used when the above image_repo is a private registry. Typically the value would be the output of: kubectl create secret docker-registry x --docker-server= --docker-username=''USERNAME'' --docker-password=''PASSWORD'' --dry-run=client -o json | jq -r ''.data[''.dockerconfigjson'']'' Optional.'
default: null
type: integer
nullable: true
description: will be removed in a future release; when specified, creates a NodePort Service with this `port` value, with port 8080 as its `targetPort`
default: null
type: integer
nullable: true
description: will be removed in a future release; the `nodePort` value of the NodePort Service, optional when `deprecated_service_http_nodeport_port` is specified
default: null
type: integer
nullable: true
description: will be removed in a future release; when specified, creates a LoadBalancer Service with this `port` value, with port 8080 as its `targetPort`
default: null
type: integer
nullable: true
description: '#! will be removed in a future release; when specified, creates a ClusterIP Service with this `port` value, with port 8080 as its `targetPort`'
default: null
type: integer
nullable: true
description: '#! when specified, creates a NodePort Service with this `port` value, with port 8443 as its `targetPort`'
default: null
type: integer
nullable: true
description: '#! the `nodePort` value of the NodePort Service, optional when `service_https_nodeport_port` is specified'
default: null
type: integer
nullable: true
description: '#! when specified, creates a LoadBalancer Service with this `port` value, with port 8443 as its `targetPort`'
default: null
type: integer
nullable: true
description: '#! when specified, creates a ClusterIP Service with this `port` value, with port 8443 as its `targetPort`'
default: null
type: string
nullable: true
description: The `loadBalancerIP` value of the LoadBalancer Service. Ignored unless service_https_loadbalancer_port is provided.
default: null
type: string
nullable: true
description: default, when this value is left unset, only warnings and errors are printed. There is no way to suppress warning and error logs.
default: null
type: string
nullable: true
description: 'Specify the format of logging: json (for machine parsable logs) and text (for legacy klog formatted logs). By default, when this value is left unset, logs are formatted in json. This configuration is deprecated and will be removed in a future release at which point logs will always be formatted as json.'
default: null
type: integer
description: run_as_user specifies the user ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
default: 65532
type: integer
description: run_as_group specifies the group ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
default: 65532
type: string
description: Specify the API group suffix for all Pinniped API groups. By default, this is set to, so Pinniped API groups will look like,, etc. As an example, if this is set to, then Pinniped API groups will look like, etc.
type: string
nullable: true
description: Set the standard golang HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables on the Supervisor containers. These will be used when the Supervisor makes backend-to-backend calls to upstream identity providers using HTTPS, e.g. when the Supervisor fetches discovery documents, JWKS keys, and tokens from an upstream OIDC Provider. The Supervisor never makes insecure HTTP calls, so there is no reason to set HTTP_PROXY. Optional.
default: null
type: string
description: do not proxy Kubernetes endpoints
default: $(KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST),,,localhost,.svc,.cluster.local
type: object
additionalProperties: false
nullable: true
description: Control the HTTP and HTTPS listeners of the Supervisor.
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: string
default: tcp
type: string
type: boolean
description: Set the standard golang HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables on the Supervisor containers. These will be used when the Supervisor makes backend-to-backend calls to upstream identity providers using HTTPS, e.g. when the Supervisor fetches discovery documents, JWKS keys, and tokens from an upstream OIDC Provider. The Supervisor never makes insecure HTTP calls, so there is no reason to set HTTP_PROXY. Optional.
default: false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
openapi: 3.0.0
version: 0.1.0
title: Schema for data values, generated by ytt
paths: {}
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: string
description: Name of pinniped-supervisor.
default: pinniped-supervisor
type: string
description: Creates a new namespace statically in yaml with the given name and installs the app into that namespace.
default: pinniped-supervisor
type: string
nullable: true
description: If specified, assumes that a namespace of the given name already exists and installs the app into that namespace. If both `namespace` and `into_namespace` are specified, then only `into_namespace` is used.
default: null
nullable: true
description: 'All resources created statically by yaml at install-time and all resources created dynamically by controllers at runtime will be labelled with `app: $app_name` and also with the labels specified here. The value of `custom_labels` must be a map of string keys to string values. The app can be uninstalled either by: 1. Deleting the static install-time yaml resources including the static namespace, which will cascade and also delete resources that were dynamically created by controllers at runtime 2. Or, deleting all resources by label, which does not assume that there was a static install-time yaml namespace.'
default: null
type: integer
description: Specify how many replicas of the Pinniped server to run.
default: 2
type: string
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
type: string
nullable: true
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
default: null
type: string
description: Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
default: latest
type: object
additionalProperties: false
nullable: true
description: 'Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image. Can be used when the above image_repo is a private registry. Typically the value would be the output of: kubectl create secret docker-registry x --docker-server= --docker-username=''USERNAME'' --docker-password=''PASSWORD'' --dry-run=client -o json | jq -r ''.data[''.dockerconfigjson'']'' Optional.'
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: string
default: USERNAME
type: string
default: PASSWORD
type: string
type: integer
nullable: true
description: will be removed in a future release; when specified, creates a NodePort Service with this `port` value, with port 8080 as its `targetPort`
default: null
type: integer
nullable: true
description: will be removed in a future release; the `nodePort` value of the NodePort Service, optional when `deprecated_service_http_nodeport_port` is specified
default: null
type: integer
nullable: true
description: will be removed in a future release; when specified, creates a LoadBalancer Service with this `port` value, with port 8080 as its `targetPort`
default: null
type: integer
nullable: true
description: '#! will be removed in a future release; when specified, creates a ClusterIP Service with this `port` value, with port 8080 as its `targetPort`'
default: null
type: integer
nullable: true
description: '#! when specified, creates a NodePort Service with this `port` value, with port 8443 as its `targetPort`'
default: null
type: integer
nullable: true
description: '#! the `nodePort` value of the NodePort Service, optional when `service_https_nodeport_port` is specified'
default: null
type: integer
nullable: true
description: '#! when specified, creates a LoadBalancer Service with this `port` value, with port 8443 as its `targetPort`'
default: null
type: integer
nullable: true
description: '#! when specified, creates a ClusterIP Service with this `port` value, with port 8443 as its `targetPort`'
default: null
type: string
nullable: true
description: The `loadBalancerIP` value of the LoadBalancer Service. Ignored unless service_https_loadbalancer_port is provided.
default: null
type: string
nullable: true
description: default, when this value is left unset, only warnings and errors are printed. There is no way to suppress warning and error logs.
default: null
type: string
nullable: true
description: 'Specify the format of logging: json (for machine parsable logs) and text (for legacy klog formatted logs). By default, when this value is left unset, logs are formatted in json. This configuration is deprecated and will be removed in a future release at which point logs will always be formatted as json.'
default: null
type: integer
description: run_as_user specifies the user ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
default: 65532
type: integer
description: run_as_group specifies the group ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice
default: 65532
type: string
description: Specify the API group suffix for all Pinniped API groups. By default, this is set to, so Pinniped API groups will look like,, etc. As an example, if this is set to, then Pinniped API groups will look like, etc.
type: string
nullable: true
description: Set the standard golang HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables on the Supervisor containers. These will be used when the Supervisor makes backend-to-backend calls to upstream identity providers using HTTPS, e.g. when the Supervisor fetches discovery documents, JWKS keys, and tokens from an upstream OIDC Provider. The Supervisor never makes insecure HTTP calls, so there is no reason to set HTTP_PROXY. Optional.
default: null
type: string
description: do not proxy Kubernetes endpoints
default: $(KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST),,,localhost,.svc,.cluster.local
type: object
additionalProperties: false
nullable: true
description: Control the HTTP and HTTPS listeners of the Supervisor.
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: string
default: tcp
type: string
type: boolean
description: Set the standard golang HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables on the Supervisor containers. These will be used when the Supervisor makes backend-to-backend calls to upstream identity providers using HTTPS, e.g. when the Supervisor fetches discovery documents, JWKS keys, and tokens from an upstream OIDC Provider. The Supervisor never makes insecure HTTP calls, so there is no reason to set HTTP_PROXY. Optional.
default: false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- contents:
- directory: {}
path: .
path: config
kind: LockConfig
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
kind: Config
- path: config
- path: .
path: ../../deploy/supervisor
@ -480,9 +480,8 @@ ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec describes how the Concierge should provision a Ser
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy. +
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy.
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`loadBalancerIP`* __string__ | LoadBalancerIP specifies the IP address to set in the spec.loadBalancerIP field of the provisioned Service. This is not supported on all cloud providers.
| *`annotations`* __object (keys:string, values:string)__ | Annotations specifies zero or more key/value pairs to set as annotations on the provisioned Service.
@ -515,12 +514,10 @@ ImpersonationProxySpec describes the intended configuration of the Concierge imp
| Field | Description
| *`mode`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxymode[$$ImpersonationProxyMode$$]__ | Mode configures whether the impersonation proxy should be started: - "disabled" explicitly disables the impersonation proxy. This is the default. - "enabled" explicitly enables the impersonation proxy. - "auto" enables or disables the impersonation proxy based upon the cluster in which it is running.
| *`service`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicespec[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec$$]__ | Service describes the configuration of the Service provisioned to expose the impersonation proxy to clients.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name. +
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS. +
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name.
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS.
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
@ -686,15 +683,12 @@ FederationDomainSpec is a struct that describes an OIDC Provider.
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like +
See for more information.
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like
See for more information.
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintlsspec[$$FederationDomainTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS specifies a secret which will contain Transport Layer Security (TLS) configuration for the FederationDomain.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain. +
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider. +
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain.
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider.
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
@ -730,15 +724,11 @@ FederationDomainTLSSpec is a struct that describes the TLS configuration for an
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS. +
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers. +
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers. +
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere. +
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS.
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers.
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers.
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere.
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
@ -756,13 +746,10 @@ FederationDomainTransforms defines identity transformations for an identity prov
| Field | Description
| *`constants`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsconstant[$$FederationDomainTransformsConstant$$] array__ | Constants defines constant variables and their values which will be made available to the transform expressions.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in +
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants. +
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression. +
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants.
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression.
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`examples`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexample[$$FederationDomainTransformsExample$$] array__ | Examples can optionally be used to ensure that the sequence of transformation expressions are working as expected. Examples define sample input identities which are then run through the expression list, and the results are compared to the expected results. If any example in this list fails, then this identity provider will not be available for use within this FederationDomain, and the error(s) will be added to the FederationDomain status. This can be used to help guard against programming mistakes in the expressions, and also act as living documentation for other administrators to better understand the expressions.
@ -905,12 +892,10 @@ OIDCClientSpec is a struct that describes an OIDCClient.
| Field | Description
| *`allowedRedirectURIs`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-redirecturi[$$RedirectURI$$] array__ | allowedRedirectURIs is a list of the allowed redirect_uri param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. Any other uris will be rejected. Must be a URI with the https scheme, unless the hostname is or ::1 which may use the http scheme. Port numbers are not required for or ::1 and are ignored when checking for a matching redirect_uri.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
@ -1236,13 +1221,10 @@ ActiveDirectoryIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Micro
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the ActiveDirectory search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. E.g. "member={}" or "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})". For more information about ActiveDirectory filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the filter were specified as "(&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={})". This searches nested groups by default. Note that nested group search can be slow for some Active Directory servers. To disable it, you can set the filter to "(&(objectClass=group)(member={})"
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-activedirectoryidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$ActiveDirectoryIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each ActiveDirectory entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -1407,13 +1389,10 @@ LDAPIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Lightweight Dire
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the LDAP search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. For more information about LDAP filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the Filter were specified as "member={}".
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-21-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$LDAPIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each LDAP entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -480,9 +480,8 @@ ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec describes how the Concierge should provision a Ser
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy. +
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy.
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`loadBalancerIP`* __string__ | LoadBalancerIP specifies the IP address to set in the spec.loadBalancerIP field of the provisioned Service. This is not supported on all cloud providers.
| *`annotations`* __object (keys:string, values:string)__ | Annotations specifies zero or more key/value pairs to set as annotations on the provisioned Service.
@ -515,12 +514,10 @@ ImpersonationProxySpec describes the intended configuration of the Concierge imp
| Field | Description
| *`mode`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxymode[$$ImpersonationProxyMode$$]__ | Mode configures whether the impersonation proxy should be started: - "disabled" explicitly disables the impersonation proxy. This is the default. - "enabled" explicitly enables the impersonation proxy. - "auto" enables or disables the impersonation proxy based upon the cluster in which it is running.
| *`service`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicespec[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec$$]__ | Service describes the configuration of the Service provisioned to expose the impersonation proxy to clients.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name. +
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS. +
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name.
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS.
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
@ -686,15 +683,12 @@ FederationDomainSpec is a struct that describes an OIDC Provider.
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like +
See for more information.
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like
See for more information.
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintlsspec[$$FederationDomainTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS specifies a secret which will contain Transport Layer Security (TLS) configuration for the FederationDomain.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain. +
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider. +
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain.
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider.
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
@ -730,15 +724,11 @@ FederationDomainTLSSpec is a struct that describes the TLS configuration for an
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS. +
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers. +
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers. +
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere. +
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS.
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers.
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers.
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere.
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
@ -756,13 +746,10 @@ FederationDomainTransforms defines identity transformations for an identity prov
| Field | Description
| *`constants`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsconstant[$$FederationDomainTransformsConstant$$] array__ | Constants defines constant variables and their values which will be made available to the transform expressions.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in +
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants. +
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression. +
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants.
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression.
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`examples`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexample[$$FederationDomainTransformsExample$$] array__ | Examples can optionally be used to ensure that the sequence of transformation expressions are working as expected. Examples define sample input identities which are then run through the expression list, and the results are compared to the expected results. If any example in this list fails, then this identity provider will not be available for use within this FederationDomain, and the error(s) will be added to the FederationDomain status. This can be used to help guard against programming mistakes in the expressions, and also act as living documentation for other administrators to better understand the expressions.
@ -905,12 +892,10 @@ OIDCClientSpec is a struct that describes an OIDCClient.
| Field | Description
| *`allowedRedirectURIs`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-redirecturi[$$RedirectURI$$] array__ | allowedRedirectURIs is a list of the allowed redirect_uri param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. Any other uris will be rejected. Must be a URI with the https scheme, unless the hostname is or ::1 which may use the http scheme. Port numbers are not required for or ::1 and are ignored when checking for a matching redirect_uri.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
@ -1236,13 +1221,10 @@ ActiveDirectoryIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Micro
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the ActiveDirectory search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. E.g. "member={}" or "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})". For more information about ActiveDirectory filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the filter were specified as "(&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={})". This searches nested groups by default. Note that nested group search can be slow for some Active Directory servers. To disable it, you can set the filter to "(&(objectClass=group)(member={})"
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-activedirectoryidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$ActiveDirectoryIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each ActiveDirectory entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -1407,13 +1389,10 @@ LDAPIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Lightweight Dire
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the LDAP search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. For more information about LDAP filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the Filter were specified as "member={}".
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-22-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$LDAPIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each LDAP entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -480,9 +480,8 @@ ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec describes how the Concierge should provision a Ser
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy. +
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy.
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`loadBalancerIP`* __string__ | LoadBalancerIP specifies the IP address to set in the spec.loadBalancerIP field of the provisioned Service. This is not supported on all cloud providers.
| *`annotations`* __object (keys:string, values:string)__ | Annotations specifies zero or more key/value pairs to set as annotations on the provisioned Service.
@ -515,12 +514,10 @@ ImpersonationProxySpec describes the intended configuration of the Concierge imp
| Field | Description
| *`mode`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxymode[$$ImpersonationProxyMode$$]__ | Mode configures whether the impersonation proxy should be started: - "disabled" explicitly disables the impersonation proxy. This is the default. - "enabled" explicitly enables the impersonation proxy. - "auto" enables or disables the impersonation proxy based upon the cluster in which it is running.
| *`service`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicespec[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec$$]__ | Service describes the configuration of the Service provisioned to expose the impersonation proxy to clients.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name. +
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS. +
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name.
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS.
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
@ -686,15 +683,12 @@ FederationDomainSpec is a struct that describes an OIDC Provider.
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like +
See for more information.
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like
See for more information.
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintlsspec[$$FederationDomainTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS specifies a secret which will contain Transport Layer Security (TLS) configuration for the FederationDomain.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain. +
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider. +
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain.
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider.
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
@ -730,15 +724,11 @@ FederationDomainTLSSpec is a struct that describes the TLS configuration for an
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS. +
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers. +
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers. +
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere. +
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS.
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers.
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers.
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere.
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
@ -756,13 +746,10 @@ FederationDomainTransforms defines identity transformations for an identity prov
| Field | Description
| *`constants`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsconstant[$$FederationDomainTransformsConstant$$] array__ | Constants defines constant variables and their values which will be made available to the transform expressions.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in +
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants. +
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression. +
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants.
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression.
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`examples`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexample[$$FederationDomainTransformsExample$$] array__ | Examples can optionally be used to ensure that the sequence of transformation expressions are working as expected. Examples define sample input identities which are then run through the expression list, and the results are compared to the expected results. If any example in this list fails, then this identity provider will not be available for use within this FederationDomain, and the error(s) will be added to the FederationDomain status. This can be used to help guard against programming mistakes in the expressions, and also act as living documentation for other administrators to better understand the expressions.
@ -905,12 +892,10 @@ OIDCClientSpec is a struct that describes an OIDCClient.
| Field | Description
| *`allowedRedirectURIs`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-redirecturi[$$RedirectURI$$] array__ | allowedRedirectURIs is a list of the allowed redirect_uri param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. Any other uris will be rejected. Must be a URI with the https scheme, unless the hostname is or ::1 which may use the http scheme. Port numbers are not required for or ::1 and are ignored when checking for a matching redirect_uri.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
@ -1236,13 +1221,10 @@ ActiveDirectoryIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Micro
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the ActiveDirectory search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. E.g. "member={}" or "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})". For more information about ActiveDirectory filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the filter were specified as "(&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={})". This searches nested groups by default. Note that nested group search can be slow for some Active Directory servers. To disable it, you can set the filter to "(&(objectClass=group)(member={})"
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-activedirectoryidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$ActiveDirectoryIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each ActiveDirectory entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -1407,13 +1389,10 @@ LDAPIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Lightweight Dire
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the LDAP search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. For more information about LDAP filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the Filter were specified as "member={}".
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-23-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$LDAPIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each LDAP entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -480,9 +480,8 @@ ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec describes how the Concierge should provision a Ser
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy. +
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy.
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`loadBalancerIP`* __string__ | LoadBalancerIP specifies the IP address to set in the spec.loadBalancerIP field of the provisioned Service. This is not supported on all cloud providers.
| *`annotations`* __object (keys:string, values:string)__ | Annotations specifies zero or more key/value pairs to set as annotations on the provisioned Service.
@ -515,12 +514,10 @@ ImpersonationProxySpec describes the intended configuration of the Concierge imp
| Field | Description
| *`mode`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxymode[$$ImpersonationProxyMode$$]__ | Mode configures whether the impersonation proxy should be started: - "disabled" explicitly disables the impersonation proxy. This is the default. - "enabled" explicitly enables the impersonation proxy. - "auto" enables or disables the impersonation proxy based upon the cluster in which it is running.
| *`service`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicespec[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec$$]__ | Service describes the configuration of the Service provisioned to expose the impersonation proxy to clients.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name. +
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS. +
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name.
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS.
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
@ -686,15 +683,12 @@ FederationDomainSpec is a struct that describes an OIDC Provider.
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like +
See for more information.
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like
See for more information.
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintlsspec[$$FederationDomainTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS specifies a secret which will contain Transport Layer Security (TLS) configuration for the FederationDomain.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain. +
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider. +
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain.
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider.
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
@ -730,15 +724,11 @@ FederationDomainTLSSpec is a struct that describes the TLS configuration for an
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS. +
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers. +
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers. +
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere. +
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS.
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers.
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers.
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere.
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
@ -756,13 +746,10 @@ FederationDomainTransforms defines identity transformations for an identity prov
| Field | Description
| *`constants`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsconstant[$$FederationDomainTransformsConstant$$] array__ | Constants defines constant variables and their values which will be made available to the transform expressions.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in +
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants. +
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression. +
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants.
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression.
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`examples`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexample[$$FederationDomainTransformsExample$$] array__ | Examples can optionally be used to ensure that the sequence of transformation expressions are working as expected. Examples define sample input identities which are then run through the expression list, and the results are compared to the expected results. If any example in this list fails, then this identity provider will not be available for use within this FederationDomain, and the error(s) will be added to the FederationDomain status. This can be used to help guard against programming mistakes in the expressions, and also act as living documentation for other administrators to better understand the expressions.
@ -905,12 +892,10 @@ OIDCClientSpec is a struct that describes an OIDCClient.
| Field | Description
| *`allowedRedirectURIs`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-redirecturi[$$RedirectURI$$] array__ | allowedRedirectURIs is a list of the allowed redirect_uri param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. Any other uris will be rejected. Must be a URI with the https scheme, unless the hostname is or ::1 which may use the http scheme. Port numbers are not required for or ::1 and are ignored when checking for a matching redirect_uri.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
@ -1236,13 +1221,10 @@ ActiveDirectoryIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Micro
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the ActiveDirectory search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. E.g. "member={}" or "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})". For more information about ActiveDirectory filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the filter were specified as "(&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={})". This searches nested groups by default. Note that nested group search can be slow for some Active Directory servers. To disable it, you can set the filter to "(&(objectClass=group)(member={})"
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-activedirectoryidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$ActiveDirectoryIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each ActiveDirectory entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -1407,13 +1389,10 @@ LDAPIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Lightweight Dire
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the LDAP search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. For more information about LDAP filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the Filter were specified as "member={}".
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-24-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$LDAPIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each LDAP entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -480,9 +480,8 @@ ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec describes how the Concierge should provision a Ser
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy. +
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy.
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`loadBalancerIP`* __string__ | LoadBalancerIP specifies the IP address to set in the spec.loadBalancerIP field of the provisioned Service. This is not supported on all cloud providers.
| *`annotations`* __object (keys:string, values:string)__ | Annotations specifies zero or more key/value pairs to set as annotations on the provisioned Service.
@ -515,12 +514,10 @@ ImpersonationProxySpec describes the intended configuration of the Concierge imp
| Field | Description
| *`mode`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxymode[$$ImpersonationProxyMode$$]__ | Mode configures whether the impersonation proxy should be started: - "disabled" explicitly disables the impersonation proxy. This is the default. - "enabled" explicitly enables the impersonation proxy. - "auto" enables or disables the impersonation proxy based upon the cluster in which it is running.
| *`service`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicespec[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec$$]__ | Service describes the configuration of the Service provisioned to expose the impersonation proxy to clients.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name. +
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS. +
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name.
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS.
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
@ -686,15 +683,12 @@ FederationDomainSpec is a struct that describes an OIDC Provider.
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like +
See for more information.
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like
See for more information.
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintlsspec[$$FederationDomainTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS specifies a secret which will contain Transport Layer Security (TLS) configuration for the FederationDomain.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain. +
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider. +
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain.
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider.
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
@ -730,15 +724,11 @@ FederationDomainTLSSpec is a struct that describes the TLS configuration for an
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS. +
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers. +
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers. +
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere. +
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS.
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers.
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers.
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere.
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
@ -756,13 +746,10 @@ FederationDomainTransforms defines identity transformations for an identity prov
| Field | Description
| *`constants`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsconstant[$$FederationDomainTransformsConstant$$] array__ | Constants defines constant variables and their values which will be made available to the transform expressions.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in +
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants. +
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression. +
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants.
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression.
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`examples`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexample[$$FederationDomainTransformsExample$$] array__ | Examples can optionally be used to ensure that the sequence of transformation expressions are working as expected. Examples define sample input identities which are then run through the expression list, and the results are compared to the expected results. If any example in this list fails, then this identity provider will not be available for use within this FederationDomain, and the error(s) will be added to the FederationDomain status. This can be used to help guard against programming mistakes in the expressions, and also act as living documentation for other administrators to better understand the expressions.
@ -905,12 +892,10 @@ OIDCClientSpec is a struct that describes an OIDCClient.
| Field | Description
| *`allowedRedirectURIs`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-redirecturi[$$RedirectURI$$] array__ | allowedRedirectURIs is a list of the allowed redirect_uri param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. Any other uris will be rejected. Must be a URI with the https scheme, unless the hostname is or ::1 which may use the http scheme. Port numbers are not required for or ::1 and are ignored when checking for a matching redirect_uri.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
@ -1236,13 +1221,10 @@ ActiveDirectoryIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Micro
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the ActiveDirectory search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. E.g. "member={}" or "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})". For more information about ActiveDirectory filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the filter were specified as "(&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={})". This searches nested groups by default. Note that nested group search can be slow for some Active Directory servers. To disable it, you can set the filter to "(&(objectClass=group)(member={})"
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-activedirectoryidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$ActiveDirectoryIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each ActiveDirectory entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -1407,13 +1389,10 @@ LDAPIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Lightweight Dire
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the LDAP search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. For more information about LDAP filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the Filter were specified as "member={}".
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-25-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$LDAPIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each LDAP entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -480,9 +480,8 @@ ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec describes how the Concierge should provision a Ser
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy. +
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy.
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`loadBalancerIP`* __string__ | LoadBalancerIP specifies the IP address to set in the spec.loadBalancerIP field of the provisioned Service. This is not supported on all cloud providers.
| *`annotations`* __object (keys:string, values:string)__ | Annotations specifies zero or more key/value pairs to set as annotations on the provisioned Service.
@ -515,12 +514,10 @@ ImpersonationProxySpec describes the intended configuration of the Concierge imp
| Field | Description
| *`mode`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxymode[$$ImpersonationProxyMode$$]__ | Mode configures whether the impersonation proxy should be started: - "disabled" explicitly disables the impersonation proxy. This is the default. - "enabled" explicitly enables the impersonation proxy. - "auto" enables or disables the impersonation proxy based upon the cluster in which it is running.
| *`service`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicespec[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec$$]__ | Service describes the configuration of the Service provisioned to expose the impersonation proxy to clients.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name. +
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS. +
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name.
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS.
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
@ -686,15 +683,12 @@ FederationDomainSpec is a struct that describes an OIDC Provider.
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like +
See for more information.
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like
See for more information.
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintlsspec[$$FederationDomainTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS specifies a secret which will contain Transport Layer Security (TLS) configuration for the FederationDomain.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain. +
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider. +
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain.
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider.
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
@ -730,15 +724,11 @@ FederationDomainTLSSpec is a struct that describes the TLS configuration for an
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS. +
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers. +
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers. +
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere. +
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS.
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers.
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers.
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere.
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
@ -756,13 +746,10 @@ FederationDomainTransforms defines identity transformations for an identity prov
| Field | Description
| *`constants`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsconstant[$$FederationDomainTransformsConstant$$] array__ | Constants defines constant variables and their values which will be made available to the transform expressions.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in +
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants. +
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression. +
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants.
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression.
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`examples`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexample[$$FederationDomainTransformsExample$$] array__ | Examples can optionally be used to ensure that the sequence of transformation expressions are working as expected. Examples define sample input identities which are then run through the expression list, and the results are compared to the expected results. If any example in this list fails, then this identity provider will not be available for use within this FederationDomain, and the error(s) will be added to the FederationDomain status. This can be used to help guard against programming mistakes in the expressions, and also act as living documentation for other administrators to better understand the expressions.
@ -905,12 +892,10 @@ OIDCClientSpec is a struct that describes an OIDCClient.
| Field | Description
| *`allowedRedirectURIs`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-redirecturi[$$RedirectURI$$] array__ | allowedRedirectURIs is a list of the allowed redirect_uri param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. Any other uris will be rejected. Must be a URI with the https scheme, unless the hostname is or ::1 which may use the http scheme. Port numbers are not required for or ::1 and are ignored when checking for a matching redirect_uri.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
@ -1236,13 +1221,10 @@ ActiveDirectoryIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Micro
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the ActiveDirectory search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. E.g. "member={}" or "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})". For more information about ActiveDirectory filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the filter were specified as "(&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={})". This searches nested groups by default. Note that nested group search can be slow for some Active Directory servers. To disable it, you can set the filter to "(&(objectClass=group)(member={})"
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-activedirectoryidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$ActiveDirectoryIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each ActiveDirectory entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -1407,13 +1389,10 @@ LDAPIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Lightweight Dire
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the LDAP search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. For more information about LDAP filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the Filter were specified as "member={}".
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-26-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$LDAPIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each LDAP entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -480,9 +480,8 @@ ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec describes how the Concierge should provision a Ser
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy. +
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy.
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`loadBalancerIP`* __string__ | LoadBalancerIP specifies the IP address to set in the spec.loadBalancerIP field of the provisioned Service. This is not supported on all cloud providers.
| *`annotations`* __object (keys:string, values:string)__ | Annotations specifies zero or more key/value pairs to set as annotations on the provisioned Service.
@ -515,12 +514,10 @@ ImpersonationProxySpec describes the intended configuration of the Concierge imp
| Field | Description
| *`mode`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxymode[$$ImpersonationProxyMode$$]__ | Mode configures whether the impersonation proxy should be started: - "disabled" explicitly disables the impersonation proxy. This is the default. - "enabled" explicitly enables the impersonation proxy. - "auto" enables or disables the impersonation proxy based upon the cluster in which it is running.
| *`service`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicespec[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec$$]__ | Service describes the configuration of the Service provisioned to expose the impersonation proxy to clients.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name. +
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS. +
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name.
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS.
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
@ -686,15 +683,12 @@ FederationDomainSpec is a struct that describes an OIDC Provider.
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like +
See for more information.
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like
See for more information.
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintlsspec[$$FederationDomainTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS specifies a secret which will contain Transport Layer Security (TLS) configuration for the FederationDomain.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain. +
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider. +
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain.
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider.
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
@ -730,15 +724,11 @@ FederationDomainTLSSpec is a struct that describes the TLS configuration for an
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS. +
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers. +
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers. +
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere. +
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS.
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers.
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers.
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere.
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
@ -756,13 +746,10 @@ FederationDomainTransforms defines identity transformations for an identity prov
| Field | Description
| *`constants`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsconstant[$$FederationDomainTransformsConstant$$] array__ | Constants defines constant variables and their values which will be made available to the transform expressions.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in +
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants. +
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression. +
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants.
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression.
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`examples`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexample[$$FederationDomainTransformsExample$$] array__ | Examples can optionally be used to ensure that the sequence of transformation expressions are working as expected. Examples define sample input identities which are then run through the expression list, and the results are compared to the expected results. If any example in this list fails, then this identity provider will not be available for use within this FederationDomain, and the error(s) will be added to the FederationDomain status. This can be used to help guard against programming mistakes in the expressions, and also act as living documentation for other administrators to better understand the expressions.
@ -905,12 +892,10 @@ OIDCClientSpec is a struct that describes an OIDCClient.
| Field | Description
| *`allowedRedirectURIs`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-redirecturi[$$RedirectURI$$] array__ | allowedRedirectURIs is a list of the allowed redirect_uri param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. Any other uris will be rejected. Must be a URI with the https scheme, unless the hostname is or ::1 which may use the http scheme. Port numbers are not required for or ::1 and are ignored when checking for a matching redirect_uri.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
@ -1236,13 +1221,10 @@ ActiveDirectoryIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Micro
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the ActiveDirectory search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. E.g. "member={}" or "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})". For more information about ActiveDirectory filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the filter were specified as "(&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={})". This searches nested groups by default. Note that nested group search can be slow for some Active Directory servers. To disable it, you can set the filter to "(&(objectClass=group)(member={})"
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-activedirectoryidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$ActiveDirectoryIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each ActiveDirectory entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -1407,13 +1389,10 @@ LDAPIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Lightweight Dire
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the LDAP search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. For more information about LDAP filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the Filter were specified as "member={}".
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-27-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$LDAPIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each LDAP entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -480,9 +480,8 @@ ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec describes how the Concierge should provision a Ser
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy. +
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`type`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicetype[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceType$$]__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy.
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`loadBalancerIP`* __string__ | LoadBalancerIP specifies the IP address to set in the spec.loadBalancerIP field of the provisioned Service. This is not supported on all cloud providers.
| *`annotations`* __object (keys:string, values:string)__ | Annotations specifies zero or more key/value pairs to set as annotations on the provisioned Service.
@ -515,12 +514,10 @@ ImpersonationProxySpec describes the intended configuration of the Concierge imp
| Field | Description
| *`mode`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxymode[$$ImpersonationProxyMode$$]__ | Mode configures whether the impersonation proxy should be started: - "disabled" explicitly disables the impersonation proxy. This is the default. - "enabled" explicitly enables the impersonation proxy. - "auto" enables or disables the impersonation proxy based upon the cluster in which it is running.
| *`service`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicespec[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec$$]__ | Service describes the configuration of the Service provisioned to expose the impersonation proxy to clients.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name. +
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS. +
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name.
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxytlsspec[$$ImpersonationProxyTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains information about how the Concierge impersonation proxy should serve TLS.
If this field is empty, the impersonation proxy will generate its own TLS certificate.
@ -686,15 +683,12 @@ FederationDomainSpec is a struct that describes an OIDC Provider.
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like +
See for more information.
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is, then your authorization endpoint will look like
See for more information.
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintlsspec[$$FederationDomainTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS specifies a secret which will contain Transport Layer Security (TLS) configuration for the FederationDomain.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain. +
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider. +
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
| *`identityProviders`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainidentityprovider[$$FederationDomainIdentityProvider$$] array__ | IdentityProviders is the list of identity providers available for use by this FederationDomain.
An identity provider CR (e.g. OIDCIdentityProvider or LDAPIdentityProvider) describes how to connect to a server, how to talk in a specific protocol for authentication, and how to use the schema of that server/protocol to extract a normalized user identity. Normalized user identities include a username and a list of group names. In contrast, IdentityProviders describes how to use that normalized identity in those Kubernetes clusters which belong to this FederationDomain. Each entry in IdentityProviders can be configured with arbitrary transformations on that normalized identity. For example, a transformation can add a prefix to all usernames to help avoid accidental conflicts when multiple identity providers have different users with the same username (e.g. "idp1:ryan" versus "idp2:ryan"). Each entry in IdentityProviders can also implement arbitrary authentication rejection policies. Even though a user was able to authenticate with the identity provider, a policy can disallow the authentication to the Kubernetes clusters that belong to this FederationDomain. For example, a policy could disallow the authentication unless the user belongs to a specific group in the identity provider.
For backwards compatibility with versions of Pinniped which predate support for multiple identity providers, an empty IdentityProviders list will cause the FederationDomain to use all available identity providers which exist in the same namespace, but also to reject all authentication requests when there is more than one identity provider currently defined. In this backwards compatibility mode, the name of the identity provider resource (e.g. the Name of an OIDCIdentityProvider resource) will be used as the name of the identity provider in this FederationDomain. This mode is provided to make upgrading from older versions easier. However, instead of relying on this backwards compatibility mode, please consider this mode to be deprecated and please instead explicitly list the identity provider using this IdentityProviders field.
@ -730,15 +724,11 @@ FederationDomainTLSSpec is a struct that describes the TLS configuration for an
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS. +
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers. +
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers. +
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere. +
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type ``, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS.
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers.
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers.
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when the HTTP listener is configured to listen on loopback interfaces or UNIX domain sockets for traffic from a service mesh sidecar). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere.
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
@ -756,13 +746,10 @@ FederationDomainTransforms defines identity transformations for an identity prov
| Field | Description
| *`constants`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsconstant[$$FederationDomainTransformsConstant$$] array__ | Constants defines constant variables and their values which will be made available to the transform expressions.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in +
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants. +
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression. +
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`expressions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexpression[$$FederationDomainTransformsExpression$$] array__ | Expressions are an optional list of transforms and policies to be executed in the order given during every authentication attempt, including during every session refresh. Each is a CEL expression. It may use the basic CEL language as defined in plus the CEL string extensions defined in
The username and groups extracted from the identity provider, and the constants defined in this CR, are available as variables in all expressions. The username is provided via a variable called `username` and the list of group names is provided via a variable called `groups` (which may be an empty list). Each user-provided constants is provided via a variable named `strConst.varName` for string constants and `strListConst.varName` for string list constants.
The only allowed types for expressions are currently policy/v1, username/v1, and groups/v1. Each policy/v1 must return a boolean, and when it returns false, no more expressions from the list are evaluated and the authentication attempt is rejected. Transformations of type policy/v1 do not return usernames or group names, and therefore cannot change the username or group names. Each username/v1 transform must return the new username (a string), which can be the same as the old username. Transformations of type username/v1 do not return group names, and therefore cannot change the group names. Each groups/v1 transform must return the new groups list (list of strings), which can be the same as the old groups list. Transformations of type groups/v1 do not return usernames, and therefore cannot change the usernames. After each expression, the new (potentially changed) username or groups get passed to the following expression.
Any compilation or static type-checking failure of any expression will cause an error status on the FederationDomain. During an authentication attempt, any unexpected runtime evaluation errors (e.g. division by zero) cause the authentication attempt to fail. When all expressions evaluate successfully, then the (potentially changed) username and group names have been decided for that authentication attempt.
| *`examples`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintransformsexample[$$FederationDomainTransformsExample$$] array__ | Examples can optionally be used to ensure that the sequence of transformation expressions are working as expected. Examples define sample input identities which are then run through the expression list, and the results are compared to the expected results. If any example in this list fails, then this identity provider will not be available for use within this FederationDomain, and the error(s) will be added to the FederationDomain status. This can be used to help guard against programming mistakes in the expressions, and also act as living documentation for other administrators to better understand the expressions.
@ -905,12 +892,10 @@ OIDCClientSpec is a struct that describes an OIDCClient.
| Field | Description
| *`allowedRedirectURIs`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-redirecturi[$$RedirectURI$$] array__ | allowedRedirectURIs is a list of the allowed redirect_uri param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. Any other uris will be rejected. Must be a URI with the https scheme, unless the hostname is or ::1 which may use the http scheme. Port numbers are not required for or ::1 and are ignored when checking for a matching redirect_uri.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client. +
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
| *`allowedGrantTypes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-granttype[$$GrantType$$] array__ | allowedGrantTypes is a list of the allowed grant_type param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - authorization_code: allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed. - refresh_token: allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access. - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange: allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
| *`allowedScopes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-scope[$$Scope$$] array__ | allowedScopes is a list of the allowed scopes param values that should be accepted during OIDC flows with this client.
Must only contain the following values: - openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed. - offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token. - pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange. - username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain the user's username. - groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token will not contain groups.
@ -1236,13 +1221,10 @@ ActiveDirectoryIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Micro
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the ActiveDirectory search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. E.g. "member={}" or "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})". For more information about ActiveDirectory filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the filter were specified as "(&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={})". This searches nested groups by default. Note that nested group search can be slow for some Active Directory servers. To disable it, you can set the filter to "(&(objectClass=group)(member={})"
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-activedirectoryidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$ActiveDirectoryIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each ActiveDirectory entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -1407,13 +1389,10 @@ LDAPIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Lightweight Dire
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the LDAP search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the value of an attribute of the user entry found as a result of the user search. Which attribute's value is used to replace the placeholder(s) depends on the value of UserAttributeForFilter. For more information about LDAP filters, see Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the Filter were specified as "member={}".
| *`userAttributeForFilter`* __string__ | UserAttributeForFilter specifies which attribute's value from the user entry found as a result of the user search will be used to replace the "{}" placeholder(s) in the group search Filter. For example, specifying "uid" as the UserAttributeForFilter while specifying "&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder in the Filter with the value of the user's "uid" attribute. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if "dn" were specified. For example, leaving UserAttributeForFilter unspecified while specifying "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})" as the Filter would search for groups by replacing the "{}" placeholder(s) with the dn (distinguished name) of the user.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-28-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$LDAPIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each LDAP entry which was found as the result of the group search.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider. +
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base. +
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login. +
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
| *`skipGroupRefresh`* __boolean__ | The user's group membership is refreshed as they interact with the supervisor to obtain new credentials (as their old credentials expire). This allows group membership changes to be quickly reflected into Kubernetes clusters. Since group membership is often used to bind authorization policies, it is important to keep the groups observed in Kubernetes clusters in-sync with the identity provider.
In some environments, frequent group membership queries may result in a significant performance impact on the identity provider and/or the supervisor. The best approach to handle performance impacts is to tweak the group query to be more performant, for example by disabling nested group search or by using a more targeted group search base.
If the group search query cannot be made performant and you are willing to have group memberships remain static for approximately a day, then set skipGroupRefresh to true. This is an insecure configuration as authorization policies that are bound to group membership will not notice if a user has been removed from a particular group until their next login.
This is an experimental feature that may be removed or significantly altered in the future. Consumers of this configuration should carefully read all release notes before upgrading to ensure that the meaning of this field has not changed.
@ -10,23 +10,23 @@ replace => v0.0.0-20230717233707-2695361
require (
|||| v2.0.1
|||| v0.0.0-20231025043423-5615e204d422
|||| v0.9.3
|||| v3.7.0
|||| v0.0.0-20231007061347-18b01cd81617
|||| v0.9.2
|||| v3.6.0
|||| v0.3.1
|||| v1.1.20
|||| v1.1.18
|||| v1.1.1
|||| v1.0.3
|||| v3.4.6
|||| v1.3.0
|||| v1.2.4
|||| v1.2.2
|||| v1.2.4
|||| v0.8.1
|||| v1.6.0
|||| v0.18.1
|||| v0.6.0
|||| v0.5.9
|||| v1.2.0
|||| v1.4.0
|||| v1.3.1
|||| v1.1.1
|||| v1.5.0
|||| v0.0.0-20200411065538-eae00ae38531
@ -38,27 +38,27 @@ require (
|||| v1.7.0
|||| v1.0.5
|||| v1.8.4
|||| v2.20.1
|||| v2.12.9
|||| v1.26.0
|||| v0.14.0
|||| v0.17.0
|||| v0.16.0
|||| v0.13.0
|||| v0.4.0
|||| v0.13.0
|||| v0.13.0
|||| v2.6.0
|||| v0.28.3
|||| v0.28.3
|||| v0.28.3
|||| v0.28.3
|||| v0.28.3
|||| v0.28.3
|||| v0.28.2
|||| v0.28.2
|||| v0.28.2
|||| v0.28.2
|||| v0.28.2
|||| v0.28.2
|||| v0.0.0-20230829151522-9cce18d56c01
|||| v2.100.1
|||| v0.28.3
|||| v0.0.0-20231010175941-2dd684a91f00
|||| v0.28.2
|||| v0.0.0-20231009201959-f62364c3c354
|||| v0.0.0-20230726121419-3b25d923346b
|||| v1.4.0
|||| v1.3.0
require (
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ require (
|||| v0.0.6 // indirect
|||| v3.9.0 // indirect
|||| v5.6.0+incompatible // indirect
|||| v1.7.0 // indirect
|||| v1.6.0 // indirect
|||| v1.5.5 // indirect
|||| v3.0.0 // indirect
|||| v0.19.6 // indirect
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ require (
|||| v0.22.3 // indirect
|||| v0.1.0 // indirect
|||| v0.2.1 // indirect
|||| v1.3.0 // indirect
|||| v1.2.1 // indirect
|||| v1.3.2 // indirect
|||| v1.1.0 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da // indirect
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ require (
|||| v1.1.0 // indirect
|||| v1.2.0 // indirect
|||| v1.4.0 // indirect
|||| v2.7.1 // indirect
|||| v2.6.8 // indirect
|||| v3.5.9 // indirect
|||| v3.5.9 // indirect
|||| v3.5.9 // indirect
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ require (
|||| v0.13.0 // indirect
|||| v0.3.0 // indirect
|||| v0.8.0 // indirect
|||| v1.6.8 // indirect
|||| v1.6.7 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20230726155614-23370e0ffb3e // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20230803162519-f966b187b2e5 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20230803162519-f966b187b2e5 // indirect
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ require (
|||| v2.2.1 // indirect
|||| v2.4.0 // indirect
|||| v3.0.1 // indirect
|||| v0.28.3 // indirect
|||| v0.28.2 // indirect
|||| v0.1.2 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20221116044647-bc3834ca7abd // indirect
|||| v4.2.3 // indirect
@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ v1.1.0/go.mod h1:XrSqR1VqqWfGrhpAt58auRo0WTKS1nRRg3ghf
|||| v2.1.1/go.mod h1:VGX0DQ3Q6kWi7AoAeZDth3/j3BFtOZR5XLFGgcrjCOs=
|||| v2.2.0 h1:DC2CZ1Ep5Y4k3ZQ899DldepgrayRUGE6BBZ/cd9Cj44=
|||| v2.2.0/go.mod h1:VGX0DQ3Q6kWi7AoAeZDth3/j3BFtOZR5XLFGgcrjCOs=
|||| v0.0.0-20231011050154-1d073bb38998/go.mod h1:GKljq0VrfU4D5yc+2qA6OVr8pmO/MBbPEWqWQ/oqGEs=
|||| v0.0.0-20231025043423-5615e204d422 h1:9d05eR3+VAcQqH5qiKbpMFa83XFK7jVDfAXIindFPbU=
|||| v0.0.0-20231025043423-5615e204d422/go.mod h1:GKljq0VrfU4D5yc+2qA6OVr8pmO/MBbPEWqWQ/oqGEs=
|||| v0.9.3 h1:Wq58e0dZOdHsxaj9Owmfcf+ibtpYN1N0FWVbaxa/esg=
|||| v0.9.3/go.mod h1:NipeUkUcuzIdFbBP8eNNvl9upcceOfWzoJn6cRe4ksA=
|||| v0.0.0-20230802225258-3cf4e6d46a89/go.mod h1:GKljq0VrfU4D5yc+2qA6OVr8pmO/MBbPEWqWQ/oqGEs=
|||| v0.0.0-20231007061347-18b01cd81617 h1:/5dwcyi5WOawM1Iz6MjrYqB90TRIdZv3O0fVHEJb86w=
|||| v0.0.0-20231007061347-18b01cd81617/go.mod h1:GKljq0VrfU4D5yc+2qA6OVr8pmO/MBbPEWqWQ/oqGEs=
|||| v0.9.2 h1:dKtNz4kApb06KuSXoTQIyUC2TrA0fhGDwNZf3bcgfKw=
|||| v0.9.2/go.mod h1:LkSXJKONWTCHAfQasKFUZI+mxqS4tZqhmtGzzhLsnLs=
|||| v1.0.0 h1:+ZxhTpfpZlmchB58ih/LBHX52ky7w2VhQVKQMucy3Ic=
|||| v1.0.0/go.mod h1:kgWmDdq8fTzXYcKIBqIYvRRTnYb9aNS9moAV0xufSww=
|||| v1.1.10/go.mod h1:+Ywpsq7O8HXn0nuIou7OrIPyXbp3wmkHB+jjWRnGsAI=
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ v1.3.2/go.mod h1:iRUV2dpdMOn7Bo10OQBFzIJO9kkE559Wcmn+qkE
|||| v3.3.10+incompatible/go.mod h1:uF7uidLiAD3TWHmW31ZFd/JWoc32PjwdhPthX9715RE=
|||| v2.2.1+incompatible h1:mh48q/BqXqgjVHpy2ZY7WnWAbenxRjsz9N1i1YxjHAk=
|||| v2.2.1+incompatible/go.mod h1:CgnwVTmzoESiwO9qyAFEMiHoZ1nMCKZlZ9V6mm3/LKc=
|||| v3.7.0 h1:FTdj0uexT4diYIPlF4yoFVI5MRO1r5+SEcIpEw9vC0o=
|||| v3.7.0/go.mod h1:yQzSCqBnK3e6Fs5l+f5i0F8Kwf0zpH9bPEsbY00KanM=
|||| v3.6.0 h1:AKVxfYw1Gmkn/w96z0DbT/B/xFnzTd3MkZvWLjF4n/o=
|||| v3.6.0/go.mod h1:ZpHUsHBucTUj6WOkrP4E20UPynbLZzhTQ1XKCXkxyPc=
|||| v0.2.0/go.mod h1:nnelYz7RCh+5ahJtPPxZlU+153eP4D4r3EedlOD2RNk=
|||| v0.3.1 h1:yi21YpKnrx1gt5R+la8n5WgS0kCrsPp33dmEyHReZr4=
|||| v0.3.1/go.mod h1:irMmmIw/7yzSRPWryHsK7EYSg09caPQL03VsM8rvUec=
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ v2.0.0/go.mod h1:maD7wRr/U5Z6m/iR4s+kqSMx2CaBsr
|||| v2.0.2 h1:p1EgwI/C7NhT0JmVkwCD2ZBK8j4aeHQX2pMHHBfMQ6w=
|||| v2.0.2/go.mod h1:tgQtvFlXSQOSOSIRvRPT7W67SCa46tRHOmNcaadrF8o=
|||| v1.1.9/go.mod h1:oKZEueFk5CKHvIhNR5MUki03XCEU+Q6VDXinZuGJ33E=
|||| v1.1.20 h1:VIPb/a2s17qNeQgDnkfZC35RScx+blkKF8GV68n80J4=
|||| v1.1.20/go.mod h1:MOBLtS5ELjhRRrroQr9kyvTxUAFNvYEK993ew/Vr4O4=
|||| v1.1.18 h1:n56/Zwd5o6whRC5PMGretI4IdRLlmBXYNjScPaBgsbY=
|||| v1.1.18/go.mod h1:MOBLtS5ELjhRRrroQr9kyvTxUAFNvYEK993ew/Vr4O4=
|||| v4.0.2 h1:g/AD3h0VicDamtlM70GWGElp8kssQEv+5wYd7L9WOhU=
|||| v4.0.2/go.mod h1:HnYraSNKDRag1DZP92rYHyrjyQHnVEHPNqesmzs+miQ=
|||| v1.4.0 h1:tNJFJmLDVTLu+v05mVZ88RINa3vQqnyyWkTKWYz0CwE=
@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ v1.0.3/go.mod h1:m8KPJKqk1gH5J9DgRY2ASl2lWCfGKXixSw
|||| v1.14.3 h1:FJKSZTDHjyhriyC81FLQ0LY93eSai0ZyR/ZIkd3ZUKE=
|||| v1.4.7/go.mod h1:jwhsz4b93w/PPRr/qN1Yymfu8t87LnFCMoQvtojpjFo=
|||| v1.4.9/go.mod h1:znqG4EE+3YCdAaPaxE2ZRY/06pZUdp0tY4IgpuI1SZQ=
|||| v1.7.0 h1:8JEhPFa5W2WU7YfeZzPNqzMP6Lwt7L2715Ggo0nosvA=
|||| v1.7.0/go.mod h1:40Bi/Hjc2AVfZrqy+aj+yEI+/bRxZnMJyTJwOpGvigM=
|||| v1.6.0 h1:n+5WquG0fcWoWp6xPWfHdbskMCQaFnG6PfBrh1Ky4HY=
|||| v1.6.0/go.mod h1:sl3t1tCWJFWoRz9R8WJCbQihKKwmorjAbSClcnxKAGw=
|||| v1.0.0/go.mod h1:4dBDuWmgqj2HViK6kFavaiC9ZROes6MMH2rRYeMEF04=
|||| v1.5.5 h1:MNHlNMBDgEKD4TcKr36vQN68BA00aDfjIt3/bD50WnA=
|||| v1.5.5/go.mod h1:hEBeB/ic+5LoWskz+yKT7vGhhPYkProFKoKdwZRWMe0=
@ -168,9 +168,8 @@ v0.4.0/go.mod h1:3RMwSq7FuexP4Kalkev3ejPJsZTpXXBr9+V
|||| v0.2.0/go.mod h1:z6/tIYblkpsD+a4lm/fGIIU9mZ+XfAiaFtq7xTgseGU=
|||| v1.2.0/go.mod h1:jdQByPbusPIv2/zmleS9BjJVeZ6kBagPoEUsqbVz/1A=
|||| v1.2.2/go.mod h1:jdQByPbusPIv2/zmleS9BjJVeZ6kBagPoEUsqbVz/1A=
|||| v1.2.4 h1:g01GSCwiDw2xSZfjJ2/T9M+S6pFdcNtFYsp+Y43HYDQ=
|||| v1.2.4/go.mod h1:jdQByPbusPIv2/zmleS9BjJVeZ6kBagPoEUsqbVz/1A=
|||| v1.3.0 h1:2y3SDp0ZXuc6/cjLSZ+Q3ir+QB9T/iG5yYRXqsagWSY=
|||| v1.3.0/go.mod h1:9T104GzyrTigFIr8wt5mBrctHMim0Nb2HLGrmQ40KvY=
|||| v1.2.2 h1:hSWxHoqTgW2S2qGc0LTAI563KZ5YKYRhT3MFKZMbjag=
|||| v1.2.2/go.mod h1:mMo/vtBO5dYbehREoey6XUKy/eSumjCCveDpRre4VKE=
|||| v1.2.4 h1:QHVo+6stLbfJmYGkQ7uGHUCu5hnAFAj6mDe6Ea0SeOo=
@ -187,8 +186,8 @@ v0.1.0 h1:exrUm0f4YX0L7EBwZHuCF4GDp8aJfVeBrlLQrs6NqWU
|||| v0.1.0/go.mod h1:O/RXo79gxV8G+RqlR/otEwx4Q36zl9rqC5u12GKvMCM=
|||| v0.2.1 h1:xfeeEhW7pwmX8nuLVlqbzVc7udMDrwetjEv+TZIz1og=
|||| v0.2.1/go.mod h1:q8bcK0KcYlCgd9e7WYLm9LpyS+YeLd8JVDW6WezmKEw=
|||| v1.3.0 h1:sbeU3Y4Qzlb+MOzIe6mQGf7QR4Hkv6ZD0qhGkBFL2O0=
|||| v1.3.0/go.mod h1:hRKAFb8wOxFROYNsT1bqfWnhX+b5MFeJM9r2ZSwg/KY=
|||| v1.2.1 h1:F2aeBZrm2NDsc7vbovKrWSogd4wvfAxg0FQ89/iqOTk=
|||| v1.2.1/go.mod h1:hRKAFb8wOxFROYNsT1bqfWnhX+b5MFeJM9r2ZSwg/KY=
|||| v5.0.4/go.mod h1:xhWf0FNVPg57R7Z0UbKHbJfkEywrmjJnf7w5xrFpKfA=
|||| v0.8.1 h1:+gYjHKf32LDeiEEFhQaotPbLuUXjY5ZqxKgXy7n59aw=
|||| v0.8.1/go.mod h1:F1TvTiK9OcQqauNUHlbJvyl9Qa1QvF/gOUDKA14jxHU=
@ -252,9 +251,8 @@ v0.5.2/go.mod h1:v8dTdLbMG2kIc/vJvl+f65V22dbkXbowE6jgT/
|||| v0.5.4/go.mod h1:v8dTdLbMG2kIc/vJvl+f65V22dbkXbowE6jgT/gNBxE=
|||| v0.5.5/go.mod h1:v8dTdLbMG2kIc/vJvl+f65V22dbkXbowE6jgT/gNBxE=
|||| v0.5.6/go.mod h1:v8dTdLbMG2kIc/vJvl+f65V22dbkXbowE6jgT/gNBxE=
|||| v0.5.9 h1:O2Tfq5qg4qc4AmwVlvv0oLiVAGB7enBSJ2x2DqQFi38=
|||| v0.5.9/go.mod h1:17dUlkBOakJ0+DkrSSNjCkIjxS6bF9zb3elmeNGIjoY=
|||| v0.6.0 h1:ofyhxvXcZhMsU5ulbFiLKl/XBFqE1GSq7atu8tAmTRI=
|||| v0.6.0/go.mod h1:17dUlkBOakJ0+DkrSSNjCkIjxS6bF9zb3elmeNGIjoY=
|||| v1.0.0/go.mod h1:dBl0BpW6vV/+mYPU4Po3pmUjxk6FQPldtuIdl/M65Eg=
|||| v1.1.0/go.mod h1:dBl0BpW6vV/+mYPU4Po3pmUjxk6FQPldtuIdl/M65Eg=
|||| v1.2.0 h1:xRy4A+RhZaiKjJ1bPfwQ8sedCA+YS2YcCHW6ec7JMi0=
@ -277,9 +275,8 @@ v0.1.0/go.mod h1:KWCgfxg9yswjAJkECMjeO8J8rahYeXnNhOm4
|||| v1.0.0/go.mod h1:TIyPZe4MgqvfeYDBFedMoGGpEw/LqOeaOT+nhxU+yHo=
|||| v1.1.1/go.mod h1:TIyPZe4MgqvfeYDBFedMoGGpEw/LqOeaOT+nhxU+yHo=
|||| v1.1.2/go.mod h1:TIyPZe4MgqvfeYDBFedMoGGpEw/LqOeaOT+nhxU+yHo=
|||| v1.3.1 h1:KjJaJ9iWZ3jOFZIf1Lqf4laDRCasjl0BCmnEGxkdLb4=
|||| v1.3.1/go.mod h1:TIyPZe4MgqvfeYDBFedMoGGpEw/LqOeaOT+nhxU+yHo=
|||| v1.4.0 h1:MtMxsa51/r9yyhkyLsVeVt0B+BGQZzpQiTQ4eHZ8bc4=
|||| v1.4.0/go.mod h1:TIyPZe4MgqvfeYDBFedMoGGpEw/LqOeaOT+nhxU+yHo=
|||| v2.0.4/go.mod h1:0Wqv26UfaUD9n4G6kQubkQ+KchISgw+vpHVxEJEs9eg=
|||| v2.0.5/go.mod h1:DWXyrwAJ9X0FpwwEdw+IPEYBICEFu5mhpdKc/us6bOk=
|||| v0.0.0-20200911160855-bcd43fbb19e8/go.mod h1:dvDLG8qkwmyD9a/MJJN3XJcT3xFxOKAvTZGvuZmac9g=
@ -482,12 +479,12 @@ v1.8.4/go.mod h1:sz/lmYIOXD/1dqDmKjjqLyZ2RngseejIcXl
|||| v1.2.0/go.mod h1:N0PQaV/YGNqwC0u51sEeR/aUtSLEXKX9iv69rRypqCw=
|||| v1.4.0 h1:yAzM1+SmVcz5R4tXGsNMu1jUl2aOJXoiWUCEwwnGrvs=
|||| v1.4.0/go.mod h1:mZd6rFysKEcUhUHXJk0C/08wAgyDBFuwEYL7vWWGaGo=
|||| v2.20.1 h1:ARmlyj4gJYXNrPtdatTR9gMusp3AciwZA5o/qYtFbow=
|||| v2.20.1/go.mod h1:spLa6hfzR2CXXPV92kcHpziPsOobxB7IFov+8k5l5NY=
|||| v2.7.1 h1:gdImkv0sIupYr/cXAu5s+CxfVpxMdYZX2Qr+5Q+RdF8=
|||| v2.7.1/go.mod h1:9p2qMIHpjRSTr1qnFxQr+igogyTUTlwvf9awHSm84h8=
|||| v1.0.10 h1:uWiheaLgLcNFqHcdWveum7PQfMnIUTf9Kl3bFxrIoew=
|||| v1.0.10/go.mod h1:6DAvZliBAAnD7rhVgwaM7DE5/d9NMOAJ09SqYqeK4QE=
|||| v2.12.9 h1:dvn5MtmuQ/DFMwqf5j8QhEVpPX6fi3WGImhv8RUB4zA=
|||| v2.12.9/go.mod h1:qOqdlDfL+7v0/fyymB+OP497nIxJYSvX4MQWA8OoiXU=
|||| v2.6.8 h1:mhNZXYCx//xG7Yq2e/kVLNZw4YfYmeHbhx+Zc0OvFMA=
|||| v2.6.8/go.mod h1:XHDhaU6IBgsryfdnpzUXBlT6leW/l25yrFBTEb4eIyM=
|||| v1.0.9 h1:SswqJCmeN4B+9gEAi/5uqT0qpi1y2/2O47V/1hhGZT0=
|||| v1.0.9/go.mod h1:6DAvZliBAAnD7rhVgwaM7DE5/d9NMOAJ09SqYqeK4QE=
|||| v0.0.0-20190109142713-0ad062ec5ee5/go.mod h1:ncp9v5uamzpCO7NfCPTXjqaC+bZgJeR0sMTm6dMHP7U=
|||| v0.0.0-20220101234140-673ab2c3ae75 h1:6fotK7otjonDflCTK0BCfls4SPy3NcCVb5dqqmbRknE=
|||| v1.1.4/go.mod h1:uQMGLiO92mf5W77hV/PUCpI3pbzQx3CRekS0kk+RGrc=
@ -643,8 +640,8 @@ v0.0.0-20210405180319-a5a99cb37ef4/go.mod h1:p54w0d4576C0XHj96b
|||| v0.0.0-20220722155237-a158d28d115b/go.mod h1:XRhObCWvk6IyKnWLug+ECip1KBveYUHfp+8e9klMJ9c=
|||| v0.6.0/go.mod h1:2Tu9+aMcznHK/AK1HMvgo6xiTLG5rD5rZLDS+rp2Bjs=
|||| v0.10.0/go.mod h1:0qNGK6F8kojg2nk9dLZ2mShWaEBan6FAoqfSigmmuDg=
|||| v0.17.0 h1:pVaXccu2ozPjCXewfr1S7xza/zcXTity9cCdXQYSjIM=
|||| v0.17.0/go.mod h1:NxSsAGuq816PNPmqtQdLE42eU2Fs7NoRIZrHJAlaCOE=
|||| v0.16.0 h1:7eBu7KsSvFDtSXUIDbh3aqlK4DPsZ1rByC8PFfBThos=
|||| v0.16.0/go.mod h1:NxSsAGuq816PNPmqtQdLE42eU2Fs7NoRIZrHJAlaCOE=
|||| v0.0.0-20180821212333-d2e6202438be/go.mod h1:N/0e6XlmueqKjAGxoOufVs8QHGRruUQn6yWY3a++T0U=
|||| v0.0.0-20190226205417-e64efc72b421/go.mod h1:gOpvHmFTYa4IltrdGE7lF6nIHvwfUNPOp7c8zoXwtLw=
|||| v0.0.0-20190604053449-0f29369cfe45/go.mod h1:gOpvHmFTYa4IltrdGE7lF6nIHvwfUNPOp7c8zoXwtLw=
@ -717,6 +714,7 @@ v0.0.0-20210616045830-e2b7044e8c71/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBc
|||| v0.0.0-20220319134239-a9b59b0215f8/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
|||| v0.0.0-20220520151302-bc2c85ada10a/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
|||| v0.0.0-20220722155257-8c9f86f7a55f/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
|||| v0.0.0-20220908164124-27713097b956/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
|||| v0.5.0/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
|||| v0.6.0/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
|||| v0.8.0/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
@ -738,7 +736,6 @@ v0.3.3/go.mod h1:5Zoc/QRtKVWzQhOtBMvqHzDpF6irO9z98xDceosuGiQ=
|||| v0.3.4/go.mod h1:5Zoc/QRtKVWzQhOtBMvqHzDpF6irO9z98xDceosuGiQ=
|||| v0.3.5/go.mod h1:5Zoc/QRtKVWzQhOtBMvqHzDpF6irO9z98xDceosuGiQ=
|||| v0.3.7/go.mod h1:u+2+/6zg+i71rQMx5EYifcz6MCKuco9NR6JIITiCfzQ=
|||| v0.3.8/go.mod h1:E6s5w1FMmriuDzIBO73fBruAKo1PCIq6d2Q6DHfQ8WQ=
|||| v0.7.0/go.mod h1:mrYo+phRRbMaCq/xk9113O4dZlRixOauAjOtrjsXDZ8=
|||| v0.9.0/go.mod h1:e1OnstbJyHTd6l/uOt8jFFHp6TRDWZR/bV3emEE/zU8=
|||| v0.13.0 h1:ablQoSUd0tRdKxZewP80B+BaqeKJuVhuRxj/dkrun3k=
@ -836,9 +833,8 @@ v1.5.0/go.mod h1:xpcJRLb0r/rnEns0DIKYYv+WjYCduHsrkT7
|||| v1.6.1/go.mod h1:i06prIuMbXzDqacNJfV5OdTW448YApPu5ww/cMBSeb0=
|||| v1.6.5/go.mod h1:8WjMMxjGQR8xUklV/ARdw2HLXBOI7O7uCIDZVag1xfc=
|||| v1.6.6/go.mod h1:8WjMMxjGQR8xUklV/ARdw2HLXBOI7O7uCIDZVag1xfc=
|||| v1.6.7 h1:FZR1q0exgwxzPzp/aF+VccGrSfxfPpkBqjIIEq3ru6c=
|||| v1.6.7/go.mod h1:8WjMMxjGQR8xUklV/ARdw2HLXBOI7O7uCIDZVag1xfc=
|||| v1.6.8 h1:IhEN5q69dyKagZPYMSdIjS2HqprW324FRQZJcGqPAsM=
|||| v1.6.8/go.mod h1:1jJ3jBArFh5pcgW8gCtRJnepW8FzD1V44FJffLiz/Ds=
|||| v0.0.0-20180817151627-c66870c02cf8/go.mod h1:JiN7NxoALGmiZfu7CAH4rXhgtRTLTxftemlI0sWmxmc=
|||| v0.0.0-20190307195333-5fe7a883aa19/go.mod h1:VzzqZJRnGkLBvHegQrXjBqPurQTc5/KpmUdxsrq26oE=
|||| v0.0.0-20190418145605-e7d98fc518a7/go.mod h1:VzzqZJRnGkLBvHegQrXjBqPurQTc5/KpmUdxsrq26oE=
@ -958,27 +954,27 @@ v0.0.0-20190523083050-ea95bdfd59fc/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWh
|||| v0.0.1-2019.2.3/go.mod h1:a3bituU0lyd329TUQxRnasdCoJDkEUEAqEt0JzvZhAg=
|||| v0.0.1-2020.1.3/go.mod h1:X/FiERA/W4tHapMX5mGpAtMSVEeEUOyHaw9vFzvIQ3k=
|||| v0.0.1-2020.1.4/go.mod h1:X/FiERA/W4tHapMX5mGpAtMSVEeEUOyHaw9vFzvIQ3k=
|||| v0.28.3 h1:Gj1HtbSdB4P08C8rs9AR94MfSGpRhJgsS+GF9V26xMM=
|||| v0.28.3/go.mod h1:MRCV/jr1dW87/qJnZ57U5Pak65LGmQVkKTzf3AtKFHc=
|||| v0.28.3 h1:Od7DEnhXHnHPZG+W9I97/fSQkVpVPQx2diy+2EtmY08=
|||| v0.28.3/go.mod h1:NE1XJZ4On0hS11aWWJUTNkmVB03j9LM7gJSisbRt8Lc=
|||| v0.28.3 h1:B1wYx8txOaCQG0HmYF6nbpU8dg6HvA06x5tEffvOe7A=
|||| v0.28.3/go.mod h1:uQTKmIqs+rAYaq+DFaoD2X7pcjLOqbQX2AOiO0nIpb8=
|||| v0.28.3 h1:8Ov47O1cMyeDzTXz0rwcfIIGAP/dP7L8rWbEljRcg5w=
|||| v0.28.3/go.mod h1:YIpM+9wngNAv8Ctt0rHG4vQuX/I5rvkEMtZtsxW2rNM=
|||| v0.28.3 h1:2OqNb72ZuTZPKCl+4gTKvqao0AMOl9f3o2ijbAj3LI4=
|||| v0.28.3/go.mod h1:LTykbBp9gsA7SwqirlCXBWtK0guzfhpoW4qSm7i9dxo=
|||| v0.28.3 h1:rDy68eHKxq/80RiMb2Ld/tbH8uAE75JdCqJyi6lXMzI=
|||| v0.28.3/go.mod h1:fDJ6vpVNSk6cRo5wmDa6eKIG7UlIQkaFmZN2fYgIUD8=
|||| v0.28.2 h1:9mpl5mOb6vXZvqbQmankOfPIGiudghwCoLl1EYfUZbw=
|||| v0.28.2/go.mod h1:RVnJBsjU8tcMq7C3iaRSGMeaKt2TWEUXcpIt/90fjEg=
|||| v0.28.2 h1:J6/QRWIKV2/HwBhHRVITMLYoypCoPY1ftigDM0Kn+QU=
|||| v0.28.2/go.mod h1:5tnkxLGa9nefefYzWuAlWZ7RZYuN/765Au8cWLA6SRg=
|||| v0.28.2 h1:KCOJLrc6gu+wV1BYgwik4AF4vXOlVJPdiqn0yAWWwXQ=
|||| v0.28.2/go.mod h1:RdzF87y/ngqk9H4z3EL2Rppv5jj95vGS/HaFXrLDApU=
|||| v0.28.2 h1:rBeYkLvF94Nku9XfXyUIirsVzCzJBs6jMn3NWeHieyI=
|||| v0.28.2/go.mod h1:f7D5e8wH8MWcKD7azq6Csw9UN+CjdtXIVQUyUhrtb+E=
|||| v0.28.2 h1:DNoYI1vGq0slMBN/SWKMZMw0Rq+0EQW6/AK4v9+3VeY=
|||| v0.28.2/go.mod h1:sMkApowspLuc7omj1FOSUxSoqjr+d5Q0Yc0LOFnYFJY=
|||| v0.28.2 h1:Yc1yU+6AQSlpJZyvehm/NkJBII72rzlEsd6MkBQ+G0E=
|||| v0.28.2/go.mod h1:4IuQPQviQCg3du4si8GpMrhAIegxpsgPngPRR/zWpzc=
|||| v0.0.0-20230829151522-9cce18d56c01 h1:pWEwq4Asjm4vjW7vcsmijwBhOr1/shsbSYiWXmNGlks=
|||| v0.0.0-20230829151522-9cce18d56c01/go.mod h1:FiNAH4ZV3gBg2Kwh89tzAEV2be7d5xI0vBa/VySYy3E=
|||| v2.2.0/go.mod h1:Od+F08eJP+W3HUb4pSrPpgp9DGU4GzlpG/TmITuYh/Y=
|||| v2.100.1 h1:7WCHKK6K8fNhTqfBhISHQ97KrnJNFZMcQvKp7gP/tmg=
|||| v2.100.1/go.mod h1:y1WjHnz7Dj687irZUWR/WLkLc5N1YHtjLdmgWjndZn0=
|||| v0.28.3 h1:jYwwAe96XELNjYWv1G4kNzizcFoZ50OOElvPansbw70=
|||| v0.28.3/go.mod h1:kSMjU2tg7vjqqoWVVCcmPmNZ/CofPsoTbSxAipCvZuE=
|||| v0.28.3 h1:CVbj3+cpshSHR5dWPzLYx3sVpIDEPLlzMSxY/lAc9cM=
|||| v0.28.3/go.mod h1:5DyLevbRTcWnT1f9b+lB3BfbXC1w7gDa/OtB6kKInCw=
|||| v0.28.2 h1:KhG63LHopCdzs1oKA1j+NWleuIXudgOyCqJo4yi3GaM=
|||| v0.28.2/go.mod h1:iAjgIqBrV2+8kmsjbbgUkAyKSuYq5g1dW9knpt6OhaE=
|||| v0.28.2 h1:tCjAfB1p/v18yD2NpegNQRuahzyA/szFfcRARnpjDeo=
|||| v0.28.2/go.mod h1:g4hZVjC4KhJtZHV2pyiRBiU6AdBA/sAjh9Y9GJC/SbU=
|||| v0.0.0-20230717233707-2695361300d9 h1:LyMgNKD2P8Wn1iAwQU5OhxCKlKJy0sHc+PcDwFB24dQ=
|||| v0.0.0-20230717233707-2695361300d9/go.mod h1:wZK2AVp1uHCp4VamDVgBP2COHZjqD1T68Rf0CM3YjSM=
|||| v0.0.0-20230726121419-3b25d923346b h1:sgn3ZU783SCgtaSJjpcVVlRqd6GSnlTLKgpAAttJvpI=
@ -993,5 +989,5 @@ v0.0.0-20221116044647-bc3834ca7abd/go.mod h1:B8JuhiUyNFVKdsE8h6
|||| v4.2.3 h1:PRbqxJClWWYMNV1dhaG4NsibJbArud9kFxnAMREiWFE=
|||| v4.2.3/go.mod h1:qjx8mGObPmV2aSZepjQjbmb2ihdVs8cGKBraizNC69E=
|||| v1.2.0/go.mod h1:yfXDCHCao9+ENCvLSE62v9VSji2MKu5jeNfTrofGhJc=
|||| v1.4.0 h1:Mk1wCc2gy/F0THH0TAp1QYyJNzRm2KCLy3o5ASXVI5E=
|||| v1.4.0/go.mod h1:Ejl7/uTz7PSA4eKMyQCUTnhZYNmLIl+5c2lQPGR2BPY=
|||| v1.3.0 h1:a2VclLzOGrwOHDiV8EfBGhvjHvP46CtW5j6POvhYGGo=
|||| v1.3.0/go.mod h1:GeOyir5tyXNByN85N/dRIT9es5UQNerPYEKK56eTBm8=
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
# This is not currently using --platform to prepare to cross-compile because we use gcc below to build
# platform-specific GCO code. This makes multi-arch builds slow due to target platform emulation.
FROM golang:1.21.3 as build-env
FROM golang:1.21.2 as build-env
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2020-2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This script can be used in conjunction with
# When invoked with the PINNIPED_USE_LOCAL_KIND_REGISTRY environment variable set to a non-empty value,
# the integration tests script will create a local docker registry and configure kind to use the registry
# and will build the Pinniped binary and container image.
# This script will then create Carvel Packages for supervisor,concierge and local-user-authenticator.
# It will also create a Carvel PackageRepository.
# The PackageRepository will be installed on the kind cluster, then PackageInstall resources
# will be created to deploy an instance of each of the packages on the cluster.
# Once this script has completed, Pinniped can be interacted with as if it had been deployed in the usual way,
# for example by running tests or by preparing supervisor for manual interactions:
# source /tmp/integration-test-env && go test -v -race -count 1 -timeout 0 ./test/integration -run /TestE2EFullIntegration_Browser
# hack/ --oidc
# Example usage:
# PINNIPED_USE_LOCAL_KIND_REGISTRY=1 ./hack/ --clean --alternate-deploy ./hack/ --post-install ./hack/
set -euo pipefail
# Helper functions
function log_note() {
if [[ ${COLORTERM:-unknown} =~ ^(truecolor|24bit)$ ]]; then
echo -e "${GREEN}$*${NC}"
echo "$*"
function log_error() {
if [[ ${COLORTERM:-unknown} =~ ^(truecolor|24bit)$ ]]; then
echo -e "🙁${RED} Error: $* ${NC}"
echo ":( Error: $*"
function check_dependency() {
if ! command -v "$1" >/dev/null; then
log_error "Missing dependency..."
log_error "$2"
exit 1
pinniped_path="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/.." && pwd)"
cd "$pinniped_path" || exit 1
# arguments provided to scripts called by hack/
# - app: unimportant, but always first
# - tag: uuidgen in hack/
# if this script is run standalone, then auto-fill with a unique value
if [[ "${PINNIPED_USE_LOCAL_KIND_REGISTRY:-}" == "" ]]; then
log_error "Building the Carvel package requires configuring kind with a local registry."
log_error "please set the environment variable PINNIPED_USE_LOCAL_KIND_REGISTRY"
log_error "for example:"
log_error " PINNIPED_USE_LOCAL_KIND_REGISTRY=1 ./hack/ --clean --alternate-deploy ./hack/ --post-install ./hack/"
# TODO: automate the version by release somehow.
# the tag is the version in our build scripts, but we will want real versions for releases
pinniped_package_version="${tag}" # ie, "0.25.0"
# core pinniped binaries (concierge, supervisor, local-user-authenticator)
# TODO: we can likely just pass in the whole registry_repo_tag from the parent script and be done.
# the duplication is unnecessary. This script doesn't ever need to run standalone again.
# Package prefix for concierge, supervisor, local-user-authenticator
package_repo_prefix="${registry_repo}/package" # + $resource_name + ":" + $tag
# Pinniped Package repository
# carvel
log_note "Installing kapp-controller on cluster..."
kapp deploy --app kapp-controller --file "" -y
kubectl get customresourcedefinitions
# Generate the OpenAPI v3 Schema files, imgpkg images.yml files
declare -a arr=("local-user-authenticator" "concierge" "supervisor")
for resource_name in "${arr[@]}"
# these must be real files, not symlinks
log_note "Vendir sync deploy directory for ${resource_name} to package bundle..."
pushd "${resource_destination_dir}" > /dev/null
vendir sync
popd > /dev/null
log_note "Generating OpenAPI v3 schema for ${resource_name}..."
ytt \
--file "${resource_config_destination_dir}" \
--data-values-schema-inspect \
--output openapi-v3 > \
log_note "Generating .imgpkg/images.yml for ${resource_name}..."
mkdir -p "${resource_dir}/.imgpkg"
ytt \
--file "${resource_config_destination_dir}" | \
kbld -f- --imgpkg-lock-output "${resource_dir}/.imgpkg/images.yml"
log_note "Pushing Pinniped ${resource_name} Package bundle..."
imgpkg push --bundle "${package_repo_tag}" --file "${resource_dir}"
# validation flag?
log_note "Validating ${resource_name} Package bundle not empty (/tmp/${package_repo_tag})..."
imgpkg pull --bundle "${package_repo_tag}" --output "/tmp/${package_repo_tag}"
log_note "Generating PackageRepository Package entry for ${resource_name}"
# publish package versions to package repository
rm -rf "${package_repository_dir}"
mkdir "${package_repository_dir}"
ytt \
--file "${resource_dir}/package-template.yml" \
--data-value-file openapi="${resource_dir}/schema-openapi.yml" \
--data-value repo_host="${package_repo_prefix}-${resource_name}" \
--data-value version="${pinniped_package_version}" > "${package_repository_dir}/${pinniped_package_version}.yml"
cp "deploy_carvel/${resource_name}/metadata.yml" "${package_repository_dir}/metadata.yml"
log_note "Generating .imgpkg/images.yml for Pinniped PackageRepository bundle..."
mkdir -p "deploy_carvel/package_repository/.imgpkg"
kbld --file "deploy_carvel/package_repository/packages/" --imgpkg-lock-output "deploy_carvel/package_repository/.imgpkg/images.yml"
log_note "Pushing Pinniped PackageRepository bundle.... "
imgpkg push --bundle "${package_repository_repo_tag}" --file "deploy_carvel/package_repository"
# validation flag?
log_note "Validating Pinniped PackageRepository bundle not empty /tmp/${package_repo_tag}..."
imgpkg pull --bundle "${package_repository_repo_tag}" --output "/tmp/${package_repository_repo_tag}"
## NOTE: could break apart here at a build and a deploy script.
log_note "cleaning deploy artifacts..."
rm -rf "deploy_carvel/deploy"
mkdir "deploy_carvel/deploy"
log_note "deploying PackageRepository..."
echo -n "" > "${pinniped_package_repository_file}"
cat <<EOT >> "${pinniped_package_repository_file}"
kind: PackageRepository
name: "${pinniped_package_repository_name}"
image: "${package_repository_repo_tag}"
kapp deploy --app "${pinniped_package_repository_name}" --file "${pinniped_package_repository_file}" -y
kapp inspect --app "${pinniped_package_repository_name}" --tree
for resource_name in "${arr[@]}"
log_note "creating PackageInstall and RBAC for ${resource_name}..."
echo -n "" > "${pinniped_package_rbac_file}"
# TODO: will just a Role and RoleBinding work? Just for the target namespace.
# - limit this to the LEAST privilege for each of the resources
# - and document this for each of the resources.
# - and we may need to TEMPLATE the namespace, if pinniped is installed in alt namespaces?
cat <<EOF >> "${pinniped_package_rbac_file}"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: "${namespace}"
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: "${pinniped_package_rbac_prefix}-sa-superadmin-dangerous"
namespace: "${namespace}"
kind: ClusterRole
name: "${pinniped_package_rbac_prefix}-role-superadmin-dangerous"
- apiGroups: ["*"]
resources: ["*"]
verbs: ["*"]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: "${pinniped_package_rbac_prefix}-role-binding-superadmin-dangerous"
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: "${pinniped_package_rbac_prefix}-sa-superadmin-dangerous"
namespace: "${namespace}"
kind: ClusterRole
name: "${pinniped_package_rbac_prefix}-role-superadmin-dangerous"
kapp deploy --app "${pinniped_package_rbac_prefix}" --file "${pinniped_package_rbac_file}" -y
# start local-user-authenticator
# local-user-authenticator
log_note "deploying local-user-authenticator PackageInstall resources..."
kind: PackageInstall
# name, does not have to be versioned, versionSelection.constraints below will handle
name: "${resource_name}-package-install"
namespace: "${NAMESPACE}"
serviceAccountName: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-sa-superadmin-dangerous"
constraints: "${pinniped_package_version}"
- secretRef:
name: "${SECRET_NAME}"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: "${SECRET_NAME}"
namespace: "${NAMESPACE}"
values.yml: |
image_repo: $registry_repo
image_tag: $tag
log_note "deploying ${KAPP_CONTROLLER_APP_NAME}..."
kapp deploy --app "${KAPP_CONTROLLER_APP_NAME}" --file "${PACKAGE_INSTALL_FILE_NAME}" -y
test_password="$(openssl rand -hex 16)"
log_note "Creating test user '$test_username'..."
kubectl create secret generic "$test_username" \
--namespace local-user-authenticator \
--from-literal=groups="$test_groups" \
--from-literal=passwordHash="$(htpasswd -nbBC 10 x "$test_password" | sed -e "s/^x://")" \
--dry-run=client \
--output yaml |
kubectl apply -f -
# start concierge
log_note "deploying concierge PackageInstall resources..."
# from
discovery_url="$(TERM=dumb kubectl cluster-info | awk '/master|control plane/ {print $NF}')"
concierge_custom_labels="{myConciergeCustomLabelName: myConciergeCustomLabelValue}"
kind: PackageInstall
# name, does not have to be versioned, versionSelection.constraints below will handle
name: "${resource_name}-package-install"
namespace: "${NAMESPACE}"
serviceAccountName: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-sa-superadmin-dangerous"
constraints: "${pinniped_package_version}"
- secretRef:
name: "${SECRET_NAME}"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: "${SECRET_NAME}"
namespace: "${NAMESPACE}"
values.yml: |
app_name: $concierge_app_name
namespace: $concierge_namespace
api_group_suffix: $api_group_suffix
log_level: $log_level
custom_labels: $concierge_custom_labels
image_repo: $registry_repo
image_tag: $tag
discovery_url: $discovery_url
log_note "deploying ${KAPP_CONTROLLER_APP_NAME}..."
kapp deploy --app "${KAPP_CONTROLLER_APP_NAME}" --file "${PACKAGE_INSTALL_FILE_NAME}" -y
# end concierge
# start supervisor
log_note "deploying supervisor PackageInstall resources..."
# from
supervisor_custom_labels="{mySupervisorCustomLabelName: mySupervisorCustomLabelValue}"
kind: PackageInstall
# name, does not have to be versioned, versionSelection.constraints below will handle
name: "${resource_name}-package-install"
namespace: "${NAMESPACE}"
serviceAccountName: "${PINNIPED_PACKAGE_RBAC_PREFIX}-sa-superadmin-dangerous"
constraints: "${pinniped_package_version}"
- secretRef:
name: "${SECRET_NAME}"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: "${SECRET_NAME}"
namespace: "${NAMESPACE}"
values.yml: |
app_name: $supervisor_app_name
namespace: $supervisor_namespace
api_group_suffix: $api_group_suffix
image_repo: $registry_repo
image_tag: $tag
log_level: $log_level
custom_labels: $supervisor_custom_labels
service_https_nodeport_port: $service_https_nodeport_port
service_https_nodeport_nodeport: $service_https_nodeport_nodeport
service_https_clusterip_port: $service_https_clusterip_port
log_note "deploying ${KAPP_CONTROLLER_APP_NAME}..."
# TODO: does this wait not only for the PackageInstall, but the Package, and its deployments and pods, to be successful? Because we need that.
kapp deploy --app "${KAPP_CONTROLLER_APP_NAME}" --file "${PACKAGE_INSTALL_FILE_NAME}" -y
# end supervisor
log_note "verifying PackageInstall resources..."
kubectl get PackageInstall -A | grep pinniped
kubectl get secret -A | grep pinniped
log_note "listing all package resources (PackageRepository, Package, PackageInstall)..."
kubectl get pkgi && kubectl get pkgr && kubectl get pkg
log_note "listing all kapp cli apps..."
kapp ls --all-namespaces
log_note "listing all kapp-controller apps..."
kubectl get app --all-namespaces
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2020-2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This script can be used to prepare a kind cluster and deploy the app.
# You can call this script again to redeploy the app.
# It will also output instructions on how to run the integration.
set -euo pipefail
# whats all installed
kubectl get pkgr -A && kubectl get pkg -A && kubectl get pkgi -A
# delete the package installs
kubectl delete pkgi concierge-package-install -n concierge-install-ns
kubectl delete pkgi supervisor-package-install -n supervisor-install-ns
kubectl delete pkgi local-user-authenticator-package-install -n local-user-authenticator-install-ns
# TODO: clean up the rest also
@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ set -euo pipefail
ROOT="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/.." && pwd )"
source /tmp/integration-test-env
source "/tmp/integration-test-env"
@ -8,4 +8,11 @@ set -euo pipefail
ROOT="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/.." && pwd )"
cd "${ROOT}"
if [[ "${PINNIPED_USE_LOCAL_KIND_REGISTRY:-}" != "" ]]; then
docker network disconnect "kind" "${reg_name}" || true
docker stop "${reg_name}" || true
docker rm "${reg_name}" || true
kind delete cluster --name pinniped
@ -8,13 +8,60 @@ set -euo pipefail
ROOT="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/.." && pwd)"
cd "${ROOT}"
if [[ "${PINNIPED_USE_CONTOUR:-}" != "" ]]; then
if [[ "${PINNIPED_USE_LOCAL_KIND_REGISTRY:-}" != "" ]]; then
# create registry container unless it already exists
if [ "$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' "${reg_name}" 2>/dev/null || true)" != 'true' ]; then
docker run \
-d --restart=always -p "${reg_port}:5000" --name "${reg_name}" \
if [[ "${PINNIPED_USE_CONTOUR:-}" != "" && "$PINNIPED_USE_LOCAL_KIND_REGISTRY" != "" ]]; then
echo "Adding Contour port mapping and local registry to Kind config."
ytt -f "${ROOT}/hack/lib/kind-config/single-node.yaml" \
-f "${ROOT}/hack/lib/kind-config/contour-overlay.yaml" \
-f "${ROOT}/hack/lib/kind-config/kind-registry-overlay.yaml" >/tmp/kind-config.yaml
kind create cluster --config /tmp/kind-config.yaml --name pinniped
elif [[ "${PINNIPED_USE_CONTOUR:-}" != "" ]]; then
echo "Adding Contour port mapping to Kind config."
ytt -f "${ROOT}/hack/lib/kind-config/single-node.yaml" \
-f "${ROOT}/hack/lib/kind-config/contour-overlay.yaml" >/tmp/kind-config.yaml
kind create cluster --config /tmp/kind-config.yaml --name pinniped
elif [[ "$PINNIPED_USE_LOCAL_KIND_REGISTRY" != "" ]]; then
echo "Adding local registry to Kind config."
ytt -f "${ROOT}/hack/lib/kind-config/single-node.yaml" \
-f "${ROOT}/hack/lib/kind-config/kind-registry-overlay.yaml" >/tmp/kind-config.yaml
kind create cluster --config /tmp/kind-config.yaml --name pinniped
# To choose a specific version of kube, add this option to the command below: `--image kindest/node:v1.28.0`.
# To debug the kind config, add this option to the command below: `-v 10`
kind create cluster --config "hack/lib/kind-config/single-node.yaml" --name pinniped
if [[ "${PINNIPED_USE_LOCAL_KIND_REGISTRY:-}" != "" ]]; then
# connect the registry to the cluster network if not already connected
if [ "$(docker inspect -f='{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks.kind}}' "${reg_name}")" = 'null' ]; then
docker network connect "kind" "${reg_name}"
# Document the local registry
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: local-registry-hosting
namespace: kube-public
localRegistryHosting.v1: |
host: "localhost:${reg_port}"
help: ""
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#! Copyright 2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#! SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@overlay/match by=overlay.all
#@overlay/match missing_ok=True
- |-
endpoint = ["http://kind-registry.local:5000"]
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script is intended to be used with:
# - $repo_root/hack/ --alternate-deploy $(pwd)/deploy_carvel/hack/
# and originated with the following:
# -
# along with this PR to pinniped:
# -
set -euo pipefail
# Helper functions
function log_note() {
if [[ ${COLORTERM:-unknown} =~ ^(truecolor|24bit)$ ]]; then
echo -e "${GREEN}$*${NC}"
echo "$*"
function log_error() {
if [[ ${COLORTERM:-unknown} =~ ^(truecolor|24bit)$ ]]; then
echo -e "🙁${RED} Error: $* ${NC}"
echo ":( Error: $*"
function check_dependency() {
if ! command -v "$1" >/dev/null; then
log_error "Missing dependency..."
log_error "$2"
exit 1
log_note " >>> app: ${app} tag: ${tag}"
@ -8,7 +8,15 @@
# You can call this script again to redeploy the app.
# It will also output instructions on how to run the integration.
# When invoked with the PINNIPED_USE_LOCAL_KIND_REGISTRY environment variable set to a non-empty value,
# the script will create a local docker registry and configure kind to use the registry. When building
# and installing Pinniped normally this is unnecessary. However, if an alternative build and install approach
# is taken, such as via a Carvel packaging mechanism, a local registry might be needed (for example, the
# kbld tool requires a registry to resolve images to shas).
# Example usage:
# PINNIPED_USE_LOCAL_KIND_REGISTRY=1 ./hack/ --clean --alternate-deploy ./hack/ --post-install ./hack/
set -euo pipefail
@ -55,6 +63,7 @@ alternate_deploy="undefined"
# supported variable style:
# --dockerfile-path ./
@ -140,6 +149,15 @@ while (("$#")); do
if [[ "$#" == "0" || "$1" == -* ]]; then
log_error "--post-install requires a script path to be specified"
exit 1
log_error "Unsupported flag $1" >&2
if [[ "$1" == *"active-directory"* ]]; then
@ -169,6 +187,7 @@ if [[ "$help" == "yes" ]]; then
log_note " --alternate-deploy-supervisor: specify an alternate deploy script to install Pinniped Supervisor"
log_note " --alternate-deploy-concierge: specify an alternate deploy script to install Pinniped Concierge"
log_note " --alternate-deploy-local-user-authenticator: specify an alternate deploy script to install Pinniped local-user-authenticator"
log_note " --post-install: specify an post-install script"
exit 1
@ -221,12 +240,34 @@ else
if [[ "${PINNIPED_USE_LOCAL_KIND_REGISTRY:-}" != "" ]]; then
tag=$(uuidgen) # always a new tag to force K8s to reload the image on redeploy
tag="0.0.0-$(uuidgen)" # always a new tag to force K8s to reload the image on redeploy
if [[ "${PINNIPED_USE_LOCAL_KIND_REGISTRY:-}" != "" ]]; then
if ! grep -q "$registry" /etc/hosts; then
if [[ "$etc_hosts_local_registry_missing" == "yes" ]]; then
log_error "In order to configure the kind cluster to use the local registry properly,"
log_error "please run this command to edit /etc/hosts, and then run this script again with the same options."
echo "sudo bash -c \"echo ' $registry' >> /etc/hosts\""
log_error "When you are finished with your Kind cluster, you can remove this line from /etc/hosts."
exit 1
if [[ "$skip_build" == "yes" ]]; then
most_recent_tag=$(docker images "$registry/$repo" --format "{{.Tag}}" | head -1)
most_recent_tag=$(docker images "$registry_repo" --format "{{.Tag}}" | head -1)
if [[ -n "$most_recent_tag" ]]; then
@ -253,15 +294,19 @@ if [[ "$do_build" == "yes" ]]; then
# Load it into the cluster
log_note "Loading the app's container image into the kind cluster..."
kind load docker-image "$registry_repo_tag" --name pinniped
if [[ "${PINNIPED_USE_LOCAL_KIND_REGISTRY:-}" != "" ]]; then
# if registry used, push to the registry
log_note "Loading the app's container image into the local registry ($registry_with_port)..."
docker push "$registry_repo_tag"
# otherwise side-load directly
log_note "Loading the app's container image into the kind cluster..."
kind load docker-image "$registry_repo_tag" --name pinniped
# Deploy local-user-authenticator
if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ] || [ "$alternate_deploy_local_user_authenticator" != "undefined" ] ; then
if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then
log_note "The Pinniped local-user-authenticator will be deployed with $alternate_deploy local-user-authenticator $tag..."
@ -280,6 +325,7 @@ else
kapp deploy --yes --app local-user-authenticator --diff-changes --file "$manifest"
kubectl apply --dry-run=client -f "$manifest" # Validate manifest schema.
popd >/dev/null
@ -303,18 +349,6 @@ kubectl apply --dry-run=client -f "$manifest" # Validate manifest schema.
popd >/dev/null
test_password="$(openssl rand -hex 16)"
log_note "Creating test user '$test_username'..."
kubectl create secret generic "$test_username" \
--namespace local-user-authenticator \
--from-literal=groups="$test_groups" \
--from-literal=passwordHash="$(htpasswd -nbBC 10 x "$test_password" | sed -e "s/^x://")" \
--dry-run=client \
--output yaml |
kubectl apply -f -
# Deploy the Pinniped Supervisor
@ -364,7 +398,6 @@ manifest=/tmp/pinniped-concierge.yaml
webhook_ca_bundle="$(kubectl get secret local-user-authenticator-tls-serving-certificate --namespace local-user-authenticator -o 'jsonpath={.data.caCertificate}')"
discovery_url="$(TERM=dumb kubectl cluster-info | awk '/master|control plane/ {print $NF}')"
concierge_custom_labels="{myConciergeCustomLabelName: myConciergeCustomLabelValue}"
@ -396,6 +429,38 @@ else
popd >/dev/null
# Call a post-install script
# simplifies passing the $tag which may be necessary if the current local build is to be
# referenced, for example, deploying via a Carvel package rather than our ytt mechanism
# running it after the above also allows appending to the environment variable file
if [ "$post_install" != "undefined" ] ; then
log_note "The post-install script will be called with $tag..."
$post_install post-install-script $tag
# Test user for the authenticator
# the authenticator may be deployed in alternative ways (ex. carvel package) but regardless we need a test user.
log_note "Creating test user for local-user-authenticator..."
test_password="$(openssl rand -hex 16)"
kubectl create secret generic "$test_username" \
--namespace local-user-authenticator \
--from-literal=groups="$test_groups" \
--from-literal=passwordHash="$(htpasswd -nbBC 10 x "$test_password" | sed -e "s/^x://")" \
--dry-run=client \
--output yaml |
kubectl apply -f -
# Regardless of how the local-user-authenticator is installed, we need the webhook bundle in the environment file.
webhook_ca_bundle="$(kubectl get secret local-user-authenticator-tls-serving-certificate --namespace local-user-authenticator -o 'jsonpath={.data.caCertificate}')"
# Download the test CA bundle that was generated in the Dex pod.
# Note that this returns a base64 encoded value.
@ -412,7 +477,9 @@ test_ca_bundle_pem="$(kubectl get secrets -n tools certs -o go-template='{{index
pinniped_cluster_capability_file_content=$(cat "$kind_capabilities_file")
cat <<EOF >/tmp/integration-test-env
cat <<EOF >"$env_file_name"
# The following env vars should be set before running 'go test -v -count 1 -timeout 0 ./test/integration'
export PINNIPED_TEST_CONCIERGE_NAMESPACE=${concierge_namespace}
# Print instructions for next steps.
@ -491,7 +559,7 @@ log_note
log_note "🚀 Ready to run integration tests! For example..."
log_note " cd $pinniped_path"
log_note " ulimit -n 512"
log_note ' source /tmp/integration-test-env && go test -v -race -count 1 -timeout 0 ./test/integration'
log_note " source $env_file_name && go test -v -race -count 1 -timeout 0 ./test/integration"
log_note "Using GoLand? Paste the result of this command into GoLand's run configuration \"Environment\"."
log_note " hack/ | pbcopy"
@ -501,3 +569,4 @@ log_note
log_note "To delete the deployments, run:"
log_note " kapp delete -a local-user-authenticator -y && kapp delete -a $concierge_app_name -y && kapp delete -a $supervisor_app_name -y"
log_note "When you're finished, use './hack/' to tear down the cluster."
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ if [[ "$use_oidc_upstream" == "no" && "$use_ldap_upstream" == "no" && "$use_ad_u
# Read the env vars output by hack/
source /tmp/integration-test-env
source "/tmp/integration-test-env"
# Choose some filenames.
@ -89,19 +89,6 @@ func NewHandler(
// oidcapi.AuthorizeUpstreamIDPTypeParamName query (or form) params to request a certain upstream IDP.
// The Pinniped CLI has been sending these params since v0.9.0.
idpNameQueryParamValue := r.Form.Get(oidcapi.AuthorizeUpstreamIDPNameParamName)
// Check if we are in a special case where we should inject an interstitial page to ask the user
// which IDP they would like to use.
if shouldShowIDPChooser(idpFinder, idpNameQueryParamValue, requestedBrowserlessFlow) {
// Redirect to the IDP chooser page with all the same query/form params. When the user chooses an IDP,
// it will redirect back to here with all the same params again, with the pinniped_idp_name param added.
http.Redirect(w, r,
fmt.Sprintf("%s%s?%s", downstreamIssuer, oidc.ChooseIDPEndpointPath, r.Form.Encode()),
return nil
oidcUpstream, ldapUpstream, err := chooseUpstreamIDP(idpNameQueryParamValue, idpFinder)
if err != nil {
oidc.WriteAuthorizeError(r, w,
@ -166,20 +153,6 @@ func NewHandler(
return securityheader.WrapWithCustomCSP(handler, formposthtml.ContentSecurityPolicy())
func shouldShowIDPChooser(
idpFinder federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIdentityProvidersFinderI,
idpNameQueryParamValue string,
requestedBrowserlessFlow bool,
) bool {
clientDidNotRequestSpecificIDP := len(idpNameQueryParamValue) == 0
clientRequestedBrowserBasedFlow := !requestedBrowserlessFlow
inBackwardsCompatMode := idpFinder.HasDefaultIDP()
federationDomainSpecHasSomeValidIDPs := idpFinder.IDPCount() > 0
return clientDidNotRequestSpecificIDP && clientRequestedBrowserBasedFlow &&
!inBackwardsCompatMode && federationDomainSpecHasSomeValidIDPs
func handleAuthRequestForLDAPUpstreamCLIFlow(
r *http.Request,
w http.ResponseWriter,
@ -731,25 +731,6 @@ func TestAuthorizationEndpoint(t *testing.T) { //nolint:gocyclo
wantUpstreamStateParamInLocationHeader: true,
wantBodyStringWithLocationInHref: true,
name: "with multiple IDPs available, request does not choose which IDP to use",
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().
generateCSRF: happyCSRFGenerator,
generatePKCE: happyPKCEGenerator,
generateNonce: happyNonceGenerator,
stateEncoder: happyStateEncoder,
cookieEncoder: happyCookieEncoder,
method: http.MethodGet,
path: happyGetRequestPath, // does not include pinniped_idp_name param
wantStatus: http.StatusSeeOther,
wantContentType: htmlContentType,
wantCSRFValueInCookieHeader: "", // there should not be a CSRF cookie set on the response
wantLocationHeader: urlWithQuery(downstreamIssuer+"/choose_identity_provider", happyGetRequestQueryMap),
wantUpstreamStateParamInLocationHeader: false, // it should copy the params of the original request, not add a new state param
wantBodyStringWithLocationInHref: true,
name: "with multiple IDPs available, request chooses to use OIDC browser flow",
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().
@ -3322,17 +3303,6 @@ func TestAuthorizationEndpoint(t *testing.T) { //nolint:gocyclo
wantContentType: plainContentType,
wantBodyString: `{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. 'pinniped_idp_name' param error: did not find IDP with name 'some-ldap-idp'"}`,
name: "with multiple IDPs, when using browserless flow, when pinniped_idp_name param is not specified, should be an error (browerless flows do not use IDP chooser page)",
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().WithOIDC(upstreamOIDCIdentityProviderBuilder().WithAllowPasswordGrant(true).Build()),
method: http.MethodGet,
path: happyGetRequestPath,
customUsernameHeader: ptr.To(oidcUpstreamUsername),
customPasswordHeader: ptr.To(oidcUpstreamPassword),
wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
wantContentType: plainContentType,
wantBodyString: `{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. 'pinniped_idp_name' param error: identity provider not found: this federation domain does not have a default identity provider"}`,
name: "post with invalid form in the body",
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().WithOIDC(upstreamOIDCIdentityProviderBuilder().Build()),
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package chooseidp
import (
// NewHandler returns a http.Handler that serves an IDP chooser web page. The authorization endpoint may redirect
// to this page, copying all the same parameters from the original authorization request. Each button on this page
// simply adds the IDP's name as an additional request parameter to the original authorization request's parameters,
// and sends the user back to the authorization endpoint, where the authorization flow can start from scratch using
// the original params with the extra pinniped_idp_name param added.
func NewHandler(authURL string, upstreamIDPs federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerI) http.Handler {
handler := httperr.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
if r.Method != http.MethodGet {
return httperr.Newf(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, "%s (try GET)", r.Method)
// This is just a sanity check that it appears to be an authorize request.
// Actual enforcement of parameters will happen at the authorization endpoint.
query := r.URL.Query()
if !(query.Has("client_id") && query.Has("redirect_uri") && query.Has("scope") && query.Has("response_type")) {
return httperr.New(http.StatusBadRequest, "missing required query params (must include client_id, redirect_uri, scope, and response_type)")
newIDPForPageData := func(displayName string) chooseidphtml.IdentityProvider {
return chooseidphtml.IdentityProvider{
DisplayName: displayName,
URL: fmt.Sprintf("%s?%s&%s=%s",
authURL, r.URL.Query().Encode(), oidc.AuthorizeUpstreamIDPNameParamName, url.QueryEscape(displayName)),
var idps []chooseidphtml.IdentityProvider
for _, p := range upstreamIDPs.GetOIDCIdentityProviders() {
idps = append(idps, newIDPForPageData(p.DisplayName))
for _, p := range upstreamIDPs.GetLDAPIdentityProviders() {
idps = append(idps, newIDPForPageData(p.DisplayName))
for _, p := range upstreamIDPs.GetActiveDirectoryIdentityProviders() {
idps = append(idps, newIDPForPageData(p.DisplayName))
sort.SliceStable(idps, func(i, j int) bool {
return idps[i].DisplayName < idps[j].DisplayName
if len(idps) == 0 {
// This shouldn't normally happen in practice because the auth endpoint would not have redirected to here.
return httperr.New(http.StatusInternalServerError,
"please check the server's configuration: no valid identity providers found for this FederationDomain")
return chooseidphtml.Template().Execute(w, &chooseidphtml.PageData{IdentityProviders: idps})
return wrapSecurityHeaders(handler)
func wrapSecurityHeaders(handler http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
wrapped := securityheader.WrapWithCustomCSP(handler, chooseidphtml.ContentSecurityPolicy())
wrapped.ServeHTTP(w, r)
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package chooseidp
import (
func TestChooseIDPHandler(t *testing.T) {
const testIssuer = ""
testReqQuery := url.Values{
"client_id": []string{"foo"},
"redirect_uri": []string{"bar"},
"scope": []string{"baz"},
"response_type": []string{"bat"},
testIssuerWithTestReqQuery := testIssuer + "?" + testReqQuery.Encode()
tests := []struct {
name string
method string
reqTarget string
idps federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerI
wantStatus int
wantContentType string
wantBodyString string
name: "happy path",
method: http.MethodGet,
reqTarget: "/some/path" + oidc.ChooseIDPEndpointPath + "?" + testReqQuery.Encode(),
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().
wantStatus: http.StatusOK,
wantContentType: "text/html; charset=utf-8",
wantBodyString: testutil.ExpectedChooseIDPPageHTML(chooseidphtml.CSS(), chooseidphtml.JS(), []testutil.ChooseIDPPageExpectedValue{
// Should be sorted alphabetically by displayName.
{DisplayName: "ad2", URL: testIssuerWithTestReqQuery + "&pinniped_idp_name=ad2"},
{DisplayName: "ldap1", URL: testIssuerWithTestReqQuery + "&pinniped_idp_name=ldap1"},
{DisplayName: "ldap2", URL: testIssuerWithTestReqQuery + "&pinniped_idp_name=ldap2"},
{DisplayName: "oidc1", URL: testIssuerWithTestReqQuery + "&pinniped_idp_name=oidc1"},
{DisplayName: "oidc2", URL: testIssuerWithTestReqQuery + "&pinniped_idp_name=oidc2"},
{DisplayName: "z-ad1", URL: testIssuerWithTestReqQuery + "&pinniped_idp_name=z-ad1"},
name: "happy path when there are special characters in the IDP name",
method: http.MethodGet,
reqTarget: "/some/path" + oidc.ChooseIDPEndpointPath + "?" + testReqQuery.Encode(),
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().
WithOIDC(oidctestutil.NewTestUpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderBuilder().WithName(`This is Ryan's IDP 👍\~!@#$%^&*()-+[]{}\|;'"<>,.?`).Build()).
WithLDAP(oidctestutil.NewTestUpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderBuilder().WithName(`This is Josh's IDP 🦭`).Build()).
wantStatus: http.StatusOK,
wantContentType: "text/html; charset=utf-8",
wantBodyString: testutil.ExpectedChooseIDPPageHTML(chooseidphtml.CSS(), chooseidphtml.JS(), []testutil.ChooseIDPPageExpectedValue{
// Should be sorted alphabetically by displayName.
DisplayName: `This is Josh's IDP 🦭`,
URL: testIssuerWithTestReqQuery + `&pinniped_idp_name=` + url.QueryEscape(`This is Josh's IDP 🦭`),
DisplayName: `This is Ryan's IDP 👍\~!@#$%^&*()-+[]{}\|;'"<>,.?`,
URL: testIssuerWithTestReqQuery + `&pinniped_idp_name=` + url.QueryEscape(`This is Ryan's IDP 👍\~!@#$%^&*()-+[]{}\|;'"<>,.?`),
name: "no valid IDPs are configured on the FederationDomain",
method: http.MethodGet,
reqTarget: "/some/path" + oidc.ChooseIDPEndpointPath + "?" + testReqQuery.Encode(),
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().
wantStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError,
wantContentType: "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
wantBodyString: "Internal Server Error: please check the server's configuration: no valid identity providers found for this FederationDomain\n",
name: "no query params on the request",
method: http.MethodGet,
reqTarget: "/some/path" + oidc.ChooseIDPEndpointPath,
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().
wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
wantContentType: "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
wantBodyString: "Bad Request: missing required query params (must include client_id, redirect_uri, scope, and response_type)\n",
name: "missing required query param(s) on the request",
method: http.MethodGet,
reqTarget: "/some/path" + oidc.ChooseIDPEndpointPath + "?client_id=foo",
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().
wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
wantContentType: "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
wantBodyString: "Bad Request: missing required query params (must include client_id, redirect_uri, scope, and response_type)\n",
name: "bad request method",
method: http.MethodPost,
reqTarget: oidc.ChooseIDPEndpointPath,
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().
wantStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
wantContentType: "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
wantBodyString: "Method Not Allowed: POST (try GET)\n",
for _, test := range tests {
test := test
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
handler := NewHandler(testIssuer, test.idps)
req := httptest.NewRequest(test.method, test.reqTarget, nil)
rsp := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rsp, req)
require.Equal(t, test.wantStatus, rsp.Code)
require.Equal(t, test.wantContentType, rsp.Header().Get("Content-Type"))
require.Equal(t, test.wantBodyString, rsp.Body.String())
testutil.RequireSecurityHeadersWithIDPChooserPageCSPs(t, rsp)
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
/* Copyright 2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved. */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
html {
height: 100%;
/* The form for this page is styled to be the same as the form from login_form.css */
body {
font-family: "Metropolis-Light", Helvetica, sans-serif;
display: flex;
flex-flow: column wrap;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: center;
/* subtle gradient make the login box stand out */
background: linear-gradient(to top, #f8f8f8, white);
min-height: 100%;
h1 {
font-size: 20px;
margin: 0;
.box {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
border-radius: 4px;
border-color: #ddd;
border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
width: 400px;
padding:30px 30px 0;
margin: 60px 20px 0;
background: white;
font-size: 14px;
/* Buttons for this page are styled to be the same as the form submit button in login_form.css */
button {
color: inherit;
font: inherit;
border: 0;
margin: 0;
outline: 0;
padding: 0;
.form-field {
display: flex;
margin-bottom: 30px;
.form-field button {
width: 100%;
padding: 1em;
background-color: #218fcf; /* this is a color from the Pinniped logo :) */
color: #eee;
font-weight: bold;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all .3s;
.form-field button:focus, .form-field button:hover {
background-color: #1abfd3; /* this is a color from the Pinniped logo :) */
.form-field button:active {
transform: scale(.99);
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
window.onload = () => {
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('button')).forEach(btn => {
btn.onclick = () => window.location.href = btn.dataset.url;
// Initially hidden to allow noscript tag to be the only visible content in the form in case Javascript is disabled.
// Make it visible whenever Javascript is enabled.
document.getElementById("choose-idp-form-buttons").hidden = false;
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package chooseidphtml
import (
_ "embed" // Needed to trigger //go:embed directives below.
//nolint:gochecknoglobals // This package uses globals to ensure that all parsing and minifying happens at init.
var (
//go:embed choose_idp.css
rawCSS string
minifiedCSS = panicOnError(minify.CSS(rawCSS))
//go:embed choose_idp.js
rawJS string
minifiedJS = panicOnError(minify.JS(rawJS))
//go:embed choose_idp.gohtml
rawHTMLTemplate string
// Parse the Go templated HTML and inject functions providing the minified inline CSS and JS.
parsedHTMLTemplate = template.Must(template.New("choose_idp.gohtml").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"minifiedCSS": func() template.CSS { return template.CSS(CSS()) },
"minifiedJS": func() template.JS { return template.JS(JS()) }, //nolint:gosec // This is 100% static input, not attacker-controlled.
// Generate the CSP header value once since it's effectively constant.
cspValue = strings.Join([]string{
`default-src 'none'`,
`script-src '` + csp.Hash(minifiedJS) + `'`,
`style-src '` + csp.Hash(minifiedCSS) + `'`,
`img-src data:`,
`frame-ancestors 'none'`,
}, "; ")
func panicOnError(s string, err error) string {
if err != nil {
return s
// ContentSecurityPolicy returns the Content-Security-Policy header value to make the Template() operate correctly.
// See
func ContentSecurityPolicy() string { return cspValue }
// Template returns the html/template.Template for rendering the login page.
func Template() *template.Template { return parsedHTMLTemplate }
// CSS returns the minified CSS that will be embedded into the page template.
func CSS() string { return minifiedCSS }
// JS returns the minified JS that will be embedded into the page template.
func JS() string { return minifiedJS }
type IdentityProvider struct {
DisplayName string
URL string
// PageData represents the inputs to the template.
type PageData struct {
IdentityProviders []IdentityProvider
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package chooseidphtml
import (
var (
testExpectedCSS = `html{height:100%}body{font-family:metropolis-light,Helvetica,sans-serif;display:flex;flex-flow:column wrap;justify-content:flex-start;align-items:center;background:linear-gradient(to top,#f8f8f8,white);min-height:100%}h1{font-size:20px;margin:0}.box{display:flex;flex-direction:column;flex-wrap:nowrap;border-radius:4px;border-color:#ddd;border-width:1px;border-style:solid;width:400px;padding:30px 30px 0;margin:60px 20px 0;background:#fff;font-size:14px}button{color:inherit;font:inherit;border:0;margin:0;outline:0;padding:0}.form-field{display:flex;margin-bottom:30px}.form-field button{width:100%;padding:1em;background-color:#218fcf;color:#eee;font-weight:700;cursor:pointer;transition:all .3s}.form-field button:focus,.form-field button:hover{background-color:#1abfd3}.form-field button:active{transform:scale(.99)}`
testExpectedJS = `window.onload=()=>{Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("button")).forEach(e=>{e.onclick=()=>window.location.href=e.dataset.url}),document.getElementById("choose-idp-form-buttons").hidden=!1}`
// It's okay if this changes in the future, but this gives us a chance to eyeball the formatting.
// Our browser-based integration tests should find any incompatibilities.
testExpectedCSP = `default-src 'none'; ` +
`script-src 'sha256-eyuE+qQfuMn4WbDizGOp1wSGReaMYRYmRMXpyEo+8ps='; ` +
`style-src 'sha256-SgeTG5HEbHNFgjH+EvLrC+VKZRZQ6iAI3oFnW7i/Tm4='; ` +
`img-src data:; ` +
`frame-ancestors 'none'`
func TestTemplate(t *testing.T) {
const (
testUpstreamName1 = "test-idp-name1"
testUpstreamName2 = "test-idp-name2"
testURL1 = ""
testURL2 = ""
pageInputs := &PageData{
IdentityProviders: []IdentityProvider{
{DisplayName: testUpstreamName1, URL: testURL1},
{DisplayName: testUpstreamName2, URL: testURL2},
expectedHTML := testutil.ExpectedChooseIDPPageHTML(testExpectedCSS, testExpectedJS, []testutil.ChooseIDPPageExpectedValue{
{DisplayName: testUpstreamName1, URL: testURL1},
{DisplayName: testUpstreamName2, URL: testURL2},
var buf bytes.Buffer
require.NoError(t, Template().Execute(&buf, pageInputs))
require.Equal(t, expectedHTML, buf.String())
func TestContentSecurityPolicy(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, testExpectedCSP, ContentSecurityPolicy())
func TestCSS(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, testExpectedCSS, CSS())
func TestJS(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, testExpectedJS, JS())
func TestHelpers(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, "test", panicOnError("test", nil))
require.PanicsWithError(t, "some error", func() { panicOnError("", fmt.Errorf("some error")) })
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import (
@ -153,11 +152,6 @@ func (m *Manager) SetFederationDomains(federationDomains ...*federationdomainpro
m.providerHandlers[(issuerHostWithPath + oidc.ChooseIDPEndpointPath)] = chooseidp.NewHandler(
m.providerHandlers[(issuerHostWithPath + oidc.TokenEndpointPath)] = token.NewHandler(
@ -123,32 +123,6 @@ func TestManager(t *testing.T) {
requirePinnipedIDPChooserRequestToBeHandled := func(requestIssuer string, expectedIDPNames []string) {
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
requiredParams := url.Values{
"client_id": []string{"foo"},
"redirect_uri": []string{"bar"},
"scope": []string{"baz"},
"response_type": []string{"bat"},
subject.ServeHTTP(recorder, newGetRequest(requestIssuer+oidc.ChooseIDPEndpointPath+"?"+requiredParams.Encode()))
// Minimal check to ensure that the right endpoint was called
r.Equal(http.StatusOK, recorder.Code, "unexpected response:", recorder)
r.Equal("text/html; charset=utf-8", recorder.Header().Get("Content-Type"))
responseBody, err := io.ReadAll(recorder.Body)
// Should have some buttons whose URLs include the pinniped_idp_name param.
r.Contains(string(responseBody), "<button ")
for _, expectedIDPName := range expectedIDPNames {
r.Contains(string(responseBody), fmt.Sprintf("pinniped_idp_name=%s", url.QueryEscape(expectedIDPName)))
requireAuthorizationRequestToBeHandled := func(requestIssuer, requestURLSuffix, expectedRedirectLocationPrefix string) (string, string) {
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
@ -403,11 +377,6 @@ func TestManager(t *testing.T) {
requireJWKSRequestToBeHandled(issuer2DifferentCaseHostname, "", issuer2KeyID)
requireJWKSRequestToBeHandled(issuer2DifferentCaseHostname, "?some=query", issuer2KeyID)
requirePinnipedIDPChooserRequestToBeHandled(issuer1, []string{upstreamIDPDisplayName1, upstreamIDPDisplayName2})
requirePinnipedIDPChooserRequestToBeHandled(issuer2, []string{upstreamIDPDisplayName1, upstreamIDPDisplayName2})
requirePinnipedIDPChooserRequestToBeHandled(issuer1DifferentCaseHostname, []string{upstreamIDPDisplayName1, upstreamIDPDisplayName2})
requirePinnipedIDPChooserRequestToBeHandled(issuer2DifferentCaseHostname, []string{upstreamIDPDisplayName1, upstreamIDPDisplayName2})
authRequestParamsIDP1 := "?" + url.Values{
"pinniped_idp_name": []string{upstreamIDPDisplayName1},
"response_type": []string{"code"},
@ -36,9 +36,6 @@ type FederationDomainIdentityProvidersFinderI interface {
HasDefaultIDP() bool
IDPCount() int
type FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerI interface {
@ -74,10 +71,8 @@ type FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder struct {
// federationDomainIssuer parameter's IdentityProviders() list must have a unique DisplayName.
// Note that a single underlying IDP UID may be used by multiple FederationDomainIdentityProvider in the parameter.
// The wrapped lister should contain all valid upstream providers that are defined in the Supervisor, and is expected to
// be thread-safe and to change its contents over time. (Note that it should not contain any invalid or unready identity
// providers because the controllers that fill this cache should not put invalid or unready providers into the cache.)
// The FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder will filter out the ones that don't apply to this federation
// domain.
// be thread-safe and to change its contents over time. The FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder will filter out the
// ones that don't apply to this federation domain.
func NewFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder(
federationDomainIssuer *FederationDomainIssuer,
wrappedLister idplister.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister,
@ -104,10 +99,6 @@ func NewFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder(
func (u *FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder) IDPCount() int {
return len(u.GetOIDCIdentityProviders()) + len(u.GetLDAPIdentityProviders()) + len(u.GetActiveDirectoryIdentityProviders())
// FindUpstreamIDPByDisplayName selects either an OIDC, LDAP, or ActiveDirectory IDP, or returns an error.
// It only considers the allowed IDPs while doing the lookup by display name.
// Note that ActiveDirectory and LDAP IDPs both return the same type, but with different SessionProviderType values.
@ -140,10 +131,6 @@ func (u *FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder) FindUpstreamIDPByDisplay
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("identity provider not available: %q", upstreamIDPDisplayName)
func (u *FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder) HasDefaultIDP() bool {
return u.defaultIdentityProvider != nil
// FindDefaultIDP works like FindUpstreamIDPByDisplayName, but finds the default IDP instead of finding by name.
// If there is no default IDP for this federation domain, then FindDefaultIDP will return an error.
// This can be used to handle the backwards compatibility mode where an authorization request could be made
@ -154,7 +141,7 @@ func (u *FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder) FindDefaultIDP() (
) {
if !u.HasDefaultIDP() {
if u.defaultIdentityProvider == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("identity provider not found: this federation domain does not have a default identity provider")
return u.FindUpstreamIDPByDisplayName(u.defaultIdentityProvider.DisplayName)
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ func TestFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
fdIssuerWithIDPWithLostUID, err := NewFederationDomainIssuer(fakeIssuerURL, []*FederationDomainIdentityProvider{
fdIssuerWithIDPwithLostUID, err := NewFederationDomainIssuer(fakeIssuerURL, []*FederationDomainIdentityProvider{
{DisplayName: "my-idp", UID: "you-cant-find-my-uid"},
require.NoError(t, err)
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ func TestFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder(t *testing.T) {
findIDPByDisplayName: "my-idp",
wrappedLister: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().
federationDomainIssuer: fdIssuerWithIDPWithLostUID,
federationDomainIssuer: fdIssuerWithIDPwithLostUID,
wantError: `identity provider not available: "my-idp"`,
@ -263,10 +263,10 @@ func TestFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
if tt.wantOIDCIDPByDisplayName != nil {
require.Equal(t, tt.wantOIDCIDPByDisplayName, foundOIDCIDP)
require.Equal(t, foundOIDCIDP, tt.wantOIDCIDPByDisplayName)
if tt.wantLDAPIDPByDisplayName != nil {
require.Equal(t, tt.wantLDAPIDPByDisplayName, foundLDAPIDP)
require.Equal(t, foundLDAPIDP, tt.wantLDAPIDPByDisplayName)
@ -339,10 +339,10 @@ func TestFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
if tt.wantDefaultOIDCIDP != nil {
require.Equal(t, tt.wantDefaultOIDCIDP, foundOIDCIDP)
require.Equal(t, foundOIDCIDP, tt.wantDefaultOIDCIDP)
if tt.wantDefaultLDAPIDP != nil {
require.Equal(t, tt.wantDefaultLDAPIDP, foundLDAPIDP)
require.Equal(t, foundLDAPIDP, tt.wantDefaultLDAPIDP)
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ func TestFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder(t *testing.T) {
subject := NewFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder(tt.federationDomainIssuer, tt.wrappedLister)
idps := subject.GetOIDCIdentityProviders()
require.Equal(t, tt.wantIDPs, idps)
require.Equal(t, idps, tt.wantIDPs)
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ func TestFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder(t *testing.T) {
subject := NewFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder(tt.federationDomainIssuer, tt.wrappedLister)
idps := subject.GetLDAPIdentityProviders()
require.Equal(t, tt.wantIDPs, idps)
require.Equal(t, idps, tt.wantIDPs)
@ -529,110 +529,7 @@ func TestFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder(t *testing.T) {
subject := NewFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder(tt.federationDomainIssuer, tt.wrappedLister)
idps := subject.GetActiveDirectoryIdentityProviders()
require.Equal(t, tt.wantIDPs, idps)
testIDPCount := []struct {
name string
wrappedLister idplister.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister
federationDomainIssuer *FederationDomainIssuer
wantCount int
name: "IDPCount when there are none to be found",
wrappedLister: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().
federationDomainIssuer: fdIssuerWithOIDCAndLDAPAndADIDPs,
wantCount: 0,
name: "IDPCount when there are various types of IDP to be found",
wrappedLister: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().
federationDomainIssuer: fdIssuerWithOIDCAndLDAPAndADIDPs,
wantCount: 5,
for _, tt := range testIDPCount {
tt := tt
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
subject := NewFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder(tt.federationDomainIssuer, tt.wrappedLister)
require.Equal(t, tt.wantCount, subject.IDPCount())
testHasDefaultIDP := []struct {
name string
wrappedLister idplister.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister
federationDomainIssuer *FederationDomainIssuer
wantHasDefaultIDP bool
name: "HasDefaultIDP when there is an OIDC provider set as default",
wrappedLister: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().
federationDomainIssuer: fdIssuerWithDefaultOIDCIDP,
wantHasDefaultIDP: true,
name: "HasDefaultIDP when there is an LDAP provider set as default",
wrappedLister: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().
federationDomainIssuer: fdIssuerWithDefaultLDAPIDP,
wantHasDefaultIDP: true,
name: "HasDefaultIDP when there is one set even if it cannot be found",
wrappedLister: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().
federationDomainIssuer: fdIssuerWithDefaultOIDCIDP,
wantHasDefaultIDP: true,
name: "HasDefaultIDP when there is none set",
wrappedLister: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().
federationDomainIssuer: fdIssuerWithOIDCAndLDAPAndADIDPs,
wantHasDefaultIDP: false,
for _, tt := range testHasDefaultIDP {
tt := tt
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
subject := NewFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder(tt.federationDomainIssuer, tt.wrappedLister)
require.Equal(t, tt.wantHasDefaultIDP, subject.HasDefaultIDP())
require.Equal(t, idps, tt.wantIDPs)
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ const (
AuthorizationEndpointPath = "/oauth2/authorize"
TokenEndpointPath = "/oauth2/token" //nolint:gosec // ignore lint warning that this is a credential
CallbackEndpointPath = "/callback"
ChooseIDPEndpointPath = "/choose_identity_provider"
JWKSEndpointPath = "/jwks.json"
PinnipedIDPsPathV1Alpha1 = "/v1alpha1/pinniped_identity_providers"
PinnipedLoginPath = "/login"
@ -144,10 +143,7 @@ func FositeOauth2Helper(
RefreshTokenLifespan: timeoutsConfiguration.RefreshTokenLifespan,
ScopeStrategy: fosite.ExactScopeStrategy,
// The only public client is pinniped-cli, so this combination of PKCE settings requires PKCE for the
// pinniped-cli client and does not require PKCE for any dynamically configured OIDCClients.
EnforcePKCE: false,
EnforcePKCEForPublicClients: true,
EnforcePKCE: true,
// "offline_access" as per
RefreshTokenScopes: []string{oidcapi.ScopeOfflineAccess},
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ func TestPlog(t *testing.T) {
want: `
{"level":"error","timestamp":"2099-08-08T13:57:36.123456Z","caller":"logr@v1.3.0/logr.go:<line>$logr.Logger.Error","message":"e","panda":2,"error":"some err"}
{"level":"error","timestamp":"2099-08-08T13:57:36.123456Z","caller":"logr@v1.2.4/logr.go:<line>$logr.Logger.Error","message":"e","panda":2,"error":"some err"}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2099-08-08T13:57:36.123456Z","caller":"plog/plog.go:<line>$plog.pLogger.warningDepth","message":"we","warning":true,"error":"some err","panda":2}
@ -242,8 +242,8 @@ func TestPlog(t *testing.T) {
{"level":"debug","timestamp":"2099-08-08T13:57:36.123456Z","caller":"plog/plog.go:<line>$plog.pLogger.debugDepth","message":"de","error":"some err","panda":2}
{"level":"trace","timestamp":"2099-08-08T13:57:36.123456Z","caller":"plog/plog.go:<line>$plog.pLogger.traceDepth","message":"te","error":"some err","panda":2}
@ -253,14 +253,14 @@ func TestPlog(t *testing.T) {
want: `
{"level":"error","timestamp":"2099-08-08T13:57:36.123456Z","caller":"zapr@v1.2.4/zapr.go:<line>$zapr.(*zapLogger).Error","message":"e","panda":2,"error":"some err"}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2099-08-08T13:57:36.123456Z","caller":"logr@v1.3.0/logr.go:<line>$logr.Logger.Info","message":"we","warning":true,"error":"some err","panda":2}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2099-08-08T13:57:36.123456Z","caller":"logr@v1.3.0/logr.go:<line>$logr.Logger.Info","message":"ie","error":"some err","panda":2}
{"level":"debug","timestamp":"2099-08-08T13:57:36.123456Z","caller":"logr@v1.3.0/logr.go:<line>$logr.Logger.Info","message":"de","error":"some err","panda":2}
{"level":"trace","timestamp":"2099-08-08T13:57:36.123456Z","caller":"logr@v1.3.0/logr.go:<line>$logr.Logger.Info","message":"te","error":"some err","panda":2}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2099-08-08T13:57:36.123456Z","caller":"logr@v1.2.4/logr.go:<line>$logr.Logger.Info","message":"we","warning":true,"error":"some err","panda":2}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2099-08-08T13:57:36.123456Z","caller":"logr@v1.2.4/logr.go:<line>$logr.Logger.Info","message":"ie","error":"some err","panda":2}
{"level":"debug","timestamp":"2099-08-08T13:57:36.123456Z","caller":"logr@v1.2.4/logr.go:<line>$logr.Logger.Info","message":"de","error":"some err","panda":2}
{"level":"trace","timestamp":"2099-08-08T13:57:36.123456Z","caller":"logr@v1.2.4/logr.go:<line>$logr.Logger.Info","message":"te","error":"some err","panda":2}
@ -99,19 +99,6 @@ func RequireSecurityHeadersWithLoginPageCSPs(t *testing.T, response *httptest.Re
requireSecurityHeaders(t, response)
func RequireSecurityHeadersWithIDPChooserPageCSPs(t *testing.T, response *httptest.ResponseRecorder) {
// Loosely confirm that the unique CSPs needed for the login page were used.
cspHeader := response.Header().Get("Content-Security-Policy")
require.Contains(t, cspHeader, "style-src '") // loose assertion
require.Contains(t, cspHeader, "script-src '") // loose assertion
require.Contains(t, cspHeader, "style-src '") // loose assertion
require.Contains(t, cspHeader, "img-src data:")
require.NotContains(t, cspHeader, "connect-src *") // only needed by form_post page
// Also require all the usual security headers.
requireSecurityHeaders(t, response)
func RequireSecurityHeadersWithoutCustomCSPs(t *testing.T, response *httptest.ResponseRecorder) {
// Confirm that the unique CSPs needed for the form_post or login page were NOT used.
cspHeader := response.Header().Get("Content-Security-Policy")
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -467,14 +467,6 @@ type TestFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder struct {
defaultIDPDisplayName string
func (t *TestFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder) HasDefaultIDP() bool {
return t.defaultIDPDisplayName != ""
func (t *TestFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder) IDPCount() int {
return len(t.upstreamOIDCIdentityProviders) + len(t.upstreamLDAPIdentityProviders) + len(t.upstreamActiveDirectoryIdentityProviders)
func (t *TestFederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerFinder) GetOIDCIdentityProviders() []*resolvedprovider.FederationDomainResolvedOIDCIdentityProvider {
fdIDPs := make([]*resolvedprovider.FederationDomainResolvedOIDCIdentityProvider, len(t.upstreamOIDCIdentityProviders))
for i, testIDP := range t.upstreamOIDCIdentityProviders {
@ -46,16 +46,11 @@ framework (e.g. Spring, Rails, Django, etc.) to implement authentication. The Su
- Clients must use `query` as the
[response_mode]( at the authorization endpoint,
or not specify the `response_mode` param, which defaults to `query`.
- The client may optionally send an extra parameter on the initial authorization request to indicate which identity
provider the user would like to use when authenticating. This parameter is called `pinniped_idp_name` and the value
- If the Supervisor's FederationDomain was configured with explicit `identityProviders` in its spec, then the
client must send an extra parameter on the initial authorization request to indicate which identity provider
the user would like to use when authenticating. This parameter is called `pinniped_idp_name` and the value
of the parameter should be set to the `displayName` of the identity provider as it was configured on the
FederationDomain. When this parameter is not included, and when the FederationDomain was configured with explicit
`identityProviders` in its spec, then the user will be prompted to choose an identity provider from the list of
available identity providers by an interstitial web page during their login flow. The value of this parameter
should be considered a hint and not a hard requirement, since the user could choose to alter or remove this
query param from the authorization URL, and thus could use a different available identity provider from the
FederationDomain to log in. This is not a security concern, since any successful login using any available identity
provider from the FederationDomain's configuration is a valid and allowed user.
Most web application frameworks offer all these capabilities in their OAuth2/OIDC libraries.
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ func TestSupervisorLogin_Browser(t *testing.T) {
createIDP func(t *testing.T) string
// Optionally specify the identityProviders part of the FederationDomain's spec by returning it from this function.
// Also return the displayName of the IDP that should be used during authentication (or empty string for no IDP name in the auth request).
// Also return the displayName of the IDP that should be used during authentication.
// This function takes the name of the IDP CR which was returned by createIDP() as as argument.
federationDomainIDPs func(t *testing.T, idpName string) (idps []configv1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider, useIDPDisplayName string)
@ -1430,51 +1430,6 @@ func TestSupervisorLogin_Browser(t *testing.T) {
wantDownstreamIDTokenUsernameToMatch: func(_ string) string { return "^" + regexp.QuoteMeta(env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.Username) + "$" },
wantDownstreamIDTokenGroups: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.ExpectedGroups,
name: "oidc upstream with downstream dynamic client happy path, requesting all scopes, using the IDP chooser page",
maybeSkip: skipNever,
createIDP: func(t *testing.T) string {
spec := basicOIDCIdentityProviderSpec()
spec.Claims = idpv1alpha1.OIDCClaims{
Username: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.UsernameClaim,
Groups: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.GroupsClaim,
spec.AuthorizationConfig = idpv1alpha1.OIDCAuthorizationConfig{
AdditionalScopes: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.AdditionalScopes,
return testlib.CreateTestOIDCIdentityProvider(t, spec, idpv1alpha1.PhaseReady).Name
federationDomainIDPs: func(t *testing.T, idpName string) ([]configv1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider, string) {
displayName := "my oidc idp"
return []configv1alpha1.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{
DisplayName: displayName,
ObjectRef: v1.TypedLocalObjectReference{
APIGroup: ptr.To("idp.supervisor." + env.APIGroupSuffix),
Kind: "OIDCIdentityProvider",
Name: idpName,
"" // return an empty string be used as the pinniped_idp_name param's value in the authorize request,
// which should cause the authorize endpoint to show the IDP chooser page
createOIDCClient: func(t *testing.T, callbackURL string) (string, string) {
return testlib.CreateOIDCClient(t, configv1alpha1.OIDCClientSpec{
AllowedRedirectURIs: []configv1alpha1.RedirectURI{configv1alpha1.RedirectURI(callbackURL)},
AllowedGrantTypes: []configv1alpha1.GrantType{"authorization_code", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange", "refresh_token"},
AllowedScopes: []configv1alpha1.Scope{"openid", "offline_access", "pinniped:request-audience", "username", "groups"},
}, configv1alpha1.OIDCClientPhaseReady)
requestAuthorization: requestAuthorizationUsingBrowserAuthcodeFlowOIDCWithIDPChooserPage,
wantDownstreamIDTokenSubjectToMatch: "^" +
regexp.QuoteMeta(env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.Issuer) +
regexp.QuoteMeta("?idpName="+url.QueryEscape("my oidc idp")) +
regexp.QuoteMeta("&sub=") + ".+" +
wantDownstreamIDTokenUsernameToMatch: func(_ string) string { return "^" + regexp.QuoteMeta(env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.Username) + "$" },
wantDownstreamIDTokenGroups: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.ExpectedGroups,
name: "oidc upstream with downstream dynamic client happy path, requesting all scopes, with additional claims",
maybeSkip: skipNever,
@ -2772,8 +2727,9 @@ func requestAuthorizationAndExpectImmediateRedirectToCallback(t *testing.T, _, d
browser.WaitForURL(t, callbackURLPattern)
func openBrowserAndNavigateToAuthorizeURL(t *testing.T, downstreamAuthorizeURL string, httpClient *http.Client) *browsertest.Browser {
func requestAuthorizationUsingBrowserAuthcodeFlowOIDC(t *testing.T, _, downstreamAuthorizeURL, downstreamCallbackURL, _, _ string, httpClient *http.Client) {
env := testlib.IntegrationEnv(t)
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute)
defer cancelFunc()
@ -2786,45 +2742,13 @@ func openBrowserAndNavigateToAuthorizeURL(t *testing.T, downstreamAuthorizeURL s
t.Logf("opening browser to downstream authorize URL %s", testlib.MaskTokens(downstreamAuthorizeURL))
browser.Navigate(t, downstreamAuthorizeURL)
return browser
func loginToUpstreamOIDCAndWaitForCallback(t *testing.T, b *browsertest.Browser, downstreamCallbackURL string) {
env := testlib.IntegrationEnv(t)
// Expect to be redirected to the upstream provider and log in.
browsertest.LoginToUpstreamOIDC(t, b, env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC)
browsertest.LoginToUpstreamOIDC(t, browser, env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC)
// Wait for the login to happen and us be redirected back to a localhost callback.
t.Logf("waiting for redirect to callback")
callbackURLPattern := regexp.MustCompile(`\A` + regexp.QuoteMeta(downstreamCallbackURL) + `\?.+\z`)
b.WaitForURL(t, callbackURLPattern)
func requestAuthorizationUsingBrowserAuthcodeFlowOIDC(t *testing.T, _, downstreamAuthorizeURL, downstreamCallbackURL, _, _ string, httpClient *http.Client) {
browser := openBrowserAndNavigateToAuthorizeURL(t, downstreamAuthorizeURL, httpClient)
loginToUpstreamOIDCAndWaitForCallback(t, browser, downstreamCallbackURL)
func requestAuthorizationUsingBrowserAuthcodeFlowOIDCWithIDPChooserPage(t *testing.T, downstreamIssuer, downstreamAuthorizeURL, downstreamCallbackURL, _, _ string, httpClient *http.Client) {
browser := openBrowserAndNavigateToAuthorizeURL(t, downstreamAuthorizeURL, httpClient)
t.Log("waiting for redirect to IDP chooser page")
browser.WaitForURL(t, regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(`\A%s/choose_identity_provider.*\z`, downstreamIssuer)))
t.Log("waiting for any IDP chooser button to be visible")
browser.WaitForVisibleElements(t, "button")
t.Log("clicking the first IDP chooser button")
browser.ClickFirstMatch(t, "button")
loginToUpstreamOIDCAndWaitForCallback(t, browser, downstreamCallbackURL)
browser.WaitForURL(t, callbackURLPattern)
func requestAuthorizationUsingBrowserAuthcodeFlowLDAP(t *testing.T, downstreamIssuer, downstreamAuthorizeURL, downstreamCallbackURL, username, password string, httpClient *http.Client) {
@ -184,38 +184,38 @@ func (b *Browser) Title(t *testing.T) string {
return title
func (b *Browser) WaitForVisibleElements(t *testing.T, cssSelectors ...string) {
func (b *Browser) WaitForVisibleElements(t *testing.T, selectors ...string) {
for _, s := range cssSelectors {
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.WaitVisible(s, chromedp.ByQuery))
for _, s := range selectors {
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.WaitVisible(s))
func (b *Browser) TextOfFirstMatch(t *testing.T, cssSelector string) string {
func (b *Browser) TextOfFirstMatch(t *testing.T, selector string) string {
var text string
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.Text(cssSelector, &text, chromedp.NodeVisible, chromedp.ByQuery))
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.Text(selector, &text, chromedp.NodeVisible))
return text
func (b *Browser) AttrValueOfFirstMatch(t *testing.T, cssSelector string, attributeName string) string {
func (b *Browser) AttrValueOfFirstMatch(t *testing.T, selector string, attributeName string) string {
var value string
var ok bool
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.AttributeValue(cssSelector, attributeName, &value, &ok, chromedp.ByQuery))
require.Truef(t, ok, "did not find attribute named %q on first element returned by selector %q", attributeName, cssSelector)
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.AttributeValue(selector, attributeName, &value, &ok))
require.Truef(t, ok, "did not find attribute named %q on first element returned by selector %q", attributeName, selector)
return value
func (b *Browser) SendKeysToFirstMatch(t *testing.T, cssSelector string, runesToType string) {
func (b *Browser) SendKeysToFirstMatch(t *testing.T, selector string, runesToType string) {
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.SendKeys(cssSelector, runesToType, chromedp.NodeVisible, chromedp.NodeEnabled, chromedp.ByQuery))
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.SendKeys(selector, runesToType, chromedp.NodeVisible, chromedp.NodeEnabled))
func (b *Browser) ClickFirstMatch(t *testing.T, cssSelector string) string {
func (b *Browser) ClickFirstMatch(t *testing.T, selector string) string {
var text string
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.Click(cssSelector, chromedp.NodeVisible, chromedp.NodeEnabled, chromedp.ByQuery))
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.Click(selector, chromedp.NodeVisible, chromedp.NodeEnabled))
return text
Reference in New Issue
Block a user