When using kind we forward the node's port to the host, so we only
really care about the `nodePort` value. For acceptance clusters,
we put an Ingress in front of a NodePort Service, so we only really
care about the `port` value.
- When using `local()` in the Tiltfile it will not know
to watch those files for changes, so each time we use
`local()` we now also use `watch_file()`
- As a result, editing a ytt template file now causes
an immediate `kubectl apply` of the results
- Tiltfile and prepare-for-integration-tests.sh both specify the
NodePort Service using `--data-value-yaml 'service_nodeport_port=31234'`
- Also rename the namespaces used by the Concierge and Supervisor apps
during integration tests running locally
- Also continue renaming things related to the concierge app
- Enhance the uninstall test to also test uninstalling the supervisor
and local-user-authenticator apps