cmd/pinniped: add whoami command
Signed-off-by: Andrew Keesler <>
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// Copyright 2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package cmd
import (
conciergeclientset ""
// getConciergeClientsetFunc is a function that can return a clientset for the Concierge API given a
// clientConfig and the apiGroupSuffix with which the API is running.
type getConciergeClientsetFunc func(clientConfig clientcmd.ClientConfig, apiGroupSuffix string) (conciergeclientset.Interface, error)
// getRealConciergeClientset returns a real implementation of a conciergeclientset.Interface.
func getRealConciergeClientset(clientConfig clientcmd.ClientConfig, apiGroupSuffix string) (conciergeclientset.Interface, error) {
restConfig, err := clientConfig.ClientConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client, err := kubeclient.New(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return client.PinnipedConcierge, nil
// newClientConfig returns a clientcmd.ClientConfig given an optional kubeconfig path override and
// an optional context override.
func newClientConfig(kubeconfigPathOverride string, currentContextName string) clientcmd.ClientConfig {
loadingRules := clientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules()
loadingRules.ExplicitPath = kubeconfigPathOverride
clientConfig := clientcmd.NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(loadingRules, &clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{
CurrentContext: currentContextName,
return clientConfig
@ -27,31 +27,17 @@ import (
conciergev1alpha1 ""
conciergev1alpha1 ""
conciergeclientset ""
conciergeclientset ""
type kubeconfigDeps struct {
type kubeconfigDeps struct {
getPathToSelf func() (string, error)
getPathToSelf func() (string, error)
getClientset func(clientConfig clientcmd.ClientConfig, apiGroupSuffix string) (conciergeclientset.Interface, error)
getClientset getConciergeClientsetFunc
func kubeconfigRealDeps() kubeconfigDeps {
func kubeconfigRealDeps() kubeconfigDeps {
return kubeconfigDeps{
return kubeconfigDeps{
getPathToSelf: os.Executable,
getPathToSelf: os.Executable,
getClientset: func(clientConfig clientcmd.ClientConfig, apiGroupSuffix string) (conciergeclientset.Interface, error) {
getClientset: getRealConciergeClientset,
restConfig, err := clientConfig.ClientConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client, err := kubeclient.New(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return client.PinnipedConcierge, nil
@ -350,15 +336,6 @@ func lookupAuthenticator(clientset conciergeclientset.Interface, authType, authN
return results[0], nil
return results[0], nil
func newClientConfig(kubeconfigPathOverride string, currentContextName string) clientcmd.ClientConfig {
loadingRules := clientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules()
loadingRules.ExplicitPath = kubeconfigPathOverride
clientConfig := clientcmd.NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(loadingRules, &clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{
CurrentContext: currentContextName,
return clientConfig
func writeConfigAsYAML(out io.Writer, config clientcmdapi.Config) error {
func writeConfigAsYAML(out io.Writer, config clientcmdapi.Config) error {
output, err := clientcmd.Write(config)
output, err := clientcmd.Write(config)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
// Copyright 2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package cmd
import (
metav1 ""
utilruntime ""
identityapi ""
identityv1alpha1 ""
loginapi ""
loginv1alpha1 ""
//nolint: gochecknoinits
func init() {
type whoamiFlags struct {
outputFormat string // e.g., yaml, json, text
kubeconfigPath string
kubeconfigContextOverride string
apiGroupSuffix string
type clusterInfo struct {
name string
url string
func newWhoamiCommand(getClientset getConciergeClientsetFunc) *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Args: cobra.NoArgs, // do not accept positional arguments for this command
Use: "whoami",
Short: "Print information about the current user",
SilenceUsage: true,
flags := &whoamiFlags{}
// flags
f := cmd.Flags()
f.StringVarP(&flags.outputFormat, "output", "o", "text", "Output format (e.g., 'yaml', 'json', 'text')")
f.StringVar(&flags.kubeconfigPath, "kubeconfig", os.Getenv("KUBECONFIG"), "Path to kubeconfig file")
f.StringVar(&flags.kubeconfigContextOverride, "kubeconfig-context", "", "Kubeconfig context name (default: current active context)")
f.StringVar(&flags.apiGroupSuffix, "api-group-suffix", groupsuffix.PinnipedDefaultSuffix, "Concierge API group suffix")
cmd.RunE = func(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
return runWhoami(cmd.OutOrStdout(), getClientset, flags)
return cmd
func runWhoami(output io.Writer, getClientset getConciergeClientsetFunc, flags *whoamiFlags) error {
clientConfig := newClientConfig(flags.kubeconfigPath, flags.kubeconfigContextOverride)
clientset, err := getClientset(clientConfig, flags.apiGroupSuffix)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not configure Kubernetes client: %w", err)
clusterInfo, err := getCurrentCluster(clientConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not get current cluster info: %w", err)
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*20)
defer cancelFunc()
whoAmI, err := clientset.IdentityV1alpha1().WhoAmIRequests().Create(ctx, &identityv1alpha1.WhoAmIRequest{}, metav1.CreateOptions{})
if err != nil {
hint := ""
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
hint = " (is the Pinniped WhoAmI API running and healthy?)"
return fmt.Errorf("could not complete WhoAmIRequest%s: %w", hint, err)
if err := writeWhoamiOutput(output, flags, clusterInfo, whoAmI); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not write output: %w", err)
return nil
func getCurrentCluster(clientConfig clientcmd.ClientConfig) (*clusterInfo, error) {
currentKubeconfig, err := clientConfig.RawConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
unknownClusterInfo := &clusterInfo{name: "???", url: "???"}
context, ok := currentKubeconfig.Contexts[currentKubeconfig.CurrentContext]
if !ok {
return unknownClusterInfo, nil
cluster, ok := currentKubeconfig.Clusters[context.Cluster]
if !ok {
return unknownClusterInfo, nil
return &clusterInfo{name: context.Cluster, url: cluster.Server}, nil
func writeWhoamiOutput(output io.Writer, flags *whoamiFlags, cInfo *clusterInfo, whoAmI *identityv1alpha1.WhoAmIRequest) error {
switch flags.outputFormat {
case "text":
return writeWhoamiOutputText(output, cInfo, whoAmI)
case "json":
return writeWhoamiOutputJSON(output, flags.apiGroupSuffix, whoAmI)
case "yaml":
return writeWhoamiOutputYAML(output, flags.apiGroupSuffix, whoAmI)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown output format: %q", flags.outputFormat)
func writeWhoamiOutputText(output io.Writer, clusterInfo *clusterInfo, whoAmI *identityv1alpha1.WhoAmIRequest) error {
fmt.Fprint(output, here.Docf(`
Current cluster info:
Name: %s
URL: %s
Current user info:
Username: %s
Groups: %s
`,, clusterInfo.url, whoAmI.Status.KubernetesUserInfo.User.Username, prettyStrings(whoAmI.Status.KubernetesUserInfo.User.Groups)))
return nil
func writeWhoamiOutputJSON(output io.Writer, apiGroupSuffix string, whoAmI *identityv1alpha1.WhoAmIRequest) error {
return serialize(output, apiGroupSuffix, whoAmI, runtime.ContentTypeJSON)
func writeWhoamiOutputYAML(output io.Writer, apiGroupSuffix string, whoAmI *identityv1alpha1.WhoAmIRequest) error {
return serialize(output, apiGroupSuffix, whoAmI, runtime.ContentTypeYAML)
func serialize(output io.Writer, apiGroupSuffix string, whoAmI *identityv1alpha1.WhoAmIRequest, contentType string) error {
scheme, _, identityGV := conciergeschemeNew(apiGroupSuffix)
codecs := serializer.NewCodecFactory(scheme)
respInfo, ok := runtime.SerializerInfoForMediaType(codecs.SupportedMediaTypes(), contentType)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown content type: %q", contentType)
// I have seen the pretty serializer be nil before, so this will hopefully protect against that
// corner.
serializer := respInfo.PrettySerializer
if serializer == nil {
serializer = respInfo.Serializer
// Ensure that these fields are set so that the JSON/YAML output tells the full story.
whoAmI.APIVersion = identityGV.String()
whoAmI.Kind = "WhoAmIRequest"
return serializer.Encode(whoAmI, output)
func prettyStrings(ss []string) string {
b := &strings.Builder{}
for i, s := range ss {
if i != 0 {
b.WriteString(", ")
return b.String()
// conciergeschemeNew is a temporary private function to stand in place for
// "".New until the later function is merged to main.
func conciergeschemeNew(apiGroupSuffix string) (_ *runtime.Scheme, login, identity schema.GroupVersion) {
// standard set up of the server side scheme
scheme := runtime.NewScheme()
// add the options to empty v1
metav1.AddToGroupVersion(scheme, metav1.Unversioned)
// nothing fancy is required if using the standard group suffix
if apiGroupSuffix == groupsuffix.PinnipedDefaultSuffix {
schemeBuilder := runtime.NewSchemeBuilder(
return scheme, loginv1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion, identityv1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion
loginConciergeGroupData, identityConciergeGroupData := groupsuffix.ConciergeAggregatedGroups(apiGroupSuffix)
addToSchemeAtNewGroup(scheme, loginv1alpha1.GroupName, loginConciergeGroupData.Group, loginv1alpha1.AddToScheme, loginapi.AddToScheme)
addToSchemeAtNewGroup(scheme, identityv1alpha1.GroupName, identityConciergeGroupData.Group, identityv1alpha1.AddToScheme, identityapi.AddToScheme)
// manually register conversions and defaulting into the correct scheme since we cannot directly call AddToScheme
schemeBuilder := runtime.NewSchemeBuilder(
// we do not want to return errors from the scheme and instead would prefer to defer
// to the REST storage layer for consistency. The simplest way to do this is to force
// a cache miss from the authenticator cache. Kube API groups are validated via the
// IsDNS1123Subdomain func thus we can easily create a group that is guaranteed never
// to be in the authenticator cache. Add a timestamp just to be extra sure.
const authenticatorCacheMissPrefix = "_INVALID_API_GROUP_"
authenticatorCacheMiss := authenticatorCacheMissPrefix + time.Now().UTC().String()
// we do not have any defaulting functions for *loginv1alpha1.TokenCredentialRequest
// today, but we may have some in the future. Calling AddTypeDefaultingFunc overwrites
// any previously registered defaulting function. Thus to make sure that we catch
// a situation where we add a defaulting func, we attempt to call it here with a nil
// *loginv1alpha1.TokenCredentialRequest. This will do nothing when there is no
// defaulting func registered, but it will almost certainly panic if one is added.
// on incoming requests, restore the authenticator API group to the standard group
// note that we are responsible for duplicating this logic for every external API version
scheme.AddTypeDefaultingFunc(&loginv1alpha1.TokenCredentialRequest{}, func(obj interface{}) {
credentialRequest := obj.(*loginv1alpha1.TokenCredentialRequest)
if credentialRequest.Spec.Authenticator.APIGroup == nil {
// force a cache miss because this is an invalid request
plog.Debug("invalid token credential request, nil group", "authenticator", credentialRequest.Spec.Authenticator)
credentialRequest.Spec.Authenticator.APIGroup = &authenticatorCacheMiss
restoredGroup, ok := groupsuffix.Unreplace(*credentialRequest.Spec.Authenticator.APIGroup, apiGroupSuffix)
if !ok {
// force a cache miss because this is an invalid request
plog.Debug("invalid token credential request, wrong group", "authenticator", credentialRequest.Spec.Authenticator)
credentialRequest.Spec.Authenticator.APIGroup = &authenticatorCacheMiss
credentialRequest.Spec.Authenticator.APIGroup = &restoredGroup
return scheme, schema.GroupVersion(loginConciergeGroupData), schema.GroupVersion(identityConciergeGroupData)
func addToSchemeAtNewGroup(scheme *runtime.Scheme, oldGroup, newGroup string, funcs ...func(*runtime.Scheme) error) {
// we need a temporary place to register our types to avoid double registering them
tmpScheme := runtime.NewScheme()
schemeBuilder := runtime.NewSchemeBuilder(funcs...)
for gvk := range tmpScheme.AllKnownTypes() {
if gvk.GroupVersion() == metav1.Unversioned {
continue // metav1.AddToGroupVersion registers types outside of our aggregated API group that we need to ignore
if gvk.Group != oldGroup {
panic(fmt.Errorf("tmp scheme has type not in the old aggregated API group %s: %s", oldGroup, gvk)) // programmer error
obj, err := tmpScheme.New(gvk)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // programmer error, scheme internal code is broken
newGVK := schema.GroupVersionKind{
Group: newGroup,
Version: gvk.Version,
Kind: gvk.Kind,
// register the existing type but with the new group in the correct scheme
scheme.AddKnownTypeWithName(newGVK, obj)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
// Copyright 2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package cmd
import (
kubetesting ""
identityv1alpha1 ""
conciergeclientset ""
fakeconciergeclientset ""
func TestWhoami(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
args []string
groupsOverride []string
gettingClientsetErr error
callingAPIErr error
wantError bool
wantStdout, wantStderr string
name: "help flag",
args: []string{"--help"},
wantStdout: here.Doc(`
Print information about the current user
whoami [flags]
--api-group-suffix string Concierge API group suffix (default "")
-h, --help help for whoami
--kubeconfig string Path to kubeconfig file
--kubeconfig-context string Kubeconfig context name (default: current active context)
-o, --output string Output format (e.g., 'yaml', 'json', 'text') (default "text")
name: "text output",
args: []string{"--kubeconfig", "testdata/kubeconfig.yaml"},
wantStdout: here.Doc(`
Current cluster info:
Name: kind-kind
URL: https://fake-server-url-value
Current user info:
Username: some-username
Groups: some-group-0, some-group-1
name: "text output with long output flag",
args: []string{"--kubeconfig", "testdata/kubeconfig.yaml", "--output", "text"},
wantStdout: here.Doc(`
Current cluster info:
Name: kind-kind
URL: https://fake-server-url-value
Current user info:
Username: some-username
Groups: some-group-0, some-group-1
name: "text output with 1 group",
args: []string{"--kubeconfig", "testdata/kubeconfig.yaml", "--output", "text"},
groupsOverride: []string{"some-group-0"},
wantStdout: here.Doc(`
Current cluster info:
Name: kind-kind
URL: https://fake-server-url-value
Current user info:
Username: some-username
Groups: some-group-0
name: "text output with no groups",
args: []string{"--kubeconfig", "testdata/kubeconfig.yaml", "--output", "text"},
groupsOverride: []string{},
wantStdout: here.Doc(`
Current cluster info:
Name: kind-kind
URL: https://fake-server-url-value
Current user info:
Username: some-username
name: "json output",
args: []string{"--kubeconfig", "testdata/kubeconfig.yaml", "-o", "json"},
wantStdout: here.Doc(`
"kind": "WhoAmIRequest",
"apiVersion": "",
"metadata": {
"creationTimestamp": null
"spec": {},
"status": {
"kubernetesUserInfo": {
"user": {
"username": "some-username",
"groups": [
name: "json output with api group suffix flag",
args: []string{"--kubeconfig", "testdata/kubeconfig.yaml", "-o", "json", "--api-group-suffix", ""},
wantStdout: here.Doc(`
"kind": "WhoAmIRequest",
"apiVersion": "",
"metadata": {
"creationTimestamp": null
"spec": {},
"status": {
"kubernetesUserInfo": {
"user": {
"username": "some-username",
"groups": [
name: "yaml output",
args: []string{"--kubeconfig", "testdata/kubeconfig.yaml", "-o", "yaml"},
wantStdout: here.Doc(`
kind: WhoAmIRequest
creationTimestamp: null
spec: {}
- some-group-0
- some-group-1
username: some-username
name: "yaml output with api group suffix",
args: []string{"--kubeconfig", "testdata/kubeconfig.yaml", "-o", "yaml", "--api-group-suffix", ""},
wantStdout: here.Doc(`
kind: WhoAmIRequest
creationTimestamp: null
spec: {}
- some-group-0
- some-group-1
username: some-username
name: "extra args",
args: []string{"extra-arg"},
wantError: true,
wantStderr: "Error: unknown command \"extra-arg\" for \"whoami\"\n",
name: "cannot get cluster info",
args: []string{"--kubeconfig", "this-file-does-not-exist"},
wantError: true,
wantStderr: "Error: could not get current cluster info: stat this-file-does-not-exist: no such file or directory\n",
name: "getting clientset fails",
gettingClientsetErr: constable.Error("some get clientset error"),
wantError: true,
wantStderr: "Error: could not configure Kubernetes client: some get clientset error\n",
name: "calling API fails",
callingAPIErr: constable.Error("some API error"),
wantError: true,
wantStderr: "Error: could not complete WhoAmIRequest: some API error\n",
name: "calling API fails because WhoAmI API is not installed",
callingAPIErr: errors.NewNotFound(identityv1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithResource("whoamirequests").GroupResource(), "whatever"),
wantError: true,
wantStderr: "Error: could not complete WhoAmIRequest (is the Pinniped WhoAmI API running and healthy?): \"whatever\" not found\n",
for _, test := range tests {
test := test
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
getClientset := func(clientConfig clientcmd.ClientConfig, apiGroupSuffix string) (conciergeclientset.Interface, error) {
if test.gettingClientsetErr != nil {
return nil, test.gettingClientsetErr
clientset := fakeconciergeclientset.NewSimpleClientset()
clientset.PrependReactor("create", "whoamirequests", func(_ kubetesting.Action) (bool, runtime.Object, error) {
if test.callingAPIErr != nil {
return true, nil, test.callingAPIErr
groups := []string{"some-group-0", "some-group-1"}
if test.groupsOverride != nil {
groups = test.groupsOverride
return true, &identityv1alpha1.WhoAmIRequest{
Status: identityv1alpha1.WhoAmIRequestStatus{
KubernetesUserInfo: identityv1alpha1.KubernetesUserInfo{
User: identityv1alpha1.UserInfo{
Username: "some-username",
Groups: groups,
}, nil
return clientset, nil
cmd := newWhoamiCommand(getClientset)
stdout, stderr := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}), bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
err := cmd.Execute()
if test.wantError {
require.Error(t, err)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, test.wantStdout, stdout.String())
require.Equal(t, test.wantStderr, stderr.String())
Reference in New Issue
Block a user