Merge pull request #1606 from vmware-tanzu/jtc/add-blog-post-for-v0.25.0
Add blog post for v0.25.0
This commit is contained in:
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ We've provided examples of using [OpenLDAP]({{< ref "docs/howto/install-supervis
and [JumpCloud]({{< ref "docs/howto/" >}}) as LDAP providers.
Stay tuned for examples of using Active Directory.
The `pinniped` CLI has also been enhanced to support LDAP authentication. Now when `pinnped get kubectl` sees
The `pinniped` CLI has also been enhanced to support LDAP authentication. Now when `pinniped get kubectl` sees
that your cluster's Concierge is configured to use a Supervisor which has an LDAPIdentityProvider, then it
will emit the appropriate kubeconfig to enable LDAP logins. When that kubeconfig is used with `kubectl`,
the Pinniped plugin will directly prompt the user on the CLI for their LDAP username and password and
@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
title: "Pinniped v0.25.0: With External Certificate Management for the Impersonation Proxy and more!"
slug: v0-25-0-external-cert-mgmt-impersonation-proxy
date: 2023-08-09
author: Joshua T. Casey
- Joshua T. Casey
- Benjamin A. Petersen
excerpt: "With v0.25.0 you get external certificate management for the impersonation proxy, easier scheduling of the kube-cert-agent, and more"
tags: ['Joshua T. Casey','Ryan Richard', 'Benjamin A. Petersen', 'release', 'kubernetes', 'pki', 'pinniped', 'tls', 'mtls', 'kind', 'contour', 'cert-manager']

*Photo by [karlheinz_eckhardt Eckhardt]( on [Unsplash](*
With Pinniped v0.25.0 you get the ability to configure an externally-generated certificate for Pinniped Concierge's impersonation proxy to serve TLS. The
impersonation proxy is a component within Pinniped that allows the project to support many types of clusters, such as
[Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)](, [Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)](,
and [Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)](
To read more on this feature, and the design decisions behind it, see the [proposal](
To read more about the impersonation proxy, see the [docs](
To see the feature in practice on a local kind cluster, follow these instructions.
This will perform mTLS between your local client (kubectl and the pinniped CLI) and the impersonation proxy.
The setup: We will be using a kind cluster, Contour as an ingress to the impersonation proxy, and cert-manager to generate a TLS serving cert.
The setup: We will be using a kind cluster, Contour as an ingress to the impersonation proxy, and cert-manager to generate a TLS serving cert.
Docker desktop v1.20.1
Kind v0.20.0
Contour v1.25.2
Pinniped v0.25.0
pinniped CLI v0.25.0 (
cert-manager v1.12.3
Set up kind to run with Contour, using the example kind cluster configuration file provided by Contour.
$ wget
# the --kubeconfig flag on the "create cluster" command will automatically export the kubeconfig file for us
$ kind create cluster \
--config kind-expose-port.yaml \
--name kind-with-contour \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml
Now we will install Contour (see for more details). Contour provides our kind
cluster with an Ingress Controller. We will later deploy a Contour HTTPProxy to create DNS that we can
use to access the impersonation proxy.
# From
$ kubectl apply \
--filename \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml
# Verify that the Contour pods are ready
$ kubectl get pods \
--namespace projectcontour \
--output wide \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml
Pinniped's local-user-authenticator will act as a dummy identity provider for our example. This resource is not for production
use but is sufficient for our needs to exercise the new feature of the impersonation proxy. Install Pinniped’s local-user-authenticator
and add some sample users (see for more details).
# Install Pinniped's local-user-authenticator
$ kubectl apply \
--filename \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml
# Create a local user "pinny" with password "password123" and group "group-for-mtls".
# Each secret in this namespace acts like a user definition.
$ kubectl create secret generic pinny \
--namespace local-user-authenticator \
--from-literal=groups=group-for-mtls \
--from-literal=passwordHash=$(htpasswd -nbBC 10 x password123 | sed -e "s/^x://") \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml
# We'll need the CA bundle of the local-user-authenticator service to configure the Concierge's WebhookAuthenticator.
# Just make sure this next command does print out the TLS secret, which can take a few seconds to generate.
$ kubectl get secret local-user-authenticator-tls-serving-certificate \
--namespace local-user-authenticator \
--output jsonpath={.data.caCertificate} \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml \
| tee local-user-authenticator-ca.pem.b64
In this example, we are only interacting with the Pinniped's Concierge. The Supervisor is not in use as we are not interacting
with a real external OIDC identity provider. Install Pinniped's Concierge:
$ kubectl apply \
--filename \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml
$ kubectl apply \
--filename \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml
To handle X.509 certificate management for us, we will install cert-manager. For the purposes of this exercise, we will use cert-manager
to generate our CA certificates as well as our TLS serving certificates. Install cert-manager:
$ kubectl apply \
--filename \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml
For this demonstration, we will be using cert-manager to simulate our own Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
We will create the appropriate CA certificates and TLS serving certificates for the impersonation proxy to serve TLS.
For more information about using cert-manager to achieve this, see the [cert-manager docs](
In summary, we will do the following:
- Create two `ClusterIssuer` resources, one named `selfsigned-cluster-issuer` and another named `my-ca-issuer`.
- The `ClusterIssuer` named `my-ca-issuer` will be used to create several `Certificate` resources. First, we will create
the `Certificate` called `my-selfsigned-ca` (which will reference a `Secret` named `self-signed-ca-for-kind-testing` where
the actual certificate data will be stored).
- We will later retrieve the `Secret` called `self-signed-ca-for-kind-testing` so that we can add the CA to the Pinniped Concierge's
`CredentialIssuer` resource so that it can be advertised and used to verify TLS serving certificates.
- Then, we will create the `ClusterIssuer` called `my-ca-issuer`. We will reference the `Certificate` called `my-selfsigned-ca` via
its `Secret` named `self-signed-ca-for-kind-testing`. This will allow us to use the CA to sign TLS serving certificates.
- Then, we will use the `ClusterIssuer` called `my-ca-issuer` to generate a `Certificate` that will be a TLS serving certificate
called `impersonation-serving-cert`. As before, the actual certificate data will be stored in a Kubernetes `Secret` which we
will name `impersonation-proxy-tls-serving-cert`.
- Finally, we will update the Pinniped Concierge's `CredentiaIissuer` resource to use the TLS serving certificate stored in the
`Secret` called `impersonation-proxy-tls-serving-cert`.
If all goes well, the Impersonation Proxy endpoints will be served with a TLS serving certificate that can be validated by the
CA certificate that generated it. That's a lot! Fortunately, the majority of the work is done painlessly via the following
simple commands:
$ cat << EOF > self-signed-cert.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: cert-manager
kind: ClusterIssuer
name: selfsigned-cluster-issuer
selfSigned: {}
kind: Certificate
name: my-selfsigned-ca
namespace: cert-manager
isCA: true
commonName: my-selfsigned-ca
secretName: self-signed-ca-for-kind-testing
algorithm: ECDSA
size: 256
name: selfsigned-cluster-issuer
kind: ClusterIssuer
kind: ClusterIssuer
name: my-ca-issuer
secretName: self-signed-ca-for-kind-testing
kind: Certificate
name: impersonation-serving-cert
namespace: pinniped-concierge
secretName: impersonation-proxy-tls-serving-cert
duration: 2160h # 90d
renewBefore: 360h # 15d
- Pinniped
isCA: false
algorithm: RSA
encoding: PKCS1
size: 2048
- server auth
- impersonation-proxy-mtls.local
name: my-ca-issuer
kind: ClusterIssuer
$ kubectl apply \
--filename self-signed-cert.yaml \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml
Download the root (self-signed) CA's certificate. We will be adding it to the Pinniped Concierge's `CredentialIssuer` resource
in order to configure the impersonation proxy to advertise the certificate as its CA.
$ kubectl get secret self-signed-ca-for-kind-testing \
--namespace cert-manager \
--output jsonpath="{\.crt}" \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml \
| tee self-signed-ca-for-kind-testing.pem.b64
# Tip: Put the contents of self-signed-ca-for-kind-testing.pem.b64 into your copy buffer for a later step!
The `CredentialIssuer` resource called `pinniped-concierge-config` already exists. We need to edit it.
Kind clusters do not need to use the impersonation proxy by default (it is designed for public cloud providers),
so we will make several changes to this resource:
- Set the `spec.impersonationProxy.mode: enabled`
- Set the `spec.impersonationProxy.tls.certificateAuthorityData` to match the certificate named `my-ca-issuer` which
stores its certificate data in the `Secret` called `self-signed-ca-for-kind-testing` (which we previously recorded
in the file `self-signed-ca-for-kind-testing.pem.b64`)
$ kubectl edit credentialissuer pinniped-concierge-config \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml
Make sure that the spec has the following values:
externalEndpoint: impersonation-proxy-mtls.local
mode: enabled
type: ClusterIP
certificateAuthorityData: # paste the contents of the file self-signed-ca-for-kind-testing.pem.b64
secretName: impersonation-proxy-tls-serving-cert
Then save and close the text editor. Once saved, get the resource again and verify that the contents are correct:
# Confirm that the CredentialIssuer looks as expected
$ kubectl get credentialissuers pinniped-concierge-config \
--output yaml \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml
Ensuring the following:
externalEndpoint: impersonation-proxy-mtls.local
mode: enabled
# Ignore any annotations
type: ClusterIP
certificateAuthorityData: LS0tLUJFR0l..........
secretName: impersonation-proxy-tls-serving-cert
# this strategy should be automatically updated with the configured
# spec.tls.certificateAuthorityData from the previous step
- frontend:
certificateAuthorityData: LS0tLUJFR0l..........
In the `CredentialIssuer` `status.strategies` there should be a `frontend` strategy with a `impersonationProxyInfo.certificateAuthorityData`
value that matches that of the configured `spec.tls.certificateAuthorityData`. This is how the CredentialIssuer advertises
its CA bundle.
Next, we review our `Service` configuration.
# Confirm that the ClusterIP service for the impersonation proxy was automatically created (may take a minute)
$ kubectl get service pinniped-concierge-impersonation-proxy-cluster-ip \
--namespace pinniped-concierge \
--output yaml \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml
Configure a webhook authenticator to tell Concierge to validate static tokens using the installed local-user-authenticator.
When we installed the Pinniped local-user-authenticator, we created a service called local-user-authenticator in the
local-user-authenticator namespace. We previously retrieved the Secret named `local-user-authenticator-tls-serving-certificate`
so that we could use it to configure this `WebhookAuthenticator` to use that certificate. Note that we did not generate this
certificate via cert-manager, this is still a self-signed certificate created by Pinniped.
The `endpoint` here is referenced via Kubernetes DNS in the format `<namespace>.<service-name>.svc` targeting the `/authenticate`
endpoint of the local-user-authenticator. We will be using https, if course.
# Configure a webhook authenticator to tell Concierge to validate static tokens using the installed local-user-authenticator
$ cat << EOF > concierge.webhookauthenticator.yaml
kind: WebhookAuthenticator
name: local-user-authenticator
endpoint: https://local-user-authenticator.local-user-authenticator.svc/authenticate
certificateAuthorityData: $(cat local-user-authenticator-ca.pem.b64)
# Create the webhook authenticator
$ kubectl apply \
--filename concierge.webhookauthenticator.yaml \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml
Now deploy a Contour `HTTPProxy` ingress that fronts the `ClusterIP` service for the impersonation proxy.
We need to use TLS passthrough in this case, so that the client (kubectl and the pinniped CLI) can establish TLS directly
with the impersonation proxy, and so that client certs used for mTLS will be sent to the impersonation proxy.
Note in particular the `spec.tcpproxy` block, which is different than the typical `spec.rules` block.
`spec.tcpproxy` is required when using `spec.virtualhost.tls.passthrough: true`.
See [contour docs for tls session passthrough]( for more details.
$ cat << EOF > contour-ingress-impersonation-proxy.yaml
kind: HTTPProxy
name: impersonation-proxy
namespace: pinniped-concierge
fqdn: impersonation-proxy-mtls.local
passthrough: true
- name: pinniped-concierge-impersonation-proxy-cluster-ip
port: 443
$ kubectl apply \
--filename contour-ingress-impersonation-proxy.yaml \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml
Now to generate the Pinniped kubeconfig so that you can perform mTLS with the impersonation proxy.
Since we are interacting with a kind cluster, we will need to ensure HTTP requests are routed to the cluster.
In this example, we will edit the `/etc/hosts` file to resolve the `impersonation-proxy-mtls.local` to `localhost` via ``.
# Host Database
|||| impersonation-proxy-mtls.local
Note that using a static-token does embed those credentials into your kubeconfig. This is not suitable for production
deployment. As we said before, we are using local-user-authenticator as a simple identity provider for illustrative purposes
only. In a real production use case you would not employ the `--static-token` flag which would ensure credentials are not
embedded in your kubeconfig, an important security feature. Never use local-user-authenticator in production.
# be sure you added impersonation-proxy-mtls.local to your /etc/hosts!
$ pinniped get kubeconfig \
--static-token "pinny:password123" \
--concierge-authenticator-type webhook \
--concierge-authenticator-name local-user-authenticator \
--concierge-mode ImpersonationProxy \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml \
> pinniped-kubeconfig.yaml
Now perform an action as user pinny!
$ kubectl get pods -A \
--kubeconfig pinniped-kubeconfig.yaml
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "pinny" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" at the cluster scope: decision made by
This does result in an error because the cluster does not have any `RoleBindings` or `ClusterRoleBindings` that allow your user pinny or the group `group-for-mtls` to perform any actions on the cluster.
Let’s make a `ClusterRoleBinding` that grants this group cluster admin privileges.
# Perform this as the cluster admin using the kind kubeconfig
$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding mtls-admins \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin \
--group=group-for-mtls \
--kubeconfig kind-with-contour.kubeconfig.yaml
# Now try again with the Pinniped kubeconfig
$ kubectl get pods -A \
--kubeconfig pinniped-kubeconfig.yaml
pinniped-concierge pinniped-concierge-f4c78b674-bt6zl 1/1 Running 0 3h36m
Congratulations, you have successfully performed mTLS authentication between your local client (kubectl, using the pinniped CLI)
and the impersonation proxy inside the cluster.
To verify that your username and groups are visible to Kubernetes, run the `pinniped whoami` command.
pinniped whoami \
--kubeconfig pinniped-kubeconfig.yaml
Finally, verify the expected outcome:
- View the CA embedded in your kubeconfig file: `cat pinniped-kubeconfig.yaml | yq ".clusters[0].cluster.certificate-authority-data"`
- View the CA provided to the impersonation proxy: `kubectl get CredentialIssuer pinniped-concierge-config -o jsonpath="{.status.strategies[1].frontend.impersonationProxyInfo.certificateAuthorityData}"`
- View the CA we stored in our local PEM file: `cat self-signed-ca-for-kind-testing.pem.b64`
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -326,6 +326,12 @@ pre code {
font-family: $metropolis-medium;
.blog-post-card {
|||| {
margin-block-start: 0;
margin-block-end: 0;
.getting-started {
@ -9,9 +9,7 @@
<div class="wrapper blog">
<div class="blog-post">
<h2>{{ .Title }}</h2>
<p class="author">
<a href="/tags/{{ | urlize }}">{{ }}</a>
{{ partial "authors" .}}
<p class="date">{{ dateFormat "Jan 2, 2006" .Date }}</p>
{{ .Content }}
@ -29,6 +27,3 @@
{{ partial "getting-started" . }}
{{ end }}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<p class="author">
{{ if (isset .Params "authors") }}
{{ $authsCount := .Params.authors | len }}
{{ $commaCount := sub $authsCount 2 }}
{{ range $i, $author := .Params.authors -}}
<a href="/tags/{{ $author | urlize }}">{{ $author }}</a>{{ if le $i $commaCount }},{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
<a href="/tags/{{ | urlize }}">{{ }}</a>
{{ end }}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<div class="col">
<div class="col blog-post-card">
<div class="icon">
<img src="{{ .Params.Image }}" alt="{{ .Title }}" />
@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
<time>{{ .Date.Format "January 2, 2006" }}</time>
<p>{{ .Params.Excerpt }}</p>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user