Add initial implementation of impersonation proxy.
Signed-off-by: Margo Crawford <> Signed-off-by: Matt Moyer <>
This commit is contained in:
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Copyright 2020-2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package main
import (
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
authenticationv1alpha1 ""
loginv1alpha1 ""
func main() {
reqJSON, err := json.Marshal(&loginv1alpha1.TokenCredentialRequest{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "TokenCredentialRequest",
APIVersion: loginv1alpha1.GroupName + "/v1alpha1",
Spec: loginv1alpha1.TokenCredentialRequestSpec{
Authenticator: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{
APIGroup: &authenticationv1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group,
if err != nil {
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ rules:
resources: [ securitycontextconstraints ]
verbs: [ use ]
resourceNames: [ nonroot ]
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["users", "groups"]
verbs: ["impersonate"]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
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@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
// Copyright 2020-2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package impersonator
import (
loginv1alpha1 ""
// allowedHeaders are the set of HTTP headers that are allowed to be forwarded through the impersonation proxy.
//nolint: gochecknoglobals
var allowedHeaders = []string{
type Proxy struct {
cache *authncache.Cache
proxy *httputil.ReverseProxy
log logr.Logger
func New(cache *authncache.Cache, log logr.Logger) (*Proxy, error) {
return newInternal(cache, log, rest.InClusterConfig)
func newInternal(cache *authncache.Cache, log logr.Logger, getConfig func() (*rest.Config, error)) (*Proxy, error) {
kubeconfig, err := getConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get in-cluster config: %w", err)
serverURL, err := url.Parse(kubeconfig.Host)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse host URL from in-cluster config: %w", err)
kubeTransportConfig, err := kubeconfig.TransportConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get in-cluster transport config: %w", err)
kubeTransportConfig.TLS.NextProtos = []string{"http/1.1"}
kubeRoundTripper, err := transport.New(kubeTransportConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get in-cluster transport: %w", err)
proxy := httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(serverURL)
proxy.Transport = kubeRoundTripper
return &Proxy{
cache: cache,
proxy: proxy,
log: log,
}, nil
func (p *Proxy) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log := p.log.WithValues(
"url", r.URL.String(),
"method", r.Method,
tokenCredentialReq, err := extractToken(r)
if err != nil {
log.Error(err, "invalid token encoding")
http.Error(w, "invalid token encoding", http.StatusBadRequest)
log = log.WithValues(
"authenticator", tokenCredentialReq.Spec.Authenticator,
"authenticatorNamespace", tokenCredentialReq.Namespace,
userInfo, err := p.cache.AuthenticateTokenCredentialRequest(r.Context(), tokenCredentialReq)
if err != nil {
log.Error(err, "received invalid token")
http.Error(w, "invalid token", http.StatusUnauthorized)
if userInfo == nil {
log.Info("received token that did not authenticate")
http.Error(w, "not authenticated", http.StatusUnauthorized)
log = log.WithValues(
"user", userInfo.GetName(),
"groups", userInfo.GetGroups(),
newHeaders := getProxyHeaders(userInfo, r.Header)
r.Header = newHeaders
log.Info("proxying authenticated request")
p.proxy.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func getProxyHeaders(userInfo user.Info, requestHeaders http.Header) http.Header {
newHeaders := http.Header{}
newHeaders.Set("Impersonate-User", userInfo.GetName())
for _, group := range userInfo.GetGroups() {
newHeaders.Add("Impersonate-Group", group)
for _, header := range allowedHeaders {
values := requestHeaders.Values(header)
for i := range values {
newHeaders.Add(header, values[i])
return newHeaders
func extractToken(req *http.Request) (*login.TokenCredentialRequest, error) {
authHeader := req.Header.Get("Authorization")
if authHeader == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing authorization header")
if !strings.HasPrefix(authHeader, "Bearer ") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("authorization header must be of type Bearer")
encoded := strings.TrimPrefix(authHeader, "Bearer ")
tokenCredentialRequestJSON, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(encoded)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid base64 in encoded bearer token: %w", err)
var v1alpha1Req loginv1alpha1.TokenCredentialRequest
if err := json.Unmarshal(tokenCredentialRequestJSON, &v1alpha1Req); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid TokenCredentialRequest encoded in bearer token: %w", err)
var internalReq login.TokenCredentialRequest
if err := loginv1alpha1.Convert_v1alpha1_TokenCredentialRequest_To_login_TokenCredentialRequest(&v1alpha1Req, &internalReq, nil); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert v1alpha1 TokenCredentialRequest to internal version: %w", err)
return &internalReq, nil
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@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
// Copyright 2020-2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package impersonator
import (
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
loginv1alpha1 ""
func TestImpersonator(t *testing.T) {
validURL, _ := url.Parse("")
testServerCA, testServerURL := testutil.TLSTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Expect that the request is authenticated based on the kubeconfig credential.
if r.Header.Get("Authorization") != "Bearer some-service-account-token" {
http.Error(w, "expected to see service account token", http.StatusForbidden)
// Fail if we see the malicious header passed through the proxy (it's not on the allowlist).
if r.Header.Get("Malicious-Header") != "" {
http.Error(w, "didn't expect to see malicious header", http.StatusForbidden)
// Expect to see the user agent header passed through.
if r.Header.Get("User-Agent") != "test-user-agent" {
http.Error(w, "got unexpected user agent header", http.StatusBadRequest)
_, _ = w.Write([]byte("successful proxied response"))
testServerKubeconfig := rest.Config{
Host: testServerURL,
BearerToken: "some-service-account-token",
TLSClientConfig: rest.TLSClientConfig{CAData: []byte(testServerCA)},
tests := []struct {
name string
getKubeconfig func() (*rest.Config, error)
wantCreationErr string
request *http.Request
wantHTTPBody string
wantHTTPStatus int
wantLogs []string
expectMockToken func(*testing.T, *mocktokenauthenticator.MockTokenMockRecorder)
name: "fail to get in-cluster config",
getKubeconfig: func() (*rest.Config, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("some kubernetes error")
wantCreationErr: "could not get in-cluster config: some kubernetes error",
name: "invalid kubeconfig host",
getKubeconfig: func() (*rest.Config, error) {
return &rest.Config{Host: ":"}, nil
wantCreationErr: "could not parse host URL from in-cluster config: parse \":\": missing protocol scheme",
name: "invalid transport config",
getKubeconfig: func() (*rest.Config, error) {
return &rest.Config{
Host: "",
ExecProvider: &api.ExecConfig{},
AuthProvider: &api.AuthProviderConfig{},
}, nil
wantCreationErr: "could not get in-cluster transport config: execProvider and authProvider cannot be used in combination",
name: "fail to get transport from config",
getKubeconfig: func() (*rest.Config, error) {
return &rest.Config{
Host: "",
BearerToken: "test-bearer-token",
Transport: http.DefaultTransport,
TLSClientConfig: rest.TLSClientConfig{Insecure: true},
}, nil
wantCreationErr: "could not get in-cluster transport: using a custom transport with TLS certificate options or the insecure flag is not allowed",
name: "missing authorization header",
getKubeconfig: func() (*rest.Config, error) { return &testServerKubeconfig, nil },
request: &http.Request{
Method: "GET",
Header: map[string][]string{},
URL: validURL,
wantHTTPBody: "invalid token encoding\n",
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
wantLogs: []string{"\"error\"=\"missing authorization header\" \"msg\"=\"invalid token encoding\" \"method\"=\"GET\" \"url\"=\"\""},
name: "authorization header missing bearer prefix",
getKubeconfig: func() (*rest.Config, error) { return &testServerKubeconfig, nil },
request: &http.Request{
Method: "GET",
Header: map[string][]string{"Authorization": {makeTestTokenRequest("foo", "authenticator-one", "test-token")}},
URL: validURL,
wantHTTPBody: "invalid token encoding\n",
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
wantLogs: []string{"\"error\"=\"authorization header must be of type Bearer\" \"msg\"=\"invalid token encoding\" \"method\"=\"GET\" \"url\"=\"\""},
name: "token is not base64 encoded",
getKubeconfig: func() (*rest.Config, error) { return &testServerKubeconfig, nil },
request: &http.Request{
Method: "GET",
Header: map[string][]string{"Authorization": {"Bearer !!!"}},
URL: validURL,
wantHTTPBody: "invalid token encoding\n",
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
wantLogs: []string{"\"error\"=\"invalid base64 in encoded bearer token: illegal base64 data at input byte 0\" \"msg\"=\"invalid token encoding\" \"method\"=\"GET\" \"url\"=\"\""},
name: "base64 encoded token is not valid json",
getKubeconfig: func() (*rest.Config, error) { return &testServerKubeconfig, nil },
request: &http.Request{
Method: "GET",
Header: map[string][]string{"Authorization": {"Bearer abc"}},
URL: validURL,
wantHTTPBody: "invalid token encoding\n",
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
wantLogs: []string{"\"error\"=\"invalid TokenCredentialRequest encoded in bearer token: invalid character 'i' looking for beginning of value\" \"msg\"=\"invalid token encoding\" \"method\"=\"GET\" \"url\"=\"\""},
name: "token could not be authenticated",
getKubeconfig: func() (*rest.Config, error) { return &testServerKubeconfig, nil },
request: &http.Request{
Method: "GET",
Header: map[string][]string{"Authorization": {"Bearer " + makeTestTokenRequest("", "", "")}},
URL: validURL,
wantHTTPBody: "invalid token\n",
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusUnauthorized,
wantLogs: []string{"\"error\"=\"no such authenticator\" \"msg\"=\"received invalid token\" \"authenticator\"={\"apiGroup\":null,\"kind\":\"\",\"name\":\"\"} \"authenticatorNamespace\"=\"\" \"method\"=\"GET\" \"url\"=\"\""},
name: "token authenticates as nil",
getKubeconfig: func() (*rest.Config, error) { return &testServerKubeconfig, nil },
request: &http.Request{
Method: "GET",
Header: map[string][]string{"Authorization": {"Bearer " + makeTestTokenRequest("foo", "authenticator-one", "test-token")}},
URL: validURL,
expectMockToken: func(t *testing.T, recorder *mocktokenauthenticator.MockTokenMockRecorder) {
recorder.AuthenticateToken(gomock.Any(), "test-token").Return(nil, false, nil)
wantHTTPBody: "not authenticated\n",
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusUnauthorized,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=0 \"msg\"=\"received token that did not authenticate\" \"authenticator\"={\"apiGroup\":null,\"kind\":\"\",\"name\":\"authenticator-one\"} \"authenticatorNamespace\"=\"foo\" \"method\"=\"GET\" \"url\"=\"\""},
// happy path
name: "token validates",
getKubeconfig: func() (*rest.Config, error) { return &testServerKubeconfig, nil },
request: &http.Request{
Method: "GET",
Header: map[string][]string{
"Authorization": {"Bearer " + makeTestTokenRequest("foo", "authenticator-one", "test-token")},
"Malicious-Header": {"test-header-value-1"},
"User-Agent": {"test-user-agent"},
URL: validURL,
expectMockToken: func(t *testing.T, recorder *mocktokenauthenticator.MockTokenMockRecorder) {
userInfo := user.DefaultInfo{Name: "test-user", Groups: []string{"test-group-1", "test-group-2"}}
response := &authenticator.Response{User: &userInfo}
recorder.AuthenticateToken(gomock.Any(), "test-token").Return(response, true, nil)
wantHTTPBody: "successful proxied response",
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusOK,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=0 \"msg\"=\"proxying authenticated request\" \"authenticator\"={\"apiGroup\":null,\"kind\":\"\",\"name\":\"authenticator-one\"} \"authenticatorNamespace\"=\"foo\" \"groups\"=[\"test-group-1\",\"test-group-2\"] \"method\"=\"GET\" \"url\"=\"\" \"user\"=\"test-user\""},
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
testLog := testlogger.New(t)
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// stole this from cache_test, hopefully it is sufficient
cacheWithMockAuthenticator := authncache.New()
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer ctrl.Finish()
key := authncache.Key{Namespace: "foo", Name: "authenticator-one"}
mockToken := mocktokenauthenticator.NewMockToken(ctrl)
cacheWithMockAuthenticator.Store(key, mockToken)
if tt.expectMockToken != nil {
tt.expectMockToken(t, mockToken.EXPECT())
proxy, err := newInternal(cacheWithMockAuthenticator, testLog, tt.getKubeconfig)
if tt.wantCreationErr != "" {
require.EqualError(t, err, tt.wantCreationErr)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, proxy)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
proxy.ServeHTTP(w, tt.request)
if tt.wantHTTPStatus != 0 {
require.Equal(t, tt.wantHTTPStatus, w.Code)
if tt.wantHTTPBody != "" {
require.Equal(t, tt.wantHTTPBody, w.Body.String())
if tt.wantLogs != nil {
require.Equal(t, tt.wantLogs, testLog.Lines())
func makeTestTokenRequest(namespace string, name string, token string) string {
reqJSON, err := json.Marshal(&loginv1alpha1.TokenCredentialRequest{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: namespace,
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "TokenCredentialRequest",
APIVersion: loginv1alpha1.GroupName + "/v1alpha1",
Spec: loginv1alpha1.TokenCredentialRequestSpec{
Token: token,
Authenticator: corev1.TypedLocalObjectReference{Name: name},
if err != nil {
return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(reqJSON)
@ -6,8 +6,11 @@ package server
import (
@ -18,11 +21,15 @@ import (
utilruntime ""
genericapiserver ""
genericoptions ""
loginapi ""
loginv1alpha1 ""
@ -162,6 +169,34 @@ func (a *App) runServer(ctx context.Context) error {
return fmt.Errorf("could not create aggregated API server: %w", err)
// run proxy handler
impersonationCA, err := certauthority.New(pkix.Name{CommonName: "test CA"}, 24*time.Hour)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not create impersonation CA: %w", err)
impersonationCert, err := impersonationCA.Issue(pkix.Name{}, []string{"impersonation-proxy"}, nil, 24*time.Hour)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not create impersonation cert: %w", err)
impersonationProxy, err := impersonator.New(authenticators, klogr.New().WithName("impersonation-proxy"))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not create impersonation proxy: %w", err)
impersonationProxyServer := http.Server{
Addr: "",
Handler: impersonationProxy,
TLSConfig: &tls.Config{
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{*impersonationCert},
go func() {
if err := impersonationProxyServer.ListenAndServeTLS("", ""); err != nil {
klog.ErrorS(err, "could not serve impersonation proxy")
// Run the server. Its post-start hook will start the controllers.
return server.GenericAPIServer.PrepareRun().Run(ctx.Done())
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
name: kind-pinniped
- context:
cluster: kind-pinniped
user: kind-pinniped
name: kind-pinniped
current-context: kind-pinniped
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: kind-pinniped
Reference in New Issue
Block a user