Separate test for access token refresh
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ import (
coreosoidc ""
coreosoidc ""
@ -42,6 +40,7 @@ import (
@ -290,20 +289,125 @@ func TestE2EFullIntegration(t *testing.T) { // nolint:gocyclo
Resource: "namespaces",
Resource: "namespaces",
var additionalScopes []string
// Create upstream OIDC provider and wait for it to become ready.
// If we're using dex, we will test that we see a warning when the access token
testlib.CreateTestOIDCIdentityProvider(t, idpv1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProviderSpec{
// lifetime is too short (we have it set to 20 minutes) and it's using access token based refresh.
Issuer: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.Issuer,
// To ensure that access token refresh happens rather than refresh token, don't ask for the offline_access scope.
TLS: &idpv1alpha1.TLSSpec{
// In other environments, test the refresh token based flow.
CertificateAuthorityData: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.CABundle)),
if len(env.ToolsNamespace) == 0 {
additionalScopes = env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.AdditionalScopes
AuthorizationConfig: idpv1alpha1.OIDCAuthorizationConfig{
} else {
AdditionalScopes: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.AdditionalScopes,
for _, additionalScope := range env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.AdditionalScopes {
if additionalScope != "offline_access" {
Claims: idpv1alpha1.OIDCClaims{
additionalScopes = append(additionalScopes, additionalScope)
Username: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.UsernameClaim,
Groups: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.GroupsClaim,
Client: idpv1alpha1.OIDCClient{
SecretName: testlib.CreateClientCredsSecret(t, env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.ClientID, env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.ClientSecret).Name,
}, idpv1alpha1.PhaseReady)
// Use a specific session cache for this test.
sessionCachePath := tempDir + "/oidc-test-sessions-manual.yaml"
kubeconfigPath := runPinnipedGetKubeconfig(t, env, pinnipedExe, tempDir, []string{
"get", "kubeconfig",
"--concierge-api-group-suffix", env.APIGroupSuffix,
"--concierge-authenticator-type", "jwt",
"--concierge-authenticator-name", authenticator.Name,
"--oidc-ca-bundle", testCABundlePath,
"--oidc-session-cache", sessionCachePath,
// Run "kubectl get namespaces" which should trigger a browser login via the plugin.
start := time.Now()
kubectlCmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "kubectl", "get", "namespace", "--kubeconfig", kubeconfigPath)
kubectlCmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), env.ProxyEnv()...)
ptyFile, err := pty.Start(kubectlCmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wait for the subprocess to print the login prompt.
t.Logf("waiting for CLI to output login URL and manual prompt")
output := readFromFileUntilStringIsSeen(t, ptyFile, "Optionally, paste your authorization code: ")
require.Contains(t, output, "Log in by visiting this link:")
require.Contains(t, output, "Optionally, paste your authorization code: ")
// Find the line with the login URL.
var loginURL string
for _, line := range strings.Split(output, "\n") {
trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(line)
if strings.HasPrefix(trimmed, "https://") {
loginURL = trimmed
require.NotEmptyf(t, loginURL, "didn't find login URL in output: %s", output)
t.Logf("navigating to login page")
require.NoError(t, page.Navigate(loginURL))
// Expect to be redirected to the upstream provider and log in.
browsertest.LoginToUpstream(t, page, env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC)
// Expect to be redirected to the downstream callback which is serving the form_post HTML.
t.Logf("waiting for response page %s", downstream.Spec.Issuer)
browsertest.WaitForURL(t, page, regexp.MustCompile(regexp.QuoteMeta(downstream.Spec.Issuer)))
// The response page should have failed to automatically post, and should now be showing the manual instructions.
authCode := formpostExpectManualState(t, page)
// Enter the auth code in the waiting prompt, followed by a newline.
t.Logf("'manually' pasting authorization code %q to waiting prompt", authCode)
_, err = ptyFile.WriteString(authCode + "\n")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Read all of the remaining output from the subprocess until EOF.
t.Logf("waiting for kubectl to output namespace list")
// Read all output from the subprocess until EOF.
// Ignore any errors returned because there is always an error on linux.
kubectlOutputBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(ptyFile)
requireKubectlGetNamespaceOutput(t, env, string(kubectlOutputBytes))
t.Logf("first kubectl command took %s", time.Since(start).String())
requireUserCanUseKubectlWithoutAuthenticatingAgain(ctx, t, env,
t.Run("access token based refresh with Supervisor OIDC upstream IDP and manual authcode copy-paste from browser flow", func(t *testing.T) {
// Start a fresh browser driver because we don't want to share cookies between the various tests in this file.
page := browsertest.Open(t)
expectedUsername := env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.Username
expectedGroups := env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.ExpectedGroups
// Create a ClusterRoleBinding to give our test user from the upstream read-only access to the cluster.
rbacv1.Subject{Kind: rbacv1.UserKind, APIGroup: rbacv1.GroupName, Name: expectedUsername},
rbacv1.RoleRef{Kind: "ClusterRole", APIGroup: rbacv1.GroupName, Name: "view"},
testlib.WaitForUserToHaveAccess(t, expectedUsername, []string{}, &authorizationv1.ResourceAttributes{
Verb: "get",
Group: "",
Version: "v1",
Resource: "namespaces",
var additionalScopes []string
// To ensure that access token refresh happens rather than refresh token, don't ask for the offline_access scope.
for _, additionalScope := range env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.AdditionalScopes {
if additionalScope != "offline_access" {
additionalScopes = append(additionalScopes, additionalScope)
// Create upstream OIDC provider and wait for it to become ready.
// Create upstream OIDC provider and wait for it to become ready.
testlib.CreateTestOIDCIdentityProvider(t, idpv1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProviderSpec{
testlib.CreateTestOIDCIdentityProvider(t, idpv1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProviderSpec{
Issuer: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.Issuer,
Issuer: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.Issuer,
@ -383,9 +487,7 @@ func TestE2EFullIntegration(t *testing.T) { // nolint:gocyclo
// Ignore any errors returned because there is always an error on linux.
// Ignore any errors returned because there is always an error on linux.
kubectlOutputBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(ptyFile)
kubectlOutputBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(ptyFile)
requireKubectlGetNamespaceOutput(t, env, string(kubectlOutputBytes))
requireKubectlGetNamespaceOutput(t, env, string(kubectlOutputBytes))
if len(env.ToolsNamespace) > 0 {
require.Contains(t, string(kubectlOutputBytes), "Access token from identity provider has lifetime of less than 3 hours. Expect frequent prompts to log in.")
require.Contains(t, string(kubectlOutputBytes), "Access token from identity provider has lifetime of less than 3 hours. Expect frequent prompts to log in.")
t.Logf("first kubectl command took %s", time.Since(start).String())
t.Logf("first kubectl command took %s", time.Since(start).String())
Reference in New Issue
Block a user