Autodetection with multiple idps in discovery document
Signed-off-by: Ryan Richard <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -733,7 +733,10 @@ func discoverSupervisorUpstreamIDP(ctx context.Context, flags *getKubeconfigPara
return fmt.Errorf("while forming request to issuer URL: %w", err)
transport := &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12}}
transport := &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12},
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
httpClient := http.Client{Transport: transport}
if flags.oidc.caBundle != nil {
rootCAs := x509.NewCertPool()
@ -770,9 +773,67 @@ func discoverSupervisorUpstreamIDP(ctx context.Context, flags *getKubeconfigPara
return fmt.Errorf("unable to fetch discovery data from issuer: could not parse response JSON: %w", err)
if len(body.PinnipedIDPs) > 0 {
if len(body.PinnipedIDPs) == 1 {
flags.oidc.upstreamIDPName = body.PinnipedIDPs[0].Name
flags.oidc.upstreamIDPType = body.PinnipedIDPs[0].Type
} else if len(body.PinnipedIDPs) > 1 {
idpName, idpType, err := selectUpstreamIDP(body.PinnipedIDPs, flags.oidc.upstreamIDPName, flags.oidc.upstreamIDPType)
if err != nil {
return err
flags.oidc.upstreamIDPName = idpName
flags.oidc.upstreamIDPType = idpType
return nil
func selectUpstreamIDP(pinnipedIDPs []pinnipedIDPResponse, idpName, idpType string) (string, string, error) {
pinnipedIDPsString, _ := json.Marshal(pinnipedIDPs)
switch {
case idpType != "":
discoveredName := ""
for _, idp := range pinnipedIDPs {
if idp.Type == idpType {
if discoveredName != "" {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf(
"multiple Supervisor upstream identity providers of type \"%s\" were found,"+
" so the --upstream-identity-provider-name flag must be specified. "+
"Found these upstreams: %s",
idpType, pinnipedIDPsString)
discoveredName = idp.Name
if discoveredName == "" {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf(
"no Supervisor upstream identity providers of type \"%s\" were found."+
" Found these upstreams: %s", idpType, pinnipedIDPsString)
return discoveredName, idpType, nil
case idpName != "":
discoveredType := ""
for _, idp := range pinnipedIDPs {
if idp.Name == idpName {
if discoveredType != "" {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf(
"multiple Supervisor upstream identity providers with name \"%s\" were found,"+
" so the --upstream-identity-provider-type flag must be specified. Found these upstreams: %s",
idpName, pinnipedIDPsString)
discoveredType = idp.Type
if discoveredType == "" {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf(
"no Supervisor upstream identity providers with name \"%s\" were found."+
" Found these upstreams: %s", idpName, pinnipedIDPsString)
return idpName, discoveredType, nil
return "", "", fmt.Errorf(
"multiple Supervisor upstream identity providers were found,"+
" so the --upstream-identity-provider-name/--upstream-identity-provider-type flags must be specified."+
" Found these upstreams: %s",
@ -721,6 +721,46 @@ func TestGetKubeconfig(t *testing.T) {
return "Error: unable to fetch discovery data from issuer: unexpected http response status: 400 Bad Request\n"
name: "when discovery document contains multiple pinniped_idps and no name or type flags are given",
args: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) []string {
return []string{
"--kubeconfig", "./testdata/kubeconfig.yaml",
conciergeObjects: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) []runtime.Object {
return []runtime.Object{
jwtAuthenticator(issuerCABundle, issuerURL),
discoveryStatusCode: http.StatusOK,
discoveryResponse: here.Docf(`{
"pinniped_idps": [
{"name": "some-ldap-idp", "type": "ldap"},
{"name": "some-oidc-idp", "type": "oidc"}
wantLogs: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) []string {
return []string{
`"level"=0 "msg"="discovered CredentialIssuer" "name"="test-credential-issuer"`,
`"level"=0 "msg"="discovered Concierge operating in TokenCredentialRequest API mode"`,
`"level"=0 "msg"="discovered Concierge endpoint" "endpoint"="https://fake-server-url-value"`,
`"level"=0 "msg"="discovered Concierge certificate authority bundle" "roots"=0`,
`"level"=0 "msg"="discovered JWTAuthenticator" "name"="test-authenticator"`,
fmt.Sprintf(`"level"=0 "msg"="discovered OIDC issuer" "issuer"="%s"`, issuerURL),
`"level"=0 "msg"="discovered OIDC audience" "audience"="test-audience"`,
`"level"=0 "msg"="discovered OIDC CA bundle" "roots"=1`,
wantError: true,
wantStderr: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) string {
return `Error: multiple Supervisor upstream identity providers were found, ` +
`so the --upstream-identity-provider-name/--upstream-identity-provider-type flags must be specified. ` +
`Found these upstreams: [{"name":"some-ldap-idp","type":"ldap"},{"name":"some-oidc-idp","type":"oidc"}]` + "\n"
name: "when discovery document is not valid JSON",
args: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) []string {
@ -828,6 +868,111 @@ func TestGetKubeconfig(t *testing.T) {
return `Error: while forming request to issuer URL: parse "https%://bad-issuer-url/.well-known/openid-configuration": first path segment in URL cannot contain colon` + "\n"
name: "supervisor upstream IDP discovery fails to resolve ambiguity when type is specified but name is not",
args: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) []string {
f := testutil.WriteStringToTempFile(t, "testca-*.pem", issuerCABundle)
return []string{
"--kubeconfig", "./testdata/kubeconfig.yaml",
"--oidc-issuer", issuerURL,
"--oidc-ca-bundle", f.Name(),
"--upstream-identity-provider-type", "ldap",
discoveryResponse: here.Docf(`{
"pinniped_idps": [
{"name": "some-ldap-idp", "type": "ldap"},
{"name": "some-other-ldap-idp", "type": "ldap"},
{"name": "some-oidc-idp", "type": "oidc"},
{"name": "some-other-oidc-idp", "type": "oidc"}
wantError: true,
wantStderr: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) string {
return `Error: multiple Supervisor upstream identity providers of type "ldap" were found,` +
` so the --upstream-identity-provider-name flag must be specified.` +
` Found these upstreams: [{"name":"some-ldap-idp","type":"ldap"},{"name":"some-other-ldap-idp","type":"ldap"},{"name":"some-oidc-idp","type":"oidc"},{"name":"some-other-oidc-idp","type":"oidc"}]` + "\n"
name: "supervisor upstream IDP discovery fails to resolve ambiguity when name is specified but type is not",
args: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) []string {
f := testutil.WriteStringToTempFile(t, "testca-*.pem", issuerCABundle)
return []string{
"--kubeconfig", "./testdata/kubeconfig.yaml",
"--oidc-issuer", issuerURL,
"--oidc-ca-bundle", f.Name(),
"--upstream-identity-provider-name", "my-idp",
discoveryResponse: here.Docf(`{
"pinniped_idps": [
{"name": "my-idp", "type": "ldap"},
{"name": "my-idp", "type": "oidc"},
{"name": "some-other-oidc-idp", "type": "oidc"}
wantError: true,
wantStderr: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) string {
return `Error: multiple Supervisor upstream identity providers with name "my-idp" were found,` +
` so the --upstream-identity-provider-type flag must be specified.` +
` Found these upstreams: [{"name":"my-idp","type":"ldap"},{"name":"my-idp","type":"oidc"},{"name":"some-other-oidc-idp","type":"oidc"}]` + "\n"
name: "supervisor upstream IDP discovery fails to find any matching idps when type is specified but name is not",
args: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) []string {
f := testutil.WriteStringToTempFile(t, "testca-*.pem", issuerCABundle)
return []string{
"--kubeconfig", "./testdata/kubeconfig.yaml",
"--oidc-issuer", issuerURL,
"--oidc-ca-bundle", f.Name(),
"--upstream-identity-provider-type", "ldap",
discoveryResponse: here.Docf(`{
"pinniped_idps": [
{"name": "some-oidc-idp", "type": "oidc"},
{"name": "some-other-oidc-idp", "type": "oidc"}
wantError: true,
wantStderr: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) string {
return `Error: no Supervisor upstream identity providers of type "ldap" were found.` +
` Found these upstreams: [{"name":"some-oidc-idp","type":"oidc"},{"name":"some-other-oidc-idp","type":"oidc"}]` + "\n"
name: "supervisor upstream IDP discovery fails to find any matching idps when name is specified but type is not",
args: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) []string {
f := testutil.WriteStringToTempFile(t, "testca-*.pem", issuerCABundle)
return []string{
"--kubeconfig", "./testdata/kubeconfig.yaml",
"--oidc-issuer", issuerURL,
"--oidc-ca-bundle", f.Name(),
"--upstream-identity-provider-name", "my-nonexistent-idp",
discoveryResponse: here.Docf(`{
"pinniped_idps": [
{"name": "some-oidc-idp", "type": "oidc"},
{"name": "some-other-oidc-idp", "type": "oidc"}
wantError: true,
wantStderr: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) string {
return `Error: no Supervisor upstream identity providers with name "my-nonexistent-idp" were found.` +
` Found these upstreams: [{"name":"some-oidc-idp","type":"oidc"},{"name":"some-other-oidc-idp","type":"oidc"}]` + "\n"
name: "valid static token",
args: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) []string {
@ -1811,15 +1956,126 @@ func TestGetKubeconfig(t *testing.T) {
name: "supervisor upstream IDP discovery resolves ambiguity when type is specified but name is not",
args: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) []string {
f := testutil.WriteStringToTempFile(t, "testca-*.pem", issuerCABundle)
return []string{
"--kubeconfig", "./testdata/kubeconfig.yaml",
"--oidc-issuer", issuerURL,
"--oidc-ca-bundle", f.Name(),
"--upstream-identity-provider-type", "ldap",
discoveryResponse: here.Docf(`{
"pinniped_idps": [
{"name": "some-ldap-idp", "type": "ldap"},
{"name": "some-oidc-idp", "type": "oidc"},
{"name": "some-other-oidc-idp", "type": "oidc"}
wantStdout: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) string {
return here.Docf(`
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: ZmFrZS1jZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZS1hdXRob3JpdHktZGF0YS12YWx1ZQ==
server: https://fake-server-url-value
name: kind-cluster-pinniped
- context:
cluster: kind-cluster-pinniped
user: kind-user-pinniped
name: kind-context-pinniped
current-context: kind-context-pinniped
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: kind-user-pinniped
- login
- oidc
- --issuer=%s
- --client-id=pinniped-cli
- --scopes=offline_access,openid,pinniped:request-audience
- --ca-bundle-data=%s
- --upstream-identity-provider-name=some-ldap-idp
- --upstream-identity-provider-type=ldap
command: '.../path/to/pinniped'
env: []
provideClusterInfo: true
name: "supervisor upstream IDP discovery resolves ambiguity when name is specified but type is not",
args: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) []string {
f := testutil.WriteStringToTempFile(t, "testca-*.pem", issuerCABundle)
return []string{
"--kubeconfig", "./testdata/kubeconfig.yaml",
"--oidc-issuer", issuerURL,
"--oidc-ca-bundle", f.Name(),
"--upstream-identity-provider-name", "some-ldap-idp",
discoveryResponse: here.Docf(`{
"pinniped_idps": [
{"name": "some-ldap-idp", "type": "ldap"},
{"name": "some-oidc-idp", "type": "oidc"},
{"name": "some-other-oidc-idp", "type": "oidc"}
wantStdout: func(issuerCABundle string, issuerURL string) string {
return here.Docf(`
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: ZmFrZS1jZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZS1hdXRob3JpdHktZGF0YS12YWx1ZQ==
server: https://fake-server-url-value
name: kind-cluster-pinniped
- context:
cluster: kind-cluster-pinniped
user: kind-user-pinniped
name: kind-context-pinniped
current-context: kind-context-pinniped
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: kind-user-pinniped
- login
- oidc
- --issuer=%s
- --client-id=pinniped-cli
- --scopes=offline_access,openid,pinniped:request-audience
- --ca-bundle-data=%s
- --upstream-identity-provider-name=some-ldap-idp
- --upstream-identity-provider-type=ldap
command: '.../path/to/pinniped'
env: []
provideClusterInfo: true
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// TODO multiple idps should error
// TODO partial discovery: specify issuer, don't specify idp type or name
// TODO if only idp type or only idp name is specified, not both, still do discovery and do some fancy checking or something
// TODO logging the values we discover?
issuerCABundle, issuerEndpoint := testutil.TLSTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.URL.Path == "/.well-known/openid-configuration" {
jsonResponseBody := tt.discoveryResponse
@ -134,7 +134,8 @@ func TestE2EFullIntegration(t *testing.T) {
sessionCachePath := tempDir + "/sessions.yaml"
// Run "pinniped get kubeconfig" to get a kubeconfig YAML.
kubeconfigYAML, stderr := runPinnipedCLI(t, nil, pinnipedExe, "get", "kubeconfig",
envVarsWithProxy := append(os.Environ(), env.ProxyEnv()...)
kubeconfigYAML, stderr := runPinnipedCLI(t, envVarsWithProxy, pinnipedExe, "get", "kubeconfig",
"--concierge-api-group-suffix", env.APIGroupSuffix,
"--concierge-authenticator-type", "jwt",
"--concierge-authenticator-name", authenticator.Name,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user