Add identity transformation packages idtransform and celformer
Implements Supervisor identity transformations helpers using CEL.
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ require (
|||| v1.2.4
|||| v0.8.1
|||| v1.6.0
|||| v0.16.0
|||| v0.5.9
|||| v1.2.0
|||| v1.3.1
@ -90,7 +91,6 @@ require (
|||| v1.1.0 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da // indirect
|||| v1.5.3 // indirect
|||| v0.16.0 // indirect
|||| v0.6.8 // indirect
|||| v1.2.0 // indirect
|||| v2.7.0 // indirect
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
// Copyright 2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Package celtransformer is an implementation of upstream-to-downstream identity transformations
// and policies using CEL scripts.
// The CEL language is documented in
// with optional extensions documented in
package celtransformer
import (
const (
usernameVariableName = "username"
groupsVariableName = "groups"
defaultPolicyRejectedAuthMessage = "Authentication was rejected by a configured policy"
// CELTransformer can compile any number of transformation expression pipelines.
// Each compiled pipeline can be cached in memory for later thread-safe evaluation.
type CELTransformer struct {
compiler *cel.Env
maxExpressionRuntime time.Duration
// NewCELTransformer returns a CELTransformer.
// A running process should only need one instance of a CELTransformer.
func NewCELTransformer(maxExpressionRuntime time.Duration) (*CELTransformer, error) {
env, err := newEnv()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &CELTransformer{compiler: env, maxExpressionRuntime: maxExpressionRuntime}, nil
// CompileTransformation compiles a CEL-based identity transformation expression.
// The compiled transform can be cached in memory and executed repeatedly and in a thread-safe way.
func (c *CELTransformer) CompileTransformation(t CELTransformation) (idtransform.IdentityTransformation, error) {
return t.compile(c)
// CELTransformation can be compiled into an IdentityTransformation.
type CELTransformation interface {
compile(transformer *CELTransformer) (idtransform.IdentityTransformation, error)
// UsernameTransformation is a CEL expression that can transform a username (or leave it unchanged).
// It implements CELTransformation.
type UsernameTransformation struct {
Expression string
// GroupsTransformation is a CEL expression that can transform a list of group names (or leave it unchanged).
// It implements CELTransformation.
type GroupsTransformation struct {
Expression string
// AllowAuthenticationPolicy is a CEL expression that can allow the authentication to proceed by returning true.
// It implements CELTransformation. When the CEL expression returns false, the authentication is rejected and the
// RejectedAuthenticationMessage is used. When RejectedAuthenticationMessage is empty, a default message will be
// used for rejected authentications.
type AllowAuthenticationPolicy struct {
Expression string
RejectedAuthenticationMessage string
func compileProgram(transformer *CELTransformer, expectedExpressionType *cel.Type, expr string) (cel.Program, error) {
if strings.TrimSpace(expr) == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot compile empty CEL expression")
// compile does both parsing and type checking. The parsing phase indicates whether the expression is
// syntactically valid and expands any macros present within the environment. Parsing and checking are
// more computationally expensive than evaluation, so parsing and checking are done in advance.
ast, issues := transformer.compiler.Compile(expr)
if issues != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("CEL expression compile error: %s", issues.String())
// The compiler's type checker has determined the type of the expression's result.
// Check that it matches the type that we expect.
if ast.OutputType().String() != expectedExpressionType.String() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("CEL expression should return type %q but returns type %q", expectedExpressionType, ast.OutputType())
// The cel.Program is stateless, thread-safe, and cachable.
program, err := transformer.compiler.Program(ast,
cel.InterruptCheckFrequency(100), // Kubernetes uses 100 here, so we'll copy that setting.
cel.EvalOptions(cel.OptOptimize), // Optimize certain things now rather than at evaluation time.
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("CEL expression program construction error: %w", err)
return program, nil
func (t *UsernameTransformation) compile(transformer *CELTransformer) (idtransform.IdentityTransformation, error) {
program, err := compileProgram(transformer, cel.StringType, t.Expression)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &compiledUsernameTransformation{
program: program,
maxExpressionRuntime: transformer.maxExpressionRuntime,
}, nil
func (t *GroupsTransformation) compile(transformer *CELTransformer) (idtransform.IdentityTransformation, error) {
program, err := compileProgram(transformer, cel.ListType(cel.StringType), t.Expression)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &compiledGroupsTransformation{
program: program,
maxExpressionRuntime: transformer.maxExpressionRuntime,
}, nil
func (t *AllowAuthenticationPolicy) compile(transformer *CELTransformer) (idtransform.IdentityTransformation, error) {
program, err := compileProgram(transformer, cel.BoolType, t.Expression)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &compiledAllowAuthenticationPolicy{
program: program,
maxExpressionRuntime: transformer.maxExpressionRuntime,
rejectedAuthenticationMessage: t.RejectedAuthenticationMessage,
}, nil
// Implements idtransform.IdentityTransformation.
type compiledUsernameTransformation struct {
program cel.Program
maxExpressionRuntime time.Duration
// Implements idtransform.IdentityTransformation.
type compiledGroupsTransformation struct {
program cel.Program
maxExpressionRuntime time.Duration
// Implements idtransform.IdentityTransformation.
type compiledAllowAuthenticationPolicy struct {
program cel.Program
maxExpressionRuntime time.Duration
rejectedAuthenticationMessage string
func evalProgram(ctx context.Context, program cel.Program, maxExpressionRuntime time.Duration, username string, groups []string) (ref.Val, error) {
// Limit the runtime of a CEL expression to avoid accidental very expensive expressions.
timeoutCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, maxExpressionRuntime)
defer cancel()
// Evaluation is thread-safe and side effect free. Many inputs can be sent to the same cel.Program
// and if fields are present in the input, but not referenced in the expression, they are ignored.
// The argument to Eval may either be an `interpreter.Activation` or a `map[string]interface{}`.
val, _, err := program.ContextEval(timeoutCtx, map[string]interface{}{
usernameVariableName: username,
groupsVariableName: groups,
return val, err
func (c *compiledUsernameTransformation) Evaluate(ctx context.Context, username string, groups []string) (*idtransform.TransformationResult, error) {
val, err := evalProgram(ctx, c.program, c.maxExpressionRuntime, username, groups)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nativeValue, err := val.ConvertToNative(reflect.TypeOf(""))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert expression result to string: %w", err)
stringValue, ok := nativeValue.(string)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert expression result to string")
return &idtransform.TransformationResult{
Username: stringValue,
Groups: groups, // groups are not modified by username transformations
AuthenticationAllowed: true,
}, nil
func (c *compiledGroupsTransformation) Evaluate(ctx context.Context, username string, groups []string) (*idtransform.TransformationResult, error) {
val, err := evalProgram(ctx, c.program, c.maxExpressionRuntime, username, groups)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nativeValue, err := val.ConvertToNative(reflect.TypeOf([]string{}))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert expression result to []string: %w", err)
stringSliceValue, ok := nativeValue.([]string)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert expression result to []string")
return &idtransform.TransformationResult{
Username: username, // username is not modified by groups transformations
Groups: stringSliceValue,
AuthenticationAllowed: true,
}, nil
func (c *compiledAllowAuthenticationPolicy) Evaluate(ctx context.Context, username string, groups []string) (*idtransform.TransformationResult, error) {
val, err := evalProgram(ctx, c.program, c.maxExpressionRuntime, username, groups)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nativeValue, err := val.ConvertToNative(reflect.TypeOf(true))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert expression result to bool: %w", err)
boolValue, ok := nativeValue.(bool)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert expression result to bool")
result := &idtransform.TransformationResult{
Username: username, // username is not modified by policies
Groups: groups, // groups are not modified by policies
AuthenticationAllowed: boolValue,
if !boolValue {
if len(c.rejectedAuthenticationMessage) == 0 {
result.RejectedAuthenticationMessage = defaultPolicyRejectedAuthMessage
} else {
result.RejectedAuthenticationMessage = c.rejectedAuthenticationMessage
return result, nil
func newEnv() (*cel.Env, error) {
// Note that Kubernetes uses CEL in several places, which are helpful to see as an example of
// how to configure the CEL compiler for production usage. Examples:
return cel.NewEnv(
// Declare our variable without giving them values yet. By declaring them here, the type is known during
// the parsing/checking phase.
cel.Variable(usernameVariableName, cel.StringType),
cel.Variable(groupsVariableName, cel.ListType(cel.StringType)),
// Enable the strings extensions.
// See
// CEL also has other extensions for bas64 encoding/decoding and for math that we could choose to enable.
// See
// Kubernetes adds more extensions for extra regexp helpers, URLs, and extra list helpers that we could also
// consider enabling. Note that if we added their regexp extension, then we would also need to add
// cel.OptimizeRegex(library.ExtensionLibRegexOptimizations...) as an option when we call cel.Program.
// See
// Just in case someone converts a string to a timestamp, make any time operations which do not include
// an explicit timezone argument default to UTC.
// Check list and map literal entry types during type-checking.
// Check for collisions in declarations now instead of later.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
// Copyright 2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package celtransformer
import (
func TestTransformer(t *testing.T) {
var veryLargeGroupList []string
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
veryLargeGroupList = append(veryLargeGroupList, fmt.Sprintf("g%d", i))
alreadyCancelledContext, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
tests := []struct {
name string
username string
groups []string
transforms []CELTransformation
ctx context.Context
wantUsername string
wantGroups []string
wantAuthRejected bool
wantAuthRejectedMessage string
wantCompileErr string
wantEvaluationErr string
name: "empty transforms list does not change the identity and allows auth",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
name: "simple transforms which do not change the identity and allows auth",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `username`},
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `groups`},
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `true`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
name: "transformations run in the order that they are given and accumulate results",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `"a:" + username`},
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `"b:" + username`},
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `, "a:" + g)`},
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `, "b:" + g)`},
wantUsername: "b:a:ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"b:a:admins", "b:a:developers", "b:a:other"},
name: "policies which return false cause the pipeline to stop running and return a rejected auth result",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `"a:" + username`},
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `true`, RejectedAuthenticationMessage: `Everyone is allowed`},
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `, "a:" + g)`},
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `username == "admin"`, RejectedAuthenticationMessage: `Only the username "admin" is allowed`},
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `, "b:" + g)`}, // does not get evaluated
wantUsername: "a:ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"a:admins", "a:developers", "a:other"},
wantAuthRejected: true,
wantAuthRejectedMessage: `Only the username "admin" is allowed`,
name: "policies without a RejectedAuthenticationMessage get a default message",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `username == "admin"`, RejectedAuthenticationMessage: ""},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
wantAuthRejected: true,
wantAuthRejectedMessage: `Authentication was rejected by a configured policy`,
name: "any transformations can use the username and group variables",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `groups[0] == "admins" && username == "ryan"`},
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `groups + [username]`},
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `groups[2]`}, // changes the username to "other"
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `groups + [username + "2"]`}, // by the time this expression runs, the username was already changed to "other"
wantUsername: "other",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other", "ryan", "other2"},
name: "the CEL string extensions are enabled for use in the expressions",
username: " ryan ",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `, g.replace("mins", "ministrators"))`},
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `username.upperAscii()`},
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `(username.lowerAscii()).trim() == "ryan"`, RejectedAuthenticationMessage: `Silly example`},
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `username.trim()`},
wantUsername: "RYAN",
wantGroups: []string{"administrators", "developers", "other"},
name: "UTC is the default time zone for time operations",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `string(timestamp("2023-01-16T10:00:20.021-08:00").getHours())`},
// Without the compiler option cel.DefaultUTCTimeZone, this result would be 10.
// With the option, this result is the original hour from the timestamp string (10), plus the effect
// of the timezone (8), to move the hour into the UTC time zone.
wantUsername: "18",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
name: "the default UTC time zone for time operations can be overridden by passing the time zone as an argument to the operation",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `string(timestamp("2023-01-16T10:00:20.021-08:00").getHours("US/Mountain"))`},
// This is the hour of the timestamp in Mountain time, which is one time zone over from Pacific (-08:00),
// hence it is one larger than the original "10" from the timestamp string.
wantUsername: "11",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
name: "quick expressions are finished by CEL before CEL even looks at the cancel context",
username: "ryan",
groups: veryLargeGroupList,
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `["one group"]`},
ctx: alreadyCancelledContext,
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"one group"},
// Unit tests to demonstrate practical examples of useful CEL expressions.
name: "can prefix username and all groups",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `"username_prefix:" + username`},
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `, "group_prefix:" + g)`},
wantUsername: "username_prefix:ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"group_prefix:admins", "group_prefix:developers", "group_prefix:other"},
name: "can suffix username and all groups",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `username + ":username_suffix"`},
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `, g + ":group_suffix")`},
wantUsername: "ryan:username_suffix",
wantGroups: []string{"admins:group_suffix", "developers:group_suffix", "other:group_suffix"},
name: "can change case of username and all groups",
username: "rYan 🚀",
groups: []string{"aDmins", "dEvelopers", "oTher"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `username.lowerAscii()`},
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `, g.upperAscii())`},
wantUsername: "ryan 🚀",
wantGroups: []string{"ADMINS", "DEVELOPERS", "OTHER"},
name: "can replace whitespace",
username: " r\ty a n \n",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `username.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "")`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
name: "can filter groups based on an allow list",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `groups.filter(g, g in ["admins", "developers"])`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers"},
name: "can filter groups based on a disallow list",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `groups.filter(g, !(g in ["admins", "developers"]))`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"other"},
name: "can filter groups based on a disallowed prefixes",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"disallowed1:admins", "disallowed2:developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `groups.filter(group, !(["disallowed1:", "disallowed2:"].exists(prefix, group.startsWith(prefix))))`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"other"},
name: "can add a group",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `groups + ["new-group"]`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other", "new-group"},
name: "can add a group but only if they already belong to another group - when the user does belong to that other group",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `"other" in groups ? groups + ["new-group"] : groups`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other", "new-group"},
name: "can add a group but only if they already belong to another group - when the user does NOT belong to that other group",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `"other" in groups ? groups + ["new-group"] : groups`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers"},
name: "can rename a group",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `, g == "other" ? "other-renamed" : g)`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other-renamed"},
name: "can reject auth based on belonging to one group - when the user meets the criteria",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other", "super-admins"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `"super-admins" in groups`, RejectedAuthenticationMessage: `Only users who belong to the "super-admins" group are allowed`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other", "super-admins"},
name: "can reject auth based on belonging to one group - when the user does NOT meet the criteria",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `"super-admins" in groups`, RejectedAuthenticationMessage: `Only users who belong to the "super-admins" group are allowed`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
wantAuthRejected: true,
wantAuthRejectedMessage: `Only users who belong to the "super-admins" group are allowed`,
name: "can reject auth unless the user belongs to any one of the groups in a list - when the user meets the criteria",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "foobar", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `groups.exists(g, g in ["foobar", "foobaz", "foobat"])`, RejectedAuthenticationMessage: `Only users who belong to any of the groups in a list are allowed`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "foobar", "other"},
name: "can reject auth unless the user belongs to any one of the groups in a list - when the user does NOT meet the criteria",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `groups.exists(g, g in ["foobar", "foobaz", "foobat"])`, RejectedAuthenticationMessage: `Only users who belong to any of the groups in a list are allowed`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
wantAuthRejected: true,
wantAuthRejectedMessage: `Only users who belong to any of the groups in a list are allowed`,
name: "can reject auth unless the user belongs to all of the groups in a list - when the user meets the criteria",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other", "foobar", "foobaz", "foobat"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `["foobar", "foobaz", "foobat"].all(g, g in groups)`, RejectedAuthenticationMessage: `Only users who belong to all groups in a list are allowed`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other", "foobar", "foobaz", "foobat"},
name: "can reject auth unless the user belongs to all of the groups in a list - when the user does NOT meet the criteria",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other", "foobaz", "foobat"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `["foobar", "foobaz", "foobat"].all(g, g in groups)`, RejectedAuthenticationMessage: `Only users who belong to all groups in a list are allowed`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other", "foobaz", "foobat"},
wantAuthRejected: true,
wantAuthRejectedMessage: `Only users who belong to all groups in a list are allowed`,
name: "can reject auth if the user belongs to any groups in a disallowed groups list - when the user meets the criteria",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `!groups.exists(g, g in ["foobar", "foobaz"])`, RejectedAuthenticationMessage: `Only users who do not belong to any of the groups in a list are allowed`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
name: "can reject auth if the user belongs to any groups in a disallowed groups list - when the user does NOT meet the criteria",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other", "foobaz"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `!groups.exists(g, g in ["foobar", "foobaz"])`, RejectedAuthenticationMessage: `Only users who do not belong to any of the groups in a list are allowed`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other", "foobaz"},
wantAuthRejected: true,
wantAuthRejectedMessage: `Only users who do not belong to any of the groups in a list are allowed`,
name: "can reject auth unless the username is in an allowed users list - when the user meets the criteria",
username: "foobaz",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `username in ["foobar", "foobaz"]`, RejectedAuthenticationMessage: `Only certain usernames allowed`},
wantUsername: "foobaz",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
name: "can reject auth unless the username is in an allowed users list - when the user does NOT meet the criteria",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `username in ["foobar", "foobaz"]`, RejectedAuthenticationMessage: `Only certain usernames allowed`},
wantUsername: "ryan",
wantGroups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
wantAuthRejected: true,
wantAuthRejectedMessage: `Only certain usernames allowed`,
// Error cases
name: "username transformation returns an empty string as the new username",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `""`},
wantEvaluationErr: "identity transformation returned an empty username, which is not allowed",
name: "username transformation returns a string containing only whitespace as the new username",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `" \n \t "`},
wantEvaluationErr: "identity transformation returned an empty username, which is not allowed",
name: "username transformation compiles to return null, which is not a string so it has the wrong type",
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `null`},
wantCompileErr: `CEL expression should return type "string" but returns type "null_type"`,
name: "groups transformation compiles to return null, which is not a string so it has the wrong type",
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `null`},
wantCompileErr: `CEL expression should return type "list(string)" but returns type "null_type"`,
name: "policy transformation compiles to return null, which is not a string so it has the wrong type",
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `null`},
wantCompileErr: `CEL expression should return type "bool" but returns type "null_type"`,
name: "username transformation has empty expression",
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: ``},
wantCompileErr: `cannot compile empty CEL expression`,
name: "groups transformation has empty expression",
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: ``},
wantCompileErr: `cannot compile empty CEL expression`,
name: "policy transformation has empty expression",
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: ``},
wantCompileErr: `cannot compile empty CEL expression`,
name: "username transformation has expression which contains only whitespace",
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: " \n\t "},
wantCompileErr: `cannot compile empty CEL expression`,
name: "groups transformation has expression which contains only whitespace",
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: " \n\t "},
wantCompileErr: `cannot compile empty CEL expression`,
name: "policy transformation has expression which contains only whitespace",
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: " \n\t "},
wantCompileErr: `cannot compile empty CEL expression`,
name: "slow username transformation expressions are canceled by the cancel context after partial evaluation",
username: "ryan",
groups: veryLargeGroupList,
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `groups.filter(x, groups.all(x, true))[0]`},
ctx: alreadyCancelledContext,
wantEvaluationErr: `identity transformation at index 0: operation interrupted`,
name: "slow groups transformation expressions are canceled by the cancel context after partial evaluation",
username: "ryan",
groups: veryLargeGroupList,
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `groups.filter(x, groups.all(x, true))`},
ctx: alreadyCancelledContext,
wantEvaluationErr: `identity transformation at index 0: operation interrupted`,
name: "slow policy expressions are canceled by the cancel context after partial evaluation",
username: "ryan",
groups: veryLargeGroupList,
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: "username"},
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `groups.all(x, groups.all(x, true))`}, // this is the slow one
ctx: alreadyCancelledContext,
wantEvaluationErr: `identity transformation at index 1: operation interrupted`,
name: "slow transformation expressions are canceled and the rest of the expressions do not run",
username: "ryan",
groups: veryLargeGroupList,
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `username`}, // quick expressions are allowed to run even though the context is cancelled
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `groups.filter(x, groups.all(x, true))[0]`},
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `groups.filter(x, groups.all(x, true))[0]`},
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `groups.filter(x, groups.all(x, true))[0]`},
ctx: alreadyCancelledContext,
wantEvaluationErr: `identity transformation at index 1: operation interrupted`,
name: "slow username transformation expressions are canceled after a maximum allowed duration",
username: "ryan",
groups: veryLargeGroupList,
transforms: []CELTransformation{
// On my laptop, evaluating this expression would take ~20 seconds if we allowed it to evaluate to completion.
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `groups.filter(x, groups.all(x, true))[0]`},
wantEvaluationErr: `identity transformation at index 0: operation interrupted`,
name: "slow groups transformation expressions are canceled after a maximum allowed duration",
username: "ryan",
groups: veryLargeGroupList,
transforms: []CELTransformation{
// On my laptop, evaluating this expression would take ~20 seconds if we allowed it to evaluate to completion.
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `groups.filter(x, groups.all(x, true))`},
wantEvaluationErr: `identity transformation at index 0: operation interrupted`,
name: "slow policy transformation expressions are canceled after a maximum allowed duration",
username: "ryan",
groups: veryLargeGroupList,
transforms: []CELTransformation{
// On my laptop, evaluating this expression would take ~20 seconds if we allowed it to evaluate to completion.
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `groups.all(x, groups.all(x, true))`},
wantEvaluationErr: `identity transformation at index 0: operation interrupted`,
name: "compile errors are returned by the compile step for a username transform",
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `foobar.junk()`},
wantCompileErr: here.Doc(`
CEL expression compile error: ERROR: <input>:1:1: undeclared reference to 'foobar' (in container '')
| foobar.junk()
| ^
ERROR: <input>:1:12: undeclared reference to 'junk' (in container '')
| foobar.junk()
| ...........^`,
name: "compile errors are returned by the compile step for a groups transform",
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `foobar.junk()`},
wantCompileErr: here.Doc(`
CEL expression compile error: ERROR: <input>:1:1: undeclared reference to 'foobar' (in container '')
| foobar.junk()
| ^
ERROR: <input>:1:12: undeclared reference to 'junk' (in container '')
| foobar.junk()
| ...........^`,
name: "compile errors are returned by the compile step for a policy",
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `foobar.junk()`},
wantCompileErr: here.Doc(`
CEL expression compile error: ERROR: <input>:1:1: undeclared reference to 'foobar' (in container '')
| foobar.junk()
| ^
ERROR: <input>:1:12: undeclared reference to 'junk' (in container '')
| foobar.junk()
| ...........^`,
name: "evaluation errors stop the pipeline and return an error",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&UsernameTransformation{Expression: "username"},
&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `1 / 0 == 7`},
wantEvaluationErr: `identity transformation at index 1: division by zero`,
name: "HomogeneousAggregateLiterals compiler setting is enabled to help the user avoid type mistakes in expressions",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `groups.all(g, g in ["admins", 1])`},
wantCompileErr: here.Doc(`
CEL expression compile error: ERROR: <input>:1:31: expected type 'string' but found 'int'
| groups.all(g, g in ["admins", 1])
| ..............................^`,
name: "when an expression's type cannot be determined at compile time, e.g. due to the use of dynamic types",
username: "ryan",
groups: []string{"admins", "developers", "other"},
transforms: []CELTransformation{
&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `, {"admins": dyn(1), "developers":"a"}[g])`},
wantCompileErr: `CEL expression should return type "list(string)" but returns type "list(dyn)"`,
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
transformer, err := NewCELTransformer(100 * time.Millisecond)
require.NoError(t, err)
pipeline := idtransform.NewTransformationPipeline()
for _, transform := range tt.transforms {
compiledTransform, err := transformer.CompileTransformation(transform)
if tt.wantCompileErr != "" {
require.EqualError(t, err, tt.wantCompileErr)
return // the rest of the test doesn't make sense when there was a compile error
require.NoError(t, err, "got an unexpected compile error")
ctx := context.Background()
if tt.ctx != nil {
ctx = tt.ctx
result, err := pipeline.Evaluate(ctx, tt.username, tt.groups)
if tt.wantEvaluationErr != "" {
require.EqualError(t, err, tt.wantEvaluationErr)
return // the rest of the test doesn't make sense when there was an evaluation error
require.NoError(t, err, "got an unexpected evaluation error")
require.Equal(t, tt.wantUsername, result.Username)
require.Equal(t, tt.wantGroups, result.Groups)
require.Equal(t, !tt.wantAuthRejected, result.AuthenticationAllowed, "AuthenticationAllowed had unexpected value")
require.Equal(t, tt.wantAuthRejectedMessage, result.RejectedAuthenticationMessage)
func TestTypicalPerformanceAndThreadSafety(t *testing.T) {
transformer, err := NewCELTransformer(100 * time.Millisecond)
require.NoError(t, err)
pipeline := idtransform.NewTransformationPipeline()
var compiledTransform idtransform.IdentityTransformation
compiledTransform, err = transformer.CompileTransformation(&UsernameTransformation{Expression: `"username_prefix:" + username`})
require.NoError(t, err)
compiledTransform, err = transformer.CompileTransformation(&GroupsTransformation{Expression: `, "group_prefix:" + g)`})
require.NoError(t, err)
compiledTransform, err = transformer.CompileTransformation(&AllowAuthenticationPolicy{Expression: `username == "username_prefix:ryan"`})
require.NoError(t, err)
var groups []string
var wantGroups []string
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
groups = append(groups, fmt.Sprintf("g%d", i))
wantGroups = append(wantGroups, fmt.Sprintf("group_prefix:g%d", i))
// Before looking at performance, check that the behavior of the function is correct.
result, err := pipeline.Evaluate(context.Background(), "ryan", groups)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "username_prefix:ryan", result.Username)
require.Equal(t, wantGroups, result.Groups)
require.True(t, result.AuthenticationAllowed)
require.Empty(t, result.RejectedAuthenticationMessage)
// This loop is meant to give a sense of typical runtime of CEL expressions which transforms a username
// and 100 group names. It is not meant to be a pass/fail test or scientific benchmark test.
iterations := 1000
start := time.Now()
for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
_, _ = pipeline.Evaluate(context.Background(), "ryan", groups)
elapsed := time.Since(start)
t.Logf("TestTypicalPerformanceAndThreadSafety %d iterations of Evaluate took %s; average runtime %s", iterations, elapsed, elapsed/time.Duration(iterations))
// On my laptop this prints: TestTypicalPerformanceAndThreadSafety 1000 iterations of Evaluate took 257.981421ms; average runtime 257.981µs
// Now use the transformations pipeline from different goroutines at the same time. Hopefully the race detector
// will complain if this is not thread safe in some way. Use the pipeline enough that it will be very likely that
// there will be several parallel invocations of the Evaluate function. Every invocation should also yield the
// exact same result, since they are all using the same inputs. This assumes that the unit tests are run using
// the race detector.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
numGoroutines := 10
for i := 0; i < numGoroutines; i++ {
wg.Add(1) // increment WaitGroup counter for each goroutine
go func() {
defer wg.Done() // decrement WaitGroup counter when this goroutine finishes
for j := 0; j < iterations*2; j++ {
localResult, localErr := pipeline.Evaluate(context.Background(), "ryan", groups)
require.NoError(t, localErr)
require.Equal(t, "username_prefix:ryan", localResult.Username)
require.Equal(t, wantGroups, localResult.Groups)
require.True(t, localResult.AuthenticationAllowed)
require.Empty(t, localResult.RejectedAuthenticationMessage)
wg.Wait() // wait for the counter to reach zero, indicating the all goroutines are finished
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
// Copyright 2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Package idtransform defines upstream-to-downstream identity transformations which could be
// implemented using various approaches or languages.
package idtransform
import (
// TransformationResult is the result of evaluating a transformation against some inputs.
type TransformationResult struct {
Username string // the new username for an allowed auth
Groups []string // the new group names for an allowed auth
AuthenticationAllowed bool // when false, disallow this authentication attempt
RejectedAuthenticationMessage string // should be set when AuthenticationAllowed is false
// IdentityTransformation is an individual identity transformation which can be evaluated.
type IdentityTransformation interface {
Evaluate(ctx context.Context, username string, groups []string) (*TransformationResult, error)
// TransformationPipeline is a list of identity transforms, which can be evaluated in order against some given input
// values.
type TransformationPipeline struct {
transforms []IdentityTransformation
// NewTransformationPipeline creates an empty TransformationPipeline.
func NewTransformationPipeline() *TransformationPipeline {
return &TransformationPipeline{transforms: []IdentityTransformation{}}
// AppendTransformation adds a transformation to the end of the list of transformations for this pipeline.
// This is not thread-safe, so be sure to add all transformations from a single goroutine before using Evaluate
// from multiple goroutines.
func (p *TransformationPipeline) AppendTransformation(t IdentityTransformation) {
p.transforms = append(p.transforms, t)
// Evaluate runs the transformation pipeline for a given input identity. It returns a potentially transformed or
// rejected identity, or an error. If any transformation in the list rejects the authentication, then the list is
// short-circuited but no error is returned. Only unexpected errors are returned as errors. This is safe to call
// from multiple goroutines.
func (p *TransformationPipeline) Evaluate(ctx context.Context, username string, groups []string) (*TransformationResult, error) {
accumulatedResult := &TransformationResult{
Username: username,
Groups: groups,
AuthenticationAllowed: true,
var err error
for i, transform := range p.transforms {
accumulatedResult, err = transform.Evaluate(ctx, accumulatedResult.Username, accumulatedResult.Groups)
if err != nil {
// There was an unexpected error evaluating a transformation.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("identity transformation at index %d: %w", i, err)
if !accumulatedResult.AuthenticationAllowed {
// Auth has been rejected by a policy. Stop evaluating the rest of the transformations.
return accumulatedResult, nil
if strings.TrimSpace(accumulatedResult.Username) == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("identity transformation returned an empty username, which is not allowed")
// There were no unexpected errors and no policy which rejected auth.
return accumulatedResult, nil
Reference in New Issue
Block a user