Merge pull request #653 from mattmoyer/fix-impersonation-test-flake
Fix another impersonation test flake related to `kubectl logs --tail` line count + test refactor.
This commit is contained in:
@ -980,7 +980,9 @@ func TestImpersonationProxy(t *testing.T) { //nolint:gocyclo // yeah, it's compl
logLinesCount := 10
stdout, err = runKubectl(t, kubeconfigPath, envVarsWithProxy, "logs", "--namespace", env.ConciergeNamespace, conciergePod.Name, fmt.Sprintf("--tail=%d", logLinesCount))
require.NoError(t, err, `"kubectl logs" failed`)
require.Equalf(t, logLinesCount, strings.Count(stdout, "\n"), "wanted %d newlines in kubectl logs output:\n%s", logLinesCount, stdout)
// Expect _approximately_ logLinesCount lines in the output
// (we can't match 100% exactly due to
require.InDeltaf(t, logLinesCount, strings.Count(stdout, "\n"), 1, "wanted %d newlines in kubectl logs output:\n%s", logLinesCount, stdout)
// run the kubectl attach command
namespaceName := createTestNamespace(t, adminClient)
@ -1198,44 +1200,55 @@ func TestImpersonationProxy(t *testing.T) { //nolint:gocyclo // yeah, it's compl
t.Skip("only running when the cluster is meant to be using LoadBalancer services")
applyAnnotations := func(mutateAnnotationsFunc func(map[string]string)) {
var expectedAnnotations map[string]string
// Grab the state of the CredentialIssuer prior to this test, so we can restore things back afterwards.
previous, err := adminConciergeClient.ConfigV1alpha1().CredentialIssuers().Get(ctx, credentialIssuerName(env), metav1.GetOptions{})
require.NoError(t, err)
applyCredentialIssuerAnnotations := func(annotations map[string]string) {
require.NoError(t, retry.RetryOnConflict(retry.DefaultRetry, func() error {
newCredentialIssuer, err := adminConciergeClient.ConfigV1alpha1().CredentialIssuers().Get(ctx, credentialIssuerName(env), metav1.GetOptions{})
issuer, err := adminConciergeClient.ConfigV1alpha1().CredentialIssuers().Get(ctx, credentialIssuerName(env), metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return err
expectedAnnotations = newCredentialIssuer.Spec.ImpersonationProxy.Service.Annotations
_, err = adminConciergeClient.ConfigV1alpha1().CredentialIssuers().Update(ctx, newCredentialIssuer, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
updated := issuer.DeepCopy()
updated.Spec.ImpersonationProxy.Service.Annotations = annotations
if equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(issuer, updated) {
return nil
t.Logf("updating CredentialIssuer with spec.impersonationProxy.service.annotations: %v", annotations)
_, err = adminConciergeClient.ConfigV1alpha1().CredentialIssuers().Update(ctx, updated, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
return err
t.Logf("updated CredentialIssuer with annotations %v", expectedAnnotations)
// Wait until the annotation shows up on the load balancer
waitForServiceAnnotations := func(annotations map[string]string) {
library.RequireEventuallyWithoutError(t, func() (bool, error) {
service, err := adminClient.CoreV1().Services(env.ConciergeNamespace).Get(ctx, impersonationProxyLoadBalancerName(env), metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return false, err
t.Logf("found Service %s of type %s with annotations: %s", service.Name, service.Spec.Type, service.Annotations)
return equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(service.Annotations, expectedAnnotations), nil
return equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(service.Annotations, annotations), nil
}, 30*time.Second, 100*time.Millisecond)
// Set a new annotation and expect it to appear on the Service.
newAnnotationKey := "" + library.RandHex(t, 8)
newAnnotationValue := "test-" + library.RandHex(t, 8)
applyAnnotations(func(annotations map[string]string) {
annotations[newAnnotationKey] = newAnnotationValue
// Whatever happens, set the annotations back to the original value and expect the Service to be updated.
t.Cleanup(func() {
t.Log("reverting CredentialIssuer back to previous configuration")
// Remove the annotation and expect it to be removed from the Service
t.Cleanup(func() {
applyAnnotations(func(annotations map[string]string) {
delete(annotations, newAnnotationKey)
// Set a new annotation in the CredentialIssuer spec.impersonationProxy.service.annotations field.
newAnnotationKey := "" + library.RandHex(t, 8)
newAnnotationValue := "test-" + library.RandHex(t, 8)
updatedAnnotations := previous.Spec.ImpersonationProxy.Service.DeepCopy().Annotations
updatedAnnotations[newAnnotationKey] = newAnnotationValue
// Expect it to be applied to the Service.
t.Run("running impersonation proxy with ClusterIP service", func(t *testing.T) {
Reference in New Issue
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