Add more detail on how we should display errors

Signed-off-by: Margo Crawford <>
This commit is contained in:
Margo Crawford 2022-05-06 11:00:01 -07:00
parent 079908fb50
commit 408e390094
1 changed files with 6 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -106,8 +106,12 @@ logo and the IDP name.
with Pinniped's form post html page, to be displayed on the login page. If it is `query`, return a redirect
with the authcode as a query param. Default behavior when `response_mode` is unspecified should be handled
by other parts of the code, but it should default to `query` on the supervisor.
4. If the login fails, respond with an error so the login page can render an error message. Allow the user to retry
login the same way we do with the CLI today (we leave brute force protection to the IDP)
4. If the login fails, respond with a redirect to `<issuer-url>/login` with an error type as the query param,
so the login page can render an error message. Allow the user to retry login the same way we do with the CLI today
(we leave brute force protection to the IDP). Display two types of errors-- "login error" (incorrect username or password)
or "internal error" for something that can't be easily fixed by the user (for example, requests to the LDAP server timing
out, LDAP queries malformed). The error that is displayed to the user should be generic but should suggest to the user
whether they should try again, or contact their administrator. (thanks @vrabbi for the suggestion!)
#### Upgrades