When upstream OIDC refresh fails inconclusively, retry a few times

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Richard 2022-01-19 12:23:11 -08:00
parent 78bdb1928a
commit 3301a62053
3 changed files with 155 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -8,10 +8,13 @@ import (
@ -39,6 +42,18 @@ var (
func NewHandler(
idpLister oidc.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister,
oauthHelper fosite.OAuth2Provider,
) http.Handler {
// Each retry of a failed upstream refresh will multiply the previous sleep duration by this factor.
// This only exists as a parameter so that unit tests can override it to avoid running slowly.
upstreamRefreshRetryOnErrorFactor := 4.0
return newHandler(idpLister, oauthHelper, upstreamRefreshRetryOnErrorFactor)
func newHandler(
idpLister oidc.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister,
oauthHelper fosite.OAuth2Provider,
upstreamRefreshRetryOnErrorFactor float64,
) http.Handler {
return httperr.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
session := psession.NewPinnipedSession()
@ -55,7 +70,7 @@ func NewHandler(
// The session, requested scopes, and requested audience from the original authorize request was retrieved
// from the Kube storage layer and added to the accessRequest. Additionally, the audience and scopes may
// have already been granted on the accessRequest.
err = upstreamRefresh(r.Context(), accessRequest, idpLister)
err = upstreamRefresh(r.Context(), accessRequest, idpLister, upstreamRefreshRetryOnErrorFactor)
if err != nil {
plog.Info("upstream refresh error", oidc.FositeErrorForLog(err)...)
oauthHelper.WriteAccessError(w, accessRequest, err)
@ -76,7 +91,12 @@ func NewHandler(
func upstreamRefresh(ctx context.Context, accessRequest fosite.AccessRequester, providerCache oidc.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister) error {
func upstreamRefresh(
ctx context.Context,
accessRequest fosite.AccessRequester,
providerCache oidc.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister,
retryOnErrorFactor float64,
) error {
session := accessRequest.GetSession().(*psession.PinnipedSession)
customSessionData := session.Custom
@ -91,7 +111,7 @@ func upstreamRefresh(ctx context.Context, accessRequest fosite.AccessRequester,
switch customSessionData.ProviderType {
case psession.ProviderTypeOIDC:
return upstreamOIDCRefresh(ctx, session, providerCache)
return upstreamOIDCRefresh(ctx, session, providerCache, retryOnErrorFactor)
case psession.ProviderTypeLDAP:
return upstreamLDAPRefresh(ctx, providerCache, session)
case psession.ProviderTypeActiveDirectory:
@ -101,7 +121,12 @@ func upstreamRefresh(ctx context.Context, accessRequest fosite.AccessRequester,
func upstreamOIDCRefresh(ctx context.Context, session *psession.PinnipedSession, providerCache oidc.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister) error {
func upstreamOIDCRefresh(
ctx context.Context,
session *psession.PinnipedSession,
providerCache oidc.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister,
retryOnErrorFactor float64,
) error {
s := session.Custom
if s.OIDC == nil {
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError)
@ -125,7 +150,7 @@ func upstreamOIDCRefresh(ctx context.Context, session *psession.PinnipedSession,
var tokens *oauth2.Token
if refreshTokenStored {
tokens, err = p.PerformRefresh(ctx, s.OIDC.UpstreamRefreshToken)
tokens, err = performUpstreamOIDCRefreshWithRetriesOnError(ctx, p, s, retryOnErrorFactor)
if err != nil {
return errorsx.WithStack(errUpstreamRefreshError.WithHint(
"Upstream refresh failed.",
@ -187,6 +212,44 @@ func upstreamOIDCRefresh(ctx context.Context, session *psession.PinnipedSession,
return nil
func performUpstreamOIDCRefreshWithRetriesOnError(
ctx context.Context,
p provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI,
s *psession.CustomSessionData,
retryOnErrorFactor float64,
) (*oauth2.Token, error) {
var tokens *oauth2.Token
// For the default retryOnErrorFactor of 4.0 this backoff means...
// Try once, then retry upon error after sleeps of 50ms, 0.2s, 0.8s, 3.2s, and 12.8s.
// Give up after a total of 6 tries over ~17s if they all resulted in errors.
backoff := wait.Backoff{Steps: 6, Duration: 50 * time.Millisecond, Factor: retryOnErrorFactor}
isRetryableError := func(err error) bool {
plog.DebugErr("upstream refresh request failed in retry loop", err,
"providerName", s.ProviderName, "providerType", s.ProviderType, "providerUID", s.ProviderUID)
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return false // Stop retrying if the context was closed (cancelled or timed out).
retrieveError := &oauth2.RetrieveError{}
if errors.As(err, &retrieveError) {
return retrieveError.Response.StatusCode >= 500 // 5xx statuses are inconclusive and might be worth retrying.
return true // Retry any other errors, e.g. connection errors.
performRefreshOnce := func() error {
var err error
tokens, err = p.PerformRefresh(ctx, s.OIDC.UpstreamRefreshToken)
return err
err := retry.OnError(backoff, isRetryableError, performRefreshOnce)
// If all retries failed, then err will hold the error of the final failed retry.
return tokens, err
func validateIdentityUnchangedSinceInitialLogin(mergedClaims map[string]interface{}, session *psession.PinnipedSession, usernameClaimName string) error {
s := session.Custom

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@ -218,6 +218,7 @@ var (
type expectedUpstreamRefresh struct {
numberOfRetryAttempts int // number of expected retries, not including the original refresh attempt
performedByUpstreamName string
args *oidctestutil.PerformRefreshArgs
@ -1733,7 +1734,7 @@ func TestRefreshGrant(t *testing.T) {
name: "when the upstream refresh fails during the refresh request",
name: "when the upstream refresh fails with a generic error during the refresh request it retries the upstream refresh",
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().WithOIDC(upstreamOIDCIdentityProviderBuilder().
WithPerformRefreshError(errors.New("some upstream refresh error")).Build()),
authcodeExchange: authcodeExchangeInputs{
@ -1743,7 +1744,65 @@ func TestRefreshGrant(t *testing.T) {
refreshRequest: refreshRequestInputs{
want: tokenEndpointResponseExpectedValues{
wantUpstreamRefreshCall: happyOIDCUpstreamRefreshCall(),
wantUpstreamRefreshCall: &expectedUpstreamRefresh{
numberOfRetryAttempts: 5, // every attempt returns a generic error, so it should reach the maximum number of retries
performedByUpstreamName: oidcUpstreamName,
args: &oidctestutil.PerformRefreshArgs{
Ctx: nil, // this will be filled in with the actual request context by the test below
RefreshToken: oidcUpstreamInitialRefreshToken,
wantStatus: http.StatusUnauthorized,
wantErrorResponseBody: here.Doc(`
"error": "error",
"error_description": "Error during upstream refresh. Upstream refresh failed."
name: "when the upstream refresh fails with an http status 5xx error during the refresh request it retries the upstream refresh",
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().WithOIDC(upstreamOIDCIdentityProviderBuilder().
WithPerformRefreshError(&oauth2.RetrieveError{Response: &http.Response{StatusCode: http.StatusServiceUnavailable}}).Build()),
authcodeExchange: authcodeExchangeInputs{
customSessionData: initialUpstreamOIDCRefreshTokenCustomSessionData(),
modifyAuthRequest: func(r *http.Request) { r.Form.Set("scope", "openid offline_access") },
want: happyAuthcodeExchangeTokenResponseForOpenIDAndOfflineAccess(initialUpstreamOIDCRefreshTokenCustomSessionData()),
refreshRequest: refreshRequestInputs{
want: tokenEndpointResponseExpectedValues{
wantUpstreamRefreshCall: &expectedUpstreamRefresh{
numberOfRetryAttempts: 5, // every attempt returns a 5xx error, so it should reach the maximum number of retries
performedByUpstreamName: oidcUpstreamName,
args: &oidctestutil.PerformRefreshArgs{
Ctx: nil, // this will be filled in with the actual request context by the test below
RefreshToken: oidcUpstreamInitialRefreshToken,
wantStatus: http.StatusUnauthorized,
wantErrorResponseBody: here.Doc(`
"error": "error",
"error_description": "Error during upstream refresh. Upstream refresh failed."
name: "when the upstream refresh fails with an http status 4xx error during the refresh request it does not retry the upstream refresh",
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().WithOIDC(upstreamOIDCIdentityProviderBuilder().
WithPerformRefreshError(&oauth2.RetrieveError{Response: &http.Response{StatusCode: http.StatusForbidden}}).Build()),
authcodeExchange: authcodeExchangeInputs{
customSessionData: initialUpstreamOIDCRefreshTokenCustomSessionData(),
modifyAuthRequest: func(r *http.Request) { r.Form.Set("scope", "openid offline_access") },
want: happyAuthcodeExchangeTokenResponseForOpenIDAndOfflineAccess(initialUpstreamOIDCRefreshTokenCustomSessionData()),
refreshRequest: refreshRequestInputs{
want: tokenEndpointResponseExpectedValues{
wantUpstreamRefreshCall: happyOIDCUpstreamRefreshCall(), // no retries should happen after the original request returns a 4xx status
wantStatus: http.StatusUnauthorized,
wantErrorResponseBody: here.Doc(`
@ -2670,7 +2729,8 @@ func TestRefreshGrant(t *testing.T) {
// Test that we did or did not make a call to the upstream OIDC provider interface to perform a token refresh.
if test.refreshRequest.want.wantUpstreamRefreshCall != nil {
test.refreshRequest.want.wantUpstreamRefreshCall.args.Ctx = reqContext
test.refreshRequest.want.wantUpstreamRefreshCall.numberOfRetryAttempts+1, // plus one for the original attempt
@ -2796,7 +2856,10 @@ func exchangeAuthcodeForTokens(t *testing.T, test authcodeExchangeInputs, idps p
test.modifyStorage(t, oauthStore, authCode)
subject = NewHandler(idps, oauthHelper)
// Use a faster factor for this test to avoid the runtime penalty of exponential backoff on errors.
upstreamRefreshRetryOnErrorFactor := 1.0
subject = newHandler(idps, oauthHelper, upstreamRefreshRetryOnErrorFactor)
authorizeEndpointGrantedOpenIDScope := strings.Contains(authRequest.Form.Get("scope"), "openid")
expectedNumberOfIDSessionsStored := 0

View File

@ -472,46 +472,44 @@ func (b *UpstreamIDPListerBuilder) RequireExactlyZeroCallsToExchangeAuthcodeAndV
func (b *UpstreamIDPListerBuilder) RequireExactlyOneCallToPerformRefresh(
func (b *UpstreamIDPListerBuilder) RequireExactlyNCallsToPerformRefresh(
t *testing.T,
expectedNumberOfCalls int,
expectedPerformedByUpstreamName string,
expectedArgs *PerformRefreshArgs,
) {
var actualArgs *PerformRefreshArgs
var actualNameOfUpstreamWhichMadeCall string
actualArgsOfAllCalls := make([]*PerformRefreshArgs, 0)
actualNamesOfUpstreamWhichMadeCalls := make([]string, 0)
actualCallCountAcrossAllUpstreams := 0
for _, upstreamOIDC := range b.upstreamOIDCIdentityProviders {
callCountOnThisUpstream := upstreamOIDC.performRefreshCallCount
actualCallCountAcrossAllUpstreams += callCountOnThisUpstream
if callCountOnThisUpstream == 1 {
actualNameOfUpstreamWhichMadeCall = upstreamOIDC.Name
actualArgs = upstreamOIDC.performRefreshArgs[0]
actualNamesOfUpstreamWhichMadeCalls = append(actualNamesOfUpstreamWhichMadeCalls, upstreamOIDC.Name)
actualArgsOfAllCalls = append(actualArgsOfAllCalls, upstreamOIDC.performRefreshArgs[0])
for _, upstreamLDAP := range b.upstreamLDAPIdentityProviders {
callCountOnThisUpstream := upstreamLDAP.performRefreshCallCount
actualCallCountAcrossAllUpstreams += callCountOnThisUpstream
if callCountOnThisUpstream == 1 {
actualNameOfUpstreamWhichMadeCall = upstreamLDAP.Name
actualArgs = upstreamLDAP.performRefreshArgs[0]
actualNamesOfUpstreamWhichMadeCalls = append(actualNamesOfUpstreamWhichMadeCalls, upstreamLDAP.Name)
actualArgsOfAllCalls = append(actualArgsOfAllCalls, upstreamLDAP.performRefreshArgs[0])
for _, upstreamAD := range b.upstreamActiveDirectoryIdentityProviders {
callCountOnThisUpstream := upstreamAD.performRefreshCallCount
actualCallCountAcrossAllUpstreams += callCountOnThisUpstream
if callCountOnThisUpstream == 1 {
actualNameOfUpstreamWhichMadeCall = upstreamAD.Name
actualArgs = upstreamAD.performRefreshArgs[0]
actualNamesOfUpstreamWhichMadeCalls = append(actualNamesOfUpstreamWhichMadeCalls, upstreamAD.Name)
actualArgsOfAllCalls = append(actualArgsOfAllCalls, upstreamAD.performRefreshArgs[0])
require.Equal(t, expectedNumberOfCalls, actualCallCountAcrossAllUpstreams,
"should have been exactly one call to PerformRefresh() by all upstreams")
for _, actualNameOfUpstreamWhichMadeCall := range actualNamesOfUpstreamWhichMadeCalls {
require.Equal(t, expectedPerformedByUpstreamName, actualNameOfUpstreamWhichMadeCall,
"PerformRefresh() was called on the wrong upstream at least once")
for _, actualArgs := range actualArgsOfAllCalls {
require.Equal(t, expectedArgs, actualArgs,
"PerformRefresh() was called with the wrong arguments at least once")
require.Equal(t, 1, actualCallCountAcrossAllUpstreams,
"should have been exactly one call to PerformRefresh() by all upstreams",
require.Equal(t, expectedPerformedByUpstreamName, actualNameOfUpstreamWhichMadeCall,
"PerformRefresh() was called on the wrong upstream",
require.Equal(t, expectedArgs, actualArgs)
func (b *UpstreamIDPListerBuilder) RequireExactlyZeroCallsToPerformRefresh(t *testing.T) {