Test double impersonation as the cluster admin

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Richard 2021-03-11 12:52:39 -08:00
parent 22ca2da1ff
commit 29d7f406f7
2 changed files with 60 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ func newInternal( //nolint:funlen // yeah, it's kind of long.
var listener net.Listener
constructServer := func() (func(stopCh <-chan struct{}) error, error) {
// bare minimum server side scheme to allow for status messages to be encoded
// Bare minimum server side scheme to allow for status messages to be encoded.
scheme := runtime.NewScheme()
metav1.AddToGroupVersion(scheme, metav1.Unversioned)
codecs := serializer.NewCodecFactory(scheme)
// this is unused for now but it is a safe value that we could use in the future
// This is unused for now but it is a safe value that we could use in the future.
defaultEtcdPathPrefix := "/pinniped-impersonation-proxy-registry"
recommendedOptions := genericoptions.NewRecommendedOptions(
@ -77,18 +77,22 @@ func newInternal( //nolint:funlen // yeah, it's kind of long.
recommendedOptions.SecureServing.ServerCert.GeneratedCert = dynamicCertProvider // serving certs (end user facing)
recommendedOptions.SecureServing.BindPort = port
// wire up the impersonation proxy signer CA as a valid authenticator for client cert auth
// TODO fix comments
// Wire up the impersonation proxy signer CA as another valid authenticator for client cert auth,
// along with the Kube API server's CA.
kubeClient, err := kubeclient.New(clientOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
kubeClientCA, err := dynamiccertificates.NewDynamicCAFromConfigMapController("client-ca", metav1.NamespaceSystem, "extension-apiserver-authentication", "client-ca-file", kubeClient.Kubernetes)
kubeClientCA, err := dynamiccertificates.NewDynamicCAFromConfigMapController(
"client-ca", metav1.NamespaceSystem, "extension-apiserver-authentication", "client-ca-file", kubeClient.Kubernetes,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
recommendedOptions.Authentication.ClientCert.ClientCA = "---irrelevant-but-needs-to-be-non-empty---" // drop when we pick up https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/100055
recommendedOptions.Authentication.ClientCert.CAContentProvider = dynamiccertificates.NewUnionCAContentProvider(impersonationProxySignerCA, kubeClientCA)
recommendedOptions.Authentication.ClientCert.CAContentProvider = dynamiccertificates.NewUnionCAContentProvider(
impersonationProxySignerCA, kubeClientCA,
if recOpts != nil {
@ -108,16 +112,16 @@ func newInternal( //nolint:funlen // yeah, it's kind of long.
return nil, err
// loopback authentication to this server does not really make sense since we just proxy everything to KAS
// thus we replace loopback connection config with one that does direct connections to KAS
// loopback config is mainly used by post start hooks, so this is mostly future proofing
// Loopback authentication to this server does not really make sense since we just proxy everything to
// the Kube API server, thus we replace loopback connection config with one that does direct connections
// the Kube API server. Loopback config is mainly used by post start hooks, so this is mostly future proofing.
serverConfig.LoopbackClientConfig = rest.CopyConfig(kubeClient.ProtoConfig) // assume proto is safe (hooks can override)
// remove the bearer token so our authorizer does not get stomped on by AuthorizeClientBearerToken
// see sanity checks at the end of this function
// Remove the bearer token so our authorizer does not get stomped on by AuthorizeClientBearerToken.
// See sanity checks at the end of this function.
serverConfig.LoopbackClientConfig.BearerToken = ""
// assume proto config is safe because transport level configs do not use rest.ContentConfig
// thus if we are interacting with actual APIs, they should be using pre-built clients
// Assume proto config is safe because transport level configs do not use rest.ContentConfig.
// Thus if we are interacting with actual APIs, they should be using pre-built clients.
impersonationProxy, err := newImpersonationReverseProxy(rest.CopyConfig(kubeClient.ProtoConfig))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -125,23 +129,22 @@ func newInternal( //nolint:funlen // yeah, it's kind of long.
defaultBuildHandlerChainFunc := serverConfig.BuildHandlerChainFunc
serverConfig.BuildHandlerChainFunc = func(_ http.Handler, c *genericapiserver.Config) http.Handler {
// we ignore the passed in handler because we never have any REST APIs to delegate to
// We ignore the passed in handler because we never have any REST APIs to delegate to.
handler := defaultBuildHandlerChainFunc(impersonationProxy, c)
handler = securityheader.Wrap(handler)
return handler
// TODO integration test this authorizer logic with system:masters + double impersonation
// overwrite the delegating authorizer with one that only cares about impersonation
// empty string is disallowed because request info has had bugs in the past where it would leave it empty
// Overwrite the delegating authorizer with one that only cares about impersonation.
// Empty string is disallowed because request info has had bugs in the past where it would leave it empty.
disallowedVerbs := sets.NewString("", "impersonate")
noImpersonationAuthorizer := &comparableAuthorizer{
AuthorizerFunc: func(a authorizer.Attributes) (authorizer.Decision, string, error) {
// supporting impersonation is not hard, it would just require a bunch of testing
// and configuring the audit layer (to preserve the caller) which we can do later
// we would also want to delete the incoming impersonation headers
// Supporting impersonation is not hard, it would just require a bunch of testing
// and configuring the audit layer (to preserve the caller) which we can do later.
// We would also want to delete the incoming impersonation headers
// instead of overwriting the delegating authorizer, we would
// actually use it to make the impersonation authorization checks
// actually use it to make the impersonation authorization checks.
if disallowedVerbs.Has(a.GetVerb()) {
return authorizer.DecisionDeny, "impersonation is not allowed or invalid verb", nil
@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ func newInternal( //nolint:funlen // yeah, it's kind of long.
return authorizer.DecisionAllow, "deferring authorization to kube API server", nil
// TODO write a big comment explaining wth this is doing
// Set our custom authorizer before calling Compete(), which will use it.
serverConfig.Authorization.Authorizer = noImpersonationAuthorizer
impersonationProxyServer, err := serverConfig.Complete().New("impersonation-proxy", genericapiserver.NewEmptyDelegate())
@ -159,20 +162,16 @@ func newInternal( //nolint:funlen // yeah, it's kind of long.
preparedRun := impersonationProxyServer.PrepareRun()
// wait until the very end to do sanity checks
// Sanity check. Make sure that our custom authorizer is still in place and did not get changed or wrapped.
if preparedRun.Authorizer != noImpersonationAuthorizer {
return nil, constable.Error("invalid mutation of impersonation authorizer detected")
// assert that we have a functioning token file to use and no bearer token
// Sanity check. Assert that we have a functioning token file to use and no bearer token.
if len(preparedRun.LoopbackClientConfig.BearerToken) != 0 || len(preparedRun.LoopbackClientConfig.BearerTokenFile) == 0 {
return nil, constable.Error("invalid impersonator loopback rest config has wrong bearer token semantics")
// TODO make sure this is closed on error
_ = preparedRun.SecureServingInfo.Listener
return preparedRun.Run, nil

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@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ func TestImpersonationProxy(t *testing.T) { //nolint:gocyclo // yeah, it's compl
require.Len(t, listResult.Items, 0)
t.Run("double impersonation is blocked", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("double impersonation as a regular user is blocked", func(t *testing.T) {
// Create an RBAC rule to allow this user to read/write everything.
rbacv1.Subject{Kind: rbacv1.UserKind, APIGroup: rbacv1.GroupName, Name: env.TestUser.ExpectedUsername},
@ -401,6 +401,38 @@ func TestImpersonationProxy(t *testing.T) { //nolint:gocyclo // yeah, it's compl
// This is a separate test from the above double impersonation test because the cluster admin user gets special
// authorization treatment from the Kube API server code that we are using, and we want to ensure that we are blocking
// double impersonation even for the cluster admin.
t.Run("double impersonation as a cluster admin user is blocked", func(t *testing.T) {
// Copy the admin credentials from the admin kubeconfig.
adminClientRestConfig := library.NewClientConfig(t)
if adminClientRestConfig.BearerToken == "" && adminClientRestConfig.CertData == nil && adminClientRestConfig.KeyData == nil {
t.Skip("The admin kubeconfig does not include credentials, so skipping this test.")
clusterAdminCredentials := &loginv1alpha1.ClusterCredential{
Token: adminClientRestConfig.BearerToken,
ClientCertificateData: string(adminClientRestConfig.CertData),
ClientKeyData: string(adminClientRestConfig.KeyData),
// Make a client using the admin credentials which will send requests through the impersonation proxy
// and will also add impersonate headers to the request.
doubleImpersonationKubeClient := newImpersonationProxyClientWithCredentials(
clusterAdminCredentials, impersonationProxyURL, impersonationProxyCACertPEM, "other-user-to-impersonate",
_, err = doubleImpersonationKubeClient.CoreV1().Secrets(env.ConciergeNamespace).Get(ctx, impersonationProxyTLSSecretName(env), metav1.GetOptions{})
// Double impersonation is not supported yet, so we should get an error.
require.EqualError(t, err, fmt.Sprintf(
`users "other-user-to-impersonate" is forbidden: `+
`User "%s" cannot impersonate resource "users" in API group "" at the cluster scope: `+
`impersonation is not allowed or invalid verb`,
t.Run("WhoAmIRequests and different kinds of authentication through the impersonation proxy", func(t *testing.T) {
// Test using the TokenCredentialRequest for authentication.
impersonationProxyPinnipedConciergeClient := newImpersonationProxyClient(