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@startuml "pinniped"
!define K8S_BLUE #326CE5
!include K8S_SPRITES_URL/k8s-sprites-unlabeled-25pct.iuml
participant "User" as USER << ($pod{scale=0.30},K8S_BLUE) >> #LightGreen
participant "Kubectl" as KUBECTL << ($ing{scale=0.30},K8S_BLUE) >> #LightSteelBlue
participant "Proprietary CLI" as CLI << ($svc{scale=0.30},K8S_BLUE) >> #LightPink
participant "Pinniped" as PINNIPED << ($node{scale=0.30},K8S_BLUE) >> #LightGray
participant "TokenReview Webhook" as WEBHOOK << ($pod{scale=0.30},K8S_BLUE) >> #LightPink
participant "Kubernetes API" as API << ($node{scale=0.30},K8S_BLUE) >> #LightSteelBlue
# <back:lightsalmon>Message contains upstream IDP credentials</back>
# <back:lightgreen>Message contains cluster-specific credentials</back>
end legend
USER -> KUBECTL : ""kubectl get pods""
activate KUBECTL
group Acquire cluster-specific credential
KUBECTL -> CLI : Get cluster-specific credential
activate CLI
CLI -> CLI : Retrieve upstream IDP credential in\norganization-specific way
CLI -> PINNIPED : <back:lightsalmon>""POST /apis/""</back>
activate PINNIPED
PINNIPED -> WEBHOOK : <back:lightsalmon>""POST /authenticate""</back>
activate WEBHOOK
WEBHOOK -> PINNIPED : ""200 OK"" with user and group information
deactivate WEBHOOK
PINNIPED -> PINNIPED : Issue short-lived cluster-specific credential\nwith user and group information
PINNIPED -> CLI : <back:lightgreen>""200 OK""</back>
deactivate PINNIPED
CLI -> KUBECTL : Here is a cluster-specific credential
group Authenticate to cluster with cluster-specific credential
KUBECTL -> API : <back:lightgreen>""GET /api/v1/pods""</back>
activate API
API -> API : Glean user and group information from\ncluster-specific credential
API -> KUBECTL : ""200 OK"" with pods
deactivate API
deactivate KUBECTL