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Copyright 2020 VMware, Inc.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package logindiscovery
import (
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
kubernetesfake ""
coretesting ""
placeholderv1alpha1 ""
placeholderfake ""
func TestRun(t *testing.T) {
spec.Run(t, "publisher", func(t *testing.T, when spec.G, it spec.S) {
const installedInNamespace = "some-namespace"
var r *require.Assertions
var subject controller.Controller
var kubeClient *kubernetesfake.Clientset
var placeholderClient *placeholderfake.Clientset
var timeoutContext context.Context
var timeoutContextCancel context.CancelFunc
var controllerContext *controller.Context
var expectedLoginDiscoveryConfig = func(expectedNamespace, expectedServerURL, expectedCAData string) (schema.GroupVersionResource, *placeholderv1alpha1.LoginDiscoveryConfig) {
expectedLoginDiscoveryConfigGVR := schema.GroupVersionResource{
Group: placeholderv1alpha1.GroupName,
Version: "v1alpha1",
Resource: "logindiscoveryconfigs",
expectedLoginDiscoveryConfig := &placeholderv1alpha1.LoginDiscoveryConfig{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "placeholder-name-config",
Namespace: expectedNamespace,
Spec: placeholderv1alpha1.LoginDiscoveryConfigSpec{
Server: expectedServerURL,
CertificateAuthorityData: expectedCAData,
return expectedLoginDiscoveryConfigGVR, expectedLoginDiscoveryConfig
it.Before(func() {
r = require.New(t)
kubeClient = kubernetesfake.NewSimpleClientset()
placeholderClient = placeholderfake.NewSimpleClientset()
timeoutContext, timeoutContextCancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*3)
subject = NewPublisherController(installedInNamespace, kubeClient, placeholderClient)
controllerContext = &controller.Context{
Context: timeoutContext,
Name: subject.Name(),
Key: controller.Key{
Namespace: "kube-public",
Name: "cluster-info",
when("there is a cluster-info ConfigMap in the kube-public namespace", func() {
const caData = "c29tZS1jZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZS1hdXRob3JpdHktZGF0YQo=" // "some-certificate-authority-data" base64 encoded
const kubeServerURL = "https://some-server"
var clusterInfoConfigMap *corev1.ConfigMap
when("the ConfigMap has the expected `kubeconfig` top-level data key", func() {
it.Before(func() {
clusterInfoConfigMap = &corev1.ConfigMap{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "cluster-info", Namespace: "kube-public"},
// Note that go fmt puts tabs in our file, which we must remove from our configmap yaml below.
Data: map[string]string{
"kubeconfig": strings.ReplaceAll(`
kind: Config
apiVersion: v1
- name: ""
certificate-authority-data: "`+caData+`"
server: "`+kubeServerURL+`"`, "\t", " "),
"uninteresting-key": "uninteresting-value",
err := kubeClient.Tracker().Add(clusterInfoConfigMap)
when("the LoginDiscoveryConfig does not already exist", func() {
it("creates a LoginDiscoveryConfig", func() {
defer timeoutContextCancel()
err := controller.TestSync(t, subject, *controllerContext)
expectedLoginDiscoveryConfigGVR, expectedLoginDiscoveryConfig := expectedLoginDiscoveryConfig(installedInNamespace, kubeServerURL, caData)
expectedActions := []coretesting.Action{
coretesting.NewCreateAction(expectedLoginDiscoveryConfigGVR, installedInNamespace, expectedLoginDiscoveryConfig),
// Expect a LoginDiscoveryConfig to be created with the fields from the cluster-info ConfigMap
actualCreatedObject := placeholderClient.Actions()[0].(coretesting.CreateActionImpl).Object
r.Equal(expectedLoginDiscoveryConfig, actualCreatedObject)
r.Equal(expectedActions, placeholderClient.Actions())
when("the LoginDiscoveryConfig already exists", func() {
when("the LoginDiscoveryConfig is already up to date according to the data in the ConfigMap", func() {
it.Before(func() {
// TODO add a fake LoginDiscoveryConfig to the placeholderClient whose data matches the ConfigMap's data
it.Pend("does not update the LoginDiscoveryConfig to avoid unnecessary etcd writes", func() {
err := controller.TestSync(t, subject, *controllerContext)
when("the LoginDiscoveryConfig is stale compared to the data in the ConfigMap", func() {
it.Before(func() {
// TODO add a fake LoginDiscoveryConfig to the placeholderClient whose data does not match the ConfigMap's data
it.Pend("updates the existing LoginDiscoveryConfig", func() {
when("the ConfigMap is missing the expected `kubeconfig` top-level data key", func() {
it.Before(func() {
clusterInfoConfigMap = &corev1.ConfigMap{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "cluster-info", Namespace: "kube-public"},
Data: map[string]string{
"these are not the droids you're looking for": "uninteresting-value",
err := kubeClient.Tracker().Add(clusterInfoConfigMap)
it("keeps waiting for it to exist", func() {
err := controller.TestSync(t, subject, *controllerContext)
when("there is not a cluster-info ConfigMap in the kube-public namespace", func() {
it.Before(func() {
unrelatedConfigMap := &corev1.ConfigMap{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "oops this is not the cluster-info ConfigMap",
Namespace: "kube-public",
err := kubeClient.Tracker().Add(unrelatedConfigMap)
it("keeps waiting for one", func() {
err := controller.TestSync(t, subject, *controllerContext)
}, spec.Parallel(), spec.Report(report.Terminal{}))