1. Token Credential Request API: Can be run on any Kubernetes cluster where a custom pod can be executed on the same node running `kube-controller-manager`.
2. Impersonation Proxy: Can be run on any Kubernetes cluster. Default configuration requires that a `LoadBalancer` service can be created. Most cloud-hosted Kubernetes environments have this
capability. The Impersonation Proxy automatically provisions (when `spec.impersonationProxy.mode` is set to `auto`) a `LoadBalancer` for ingress to the impersonation endpoint. Users who wish to use the impersonation proxy without an automatically
can be configured in the spec of the [`CredentialIssuer`](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/pinniped/blob/main/generated/{{< latestcodegenversion >}}/README.adoc#credentialissuer).
Do not use the command line option `--anonymous-auth=false` in the `kube-apiserver` CLI for a cluster that does not use the impersonation proxy strategy. This is because the `kube-apiserver` blocks unauthenticated access to the TokenCredentialRequest API of the Concierge, which will prevent users from being able to authenticate.
This does not matter while using the impersonation proxy strategy, which will allow these TokenCredentialRequests requests anyway.