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2021-05-11 18:09:37 +00:00
// Copyright 2020-2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package supervisorstorage
import (
v1 ""
metav1 ""
corev1informers ""
pinnipedcontroller ""
const minimumRepeatInterval = 30 * time.Second
type garbageCollectorController struct {
idpCache UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderICache
secretInformer corev1informers.SecretInformer
kubeClient kubernetes.Interface
clock clock.Clock
timeOfMostRecentSweep time.Time
// UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderICache is a thread safe cache that holds a list of validated upstream OIDC IDP configurations.
type UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderICache interface {
GetOIDCIdentityProviders() []provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI
func GarbageCollectorController(
idpCache UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderICache,
clock clock.Clock,
kubeClient kubernetes.Interface,
secretInformer corev1informers.SecretInformer,
withInformer pinnipedcontroller.WithInformerOptionFunc,
) controllerlib.Controller {
isSecretWithGCAnnotation := func(obj metav1.Object) bool {
secret, ok := obj.(*v1.Secret)
if !ok {
return false
_, ok = secret.Annotations[crud.SecretLifetimeAnnotationKey]
return ok
return controllerlib.New(
Name: "garbage-collector-controller",
Syncer: &garbageCollectorController{
idpCache: idpCache,
secretInformer: secretInformer,
kubeClient: kubeClient,
clock: clock,
AddFunc: isSecretWithGCAnnotation,
UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj metav1.Object) bool {
return isSecretWithGCAnnotation(oldObj) || isSecretWithGCAnnotation(newObj)
DeleteFunc: func(obj metav1.Object) bool { return false }, // ignore all deletes
ParentFunc: pinnipedcontroller.SingletonQueue(),
func (c *garbageCollectorController) Sync(ctx controllerlib.Context) error {
// make sure we have a consistent, static meaning for the current time during the sync loop
frozenClock := clock.NewFakeClock(c.clock.Now())
// The Sync method is triggered upon any change to any Secret, which would make this
// controller too chatty, so it rate limits itself to a more reasonable interval.
// Note that even during a period when no secrets are changing, it will still run
// at the informer's full-resync interval (as long as there are some secrets).
if since := frozenClock.Since(c.timeOfMostRecentSweep); since < minimumRepeatInterval {
ctx.Queue.AddAfter(ctx.Key, minimumRepeatInterval-since)
return nil
plog.Info("starting storage garbage collection sweep")
c.timeOfMostRecentSweep = frozenClock.Now()
listOfSecrets, err := c.secretInformer.Lister().List(labels.Everything())
if err != nil {
return err
for i := range listOfSecrets {
secret := listOfSecrets[i]
timeString, ok := secret.Annotations[crud.SecretLifetimeAnnotationKey]
if !ok {
garbageCollectAfterTime, err := time.Parse(crud.SecretLifetimeAnnotationDateFormat, timeString)
if err != nil {
plog.WarningErr("could not parse resource timestamp for garbage collection", err, logKV(secret))
if garbageCollectAfterTime.Before(frozenClock.Now()) {
storageType, isSessionStorage := secret.Labels[crud.SecretLabelKey]
if isSessionStorage {
err := c.maybeRevokeUpstreamOIDCRefreshToken(storageType, secret)
if err != nil {
// Log the error for debugging purposes, but still carry on to delete the Secret despite the error.
plog.DebugErr("garbage collector could not revoke upstream refresh token", err, logKV(secret))
err = c.kubeClient.CoreV1().Secrets(secret.Namespace).Delete(ctx.Context, secret.Name, metav1.DeleteOptions{
Preconditions: &metav1.Preconditions{
UID: &secret.UID,
ResourceVersion: &secret.ResourceVersion,
if err != nil {
plog.WarningErr("failed to garbage collect resource", err, logKV(secret))
plog.Info("storage garbage collector deleted resource", logKV(secret))
return nil
//nolint:godot // do not complain about the following to-do comment
// TODO write unit tests for all of the following cases. Note that there is already a test
// double implemented for the RevokeRefreshToken() method on the objects in the idpCache
// to help with the test mocking. See RevokeRefreshTokenCallCount() and RevokeRefreshTokenArgs(int)
// in TestUpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider (in file oidctestutil.go). This will allowing following
// the pattern used in other unit tests that fill the idpCache with mock providers using the builders
// from oidctestutil.go.
func (c *garbageCollectorController) maybeRevokeUpstreamOIDCRefreshToken(storageType string, secret *v1.Secret) error {
// All session storage types hold upstream refresh tokens when the upstream IDP is an OIDC provider.
// However, some of them will be outdated because they are not updated by fosite after creation.
// Our goal below is to always revoke the latest upstream refresh token that we are holding for the
// session, and only the latest.
switch storageType {
case authorizationcode.TypeLabelValue:
// For authcode storage, check if the authcode was used. If the authcode was never used, then its
// storage must contain the latest upstream refresh token, so revoke it.
// TODO Use ReadFromSecret from the authorizationcode package under fositestorage to validate/parse the Secret, return any errors
// TODO return nil if the upstream type is not OIDC
// TODO return nil if the authcode is *NOT* active (meaning that it was already used)
// TODO lookup the idp by name in c.idpCache to get the cached provider interface, return error if not found
// TODO use the cached interface to revoke the refresh token, return any error
plog.Trace("garbage collector successfully revoked upstream refresh token", logKV(secret))
return nil
case accesstoken.TypeLabelValue:
// For access token storage, check if the "offline_access" scope was granted on the downstream
// session. If it was not, then the user could not possibly have performed a downstream refresh.
// In this case, the access token storage has the latest version of the upstream refresh token,
// so call the upstream issuer to revoke it.
// TODO Implement ReadFromSecret in the accesstoken package, similar to how it was done in the authorizationcode package
// TODO Use that the new ReadFromSecret func to validate/parse the Secret, return any errors
// TODO return nil if the upstream type is not OIDC
// TODO return nil if the "offline_access" scope was *NOT* granted on the downstream session
// TODO lookup the idp by name in c.idpCache to get the cached provider interface, return error if not found
// TODO use the cached interface to revoke the refresh token, return any error
plog.Trace("garbage collector successfully revoked upstream refresh token", logKV(secret))
return nil
case refreshtoken.TypeLabelValue:
// For refresh token storage, revoke its upstream refresh token. This refresh token storage could
// be the result of the authcode token exchange, or it could be the result of a downstream refresh.
// Either way, it always contains the latest upstream refresh token when it exists.
// TODO Implement ReadFromSecret in the refreshtoken package, similar to how it was done in the authorizationcode package
// TODO Use that new ReadFromSecret func to validate/parse the Secret, return any errors
// TODO return nil if the upstream type is not OIDC
// TODO lookup the idp by name in c.idpCache to get the cached provider interface, return error if not found
// TODO use the cached interface to always revoke the refresh token, return any error
plog.Trace("garbage collector successfully revoked upstream refresh token", logKV(secret))
return nil
case pkce.TypeLabelValue:
// For PKCE storage, its very existence means that the authcode was never exchanged, because these
// are deleted during authcode exchange. No need to do anything, since the upstream refresh token
// revocation is handled by authcode storage case above.
return nil
case openidconnect.TypeLabelValue:
// For OIDC storage, there is no need to do anything for reasons similar to the PKCE storage.
// These are not deleted during authcode exchange, probably due to a bug in fosite, even though it
// will never be read or updated again. However, the refresh token contained inside will be revoked
// by one of the other cases above.
return nil
// There are no other storage types, so this should never happen in practice.
return errors.New("garbage collector saw invalid label on Secret when trying to determine if upstream revocation was needed")
func logKV(secret *v1.Secret) []interface{} {
return []interface{}{
"secretName", secret.Name,
"secretNamespace", secret.Namespace,
"secretType", string(secret.Type),
"garbageCollectAfter", secret.Annotations[crud.SecretLifetimeAnnotationKey],
"storageTypeLabelValue", secret.Labels[crud.SecretLabelKey],