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// Copyright 2020 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package manager
import (
// Manager can manage multiple active OIDC providers. It acts as a request router for them.
// It is thread-safe.
type Manager struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
providerHandlers map[string]*providerHandler // map of issuer name to providerHandler
nextHandler http.Handler // the next handler in a chain, called when this manager didn't know how to handle a request
// NewManager returns an empty Manager.
// nextHandler will be invoked for any requests that could not be handled by this manager's providers.
func NewManager(nextHandler http.Handler) *Manager {
return &Manager{providerHandlers: make(map[string]*providerHandler), nextHandler: nextHandler}
type providerHandler struct {
provider *provider.OIDCProvider
discoveryHandler http.Handler
// SetProviders adds or updates all the given providerHandlers using each provider's issuer string
// as the name of the provider to decide if it is an add or update operation.
// It also removes any providerHandlers that were previously added but were not passed in to
// the current invocation.
// This method assumes that all of the OIDCProvider arguments have already been validated
// by someone else before they are passed to this method.
func (c *Manager) SetProviders(oidcProviders ...*provider.OIDCProvider) {
// Add all of the incoming providers.
for _, incomingProvider := range oidcProviders {
issuerString := incomingProvider.Issuer()
c.providerHandlers[issuerString] = &providerHandler{
provider: incomingProvider,
discoveryHandler: discovery.New(issuerString),
klog.InfoS("oidc provider manager added or updated issuer", "issuer", issuerString)
// Remove any providers that we previously handled but no longer exist.
for issuerKey := range c.providerHandlers {
if !findIssuerInListOfProviders(issuerKey, oidcProviders) {
delete(c.providerHandlers, issuerKey)
klog.InfoS("oidc provider manager removed issuer", "issuer", issuerKey)
// ServeHTTP implements the http.Handler interface.
func (c *Manager) ServeHTTP(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
providerHandler := c.findProviderHandlerByIssuer(req.Host, req.URL.Path)
if providerHandler != nil {
if req.URL.Path == providerHandler.provider.IssuerPath()+oidc.WellKnownEndpointPath {
providerHandler.discoveryHandler.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
return // handled!
"oidc provider manager found issuer but could not handle request",
"method", req.Method,
"host", req.Host,
"path", req.URL.Path,
} else {
"oidc provider manager could not find issuer to handle request",
"method", req.Method,
"host", req.Host,
"path", req.URL.Path,
// Didn't know how to handle this request, so send it along the chain for further processing.
c.nextHandler.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
func (c *Manager) findProviderHandlerByIssuer(host, path string) *providerHandler {
for _, providerHandler := range c.providerHandlers {
// TODO do we need to compare scheme? not sure how to get it from the http.Request object
// TODO probably need better logic here? also maybe needs some of the logic from inside ServeMux
if host == providerHandler.provider.IssuerHost() && strings.HasPrefix(path, providerHandler.provider.IssuerPath()) {
return providerHandler
return nil
func findIssuerInListOfProviders(issuer string, oidcProviders []*provider.OIDCProvider) bool {
for _, oidcProvider := range oidcProviders {
if oidcProvider.Issuer() == issuer {
return true
return false