1. Choose your preferred [release](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/pinniped/releases) version number and use it to replace the version number in the URL below.
1. Install the Concierge into the `pinniped-concierge` namespace with default options:
- See the [default values](http://github.com/vmware-tanzu/pinniped/tree/main/deploy/concierge/values.yaml) for documentation about individual configuration parameters.
1. Render templated YAML manifests:
-`ytt --file .`
1. Deploy the templated YAML manifests:
- *If you're using `kubectl`:*
`ytt --file . | kubectl apply -f -`
- *If you're using [`kapp` from Carvel](https://carvel.dev/kapp/):*
*Next, configure the Concierge for [JWT]({{< ref "configure-concierge-jwt.md" >}}) or [webhook]({{< ref "configure-concierge-webhook.md" >}}) authentication.*