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// Copyright 2020-2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package oidcclient
import (
metav1 ""
2021-04-16 17:46:59 +00:00
2021-04-16 17:46:59 +00:00
// mockSessionCache exists to avoid an import cycle if we generate mocks into another package.
type mockSessionCache struct {
t *testing.T
getReturnsToken *oidctypes.Token
sawGetKeys []SessionCacheKey
sawPutKeys []SessionCacheKey
sawPutTokens []*oidctypes.Token
func (m *mockSessionCache) GetToken(key SessionCacheKey) *oidctypes.Token {
m.t.Logf("saw mock session cache GetToken() with client ID %s", key.ClientID)
m.sawGetKeys = append(m.sawGetKeys, key)
return m.getReturnsToken
func (m *mockSessionCache) PutToken(key SessionCacheKey, token *oidctypes.Token) {
m.t.Logf("saw mock session cache PutToken() with client ID %s and ID token %s", key.ClientID, token.IDToken.Token)
m.sawPutKeys = append(m.sawPutKeys, key)
m.sawPutTokens = append(m.sawPutTokens, token)
func newClientForServer(server *httptest.Server) *http.Client {
pool := x509.NewCertPool()
caPEMData := tlsserver.TLSTestServerCA(server)
return phttp.Default(pool)
func TestLogin(t *testing.T) { //nolint:gocyclo
time1 := time.Date(2035, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, time.UTC)
time1Unix := int64(2075807775)
require.Equal(t, time1Unix, time1.Add(2*time.Minute).Unix())
testToken := oidctypes.Token{
AccessToken: &oidctypes.AccessToken{Token: "test-access-token", Expiry: metav1.NewTime(time1.Add(1 * time.Minute))},
RefreshToken: &oidctypes.RefreshToken{Token: "test-refresh-token"},
IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{Token: "test-id-token", Expiry: metav1.NewTime(time1.Add(2 * time.Minute))},
testExchangedToken := oidctypes.Token{
IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{Token: "test-id-token-with-requested-audience", Expiry: metav1.NewTime(time1.Add(3 * time.Minute))},
// Start a test server that returns 500 errors.
errorServer := tlsserver.TLSTestServer(t, http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.Error(w, "some discovery error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
}), nil)
// Start a test server that returns discovery data with a broken response_modes_supported value.
brokenResponseModeMux := http.NewServeMux()
brokenResponseModeServer := tlsserver.TLSTestServer(t, brokenResponseModeMux, nil)
brokenResponseModeMux.HandleFunc("/.well-known/openid-configuration", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("content-type", "application/json")
type providerJSON struct {
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
AuthURL string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
TokenURL string `json:"token_endpoint"`
ResponseModesSupported string `json:"response_modes_supported"` // Wrong type (should be []string).
_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(&providerJSON{
Issuer: brokenResponseModeServer.URL,
AuthURL: brokenResponseModeServer.URL + "/authorize",
TokenURL: brokenResponseModeServer.URL + "/token",
ResponseModesSupported: "invalid",
// Start a test server that returns discovery data with a broken token URL.
brokenTokenURLMux := http.NewServeMux()
brokenTokenURLServer := tlsserver.TLSTestServer(t, brokenTokenURLMux, nil)
brokenTokenURLMux.HandleFunc("/.well-known/openid-configuration", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("content-type", "application/json")
type providerJSON struct {
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
AuthURL string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
TokenURL string `json:"token_endpoint"`
JWKSURL string `json:"jwks_uri"`
_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(&providerJSON{
Issuer: brokenTokenURLServer.URL,
AuthURL: brokenTokenURLServer.URL + "/authorize",
TokenURL: "%",
JWKSURL: brokenTokenURLServer.URL + "/keys",
// Start a test server that returns discovery data with an insecure token URL.
insecureTokenURLMux := http.NewServeMux()
insecureTokenURLServer := tlsserver.TLSTestServer(t, insecureTokenURLMux, nil)
insecureTokenURLMux.HandleFunc("/.well-known/openid-configuration", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("content-type", "application/json")
type providerJSON struct {
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
AuthURL string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
TokenURL string `json:"token_endpoint"`
JWKSURL string `json:"jwks_uri"`
_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(&providerJSON{
Issuer: insecureTokenURLServer.URL,
AuthURL: insecureTokenURLServer.URL + "/authorize",
TokenURL: "",
JWKSURL: insecureTokenURLServer.URL + "/keys",
// Start a test server that returns discovery data with a broken authorize URL.
brokenAuthURLMux := http.NewServeMux()
brokenAuthURLServer := tlsserver.TLSTestServer(t, brokenAuthURLMux, nil)
brokenAuthURLMux.HandleFunc("/.well-known/openid-configuration", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("content-type", "application/json")
type providerJSON struct {
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
AuthURL string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
TokenURL string `json:"token_endpoint"`
JWKSURL string `json:"jwks_uri"`
_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(&providerJSON{
Issuer: brokenAuthURLServer.URL,
AuthURL: `%`,
TokenURL: brokenAuthURLServer.URL + "/token",
JWKSURL: brokenAuthURLServer.URL + "/keys",
// Start a test server that returns discovery data with an insecure authorize URL.
insecureAuthURLMux := http.NewServeMux()
insecureAuthURLServer := tlsserver.TLSTestServer(t, insecureAuthURLMux, nil)
insecureAuthURLMux.HandleFunc("/.well-known/openid-configuration", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("content-type", "application/json")
type providerJSON struct {
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
AuthURL string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
TokenURL string `json:"token_endpoint"`
JWKSURL string `json:"jwks_uri"`
_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(&providerJSON{
Issuer: insecureAuthURLServer.URL,
AuthURL: "",
TokenURL: insecureAuthURLServer.URL + "/token",
JWKSURL: insecureAuthURLServer.URL + "/keys",
discoveryHandler := func(server *httptest.Server, responseModes []string) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method != http.MethodGet {
http.Error(w, "unexpected method", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
w.Header().Set("content-type", "application/json")
_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(&struct {
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
AuthURL string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
TokenURL string `json:"token_endpoint"`
JWKSURL string `json:"jwks_uri"`
ResponseModesSupported []string `json:"response_modes_supported,omitempty"`
Issuer: server.URL,
AuthURL: server.URL + "/authorize",
TokenURL: server.URL + "/token",
JWKSURL: server.URL + "/keys",
ResponseModesSupported: responseModes,
tokenHandler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method != http.MethodPost {
http.Error(w, "unexpected method", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
var response struct {
IDToken string `json:"id_token,omitempty"`
ExpiresIn int64 `json:"expires_in"`
IssuedTokenType string `json:"issued_token_type,omitempty"`
switch r.Form.Get("grant_type") {
case "refresh_token":
if r.Form.Get("client_id") != "test-client-id" {
http.Error(w, "expected client_id 'test-client-id'", http.StatusBadRequest)
response.AccessToken = testToken.AccessToken.Token
response.ExpiresIn = int64(time.Until(testToken.AccessToken.Expiry.Time).Seconds())
response.RefreshToken = testToken.RefreshToken.Token
response.IDToken = testToken.IDToken.Token
if r.Form.Get("refresh_token") == "test-refresh-token-returning-invalid-id-token" {
response.IDToken = "not a valid JWT"
} else if r.Form.Get("refresh_token") != "test-refresh-token" {
http.Error(w, "expected refresh_token to be 'test-refresh-token'", http.StatusBadRequest)
case "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange":
if r.Form.Get("client_id") != "test-client-id" {
http.Error(w, "bad client_id", http.StatusBadRequest)
switch r.Form.Get("audience") {
case "test-audience-produce-invalid-http-response":
http.Redirect(w, r, "%", http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
case "test-audience-produce-http-400":
http.Error(w, "some server error", http.StatusBadRequest)
case "test-audience-produce-invalid-content-type":
w.Header().Set("content-type", "invalid/invalid;=")
case "test-audience-produce-wrong-content-type":
w.Header().Set("content-type", "invalid")
case "test-audience-produce-invalid-json":
w.Header().Set("content-type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(`{`))
case "test-audience-produce-invalid-tokentype":
response.TokenType = "invalid"
case "test-audience-produce-invalid-issuedtokentype":
response.TokenType = "N_A"
response.IssuedTokenType = "invalid"
case "test-audience-produce-invalid-jwt":
response.TokenType = "N_A"
response.IssuedTokenType = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt"
response.AccessToken = "not-a-valid-jwt"
response.TokenType = "N_A"
response.IssuedTokenType = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt"
response.AccessToken = testExchangedToken.IDToken.Token
http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("invalid grant_type %q", r.Form.Get("grant_type")), http.StatusBadRequest)
w.Header().Set("content-type", "application/json")
require.NoError(t, json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(&response))
// Start a test server that returns a real discovery document and answers refresh requests.
providerMux := http.NewServeMux()
successServer := tlsserver.TLSTestServer(t, providerMux, nil)
providerMux.HandleFunc("/.well-known/openid-configuration", discoveryHandler(successServer, nil))
providerMux.HandleFunc("/token", tokenHandler)
// Start a test server that returns a real discovery document and answers refresh requests, _and_ supports form_mode=post.
formPostProviderMux := http.NewServeMux()
formPostSuccessServer := tlsserver.TLSTestServer(t, formPostProviderMux, nil)
formPostProviderMux.HandleFunc("/.well-known/openid-configuration", discoveryHandler(formPostSuccessServer, []string{"query", "form_post"}))
formPostProviderMux.HandleFunc("/token", tokenHandler)
defaultDiscoveryResponse := func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
// Call the handler function from the test server to calculate the response.
handler, _ := providerMux.Handler(req)
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
return recorder.Result(), nil
defaultLDAPTestOpts := func(t *testing.T, h *handlerState, authResponse *http.Response, authError error) error {
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "test-state", nil }
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "test-pkce", nil }
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "test-nonce", nil }
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) { return "some-upstream-username", nil }
h.promptForSecret = func(_ string) (string, error) { return "some-upstream-password", nil }
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: nil}
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
UpstreamProviderName: "some-upstream-name",
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithCLISendingCredentials()(h))
require.NoError(t, WithUpstreamIdentityProvider("some-upstream-name", "ldap")(h))
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
require.NoError(t, WithClient(&http.Client{
Transport: roundtripper.Func(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
switch req.URL.Scheme + "://" + req.URL.Host + req.URL.Path {
case "https://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/.well-known/openid-configuration":
return defaultDiscoveryResponse(req)
case "https://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/authorize":
return authResponse, authError
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected http call from the CLI: %s", req.URL.String()))
return nil, nil
return nil
tests := []struct {
name string
opt func(t *testing.T) Option
issuer string
clientID string
wantErr string
wantToken *oidctypes.Token
2021-04-16 17:46:59 +00:00
wantLogs []string
name: "option error",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return fmt.Errorf("some option error")
wantErr: "some option error",
name: "error generating state",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "", fmt.Errorf("some error generating state") }
return nil
wantErr: "some error generating state",
name: "error generating nonce",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "", fmt.Errorf("some error generating nonce") }
return nil
wantErr: "some error generating nonce",
name: "error generating PKCE",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "", fmt.Errorf("some error generating PKCE") }
return nil
wantErr: "some error generating PKCE",
name: "issuer is not https",
issuer: "",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return nil
wantLogs: nil,
wantErr: `issuer must be an https URL, but had scheme "http" instead`,
name: "issuer is not a valid URL",
issuer: "%",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return nil
wantLogs: nil,
wantErr: `issuer is not a valid URL: parse "%": invalid URL escape "%"`,
name: "session cache hit but token expired",
issuer: errorServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(errorServer))(h))
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &oidctypes.Token{
IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{
Token: "test-id-token",
Expiry: metav1.NewTime(time.Now()), // less than Now() + minIDTokenValidity
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: errorServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
return WithSessionCache(cache)(h)
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + errorServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: "could not perform OIDC discovery for \"" + errorServer.URL + "\": 500 Internal Server Error: some discovery error\n",
name: "session cache hit with valid token",
issuer: "test-issuer",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: "test-issuer",
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
return WithSessionCache(cache)(h)
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\""},
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "discovery failure due to 500 error",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(errorServer))(h))
return nil
2021-04-16 17:46:59 +00:00
issuer: errorServer.URL,
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + errorServer.URL + "\""},
2021-04-16 17:46:59 +00:00
wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("could not perform OIDC discovery for %q: 500 Internal Server Error: some discovery error\n", errorServer.URL),
name: "discovery failure due to invalid response_modes_supported",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(brokenResponseModeServer))(h))
return nil
issuer: brokenResponseModeServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + brokenResponseModeServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("could not decode response_modes_supported in OIDC discovery from %q: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field .response_modes_supported of type []string", brokenResponseModeServer.URL),
name: "session cache hit with refreshable token",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
h.getProvider = func(config *oauth2.Config, provider *oidc.Provider, client *http.Client) upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ValidateTokenAndMergeWithUserInfo(gomock.Any(), HasAccessToken(testToken.AccessToken.Token), nonce.Nonce(""), true, false).
Return(&testToken, nil)
PerformRefresh(gomock.Any(), testToken.RefreshToken.Token).
DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, refreshToken string) (*oauth2.Token, error) {
// Call the real production code to perform a refresh.
return upstreamoidc.New(config, provider, client).PerformRefresh(ctx, refreshToken)
return mock
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &oidctypes.Token{
IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{
Token: "expired-test-id-token",
Expiry: metav1.Now(), // less than Now() + minIDTokenValidity
RefreshToken: &oidctypes.RefreshToken{Token: "test-refresh-token"},
t.Cleanup(func() {
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Len(t, cache.sawPutTokens, 1)
require.Equal(t, testToken.IDToken.Token, cache.sawPutTokens[0].IDToken.Token)
h.cache = cache
return nil
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Refreshing cached token.\""},
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "session cache hit but refresh returns invalid token",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
h.getProvider = func(config *oauth2.Config, provider *oidc.Provider, client *http.Client) upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ValidateTokenAndMergeWithUserInfo(gomock.Any(), HasAccessToken(testToken.AccessToken.Token), nonce.Nonce(""), true, false).
Return(nil, fmt.Errorf("some validation error"))
PerformRefresh(gomock.Any(), "test-refresh-token-returning-invalid-id-token").
DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, refreshToken string) (*oauth2.Token, error) {
// Call the real production code to perform a refresh.
return upstreamoidc.New(config, provider, client).PerformRefresh(ctx, refreshToken)
return mock
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &oidctypes.Token{
IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{
Token: "expired-test-id-token",
Expiry: metav1.Now(), // less than Now() + minIDTokenValidity
RefreshToken: &oidctypes.RefreshToken{Token: "test-refresh-token-returning-invalid-id-token"},
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
h.cache = cache
return nil
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Refreshing cached token.\""},
wantErr: "some validation error",
name: "session cache hit but refresh fails",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "not-the-test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &oidctypes.Token{
IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{
Token: "expired-test-id-token",
Expiry: metav1.Now(), // less than Now() + minIDTokenValidity
RefreshToken: &oidctypes.RefreshToken{Token: "test-refresh-token"},
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
h.cache = cache
h.listen = func(string, string) (net.Listener, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("some listen error") }
h.isTTY = func(int) bool { return false }
return nil
wantLogs: []string{
`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery" "issuer"="` + successServer.URL + `"`,
`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Refreshing cached token."`,
2021-10-22 21:06:31 +00:00
`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Refresh failed." "error"="oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request\nResponse: expected client_id 'test-client-id'\n"`,
`"msg"="could not open callback listener" "error"="some listen error"`,
// Expect this to fall through to the authorization code flow, so it fails here.
wantErr: "login failed: must have either a localhost listener or stdin must be a TTY",
name: "issuer has invalid token URL",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(brokenTokenURLServer))(h))
return nil
issuer: brokenTokenURLServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery" "issuer"="` + brokenTokenURLServer.URL + `"`},
wantErr: `discovered token URL from issuer is not a valid URL: parse "%": invalid URL escape "%"`,
name: "issuer has insecure token URL",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(insecureTokenURLServer))(h))
return nil
issuer: insecureTokenURLServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery" "issuer"="` + insecureTokenURLServer.URL + `"`},
wantErr: `discovered token URL from issuer must be an https URL, but had scheme "http" instead`,
name: "issuer has invalid authorize URL",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(brokenAuthURLServer))(h))
return nil
issuer: brokenAuthURLServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery" "issuer"="` + brokenAuthURLServer.URL + `"`},
wantErr: `discovered authorize URL from issuer is not a valid URL: parse "%": invalid URL escape "%"`,
name: "issuer has insecure authorize URL",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(insecureAuthURLServer))(h))
return nil
issuer: insecureAuthURLServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery" "issuer"="` + insecureAuthURLServer.URL + `"`},
wantErr: `discovered authorize URL from issuer must be an https URL, but had scheme "http" instead`,
name: "listen failure and non-tty stdin",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
h.listen = func(net string, addr string) (net.Listener, error) {
assert.Equal(t, "tcp", net)
assert.Equal(t, "localhost:0", addr)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("some listen error")
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool {
assert.Equal(t, fd, syscall.Stdin)
return false
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{
`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery" "issuer"="` + successServer.URL + `"`,
`"msg"="could not open callback listener" "error"="some listen error"`,
wantErr: "login failed: must have either a localhost listener or stdin must be a TTY",
name: "listening disabled and manual prompt fails",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(formPostSuccessServer))(h))
require.NoError(t, WithSkipListen()(h))
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool { return true }
h.openURL = func(authorizeURL string) error {
parsed, err := url.Parse(authorizeURL)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "", parsed.Query().Get("redirect_uri"))
require.Equal(t, "form_post", parsed.Query().Get("response_mode"))
return fmt.Errorf("some browser open error")
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("some prompt error")
return nil
issuer: formPostSuccessServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{
`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery" "issuer"="` + formPostSuccessServer.URL + `"`,
`"msg"="could not open browser" "error"="some browser open error"`,
wantErr: "error handling callback: failed to prompt for manual authorization code: some prompt error",
name: "listen success and manual prompt succeeds",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(formPostSuccessServer))(h))
h.listen = func(string, string) (net.Listener, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("some listen error") }
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool { return true }
h.openURL = func(authorizeURL string) error {
parsed, err := url.Parse(authorizeURL)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "", parsed.Query().Get("redirect_uri"))
require.Equal(t, "form_post", parsed.Query().Get("response_mode"))
return nil
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("some prompt error")
return nil
issuer: formPostSuccessServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{
`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery" "issuer"="` + formPostSuccessServer.URL + `"`,
`"msg"="could not open callback listener" "error"="some listen error"`,
wantErr: "error handling callback: failed to prompt for manual authorization code: some prompt error",
name: "timeout waiting for callback",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(h.ctx)
h.ctx = ctx
h.openURL = func(_ string) error {
return nil
return nil
2021-04-16 17:46:59 +00:00
issuer: successServer.URL,
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
2021-04-16 17:46:59 +00:00
wantErr: "timed out waiting for token callback: context canceled",
name: "callback returns error",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
h.openURL = func(_ string) error {
go func() {
h.callbacks <- callbackResult{err: fmt.Errorf("some callback error")}
return nil
return nil
2021-04-16 17:46:59 +00:00
issuer: successServer.URL,
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
2021-04-16 17:46:59 +00:00
wantErr: "error handling callback: some callback error",
name: "callback returns success",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "test-state", nil }
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "test-pkce", nil }
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "test-nonce", nil }
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: nil}
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Equal(t, []*oidctypes.Token{&testToken}, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
client := newClientForServer(successServer)
client.Timeout = 10 * time.Second
require.NoError(t, WithClient(client)(h))
h.openURL = func(actualURL string) error {
parsedActualURL, err := url.Parse(actualURL)
require.NoError(t, err)
actualParams := parsedActualURL.Query()
require.Contains(t, actualParams.Get("redirect_uri"), "")
require.Equal(t, url.Values{
// This is the PKCE challenge which is calculated as base64(sha256("test-pkce")). For example:
// $ echo -n test-pkce | shasum -a 256 | cut -d" " -f1 | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -d"=" -f1
// VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d+piN3r/mywoYj7fCR7g
"code_challenge": []string{"VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d-piN3r_mywoYj7fCR7g"},
"code_challenge_method": []string{"S256"},
"response_type": []string{"code"},
"scope": []string{"test-scope"},
"nonce": []string{"test-nonce"},
"state": []string{"test-state"},
"access_type": []string{"offline"},
"client_id": []string{"test-client-id"},
}, actualParams)
parsedActualURL.RawQuery = ""
require.Equal(t, successServer.URL+"/authorize", parsedActualURL.String())
go func() {
h.callbacks <- callbackResult{token: &testToken}
return nil
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "callback returns success with request_mode=form_post",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "test-state", nil }
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "test-pkce", nil }
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "test-nonce", nil }
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: nil}
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: formPostSuccessServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Equal(t, []*oidctypes.Token{&testToken}, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
client := newClientForServer(formPostSuccessServer)
client.Timeout = 10 * time.Second
require.NoError(t, WithClient(client)(h))
h.openURL = func(actualURL string) error {
parsedActualURL, err := url.Parse(actualURL)
require.NoError(t, err)
actualParams := parsedActualURL.Query()
require.Contains(t, actualParams.Get("redirect_uri"), "")
require.Equal(t, url.Values{
// This is the PKCE challenge which is calculated as base64(sha256("test-pkce")). For example:
// $ echo -n test-pkce | shasum -a 256 | cut -d" " -f1 | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -d"=" -f1
// VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d+piN3r/mywoYj7fCR7g
"code_challenge": []string{"VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d-piN3r_mywoYj7fCR7g"},
"code_challenge_method": []string{"S256"},
"response_type": []string{"code"},
"response_mode": []string{"form_post"},
"scope": []string{"test-scope"},
"nonce": []string{"test-nonce"},
"state": []string{"test-state"},
"access_type": []string{"offline"},
"client_id": []string{"test-client-id"},
}, actualParams)
parsedActualURL.RawQuery = ""
require.Equal(t, formPostSuccessServer.URL+"/authorize", parsedActualURL.String())
go func() {
h.callbacks <- callbackResult{token: &testToken}
return nil
return nil
issuer: formPostSuccessServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + formPostSuccessServer.URL + "\""},
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "upstream name and type are included in authorize request and session cache key if upstream name is provided",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "test-state", nil }
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "test-pkce", nil }
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "test-nonce", nil }
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: nil}
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
UpstreamProviderName: "some-upstream-name",
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Equal(t, []*oidctypes.Token{&testToken}, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithUpstreamIdentityProvider("some-upstream-name", "oidc")(h))
client := newClientForServer(successServer)
client.Timeout = 10 * time.Second
require.NoError(t, WithClient(client)(h))
h.openURL = func(actualURL string) error {
parsedActualURL, err := url.Parse(actualURL)
require.NoError(t, err)
actualParams := parsedActualURL.Query()
require.Contains(t, actualParams.Get("redirect_uri"), "")
require.Equal(t, url.Values{
// This is the PKCE challenge which is calculated as base64(sha256("test-pkce")). For example:
// $ echo -n test-pkce | shasum -a 256 | cut -d" " -f1 | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -d"=" -f1
// VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d+piN3r/mywoYj7fCR7g
"code_challenge": []string{"VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d-piN3r_mywoYj7fCR7g"},
"code_challenge_method": []string{"S256"},
"response_type": []string{"code"},
"scope": []string{"test-scope"},
"nonce": []string{"test-nonce"},
"state": []string{"test-state"},
"access_type": []string{"offline"},
"client_id": []string{"test-client-id"},
2021-04-27 19:43:09 +00:00
"pinniped_idp_name": []string{"some-upstream-name"},
"pinniped_idp_type": []string{"oidc"},
}, actualParams)
parsedActualURL.RawQuery = ""
require.Equal(t, successServer.URL+"/authorize", parsedActualURL.String())
go func() {
h.callbacks <- callbackResult{token: &testToken}
return nil
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
2021-05-11 18:09:37 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "ldap login when prompting for username returns an error",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
_ = defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, nil, nil)
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
require.Equal(t, "Username: ", promptLabel)
return "", errors.New("some prompt error")
return nil
2021-05-11 18:09:37 +00:00
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: "error prompting for username: some prompt error",
name: "ldap login when prompting for password returns an error",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
_ = defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, nil, nil)
h.promptForSecret = func(_ string) (string, error) { return "", errors.New("some prompt error") }
return nil
2021-05-11 18:09:37 +00:00
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: "error prompting for password: some prompt error",
name: "ldap login when there is a problem with parsing the authorize URL",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
_ = defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, nil, nil)
client := newClientForServer(successServer)
client.Transport = roundtripper.Func(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
switch req.URL.Scheme + "://" + req.URL.Host + req.URL.Path {
case "https://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/.well-known/openid-configuration":
type providerJSON struct {
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
AuthURL string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
TokenURL string `json:"token_endpoint"`
JWKSURL string `json:"jwks_uri"`
jsonResponseBody, err := json.Marshal(&providerJSON{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
AuthURL: "%", // this is not a legal URL!
TokenURL: successServer.URL + "/token",
JWKSURL: successServer.URL + "/keys",
require.NoError(t, err)
return &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusOK,
Header: http.Header{"content-type": []string{"application/json"}},
Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(string(jsonResponseBody))),
}, nil
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected http call from the CLI: %s", req.URL.String()))
return nil, nil
require.NoError(t, WithClient(client)(h))
return nil
2021-05-11 18:09:37 +00:00
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `discovered authorize URL from issuer is not a valid URL: parse "%": invalid URL escape "%"`,
name: "ldap login when there is an error calling the authorization endpoint",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, nil, errors.New("some error fetching authorize endpoint"))
2021-05-11 18:09:37 +00:00
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `authorization response error: Get "https://` + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() +
2021-04-27 19:43:09 +00:00
`/authorize?access_type=offline&client_id=test-client-id&code_challenge=VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d-piN3r_mywoYj7fCR7g&code_challenge_method=S256&nonce=test-nonce&pinniped_idp_name=some-upstream-name&pinniped_idp_type=ldap&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A0%2Fcallback&response_type=code&scope=test-scope&state=test-state": some error fetching authorize endpoint`,
name: "ldap login when the OIDC provider authorization endpoint returns something other than a redirect",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, &http.Response{StatusCode: http.StatusBadGateway, Status: "502 Bad Gateway"}, nil)
2021-05-11 18:09:37 +00:00
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `error getting authorization: expected to be redirected, but response status was 502 Bad Gateway`,
name: "ldap login when the OIDC provider authorization endpoint redirect has an error and error description",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusFound,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{
}, nil)
2021-05-11 18:09:37 +00:00
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `login failed with code "access_denied": optional-error-description`,
name: "ldap login when the OIDC provider authorization endpoint redirects us to a different server",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusFound,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{
}, nil)
2021-05-11 18:09:37 +00:00
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `error getting authorization: redirected to the wrong location:`,
name: "ldap login when the OIDC provider authorization endpoint redirect has an error but no error description",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusFound,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{
}, nil)
2021-05-11 18:09:37 +00:00
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `login failed with code "access_denied"`,
name: "ldap login when the OIDC provider authorization endpoint redirect has the wrong state value",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusFound,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{""}},
}, nil)
2021-05-11 18:09:37 +00:00
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `missing or invalid state parameter in authorization response:`,
name: "ldap login when there is an error exchanging the authcode or validating the tokens",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
fakeAuthCode := "test-authcode-value"
_ = defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusFound,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{
fmt.Sprintf("", fakeAuthCode),
}, nil)
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
gomock.Any(), fakeAuthCode, pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), "").
Return(nil, errors.New("some authcode exchange or token validation error"))
return mock
return nil
2021-05-11 18:09:37 +00:00
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: "error during authorization code exchange: some authcode exchange or token validation error",
name: "successful ldap login with prompts for username and password",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
fakeAuthCode := "test-authcode-value"
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
gomock.Any(), fakeAuthCode, pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), "").
Return(&testToken, nil)
return mock
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "test-state", nil }
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "test-pkce", nil }
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "test-nonce", nil }
h.getEnv = func(_ string) string {
return "" // asking for any env var returns empty as if it were unset
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
require.Equal(t, "Username: ", promptLabel)
return "some-upstream-username", nil
h.promptForSecret = func(promptLabel string) (string, error) {
require.Equal(t, "Password: ", promptLabel)
return "some-upstream-password", nil
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: nil}
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
UpstreamProviderName: "some-upstream-name",
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Equal(t, []*oidctypes.Token{&testToken}, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithCLISendingCredentials()(h))
require.NoError(t, WithUpstreamIdentityProvider("some-upstream-name", "ldap")(h))
discoveryRequestWasMade := false
authorizeRequestWasMade := false
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.True(t, discoveryRequestWasMade, "should have made an discovery request")
require.True(t, authorizeRequestWasMade, "should have made an authorize request")
client := newClientForServer(successServer)
client.Transport = roundtripper.Func(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
switch req.URL.Scheme + "://" + req.URL.Host + req.URL.Path {
case "https://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/.well-known/openid-configuration":
discoveryRequestWasMade = true
return defaultDiscoveryResponse(req)
case "https://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/authorize":
authorizeRequestWasMade = true
require.Equal(t, "some-upstream-username", req.Header.Get("Pinniped-Username"))
require.Equal(t, "some-upstream-password", req.Header.Get("Pinniped-Password"))
require.Equal(t, url.Values{
// This is the PKCE challenge which is calculated as base64(sha256("test-pkce")). For example:
// $ echo -n test-pkce | shasum -a 256 | cut -d" " -f1 | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -d"=" -f1
// VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d+piN3r/mywoYj7fCR7g
"code_challenge": []string{"VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d-piN3r_mywoYj7fCR7g"},
"code_challenge_method": []string{"S256"},
"response_type": []string{"code"},
"scope": []string{"test-scope"},
"nonce": []string{"test-nonce"},
"state": []string{"test-state"},
"access_type": []string{"offline"},
"client_id": []string{"test-client-id"},
"redirect_uri": []string{""},
"pinniped_idp_name": []string{"some-upstream-name"},
"pinniped_idp_type": []string{"ldap"},
}, req.URL.Query())
return &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusFound,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{
fmt.Sprintf("", fakeAuthCode),
}, nil
// Note that "/token" requests should not be made. They are mocked by mocking calls to ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens().
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected http call from the CLI: %s", req.URL.String()))
return nil, nil
require.NoError(t, WithClient(client)(h))
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
2021-05-11 18:09:37 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "successful ldap login with env vars for username and password",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
fakeAuthCode := "test-authcode-value"
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
gomock.Any(), fakeAuthCode, pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), "").
Return(&testToken, nil)
return mock
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "test-state", nil }
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "test-pkce", nil }
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "test-nonce", nil }
h.getEnv = func(key string) string {
switch key {
return "some-upstream-username"
return "some-upstream-password"
return "" // all other env vars are treated as if they are unset
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected prompt from the CLI: %q", promptLabel))
return "", nil
h.promptForSecret = func(promptLabel string) (string, error) {
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected prompt from the CLI: %q", promptLabel))
return "", nil
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: nil}
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
UpstreamProviderName: "some-upstream-name",
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Equal(t, []*oidctypes.Token{&testToken}, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithCLISendingCredentials()(h))
require.NoError(t, WithUpstreamIdentityProvider("some-upstream-name", "ldap")(h))
discoveryRequestWasMade := false
authorizeRequestWasMade := false
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.True(t, discoveryRequestWasMade, "should have made an discovery request")
require.True(t, authorizeRequestWasMade, "should have made an authorize request")
client := newClientForServer(successServer)
client.Transport = roundtripper.Func(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
switch req.URL.Scheme + "://" + req.URL.Host + req.URL.Path {
case "https://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/.well-known/openid-configuration":
discoveryRequestWasMade = true
return defaultDiscoveryResponse(req)
case "https://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/authorize":
authorizeRequestWasMade = true
require.Equal(t, "some-upstream-username", req.Header.Get("Pinniped-Username"))
require.Equal(t, "some-upstream-password", req.Header.Get("Pinniped-Password"))
require.Equal(t, url.Values{
// This is the PKCE challenge which is calculated as base64(sha256("test-pkce")). For example:
// $ echo -n test-pkce | shasum -a 256 | cut -d" " -f1 | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -d"=" -f1
// VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d+piN3r/mywoYj7fCR7g
"code_challenge": []string{"VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d-piN3r_mywoYj7fCR7g"},
"code_challenge_method": []string{"S256"},
"response_type": []string{"code"},
"scope": []string{"test-scope"},
"nonce": []string{"test-nonce"},
"state": []string{"test-state"},
"access_type": []string{"offline"},
"client_id": []string{"test-client-id"},
"redirect_uri": []string{""},
"pinniped_idp_name": []string{"some-upstream-name"},
"pinniped_idp_type": []string{"ldap"},
}, req.URL.Query())
return &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusFound,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{
fmt.Sprintf("", fakeAuthCode),
}, nil
// Note that "/token" requests should not be made. They are mocked by mocking calls to ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens().
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected http call from the CLI: %s", req.URL.String()))
return nil, nil
require.NoError(t, WithClient(client)(h))
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Read username from environment variable\" \"name\"=\"PINNIPED_USERNAME\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Read password from environment variable\" \"name\"=\"PINNIPED_PASSWORD\"",
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "successful ldap login with env vars for username and password, http.StatusSeeOther redirect",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
fakeAuthCode := "test-authcode-value"
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
gomock.Any(), fakeAuthCode, pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), "").
Return(&testToken, nil)
return mock
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "test-state", nil }
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "test-pkce", nil }
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "test-nonce", nil }
h.getEnv = func(key string) string {
switch key {
return "some-upstream-username"
return "some-upstream-password"
return "" // all other env vars are treated as if they are unset
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected prompt from the CLI: %q", promptLabel))
return "", nil
h.promptForSecret = func(promptLabel string) (string, error) {
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected prompt from the CLI: %q", promptLabel))
return "", nil
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: nil}
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
UpstreamProviderName: "some-upstream-name",
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Equal(t, []*oidctypes.Token{&testToken}, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithCLISendingCredentials()(h))
require.NoError(t, WithUpstreamIdentityProvider("some-upstream-name", "ldap")(h))
discoveryRequestWasMade := false
authorizeRequestWasMade := false
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.True(t, discoveryRequestWasMade, "should have made an discovery request")
require.True(t, authorizeRequestWasMade, "should have made an authorize request")
client := newClientForServer(successServer)
client.Transport = roundtripper.Func(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
switch req.URL.Scheme + "://" + req.URL.Host + req.URL.Path {
case "https://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/.well-known/openid-configuration":
discoveryRequestWasMade = true
return defaultDiscoveryResponse(req)
case "https://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/authorize":
authorizeRequestWasMade = true
require.Equal(t, "some-upstream-username", req.Header.Get("Pinniped-Username"))
require.Equal(t, "some-upstream-password", req.Header.Get("Pinniped-Password"))
require.Equal(t, url.Values{
// This is the PKCE challenge which is calculated as base64(sha256("test-pkce")). For example:
// $ echo -n test-pkce | shasum -a 256 | cut -d" " -f1 | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -d"=" -f1
// VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d+piN3r/mywoYj7fCR7g
"code_challenge": []string{"VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d-piN3r_mywoYj7fCR7g"},
"code_challenge_method": []string{"S256"},
"response_type": []string{"code"},
"scope": []string{"test-scope"},
"nonce": []string{"test-nonce"},
"state": []string{"test-state"},
"access_type": []string{"offline"},
"client_id": []string{"test-client-id"},
"redirect_uri": []string{""},
"pinniped_idp_name": []string{"some-upstream-name"},
"pinniped_idp_type": []string{"ldap"},
}, req.URL.Query())
return &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusSeeOther,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{
fmt.Sprintf("", fakeAuthCode),
}, nil
// Note that "/token" requests should not be made. They are mocked by mocking calls to ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens().
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected http call from the CLI: %s", req.URL.String()))
return nil, nil
require.NoError(t, WithClient(client)(h))
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Read username from environment variable\" \"name\"=\"PINNIPED_USERNAME\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Read password from environment variable\" \"name\"=\"PINNIPED_PASSWORD\"",
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but discovery fails",
clientID: "test-client-id",
issuer: errorServer.URL,
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: errorServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(errorServer))(h))
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("cluster-1234")(h))
return nil
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"cluster-1234\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + errorServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("failed to exchange token: could not perform OIDC discovery for %q: 500 Internal Server Error: some discovery error\n", errorServer.URL),
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token URL is insecure",
issuer: insecureTokenURLServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: insecureTokenURLServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(insecureTokenURLServer))(h))
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("cluster-1234")(h))
return nil
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"cluster-1234\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + insecureTokenURLServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: discovered token URL from issuer must be an https URL, but had scheme "http" instead`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token URL is invalid",
issuer: brokenTokenURLServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: brokenTokenURLServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(brokenTokenURLServer))(h))
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("cluster-1234")(h))
return nil
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"cluster-1234\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + brokenTokenURLServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: discovered token URL from issuer is not a valid URL: parse "%": invalid URL escape "%"`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request fails",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-invalid-http-response")(h))
return nil
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-invalid-http-response\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: fmt.Sprintf(`failed to exchange token: Post "%s/token": failed to parse Location header "%%": parse "%%": invalid URL escape "%%"`, successServer.URL),
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request returns non-200",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-http-400")(h))
return nil
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-http-400\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: unexpected HTTP response status 400`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request returns invalid content-type header",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-invalid-content-type")(h))
return nil
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-invalid-content-type\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: failed to decode content-type header: mime: invalid media parameter`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request returns wrong content-type",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-wrong-content-type")(h))
return nil
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-wrong-content-type\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: unexpected HTTP response content type "invalid"`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request returns invalid JSON",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-invalid-json")(h))
return nil
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-invalid-json\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: failed to decode response: unexpected EOF`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request returns invalid token_type",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-invalid-tokentype")(h))
return nil
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-invalid-tokentype\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: got unexpected token_type "invalid"`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request returns invalid issued_token_type",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-invalid-issuedtokentype")(h))
return nil
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-invalid-issuedtokentype\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: got unexpected issued_token_type "invalid"`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request returns invalid JWT",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-invalid-jwt")(h))
return nil
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-invalid-jwt\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: received invalid JWT: oidc: malformed jwt: oidc: malformed jwt, expected 3 parts got 1`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, and token exchange request succeeds",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience")(h))
h.validateIDToken = func(ctx context.Context, provider *oidc.Provider, audience string, token string) (*oidc.IDToken, error) {
require.Equal(t, "test-audience", audience)
require.Equal(t, "test-id-token-with-requested-audience", token)
return &oidc.IDToken{Expiry: testExchangedToken.IDToken.Expiry.Time}, nil
return nil
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantToken: &testExchangedToken,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid refresh token, and token exchange request succeeds",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithClient(newClientForServer(successServer))(h))
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &oidctypes.Token{
IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{
Token: "expired-test-id-token",
Expiry: metav1.Now(), // less than Now() + minIDTokenValidity
RefreshToken: &oidctypes.RefreshToken{Token: "test-refresh-token"},
t.Cleanup(func() {
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Len(t, cache.sawPutTokens, 1)
require.Equal(t, testToken.IDToken.Token, cache.sawPutTokens[0].IDToken.Token)
h.cache = cache
h.getProvider = func(config *oauth2.Config, provider *oidc.Provider, client *http.Client) upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ValidateTokenAndMergeWithUserInfo(gomock.Any(), HasAccessToken(testToken.AccessToken.Token), nonce.Nonce(""), true, false).
Return(&testToken, nil)
PerformRefresh(gomock.Any(), testToken.RefreshToken.Token).
DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, refreshToken string) (*oauth2.Token, error) {
// Call the real production code to perform a refresh.
return upstreamoidc.New(config, provider, client).PerformRefresh(ctx, refreshToken)
return mock
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience")(h))
h.validateIDToken = func(ctx context.Context, provider *oidc.Provider, audience string, token string) (*oidc.IDToken, error) {
require.Equal(t, "test-audience", audience)
require.Equal(t, "test-id-token-with-requested-audience", token)
return &oidc.IDToken{Expiry: testExchangedToken.IDToken.Expiry.Time}, nil
return nil
2021-04-16 17:46:59 +00:00
wantLogs: []string{
2021-04-30 19:10:04 +00:00
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Refreshing cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience\"",
2021-04-16 17:46:59 +00:00
wantToken: &testExchangedToken,
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
testLogger := testlogger.NewLegacy(t) //nolint:staticcheck // old test with lots of log statements
Update all deps to latest where possible, bump Kube deps to v0.23.1 Highlights from this dep bump: 1. Made a copy of the v0.4.0 implementation for use in tests. We must bump this dep as Kube code uses a newer version now. We would have to rewrite hundreds of test log assertions without this copy. 2. Use to undo the changes made by ory/fosite#636 for CLI based login flows. This is required for backwards compatibility with older versions of our CLI. A separate change after this will update the CLI to be more flexible (it is purposefully not part of this change to confirm that we did not break anything). For all browser login flows, we now redirect using http.StatusSeeOther instead of http.StatusFound. 3. Drop plog.RemoveKlogGlobalFlags as klog no longer mutates global process flags 4. Only bump to v0.0.297 instead of the latest v0.0.321 because v0.0.298+ pulls in a newer version of which breaks We should update to use the newer code. 5. Migrate all code from to and 6. Delete testutil.NewDeleteOptionsRecorder and migrate to the new kubetesting.NewDeleteActionWithOptions 7. Updated ExpectedAuthorizeCodeSessionJSONFromFuzzing caused by fosite's new rotated_secrets OAuth client field. This new field is currently not relevant to us as we have no private clients. Signed-off-by: Monis Khan <>
2021-12-10 22:22:36 +00:00
2021-04-16 17:46:59 +00:00
tok, err := Login(tt.issuer, tt.clientID,
Update all deps to latest where possible, bump Kube deps to v0.23.1 Highlights from this dep bump: 1. Made a copy of the v0.4.0 implementation for use in tests. We must bump this dep as Kube code uses a newer version now. We would have to rewrite hundreds of test log assertions without this copy. 2. Use to undo the changes made by ory/fosite#636 for CLI based login flows. This is required for backwards compatibility with older versions of our CLI. A separate change after this will update the CLI to be more flexible (it is purposefully not part of this change to confirm that we did not break anything). For all browser login flows, we now redirect using http.StatusSeeOther instead of http.StatusFound. 3. Drop plog.RemoveKlogGlobalFlags as klog no longer mutates global process flags 4. Only bump to v0.0.297 instead of the latest v0.0.321 because v0.0.298+ pulls in a newer version of which breaks We should update to use the newer code. 5. Migrate all code from to and 6. Delete testutil.NewDeleteOptionsRecorder and migrate to the new kubetesting.NewDeleteActionWithOptions 7. Updated ExpectedAuthorizeCodeSessionJSONFromFuzzing caused by fosite's new rotated_secrets OAuth client field. This new field is currently not relevant to us as we have no private clients. Signed-off-by: Monis Khan <>
2021-12-10 22:22:36 +00:00
if tt.wantErr != "" {
require.EqualError(t, err, tt.wantErr)
require.Nil(t, tok)
require.NoError(t, err)
if tt.wantToken == nil {
require.Nil(t, tok)
require.NotNil(t, tok)
if want := tt.wantToken.AccessToken; want != nil {
require.NotNil(t, tok.AccessToken)
require.Equal(t, want.Token, tok.AccessToken.Token)
require.Equal(t, want.Type, tok.AccessToken.Type)
testutil.RequireTimeInDelta(t, want.Expiry.Time, tok.AccessToken.Expiry.Time, 5*time.Second)
} else {
assert.Nil(t, tok.AccessToken)
require.Equal(t, tt.wantToken.RefreshToken, tok.RefreshToken)
if want := tt.wantToken.IDToken; want != nil {
require.NotNil(t, tok.IDToken)
require.Equal(t, want.Token, tok.IDToken.Token)
testutil.RequireTimeInDelta(t, want.Expiry.Time, tok.IDToken.Expiry.Time, 5*time.Second)
} else {
assert.Nil(t, tok.IDToken)
func TestHandlePasteCallback(t *testing.T) {
const testRedirectURI = ""
tests := []struct {
name string
opt func(t *testing.T) Option
wantCallback *callbackResult
name: "no stdin available",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool {
require.Equal(t, syscall.Stdin, fd)
return false
h.useFormPost = true
return nil
name: "no form_post mode available",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool { return true }
h.useFormPost = false
return nil
name: "prompt fails",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool { return true }
h.useFormPost = true
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
assert.Equal(t, " Optionally, paste your authorization code: ", promptLabel)
return "", fmt.Errorf("some prompt error")
return nil
wantCallback: &callbackResult{
err: fmt.Errorf("failed to prompt for manual authorization code: some prompt error"),
name: "redeeming code fails",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool { return true }
h.useFormPost = true
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
return "invalid", nil
h.oauth2Config = &oauth2.Config{RedirectURL: testRedirectURI}
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens(gomock.Any(), "invalid", pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), testRedirectURI).
Return(nil, fmt.Errorf("some exchange error"))
return mock
return nil
wantCallback: &callbackResult{
err: fmt.Errorf("some exchange error"),
name: "success",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool { return true }
h.useFormPost = true
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
return "valid", nil
h.oauth2Config = &oauth2.Config{RedirectURL: testRedirectURI}
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens(gomock.Any(), "valid", pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), testRedirectURI).
Return(&oidctypes.Token{IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{Token: "test-id-token"}}, nil)
return mock
return nil
wantCallback: &callbackResult{
token: &oidctypes.Token{IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{Token: "test-id-token"}},
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
h := &handlerState{
callbacks: make(chan callbackResult, 1),
state: state.State("test-state"),
pkce: pkce.Code("test-pkce"),
nonce: nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"),
if tt.opt != nil {
require.NoError(t, tt.opt(t)(h))
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute)
defer cancel()
var buf bytes.Buffer
h.promptForWebLogin(ctx, "https://test-authorize-url/", &buf)
"Log in by visiting this link:\n\n https://test-authorize-url/\n\n",
if tt.wantCallback != nil {
select {
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
require.Fail(t, "timed out waiting to receive from callbacks channel")
case result := <-h.callbacks:
require.Equal(t, *tt.wantCallback, result)
func TestHandleAuthCodeCallback(t *testing.T) {
const testRedirectURI = ""
withFormPostMode := func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.useFormPost = true
return nil
tests := []struct {
name string
method string
query string
body []byte
headers http.Header
opt func(t *testing.T) Option
wantErr string
wantHTTPStatus int
wantNoCallbacks bool
wantHeaders http.Header
name: "wrong method returns an error but keeps listening",
method: http.MethodPost,
query: "",
wantNoCallbacks: true,
wantHeaders: map[string][]string{},
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
name: "wrong method for form_post returns an error but keeps listening",
method: http.MethodGet,
query: "",
opt: withFormPostMode,
wantNoCallbacks: true,
wantHeaders: map[string][]string{},
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
name: "invalid form for form_post",
method: http.MethodPost,
query: "",
headers: map[string][]string{"Content-Type": {"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}},
body: []byte(`%`),
opt: withFormPostMode,
wantErr: `invalid form: invalid URL escape "%"`,
wantHeaders: map[string][]string{},
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
name: "invalid state",
query: "state=invalid",
wantErr: "missing or invalid state parameter",
wantHeaders: map[string][]string{},
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusForbidden,
name: "error code from provider",
query: "state=test-state&error=some_error",
wantErr: `login failed with code "some_error"`,
wantHeaders: map[string][]string{},
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
name: "error code with a description from provider",
query: "state=test-state&error=some_error&error_description=optional%20error%20description",
wantErr: `login failed with code "some_error": optional error description`,
wantHeaders: map[string][]string{},
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
name: "in form post mode, invalid issuer url config during CORS preflight request returns an error",
method: http.MethodOptions,
query: "",
headers: map[string][]string{"Origin": {""}},
wantErr: `invalid issuer url: parse "://bad-url": missing protocol scheme`,
wantHeaders: map[string][]string{},
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError,
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.useFormPost = true
h.issuer = "://bad-url"
return nil
name: "in form post mode, invalid issuer url config during POST request returns an error",
method: http.MethodPost,
query: "",
headers: map[string][]string{"Origin": {""}},
wantErr: `invalid issuer url: parse "://bad-url": missing protocol scheme`,
wantHeaders: map[string][]string{},
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError,
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.useFormPost = true
h.issuer = "://bad-url"
return nil
name: "in form post mode, options request is missing origin header results in 400 and keeps listener running",
method: http.MethodOptions,
query: "",
opt: withFormPostMode,
wantNoCallbacks: true,
wantHeaders: map[string][]string{},
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
name: "in form post mode, valid CORS request responds with 402 and CORS headers and keeps listener running",
method: http.MethodOptions,
query: "",
headers: map[string][]string{"Origin": {""}},
wantNoCallbacks: true,
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusNoContent,
wantHeaders: map[string][]string{
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": {"false"},
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": {"POST, OPTIONS"},
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": {""},
"Vary": {"*"},
"Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network": {"true"},
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.useFormPost = true
h.issuer = ""
return nil
name: "in form post mode, valid CORS request with Access-Control-Request-Headers responds with 402 and CORS headers including Access-Control-Allow-Headers and keeps listener running",
method: http.MethodOptions,
query: "",
headers: map[string][]string{
"Origin": {""},
"Access-Control-Request-Headers": {"header1, header2, header3"},
wantNoCallbacks: true,
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusNoContent,
wantHeaders: map[string][]string{
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": {"false"},
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": {"POST, OPTIONS"},
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": {""},
"Vary": {"*"},
"Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network": {"true"},
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": {"header1, header2, header3"},
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.useFormPost = true
h.issuer = ""
return nil
name: "invalid code",
query: "state=test-state&code=invalid",
wantErr: "could not complete code exchange: some exchange error",
wantHeaders: map[string][]string{},
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.oauth2Config = &oauth2.Config{RedirectURL: testRedirectURI}
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens(gomock.Any(), "invalid", pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), testRedirectURI).
Return(nil, fmt.Errorf("some exchange error"))
return mock
return nil
name: "valid",
query: "state=test-state&code=valid",
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusOK,
wantHeaders: map[string][]string{"Content-Type": {"text/plain; charset=utf-8"}},
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.oauth2Config = &oauth2.Config{RedirectURL: testRedirectURI}
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens(gomock.Any(), "valid", pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), testRedirectURI).
Return(&oidctypes.Token{IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{Token: "test-id-token"}}, nil)
return mock
return nil
name: "valid form_post",
method: http.MethodPost,
headers: map[string][]string{"Content-Type": {"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}},
body: []byte(`state=test-state&code=valid`),
wantHeaders: map[string][]string{
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": {""},
"Vary": {"*"},
"Content-Type": {"text/plain; charset=utf-8"},
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusOK,
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.useFormPost = true
h.oauth2Config = &oauth2.Config{RedirectURL: testRedirectURI}
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens(gomock.Any(), "valid", pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), testRedirectURI).
Return(&oidctypes.Token{IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{Token: "test-id-token"}}, nil)
return mock
return nil
name: "valid form_post made with the same origin headers that would be used by a Javascript fetch client using mode=cors",
method: http.MethodPost,
headers: map[string][]string{
"Content-Type": {"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
"Origin": {""},
body: []byte(`state=test-state&code=valid`),
wantHeaders: map[string][]string{
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": {""},
"Vary": {"*"},
"Content-Type": {"text/plain; charset=utf-8"},
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusOK,
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.useFormPost = true
h.oauth2Config = &oauth2.Config{RedirectURL: testRedirectURI}
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) upstreamprovider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens(gomock.Any(), "valid", pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), testRedirectURI).
Return(&oidctypes.Token{IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{Token: "test-id-token"}}, nil)
return mock
return nil
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
h := &handlerState{
callbacks: make(chan callbackResult, 1),
state: state.State("test-state"),
pkce: pkce.Code("test-pkce"),
nonce: nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"),
logger: plog.Logr(), //nolint:staticcheck // old test with no log assertions
issuer: "",
if tt.opt != nil {
require.NoError(t, tt.opt(t)(h))
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute)
defer cancel()
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", "/test-callback", bytes.NewBuffer(tt.body))
require.NoError(t, err)
req.URL.RawQuery = tt.query
if tt.method != "" {
req.Method = tt.method
if tt.headers != nil {
req.Header = tt.headers
err = h.handleAuthCodeCallback(resp, req)
if tt.wantErr != "" {
require.EqualError(t, err, tt.wantErr)
if tt.wantHTTPStatus != 0 {
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
require.Equal(t, tt.wantHTTPStatus, rec.Code)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tt.wantHTTPStatus, resp.Code)
if tt.wantHeaders != nil {
require.Equal(t, tt.wantHeaders, resp.Header())
gotCallback := false
select {
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
if !tt.wantNoCallbacks {
require.Fail(t, "timed out waiting to receive from callbacks channel")
case result := <-h.callbacks:
if tt.wantErr != "" {
require.EqualError(t, result.err, tt.wantErr)
require.NoError(t, result.err)
require.NotNil(t, result.token)
require.Equal(t, result.token.IDToken.Token, "test-id-token")
gotCallback = true
require.Equal(t, tt.wantNoCallbacks, !gotCallback)
func mockUpstream(t *testing.T) *mockupstreamoidcidentityprovider.MockUpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
return mockupstreamoidcidentityprovider.NewMockUpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI(ctrl)
// hasAccessTokenMatcher is a gomock.Matcher that expects an *oauth2.Token with a particular access token.
type hasAccessTokenMatcher struct{ expected string }
func (m hasAccessTokenMatcher) Matches(arg interface{}) bool {
return arg.(*oauth2.Token).AccessToken == m.expected
func (m hasAccessTokenMatcher) Got(got interface{}) string {
return got.(*oauth2.Token).AccessToken
func (m hasAccessTokenMatcher) String() string {
return m.expected
func HasAccessToken(expected string) gomock.Matcher {
return hasAccessTokenMatcher{expected: expected}