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// Copyright 2020 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package callback
import (
const (
happyUpstreamIDPName = "upstream-idp-name"
func TestCallbackEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
const (
downstreamRedirectURI = ""
// TODO use a fosite memory store and pass in a fostite oauthHelper
// TODO write a test double for UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI ID token with a claim called "the-user-claim" and put a username as the value of that claim
// TODO assert that after the callback request, the fosite storage has 1 authcode key saved,
// and it is the same key that was returned in the redirect,
// and the value in storage includes the username in the fosite session
// TODO do the same thing with the groups list (store it in the fosite session as JWT claim)
// TODO test for when UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI authcode exchange fails
// TODO wire in the callback endpoint into the oidc manager request router
// TODO update the upstream watcher controller to also populate the new fields
// TODO update the integration test
// TODO DO NOT store the upstream tokens (or maybe just the refresh token) for this story. In a future story, we can store them/it in some other storage interface indexed by the same authcode hash that fosite used for storage.
// TODO grab the upstream config name from the state param instead of the URL path
// Configure fosite the same way that the production code would, except use in-memory storage.
oauthStore := &storage.MemoryStore{
Clients: map[string]fosite.Client{oidc.PinnipedCLIOIDCClient().ID: oidc.PinnipedCLIOIDCClient()},
AuthorizeCodes: map[string]storage.StoreAuthorizeCode{},
PKCES: map[string]fosite.Requester{},
IDSessions: map[string]fosite.Requester{},
hmacSecret := []byte("some secret - must have at least 32 bytes")
require.GreaterOrEqual(t, len(hmacSecret), 32, "fosite requires that hmac secrets have at least 32 bytes")
oauthHelper := oidc.FositeOauth2Helper(oauthStore, hmacSecret)
upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider := testutil.TestUpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider{
Name: happyUpstreamIDPName,
ClientID: "some-client-id",
UsernameClaim: "the-user-claim",
Scopes: []string{"scope1", "scope2"},
otherUpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider := testutil.TestUpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider{
Name: "other-upstream-idp-name",
ClientID: "other-some-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"other-scope1", "other-scope2"},
var stateEncoderHashKey = []byte("fake-hash-secret")
var stateEncoderBlockKey = []byte("0123456789ABCDEF") // block encryption requires 16/24/32 bytes for AES
var cookieEncoderHashKey = []byte("fake-hash-secret2")
var cookieEncoderBlockKey = []byte("0123456789ABCDE2") // block encryption requires 16/24/32 bytes for AES
require.NotEqual(t, stateEncoderHashKey, cookieEncoderHashKey)
require.NotEqual(t, stateEncoderBlockKey, cookieEncoderBlockKey)
var happyStateCodec = securecookie.New(stateEncoderHashKey, stateEncoderBlockKey)
var happyCookieCodec = securecookie.New(cookieEncoderHashKey, cookieEncoderBlockKey)
happyDownstreamState := "some-downstream-state"
happyOriginalRequestParams := url.Values{
"response_type": []string{"code"},
"scope": []string{"openid profile email"},
"client_id": []string{"pinniped-cli"},
"state": []string{happyDownstreamState},
"nonce": []string{"some-nonce-value"},
"code_challenge": []string{"some-challenge"},
"code_challenge_method": []string{"S256"},
"redirect_uri": []string{downstreamRedirectURI},
happyCSRF := "test-csrf"
happyPKCE := "test-pkce"
happyNonce := "test-nonce"
happyState, err := happyStateCodec.Encode("s",
P: happyOriginalRequestParams,
N: happyNonce,
C: happyCSRF,
K: happyPKCE,
V: "1",
require.NoError(t, err)
wrongCSRFValueState, err := happyStateCodec.Encode("s",
P: happyOriginalRequestParams,
N: happyNonce,
C: "wrong-csrf-value",
K: happyPKCE,
V: "1",
require.NoError(t, err)
wrongVersionState, err := happyStateCodec.Encode("s",
P: happyOriginalRequestParams,
N: happyNonce,
C: happyCSRF,
K: happyPKCE,
V: "wrong-version",
require.NoError(t, err)
encodedIncomingCookieCSRFValue, err := happyCookieCodec.Encode("csrf", happyCSRF)
require.NoError(t, err)
happyCSRFCookie := "__Host-pinniped-csrf=" + encodedIncomingCookieCSRFValue
tests := []struct {
name string
idpListGetter provider.DynamicUpstreamIDPProvider
method string
path string
csrfCookie string
wantStatus int
wantBody string
wantRedirectLocationRegexp string
// Happy path
// TODO: GET with good state and cookie and successful upstream token exchange and 302 to downstream client callback with its state and code
name: "GET with good state and cookie and successful upstream token exchange returns 302 to downstream client callback with its state and code",
idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider),
method: http.MethodGet,
path: newRequestPath().WithState(happyState).String(),
csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie,
wantStatus: http.StatusFound,
wantRedirectLocationRegexp: downstreamRedirectURI + `\?code=([^&]+)&state=` + happyDownstreamState,
// TODO: when we call the callback twice in a row, we get two different auth codes (to prove we are using an RNG for auth codes)
// Pre-upstream-exchange verification
name: "PUT method is invalid",
method: http.MethodPut,
path: newRequestPath().String(),
wantStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
wantBody: "Method Not Allowed: PUT (try GET)\n",
name: "POST method is invalid",
method: http.MethodPost,
path: newRequestPath().String(),
wantStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
wantBody: "Method Not Allowed: POST (try GET)\n",
name: "PATCH method is invalid",
method: http.MethodPatch,
path: newRequestPath().String(),
wantStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
wantBody: "Method Not Allowed: PATCH (try GET)\n",
name: "DELETE method is invalid",
method: http.MethodDelete,
path: newRequestPath().String(),
wantStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
wantBody: "Method Not Allowed: DELETE (try GET)\n",
name: "code param was not included on request",
method: http.MethodGet,
path: newRequestPath().WithState(happyState).WithoutCode().String(),
csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie,
wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
wantBody: "Bad Request: code param not found\n",
name: "state param was not included on request",
method: http.MethodGet,
path: newRequestPath().WithoutState().String(),
csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie,
wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
wantBody: "Bad Request: state param not found\n",
name: "state param was not signed correctly, has expired, or otherwise cannot be decoded for any reason",
idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider),
method: http.MethodGet,
path: newRequestPath().WithState("this-will-not-decode").String(),
csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie,
wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
wantBody: "Bad Request: error reading state\n",
name: "state's internal version does not match what we want",
idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(upstreamOIDCIdentityProvider),
method: http.MethodGet,
path: newRequestPath().WithState(wrongVersionState).String(),
csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie,
wantStatus: http.StatusUnprocessableEntity,
wantBody: "Unprocessable Entity: state format version is invalid\n",
name: "the UpstreamOIDCProvider CRD has been deleted",
idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(otherUpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider),
method: http.MethodGet,
path: newRequestPath().WithState(happyState).String(),
csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie,
wantStatus: http.StatusUnprocessableEntity,
wantBody: "Unprocessable Entity: upstream provider not found\n",
name: "the CSRF cookie does not exist on request",
idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(otherUpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider),
method: http.MethodGet,
path: newRequestPath().WithState(happyState).String(),
wantStatus: http.StatusForbidden,
wantBody: "Forbidden: CSRF cookie is missing\n",
name: "cookie was not signed correctly, has expired, or otherwise cannot be decoded for any reason",
idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(otherUpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider),
method: http.MethodGet,
path: newRequestPath().WithState(happyState).String(),
csrfCookie: "__Host-pinniped-csrf=this-value-was-not-signed-by-pinniped",
wantStatus: http.StatusForbidden,
wantBody: "Forbidden: error reading CSRF cookie\n",
name: "cookie csrf value does not match state csrf value",
idpListGetter: testutil.NewIDPListGetter(otherUpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider),
method: http.MethodGet,
path: newRequestPath().WithState(wrongCSRFValueState).String(),
csrfCookie: happyCSRFCookie,
wantStatus: http.StatusForbidden,
wantBody: "Forbidden: CSRF value does not match\n",
// Upstream exchange
// TODO: network call to upstream token endpoint fails
// TODO: the upstream token endpoint returns an error
// Post-upstream-exchange verification
// TODO: returned tokens are invalid (all the stuff from the spec...)
// TODO: there
// TODO: are
// TODO: probably
// TODO: a
// TODO: lot
// TODO: of
// TODO: test
// TODO: cases
// TODO: here (e.g., id jwt cannot be verified, nonce is wrong, we didn't get refresh token, we didn't get access token, we didn't get id token, access token expires too quickly)
// Downstream redirect
// TODO: we grant the openid scope if it was requested, similar to what we did in auth_handler.go
// TODO: cannot generate auth code
// TODO: cannot persist downstream state
for _, test := range tests {
test := test
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
subject := NewHandler(test.idpListGetter, oauthHelper, happyStateCodec, happyCookieCodec)
req := httptest.NewRequest(test.method, test.path, nil)
if test.csrfCookie != "" {
req.Header.Set("Cookie", test.csrfCookie)
rsp := httptest.NewRecorder()
subject.ServeHTTP(rsp, req)
require.Equal(t, test.wantStatus, rsp.Code)
require.False(t, test.wantBody != "" && test.wantRedirectLocationRegexp != "", "test cannot set both body and redirect assertions")
switch {
case test.wantBody != "":
require.Empty(t, rsp.Header().Values("Location"))
require.Equal(t, test.wantBody, rsp.Body.String())
case test.wantRedirectLocationRegexp != "":
// Assert that Location header matches regular expression.
require.Len(t, rsp.Header().Values("Location"), 1)
actualLocation := rsp.Header().Get("Location")
regex := regexp.MustCompile(test.wantRedirectLocationRegexp)
submatches := regex.FindStringSubmatch(actualLocation)
require.Lenf(t, submatches, 2, "no regexp match in actualLocation: %q", actualLocation)
capturedAuthCode := submatches[1]
_ = capturedAuthCode
// TODO Assert capturedAuthCode storage stuff...
// Assert that body contains anchor tag with redirect location.
anchorTagWithLocationHref := fmt.Sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">Found</a>.\n\n", html.EscapeString(actualLocation))
require.Equal(t, anchorTagWithLocationHref, rsp.Body.String())
require.Empty(t, rsp.Header().Values("Location"))
require.Empty(t, rsp.Body.String())
type requestPath struct {
upstreamIDPName, code, state *string
func newRequestPath() *requestPath {
n := happyUpstreamIDPName
c := "1234"
s := "4321"
return &requestPath{
upstreamIDPName: &n,
code: &c,
state: &s,
func (r *requestPath) WithUpstreamIDPName(name string) *requestPath {
r.upstreamIDPName = &name
return r
func (r *requestPath) WithCode(code string) *requestPath {
r.code = &code
return r
func (r *requestPath) WithoutCode() *requestPath {
r.code = nil
return r
func (r *requestPath) WithState(state string) *requestPath {
r.state = &state
return r
func (r *requestPath) WithoutState() *requestPath {
r.state = nil
return r
func (r *requestPath) String() string {
path := fmt.Sprintf("/downstream-provider-name/callback/%s?", *r.upstreamIDPName)
params := url.Values{}
if r.code != nil {
params.Add("code", *r.code)
if r.state != nil {
params.Add("state", *r.state)
return path + params.Encode()