2022-06-10 20:56:15 +00:00
// Copyright 2022 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package integration
import (
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2022-06-10 20:56:15 +00:00
2022-09-21 21:50:00 +00:00
k8serrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
2022-06-10 20:56:15 +00:00
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
2022-09-21 21:50:00 +00:00
2022-06-10 20:56:15 +00:00
2022-06-13 21:28:05 +00:00
2022-08-26 17:57:45 +00:00
supervisorconfigv1alpha1 "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/config/v1alpha1"
2022-09-21 21:50:00 +00:00
2022-06-10 20:56:15 +00:00
2022-09-21 21:50:00 +00:00
func TestKubectlOIDCClientSecretRequest_Parallel ( t * testing . T ) {
2022-06-10 20:56:15 +00:00
env := testlib . IntegrationEnv ( t )
2022-09-21 21:50:00 +00:00
tests := [ ] struct {
name string
oicClientSecretRequestYAML func ( string ) string
cmdInvocation func ( string ) [ ] string
assertOnStdOut func ( t * testing . T , oidcClientName string , stdOutString string )
assertOnStdErr func ( t * testing . T , oidcClientName , tempFileName , stdErrString string )
wantErr string
} {
name : "kubectl create oidcclientsecretrequest file will return a simple success status message" ,
oicClientSecretRequestYAML : func ( name string ) string {
return here . Docf ( `
apiVersion : clientsecret . supervisor . % s / v1alpha1
kind : OIDCClientSecretRequest
metadata :
name : % s
namespace : % s
spec :
generateNewSecret : true
revokeOldSecrets : false
` , env . APIGroupSuffix , name , env . SupervisorNamespace )
} ,
cmdInvocation : func ( filePath string ) [ ] string {
return [ ] string { "create" , "-f" , filePath }
} ,
assertOnStdOut : func ( t * testing . T , oidcClientName string , stdOutString string ) {
require . Equal ( t , fmt . Sprintf ( "oidcclientsecretrequest.clientsecret.supervisor.%s/%s created\n" , env . APIGroupSuffix , oidcClientName ) , stdOutString )
} ,
assertOnStdErr : func ( t * testing . T , oidcClientName , tempFileName , stdErrString string ) {
requireCleanKubectlStderr ( t , stdErrString )
} ,
} ,
name : "kubectl apply an oidcclientsecretrequest file will return a simple success status message" ,
oicClientSecretRequestYAML : func ( name string ) string {
return here . Docf ( `
apiVersion : clientsecret . supervisor . % s / v1alpha1
kind : OIDCClientSecretRequest
metadata :
name : % s
namespace : % s
spec :
generateNewSecret : true
revokeOldSecrets : false
` , env . APIGroupSuffix , name , env . SupervisorNamespace )
} ,
cmdInvocation : func ( filePath string ) [ ] string {
return [ ] string { "apply" , "-f" , filePath }
} ,
assertOnStdOut : func ( t * testing . T , oidcClientName string , stdOutString string ) {
require . Equal ( t , fmt . Sprintf ( "oidcclientsecretrequest.clientsecret.supervisor.%s/%s created\n" , env . APIGroupSuffix , oidcClientName ) , stdOutString )
} ,
assertOnStdErr : func ( t * testing . T , oidcClientName , tempFileName , stdErrString string ) {
requireCleanKubectlStderr ( t , stdErrString )
} ,
} ,
name : "kubectl create an oidcclientsecretrequest -o yaml will return a yaml doc with the correct structure" ,
oicClientSecretRequestYAML : func ( name string ) string {
return here . Docf ( `
apiVersion : clientsecret . supervisor . % s / v1alpha1
kind : OIDCClientSecretRequest
metadata :
name : % s
namespace : % s
spec :
generateNewSecret : true
revokeOldSecrets : false
` , env . APIGroupSuffix , name , env . SupervisorNamespace )
} ,
cmdInvocation : func ( filePath string ) [ ] string {
return [ ] string { "create" , "-f" , filePath , "-o" , "yaml" }
} ,
assertOnStdOut : func ( t * testing . T , oidcClientName string , stdOutString string ) {
var yamlObj map [ string ] interface { }
err := yaml . Unmarshal ( [ ] byte ( stdOutString ) , & yamlObj )
require . NoError ( t , err )
require . Lenf ( t , yamlObj , 5 , "yaml object should have 5 top level keys (apiVersion, kind, metadata, spec, status): %v" , yamlObj )
require . Equal ( t , yamlObj [ "apiVersion" ] , fmt . Sprintf ( "clientsecret.supervisor.%s/v1alpha1" , env . APIGroupSuffix ) )
require . Equal ( t , yamlObj [ "kind" ] , "OIDCClientSecretRequest" )
metadataMap , ok := yamlObj [ "metadata" ] . ( map [ string ] interface { } )
require . True ( t , ok , "metadata should be a map" )
require . Len ( t , metadataMap , 3 , "metadata should contain only 3 keys (creationTimestamp, name, namespace): %v" , metadataMap )
require . Equal ( t , metadataMap [ "name" ] , oidcClientName )
require . Equal ( t , metadataMap [ "namespace" ] , env . SupervisorNamespace )
timestamp , ok := metadataMap [ "creationTimestamp" ] . ( string )
require . Truef ( t , ok , "timestamp should be a string: %v" , timestamp )
parsedTime , err := time . Parse ( time . RFC3339 , timestamp )
require . NoError ( t , err )
testutil . RequireTimeInDelta ( t , parsedTime , time . Now ( ) , 1 * time . Minute )
2022-06-10 20:56:15 +00:00
2022-09-21 21:50:00 +00:00
specMap , ok := yamlObj [ "spec" ] . ( map [ string ] interface { } )
require . True ( t , ok , "spec should be a map" )
require . Len ( t , specMap , 2 , "spec should contain only 2 keys (generateNewSecret, revokeOldSecrets): %v" , specMap )
require . Equal ( t , specMap [ "generateNewSecret" ] , true )
require . Equal ( t , specMap [ "revokeOldSecrets" ] , false )
2022-06-10 20:56:15 +00:00
2022-09-21 21:50:00 +00:00
statusMap , ok := yamlObj [ "status" ] . ( map [ string ] interface { } )
require . True ( t , ok , "status should be a map" )
require . Len ( t , specMap , 2 , "status should contain only 2 keys (generatedSecret, totalClientSecrets): %v" , statusMap )
require . Regexp ( t , "^[0-9a-z]{64}$" , statusMap [ "generatedSecret" ] , "generated secret must be precisely 40 hex encoded characters" )
require . Equal ( t , statusMap [ "totalClientSecrets" ] , float64 ( 1 ) )
2022-08-26 17:57:45 +00:00
} ,
2022-09-21 21:50:00 +00:00
assertOnStdErr : func ( t * testing . T , oidcClientName , tempFileName , stdErrString string ) {
requireCleanKubectlStderr ( t , stdErrString )
} ,
} ,
name : "kubectl get oidcclientsecretrequest should return an empty list" ,
oicClientSecretRequestYAML : func ( s string ) string {
return ` `
} ,
cmdInvocation : func ( filePath string ) [ ] string {
return [ ] string { "get" , "oidcclientsecretrequest" , "-n" , env . SupervisorNamespace }
} ,
assertOnStdOut : func ( t * testing . T , oidcClientName string , stdOutString string ) {
require . Empty ( t , stdOutString )
} ,
assertOnStdErr : func ( t * testing . T , oidcClientName , tempFileName , stdErrString string ) {
require . Contains ( t , stdErrString , fmt . Sprintf ( "No resources found in %s namespace." , env . SupervisorNamespace ) )
} ,
} ,
name : "kubectl delete oidcclientsecretrequest will return a not found error" ,
oicClientSecretRequestYAML : func ( name string ) string {
return here . Docf ( `
apiVersion : clientsecret . supervisor . % s / v1alpha1
kind : OIDCClientSecretRequest
metadata :
name : % s
namespace : % s
` , env . APIGroupSuffix , name , env . SupervisorNamespace )
} ,
cmdInvocation : func ( filePath string ) [ ] string {
return [ ] string { "delete" , "-f" , filePath }
} ,
assertOnStdOut : func ( t * testing . T , oidcClientName string , stdOutString string ) {
require . Empty ( t , stdOutString )
} ,
assertOnStdErr : func ( t * testing . T , oidcClientName , tempFileName , stdErrString string ) {
2022-09-23 14:59:05 +00:00
require . Contains ( t , stdErrString , fmt . Sprintf ( "Error from server (NotFound): error when deleting \"%s\": the server could not find the requested resource\n" , tempFileName ) )
2022-08-26 17:57:45 +00:00
} ,
2022-09-21 21:50:00 +00:00
wantErr : ` exit status 1 ` ,
2022-08-26 17:57:45 +00:00
} ,
2022-09-21 21:50:00 +00:00
name : "kubectl create oidcclientsecretrequest with bad data (incorrect namespace: concierge instead of supervisor) will return an error with a reasonable formatting" ,
oicClientSecretRequestYAML : func ( name string ) string {
return here . Docf ( `
apiVersion : clientsecret . supervisor . % s / v1alpha1
kind : OIDCClientSecretRequest
metadata :
name : % s
namespace : % s
spec :
generateNewSecret : true
revokeOldSecrets : false
` , env . APIGroupSuffix , name , env . ConciergeNamespace )
} ,
cmdInvocation : func ( filePath string ) [ ] string {
return [ ] string { "create" , "-f" , filePath , "-o" , "yaml" }
} ,
assertOnStdOut : func ( t * testing . T , oidcClientName string , stdOutString string ) {
require . Equal ( t , "" , stdOutString )
} ,
assertOnStdErr : func ( t * testing . T , oidcClientName , tempFileName , stdErrString string ) {
require . Contains ( t , stdErrString , fmt . Sprintf (
` Error from server (BadRequest): error when creating "%s": namespace must be %s on OIDCClientSecretRequest, was %s ` ,
tempFileName , env . SupervisorNamespace , env . ConciergeNamespace ) ,
} ,
wantErr : ` exit status 1 ` ,
} ,
for _ , tt := range tests {
tt := tt
2022-08-26 17:57:45 +00:00
2022-09-21 21:50:00 +00:00
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
ctx , cancel := context . WithTimeout ( context . Background ( ) , 5 * time . Minute )
t . Cleanup ( cancel )
supervisorClient := testlib . NewSupervisorClientset ( t )
oidcClient , err := supervisorClient . ConfigV1alpha1 ( ) . OIDCClients ( env . SupervisorNamespace ) . Create ( ctx ,
& supervisorconfigv1alpha1 . OIDCClient {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
GenerateName : "client.oauth.pinniped.dev-" ,
} ,
Spec : supervisorconfigv1alpha1 . OIDCClientSpec {
AllowedRedirectURIs : [ ] supervisorconfigv1alpha1 . RedirectURI {
"https://example.com" ,
"" ,
} ,
AllowedGrantTypes : [ ] supervisorconfigv1alpha1 . GrantType {
"authorization_code" ,
"refresh_token" ,
"urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange" ,
} ,
AllowedScopes : [ ] supervisorconfigv1alpha1 . Scope {
"openid" ,
"offline_access" ,
"username" ,
"groups" ,
"pinniped:request-audience" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
metav1 . CreateOptions { } ,
t . Cleanup ( func ( ) {
err := supervisorClient . ConfigV1alpha1 ( ) . OIDCClients ( env . SupervisorNamespace ) . Delete ( ctx , oidcClient . Name , metav1 . DeleteOptions { } )
require . NoError ( t , err )
} )
require . NoError ( t , err )
clientSecretRequestYAML := tt . oicClientSecretRequestYAML ( oidcClient . Name )
secretReqFile := testutil . WriteStringToTempFile ( t , "clientsecretrequest-*.yaml" , clientSecretRequestYAML )
//nolint:gosec // not worried about these potentially tainted inputs
cmd := exec . CommandContext ( ctx , "kubectl" , tt . cmdInvocation ( secretReqFile . Name ( ) ) ... )
var stdOut , stdErr bytes . Buffer
cmd . Stdout = & stdOut
cmd . Stderr = & stdErr
err = cmd . Run ( )
if tt . wantErr != "" {
require . EqualError ( t , err , tt . wantErr )
} else {
require . NoError ( t , err )
tt . assertOnStdOut ( t , oidcClient . Name , stdOut . String ( ) )
tt . assertOnStdErr ( t , oidcClient . Name , secretReqFile . Name ( ) , stdErr . String ( ) )
} )
func TestCreateOIDCClientSecretRequest_Parallel ( t * testing . T ) {
env := testlib . IntegrationEnv ( t )
type testRequest struct {
secretRequest * v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest
wantSecretCount int
wantErr func ( string ) string
type StoredClientSecret struct {
SecretHashes [ ] string ` json:"hashes" `
Version string ` json:"version" `
tests := [ ] struct {
name string
clientSecretRequests func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest
} {
name : "create 1st client secret" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 1 ,
} ,
2022-08-26 17:57:45 +00:00
} ,
2022-09-21 21:50:00 +00:00
} ,
name : "create 2 client secrets, count increases to 2" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 1 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
RevokeOldSecrets : false ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 2 ,
} ,
2022-06-10 20:56:15 +00:00
} ,
2022-09-21 21:50:00 +00:00
} ,
name : "create 2nd client secret, revoke original client secret, storage secret should count remains 1" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 1 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
RevokeOldSecrets : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 1 ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
name : "when no secret exists, revoking without generating results in noop without errors" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : false ,
RevokeOldSecrets : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 0 ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
name : "when no secret exists, not generating and not revoking results in noop without errors" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : false ,
RevokeOldSecrets : false ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 0 ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
name : "having created a first secret, do not generate a new secret and do not revoke old secrets results in noop without errors" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 1 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : false ,
RevokeOldSecrets : false ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 1 ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
name : "having created a first secret, on a 2nd request do not create a new secret but also revoke old secrets, result is existing secret remains (safety net, disallow deletion of final secret)" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 1 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : false ,
RevokeOldSecrets : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 1 ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
name : "having created a first secret, on a 2nd request that creates a new secret and also revoke old secrets, result is a single new client secret" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 1 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
RevokeOldSecrets : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 1 ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
name : "having created a first client secret, on subsequent secret requests (up to 5) stored secret hashes should increase, " +
"and when a sixth secret request is made which revokes all old secrets, the result will be one final new secret hash" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 1 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 2 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 3 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 4 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 5 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
RevokeOldSecrets : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 1 ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
name : "having created a first client secret, on subsequent secret requests (up to 5) stored secret hashes should increase, " +
"and when a sixth secret request is made without creating a new client secret but revoking all old secrets, the result " +
"will be that the last created secret will remain (safety net)" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 1 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 2 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 3 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 4 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 5 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : false ,
RevokeOldSecrets : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 1 ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
name : "having already created 5 client secrets, generating a 5th secret should error when revokeOldSecrets is false" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 1 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 2 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 3 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 4 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 5 ,
} ,
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : env . SupervisorNamespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
RevokeOldSecrets : false ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 5 ,
wantErr : func ( name string ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "OIDCClient %s has too many secrets, spec.revokeOldSecrets must be true" , name )
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
name : "generateName is unsupported on OIDCClientSecretRequest objects" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
GenerateName : "some-generate-name-prefix-" ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : false ,
RevokeOldSecrets : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 0 ,
wantErr : func ( name string ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf (
` OIDCClientSecretRequest.clientsecret.supervisor.%s "" is invalid: [metadata.generateName: Invalid value: "some-generate-name-prefix-": generateName is not supported, metadata.name: Required value: name or generateName is required] ` ,
env . APIGroupSuffix )
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
name : "name must not equal client.oauth.pinniped.dev-" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : "client.oauth.pinniped.dev-" ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : false ,
RevokeOldSecrets : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 0 ,
wantErr : func ( name string ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf (
` OIDCClientSecretRequest.clientsecret.supervisor.%s "client.oauth.pinniped.dev-" is invalid: metadata.name: Invalid value: "client.oauth.pinniped.dev-": must not equal 'client.oauth.pinniped.dev-' ` ,
env . APIGroupSuffix )
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
name : "name must contain client.oauth.pinniped.dev-" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : "doesnt-contain-prefix" ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : false ,
RevokeOldSecrets : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 0 ,
wantErr : func ( name string ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf (
` OIDCClientSecretRequest.clientsecret.supervisor.%s "doesnt-contain-prefix" is invalid: metadata.name: Invalid value: "doesnt-contain-prefix": must start with 'client.oauth.pinniped.dev-' ` ,
env . APIGroupSuffix )
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
name : "namespace on the OIDCClientSecretRequest object does not match the namespace on the associated OIDCClient" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : name ,
Namespace : "some-other-namespace" ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 0 ,
wantErr : func ( name string ) string {
return ` the namespace of the provided object does not match the namespace sent on the request `
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
name : "client secret request created for an oidc client that does not exist should error" ,
clientSecretRequests : func ( name string ) [ ] testRequest {
return [ ] testRequest {
secretRequest : & v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Name : "client.oauth.pinniped.dev-client-that-does-not-exist" ,
} ,
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : false ,
RevokeOldSecrets : true ,
} ,
} ,
wantSecretCount : 0 ,
wantErr : func ( name string ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf (
` OIDCClientSecretRequest.clientsecret.supervisor.%s "client.oauth.pinniped.dev-client-that-does-not-exist" is invalid: metadata.name: Not found: "client.oauth.pinniped.dev-client-that-does-not-exist" ` ,
env . APIGroupSuffix )
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
for _ , tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
ctx , cancel := context . WithTimeout ( context . Background ( ) , 5 * time . Minute )
t . Cleanup ( cancel )
kubeClient := testlib . NewKubernetesClientset ( t )
supervisorClient := testlib . NewSupervisorClientset ( t )
oidcClient , err := supervisorClient . ConfigV1alpha1 ( ) . OIDCClients ( env . SupervisorNamespace ) . Create ( ctx ,
& supervisorconfigv1alpha1 . OIDCClient {
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
GenerateName : "client.oauth.pinniped.dev-" ,
} ,
Spec : supervisorconfigv1alpha1 . OIDCClientSpec {
AllowedRedirectURIs : [ ] supervisorconfigv1alpha1 . RedirectURI {
"https://example.com" ,
"" ,
} ,
AllowedGrantTypes : [ ] supervisorconfigv1alpha1 . GrantType {
"authorization_code" ,
"refresh_token" ,
"urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange" ,
} ,
AllowedScopes : [ ] supervisorconfigv1alpha1 . Scope {
"openid" ,
"offline_access" ,
"username" ,
"groups" ,
"pinniped:request-audience" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
metav1 . CreateOptions { } ,
require . NoError ( t , err )
t . Cleanup ( func ( ) {
deleteErr := supervisorClient . ConfigV1alpha1 ( ) .
OIDCClients ( env . SupervisorNamespace ) . Delete ( ctx , oidcClient . Name , metav1 . DeleteOptions { } )
require . NoError ( t , deleteErr )
testlib . RequireEventually ( t , func ( requireEventually * require . Assertions ) {
_ , err := kubeClient . CoreV1 ( ) . Secrets ( oidcClient . Namespace ) .
Get ( ctx , oidcclientsecretstorage . New ( nil ) . GetName ( oidcClient . UID ) , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
requireEventually . Error ( err , "deleting OIDCClient should result in deleting storage secrets" )
requireEventually . True ( k8serrors . IsNotFound ( err ) ,
"deleting OIDCClient should result in deleting storage secrets" )
} , 2 * time . Minute , 250 * time . Millisecond )
} )
cacheOfGeneratedSecrets := [ ] string { }
hasSecretBeenGenerated := false
for n , ttt := range tt . clientSecretRequests ( oidcClient . Name ) {
clientSecretRequestResponse , err := supervisorClient . ClientsecretV1alpha1 ( ) .
OIDCClientSecretRequests ( env . SupervisorNamespace ) . Create ( ctx , ttt . secretRequest , metav1 . CreateOptions { } )
if ttt . wantErr != nil { //nolint:nestif
require . EqualError ( t , err , ttt . wantErr ( oidcClient . Name ) )
} else {
require . NoError ( t , err )
require . Equal ( t , ttt . secretRequest . ObjectMeta . Name , clientSecretRequestResponse . ObjectMeta . Name ,
"name in response should match name in sent request" )
require . Equal ( t , ttt . secretRequest . ObjectMeta . Namespace , clientSecretRequestResponse . ObjectMeta . Namespace ,
"namespace in response should match namespace in sent request" )
testutil . RequireTimeInDelta ( t , clientSecretRequestResponse . ObjectMeta . CreationTimestamp . Time , time . Now ( ) , 1 * time . Minute )
require . Equalf ( t , ttt . secretRequest . TypeMeta , clientSecretRequestResponse . TypeMeta ,
"type meta of response should match the sent request" )
require . Equalf ( t , ttt . secretRequest . Spec , clientSecretRequestResponse . Spec ,
"spec of response should match the sent request" )
require . Equalf ( t , clientSecretRequestResponse . Status . TotalClientSecrets , ttt . wantSecretCount ,
"expected secret count is incorrect on iteration %d" , n )
if ttt . secretRequest . Spec . GenerateNewSecret {
require . Len ( t , clientSecretRequestResponse . Status . GeneratedSecret , hex . EncodedLen ( 32 ) ,
"generated secret is not a hex encoded string" )
} else {
require . Empty ( t , clientSecretRequestResponse . Status . GeneratedSecret ,
"when GenerateSecret is false no secret should be generated" )
// api will not let you revoke your last secret unless you are also generating a new secret
if ttt . secretRequest . Spec . RevokeOldSecrets {
if ttt . secretRequest . Spec . GenerateNewSecret {
// we will add the newly generated secret below
cacheOfGeneratedSecrets = [ ] string { }
} else {
// if we aren't creating a new secret, we need to keep the most recent secret
cacheOfGeneratedSecrets = retainOnlyMostRecentSecret ( cacheOfGeneratedSecrets )
if ttt . secretRequest . Spec . GenerateNewSecret {
cacheOfGeneratedSecrets = prependSecret ( cacheOfGeneratedSecrets , clientSecretRequestResponse . Status . GeneratedSecret )
hasSecretBeenGenerated = true
require . Len ( t , cacheOfGeneratedSecrets , ttt . wantSecretCount ,
"number of generated secrets should match number of hashed secrets" )
// even if we got an error, we want to get the storage secret and make assertions about its state
storageSecret , getStorageSecretError := kubeClient . CoreV1 ( ) . Secrets ( oidcClient . Namespace ) .
Get ( ctx , oidcclientsecretstorage . New ( nil ) . GetName ( oidcClient . UID ) , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
if ! hasSecretBeenGenerated {
require . Error ( t , getStorageSecretError , "expected not found error" )
require . True ( t , k8serrors . IsNotFound ( getStorageSecretError ) , "expected not found error" )
// no storage secret was created, so no reason to continue making assertions
require . NoError ( t , getStorageSecretError )
storedClientSecret := StoredClientSecret { }
err = json . Unmarshal ( storageSecret . Data [ "pinniped-storage-data" ] , & storedClientSecret )
require . NoError ( t , err )
require . Len ( t , storedClientSecret . SecretHashes , ttt . wantSecretCount )
for i , storedSecretHash := range storedClientSecret . SecretHashes {
require . NoErrorf ( t , bcrypt . CompareHashAndPassword ( [ ] byte ( storedSecretHash ) , [ ] byte ( cacheOfGeneratedSecrets [ i ] ) ) ,
"hash %q at index %d is not the hash of secret %q at (%s)" , storedSecretHash , i , cacheOfGeneratedSecrets [ i ] )
} )
func retainOnlyMostRecentSecret ( list [ ] string ) [ ] string {
if len ( list ) == 0 {
return [ ] string { }
return [ ] string { list [ 0 ] }
func prependSecret ( list [ ] string , newItem string ) [ ] string {
newList := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( list ) + 1 )
newList = append ( newList , newItem )
newList = append ( newList , list ... )
return newList
2022-06-10 20:56:15 +00:00
2022-09-21 21:50:00 +00:00
func TestOIDCClientSecretRequestUnauthenticated_Parallel ( t * testing . T ) {
2022-06-10 20:56:15 +00:00
env := testlib . IntegrationEnv ( t )
ctx , cancel := context . WithTimeout ( context . Background ( ) , time . Minute )
2022-08-26 17:57:45 +00:00
t . Cleanup ( cancel )
2022-06-10 20:56:15 +00:00
2022-06-13 21:28:05 +00:00
client := testlib . NewAnonymousSupervisorClientset ( t )
2022-06-10 20:56:15 +00:00
2022-06-13 21:28:05 +00:00
_ , err := client . ClientsecretV1alpha1 ( ) . OIDCClientSecretRequests ( env . SupervisorNamespace ) . Create ( ctx ,
2022-06-10 20:56:15 +00:00
& v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequest {
Spec : v1alpha1 . OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec {
GenerateNewSecret : true ,
} ,
} , metav1 . CreateOptions { } )
require . Error ( t , err )
2022-09-21 21:50:00 +00:00
require . Contains ( t , err . Error ( ) , ` User "system:anonymous" cannot create resource "oidcclientsecretrequests" ` )
2022-06-10 20:56:15 +00:00