title: Configure the Pinniped Supervisor to use Gitlab as an OIDC Provider
description: Set up the Pinniped Supervisor to use Gitlab login.
layout: docs
name: Configure Supervisor With Gitlab
weight: 35
parent: howtos
The Supervisor is an [OpenID Connect (OIDC)](https://openid.net/connect/) issuer that supports connecting a single "upstream" OIDC identity provider to many "downstream" cluster clients.
This how-to guide assumes that you have already installed the Pinniped Supervisor with working ingress,
and that you have configured a `FederationDomain` to issue tokens for your downstream clusters, as
described [here](https://pinniped.dev/docs/howto/configure-supervisor/).
## Configuring your Gitlab Application
1. In Gitlab, navigate to User Settings > Applications
1. Create a new application:
1. Enter the name of your application.
1. Enter the redirect URI. This is the `issuer` you configured in your `FederationDomain` appended with `/callback`.
1. Check the box saying that the application is Confidential.
1. Select scope `openid`. Optionally select `profile` and `email`.
1. Save the application and make note of the Application ID and Secret.
## Configuring the Supervisor cluster
Create an [`OIDCIdentityProvider`](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/pinniped/blob/main/generated/1.20/README.adoc#oidcidentityprovider) in the same namespace as the Supervisor.