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// Copyright 2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Package celtransformer is an implementation of upstream-to-downstream identity transformations
// and policies using CEL scripts.
// The CEL language is documented in
// with optional extensions documented in
package celtransformer
import (
const (
usernameVariableName = "username"
groupsVariableName = "groups"
constStringVariableName = "strConst"
constStringListVariableName = "strListConst"
defaultPolicyRejectedAuthMessage = "Authentication was rejected by a configured policy"
// CELTransformer can compile any number of transformation expression pipelines.
// Each compiled pipeline can be cached in memory for later thread-safe evaluation.
type CELTransformer struct {
compiler *cel.Env
maxExpressionRuntime time.Duration
// NewCELTransformer returns a CELTransformer.
// A running process should only need one instance of a CELTransformer.
func NewCELTransformer(maxExpressionRuntime time.Duration) (*CELTransformer, error) {
env, err := newEnv()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &CELTransformer{compiler: env, maxExpressionRuntime: maxExpressionRuntime}, nil
// TransformationConstants can be used to make more variables available to compiled CEL expressions for convenience.
type TransformationConstants struct {
// A map of variable names to their string values. If a key "x" has value "123", then it will be available
// to CEL expressions as the variable `strConst.x` with value `"123"`.
StringConstants map[string]string
// A map of variable names to their string list values. If a key "x" has value []string{"123","456"},
// then it will be available to CEL expressions as the variable `strListConst.x` with value `["123","456"]`.
StringListConstants map[string][]string
// Valid identifiers in CEL expressions are defined by the CEL language spec as: [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*
var validIdentifiersRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$`)
func (t *TransformationConstants) validateVariableNames() error {
const errFormat = "%q is an invalid const variable name (must match [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*)"
for k := range t.StringConstants {
if !validIdentifiersRegexp.MatchString(k) {
return fmt.Errorf(errFormat, k)
for k := range t.StringListConstants {
if !validIdentifiersRegexp.MatchString(k) {
return fmt.Errorf(errFormat, k)
return nil
// CompileTransformation compiles a CEL-based identity transformation expression.
// The compiled transform can be cached in memory and executed repeatedly and in a thread-safe way.
// The caller must not modify the consts param struct after calling this function to allow
// the returned IdentityTransformation to use it as a thread-safe read-only structure.
func (c *CELTransformer) CompileTransformation(t CELTransformation, consts *TransformationConstants) (idtransform.IdentityTransformation, error) {
if consts == nil {
consts = &TransformationConstants{}
if err := consts.validateVariableNames(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return t.compile(c, consts)
// CELTransformation can be compiled into an IdentityTransformation.
type CELTransformation interface {
compile(transformer *CELTransformer, consts *TransformationConstants) (idtransform.IdentityTransformation, error)
// UsernameTransformation is a CEL expression that can transform a username (or leave it unchanged).
// It implements CELTransformation.
type UsernameTransformation struct {
Expression string
// GroupsTransformation is a CEL expression that can transform a list of group names (or leave it unchanged).
// It implements CELTransformation.
type GroupsTransformation struct {
Expression string
// AllowAuthenticationPolicy is a CEL expression that can allow the authentication to proceed by returning true.
// It implements CELTransformation. When the CEL expression returns false, the authentication is rejected and the
// RejectedAuthenticationMessage is used. When RejectedAuthenticationMessage is empty, a default message will be
// used for rejected authentications.
type AllowAuthenticationPolicy struct {
Expression string
RejectedAuthenticationMessage string
func compileProgram(transformer *CELTransformer, expectedExpressionType *cel.Type, expr string) (cel.Program, error) {
if strings.TrimSpace(expr) == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot compile empty CEL expression")
// compile does both parsing and type checking. The parsing phase indicates whether the expression is
// syntactically valid and expands any macros present within the environment. Parsing and checking are
// more computationally expensive than evaluation, so parsing and checking are done in advance.
ast, issues := transformer.compiler.Compile(expr)
if issues != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("CEL expression compile error: %s", issues.String())
// The compiler's type checker has determined the type of the expression's result.
// Check that it matches the type that we expect.
if ast.OutputType().String() != expectedExpressionType.String() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("CEL expression should return type %q but returns type %q", expectedExpressionType, ast.OutputType())
// The cel.Program is stateless, thread-safe, and cachable.
program, err := transformer.compiler.Program(ast,
cel.InterruptCheckFrequency(100), // Kubernetes uses 100 here, so we'll copy that setting.
cel.EvalOptions(cel.OptOptimize), // Optimize certain things now rather than at evaluation time.
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("CEL expression program construction error: %w", err)
return program, nil
func (t *UsernameTransformation) compile(transformer *CELTransformer, consts *TransformationConstants) (idtransform.IdentityTransformation, error) {
program, err := compileProgram(transformer, cel.StringType, t.Expression)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &compiledUsernameTransformation{
baseCompiledTransformation: &baseCompiledTransformation{
program: program,
consts: consts,
maxExpressionRuntime: transformer.maxExpressionRuntime,
}, nil
func (t *GroupsTransformation) compile(transformer *CELTransformer, consts *TransformationConstants) (idtransform.IdentityTransformation, error) {
program, err := compileProgram(transformer, cel.ListType(cel.StringType), t.Expression)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &compiledGroupsTransformation{
baseCompiledTransformation: &baseCompiledTransformation{
program: program,
consts: consts,
maxExpressionRuntime: transformer.maxExpressionRuntime,
}, nil
func (t *AllowAuthenticationPolicy) compile(transformer *CELTransformer, consts *TransformationConstants) (idtransform.IdentityTransformation, error) {
program, err := compileProgram(transformer, cel.BoolType, t.Expression)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &compiledAllowAuthenticationPolicy{
baseCompiledTransformation: &baseCompiledTransformation{
program: program,
consts: consts,
maxExpressionRuntime: transformer.maxExpressionRuntime,
rejectedAuthenticationMessage: t.RejectedAuthenticationMessage,
}, nil
// Base type for common aspects of compiled transformations.
type baseCompiledTransformation struct {
program cel.Program
consts *TransformationConstants
maxExpressionRuntime time.Duration
// Implements idtransform.IdentityTransformation.
type compiledUsernameTransformation struct {
// Implements idtransform.IdentityTransformation.
type compiledGroupsTransformation struct {
// Implements idtransform.IdentityTransformation.
type compiledAllowAuthenticationPolicy struct {
rejectedAuthenticationMessage string
func (c *baseCompiledTransformation) evalProgram(ctx context.Context, username string, groups []string) (ref.Val, error) {
// Limit the runtime of a CEL expression to avoid accidental very expensive expressions.
timeoutCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, c.maxExpressionRuntime)
defer cancel()
// Evaluation is thread-safe and side effect free. Many inputs can be sent to the same cel.Program
// and if fields are present in the input, but not referenced in the expression, they are ignored.
// The argument to Eval may either be an `interpreter.Activation` or a `map[string]interface{}`.
val, _, err := c.program.ContextEval(timeoutCtx, map[string]interface{}{
usernameVariableName: username,
groupsVariableName: groups,
constStringVariableName: c.consts.StringConstants,
constStringListVariableName: c.consts.StringListConstants,
return val, err
func (c *compiledUsernameTransformation) Evaluate(ctx context.Context, username string, groups []string) (*idtransform.TransformationResult, error) {
val, err := c.evalProgram(ctx, username, groups)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nativeValue, err := val.ConvertToNative(reflect.TypeOf(""))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert expression result to string: %w", err)
stringValue, ok := nativeValue.(string)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert expression result to string")
return &idtransform.TransformationResult{
Username: stringValue,
Groups: groups, // groups are not modified by username transformations
AuthenticationAllowed: true,
}, nil
func (c *compiledGroupsTransformation) Evaluate(ctx context.Context, username string, groups []string) (*idtransform.TransformationResult, error) {
val, err := c.evalProgram(ctx, username, groups)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nativeValue, err := val.ConvertToNative(reflect.TypeOf([]string{}))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert expression result to []string: %w", err)
stringSliceValue, ok := nativeValue.([]string)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert expression result to []string")
return &idtransform.TransformationResult{
Username: username, // username is not modified by groups transformations
Groups: stringSliceValue,
AuthenticationAllowed: true,
}, nil
func (c *compiledAllowAuthenticationPolicy) Evaluate(ctx context.Context, username string, groups []string) (*idtransform.TransformationResult, error) {
val, err := c.evalProgram(ctx, username, groups)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nativeValue, err := val.ConvertToNative(reflect.TypeOf(true))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert expression result to bool: %w", err)
boolValue, ok := nativeValue.(bool)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert expression result to bool")
result := &idtransform.TransformationResult{
Username: username, // username is not modified by policies
Groups: groups, // groups are not modified by policies
AuthenticationAllowed: boolValue,
if !boolValue {
if len(c.rejectedAuthenticationMessage) == 0 {
result.RejectedAuthenticationMessage = defaultPolicyRejectedAuthMessage
} else {
result.RejectedAuthenticationMessage = c.rejectedAuthenticationMessage
return result, nil
func newEnv() (*cel.Env, error) {
// Note that Kubernetes uses CEL in several places, which are helpful to see as an example of
// how to configure the CEL compiler for production usage. Examples:
return cel.NewEnv(
// Declare our variable without giving them values yet. By declaring them here, the type is known during
// the parsing/checking phase.
cel.Variable(usernameVariableName, cel.StringType),
cel.Variable(groupsVariableName, cel.ListType(cel.StringType)),
cel.Variable(constStringVariableName, cel.MapType(cel.StringType, cel.StringType)),
cel.Variable(constStringListVariableName, cel.MapType(cel.StringType, cel.ListType(cel.StringType))),
// Enable the strings extensions.
// See
// CEL also has other extensions for bas64 encoding/decoding and for math that we could choose to enable.
// See
// Kubernetes adds more extensions for extra regexp helpers, URLs, and extra list helpers that we could also
// consider enabling. Note that if we added their regexp extension, then we would also need to add
// cel.OptimizeRegex(library.ExtensionLibRegexOptimizations...) as an option when we call cel.Program.
// See
// Just in case someone converts a string to a timestamp, make any time operations which do not include
// an explicit timezone argument default to UTC.
// Check list and map literal entry types during type-checking.
// Check for collisions in declarations now instead of later.