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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2020-2022 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This script can be used to prepare a kind cluster and deploy the app.
# You can call this script again to redeploy the app.
# It will also output instructions on how to run the integration.
set -euo pipefail
# Helper functions
function log_note() {
if [[ ${COLORTERM:-unknown} =~ ^(truecolor|24bit)$ ]]; then
echo -e "${GREEN}$*${NC}"
echo "$*"
function log_error() {
if [[ ${COLORTERM:-unknown} =~ ^(truecolor|24bit)$ ]]; then
echo -e "🙁${RED} Error: $* ${NC}"
echo ":( Error: $*"
function check_dependency() {
if ! command -v "$1" >/dev/null; then
log_error "Missing dependency..."
log_error "$2"
exit 1
# Handle argument parsing and help message
api_group_suffix="" # same default as in the values.yaml ytt file
get_active_directory_vars="" # specify a filename for a script to get AD related env variables
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
while (("$#")); do
case "$1" in
-h | --help)
-s | --skip-build)
-c | --clean)
-g | --api-group-suffix)
# If there are no more command line arguments, or there is another command line argument but it starts with a dash, then error
if [[ "$#" == "0" || "$1" == -* ]]; then
log_error "-g|--api-group-suffix requires a group name to be specified"
exit 1
# If there are no more command line arguments, or there is another command line argument but it starts with a dash, then error
if [[ "$#" == "0" || "$1" == -* ]]; then
2021-07-26 23:03:12 +00:00
log_error "--get-active-directory-vars requires a script name to be specified"
exit 1
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
if [[ "$#" == "0" || "$1" == -* ]]; then
log_error "--alternate-deploy requires a script path to be specified"
exit 1
log_error "Unsupported flag $1" >&2
if [[ "$1" == *"active-directory"* ]]; then
log_error "Did you mean --get-active-directory-vars?"
exit 1
log_error "Unsupported positional arg $1" >&2
exit 1
if [[ "$help" == "yes" ]]; then
me="$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
log_note "Usage:"
log_note " $me [flags]"
log_note "Flags:"
2021-07-26 23:03:12 +00:00
log_note " -h, --help: print this usage"
log_note " -c, --clean: destroy the current kind cluster and make a new one"
log_note " -g, --api-group-suffix: deploy Pinniped with an alternate API group suffix"
log_note " -s, --skip-build: reuse the most recently built image of the app instead of building"
log_note " --get-active-directory-vars: specify a script that exports active directory environment variables"
log_note " --alternate-deploy: specify an alternate deploy script to install Pinniped"
exit 1
pinniped_path="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/.." && pwd)"
cd "$pinniped_path" || exit 1
# Check for dependencies
check_dependency docker "Please install docker. See"
check_dependency kind "Please install kind. e.g. 'brew install kind' for MacOS"
check_dependency ytt "Please install ytt. e.g. 'brew tap k14s/tap && brew install ytt' for MacOS"
check_dependency kapp "Please install kapp. e.g. 'brew tap k14s/tap && brew install kapp' for MacOS"
check_dependency kubectl "Please install kubectl. e.g. 'brew install kubectl' for MacOS"
check_dependency htpasswd "Please install htpasswd. Should be pre-installed on MacOS. Usually found in 'apache2-utils' package for linux."
check_dependency openssl "Please install openssl. Should be pre-installed on MacOS."
check_dependency chromedriver "Please install chromedriver. e.g. 'brew install chromedriver' for MacOS"
check_dependency nmap "Please install nmap. e.g. 'brew install nmap' for MacOS"
# Check that Chrome and chromedriver versions match. If chromedriver falls a couple versions behind
# then usually tests start to fail with strange error messages.
if [[ "$skip_chromedriver_check" == "no" ]]; then
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
chrome_version=$(/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --version | cut -d ' ' -f3 | cut -d '.' -f1)
chrome_version=$(google-chrome --version | cut -d ' ' -f3 | cut -d '.' -f1)
chromedriver_version=$(chromedriver --version | cut -d ' ' -f2 | cut -d '.' -f1)
if [[ "$chrome_version" != "$chromedriver_version" ]]; then
log_error "It appears that you are using Chrome $chrome_version with chromedriver $chromedriver_version."
log_error "Please use the same version of chromedriver as Chrome."
log_error "If you are using the latest version of Chrome, then you can upgrade"
log_error "to the latest chromedriver, e.g. 'brew upgrade chromedriver' on MacOS."
log_error "Feeling lucky? Add --live-dangerously to skip this check."
exit 1
# Require kubectl >= 1.18.x
if [ "$(kubectl version --client=true --short | cut -d '.' -f 2)" -lt 18 ]; then
log_error "kubectl >= 1.18.x is required, you have $(kubectl version --client=true --short | cut -d ':' -f2)"
exit 1
# Require nmap >= 7.92.x
if [ "$(nmap -V | grep 'Nmap version' | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '.' -f 2)" -lt 92 ]; then
log_error "nmap >= 7.92.x is required, you have $(nmap -V | grep 'Nmap version' | cut -d ' ' -f 3)"
exit 1
if [[ "$clean_kind" == "yes" ]]; then
log_note "Deleting running kind cluster to prepare from a clean slate..."
# Setup kind and build the app
log_note "Checking for running kind cluster..."
if ! kind get clusters | grep -q -e '^pinniped$'; then
log_note "Creating a kind cluster..."
# Our kind config exposes node port 31234 as, 31243 as, and 31235 as
if ! kubectl cluster-info | grep -E '(master|control plane)' | grep -q; then
log_error "Seems like your kubeconfig is not targeting a local cluster."
log_error "Exiting to avoid accidentally running tests against a real cluster."
exit 1
tag=$(uuidgen) # always a new tag to force K8s to reload the image on redeploy
if [[ "$skip_build" == "yes" ]]; then
most_recent_tag=$(docker images "$registry/$repo" --format "{{.Tag}}" | head -1)
if [[ -n "$most_recent_tag" ]]; then
# Oops, there was no previous build. Need to build anyway.
if [[ "$do_build" == "yes" ]]; then
# Rebuild the code
log_note "Docker building the app..."
# DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 is optional on MacOS but required on linux.
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --tag "$registry_repo_tag"
# Load it into the cluster
log_note "Loading the app's container image into the kind cluster..."
kind load docker-image "$registry_repo_tag" --name pinniped
# Deploy local-user-authenticator
pushd deploy/local-user-authenticator >/dev/null
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then
log_note "The Pinniped local-user-authenticator will be deployed with $alternate_deploy local-user-authenticator $tag..."
$alternate_deploy local-user-authenticator $tag
log_note "Deploying the local-user-authenticator app to the cluster using kapp..."
ytt --file . \
2022-02-25 16:26:53 +00:00
--data-value "image_repo=$registry_repo" \
--data-value "image_tag=$tag" >"$manifest"
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
kapp deploy --yes --app local-user-authenticator --diff-changes --file "$manifest"
kubectl apply --dry-run=client -f "$manifest" # Validate manifest schema.
popd >/dev/null
# Deploy Tools
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
dex_test_password="$(openssl rand -hex 16)"
ldap_test_password="$(openssl rand -hex 16)"
pushd test/deploy/tools >/dev/null
log_note "Deploying Tools to the cluster..."
ytt --file . \
--data-value-yaml "supervisor_redirect_uris=[https://pinniped-supervisor-clusterip.supervisor.svc.cluster.local/some/path/callback]" \
--data-value "pinny_ldap_password=$ldap_test_password" \
--data-value "pinny_bcrypt_passwd_hash=$(htpasswd -nbBC 10 x "$dex_test_password" | sed -e "s/^x://")" \
kapp deploy --yes --app tools --diff-changes --file "$manifest"
kubectl apply --dry-run=client -f "$manifest" # Validate manifest schema.
popd >/dev/null
test_password="$(openssl rand -hex 16)"
log_note "Creating test user '$test_username'..."
kubectl create secret generic "$test_username" \
--namespace local-user-authenticator \
--from-literal=groups="$test_groups" \
--from-literal=passwordHash="$(htpasswd -nbBC 10 x "$test_password" | sed -e "s/^x://")" \
--dry-run=client \
--output yaml |
kubectl apply -f -
# Deploy the Pinniped Supervisor
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
supervisor_custom_labels="{mySupervisorCustomLabelName: mySupervisorCustomLabelValue}"
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
2022-02-25 16:26:53 +00:00
pushd deploy/supervisor >/dev/null
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then
log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..."
$alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag
log_note "Deploying the Pinniped Supervisor app to the cluster using kapp..."
ytt --file . \
2022-02-25 16:26:53 +00:00
--data-value "app_name=$supervisor_app_name" \
--data-value "namespace=$supervisor_namespace" \
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
--data-value "api_group_suffix=$api_group_suffix" \
2022-02-25 16:26:53 +00:00
--data-value "image_repo=$registry_repo" \
--data-value "image_tag=$tag" \
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
--data-value "log_level=$log_level" \
2022-02-25 16:26:53 +00:00
--data-value-yaml "custom_labels=$supervisor_custom_labels" \
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
--data-value-yaml "service_http_nodeport_port=$service_http_nodeport_port" \
--data-value-yaml "service_http_nodeport_nodeport=$service_http_nodeport_nodeport" \
--data-value-yaml "service_https_nodeport_port=$service_https_nodeport_port" \
--data-value-yaml "service_https_nodeport_nodeport=$service_https_nodeport_nodeport" \
--data-value-yaml "service_https_clusterip_port=$service_https_clusterip_port" \
# example of how to disable the http endpoint
# this is left enabled for now because our integration tests still rely on it
# --data-value-yaml 'endpoints={"http": {"network": "disabled"}}' \
kapp deploy --yes --app "$supervisor_app_name" --diff-changes --file "$manifest"
kubectl apply --dry-run=client -f "$manifest" # Validate manifest schema.
popd >/dev/null
# Deploy the Pinniped Concierge
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
webhook_ca_bundle="$(kubectl get secret local-user-authenticator-tls-serving-certificate --namespace local-user-authenticator -o 'jsonpath={.data.caCertificate}')"
discovery_url="$(TERM=dumb kubectl cluster-info | awk '/master|control plane/ {print $NF}')"
concierge_custom_labels="{myConciergeCustomLabelName: myConciergeCustomLabelValue}"
2022-02-25 16:26:53 +00:00
pushd deploy/concierge >/dev/null
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then
log_note "The Pinniped Concierge will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-concierge $tag..."
$alternate_deploy pinniped-concierge $tag
log_note "Deploying the Pinniped Concierge app to the cluster using kapp..."
ytt --file . \
2022-02-25 16:26:53 +00:00
--data-value "app_name=$concierge_app_name" \
--data-value "namespace=$concierge_namespace" \
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
--data-value "api_group_suffix=$api_group_suffix" \
--data-value "log_level=$log_level" \
2022-02-25 16:26:53 +00:00
--data-value-yaml "custom_labels=$concierge_custom_labels" \
2022-03-10 14:08:40 +00:00
--data-value "image_repo=$registry_repo" \
2022-02-25 16:26:53 +00:00
--data-value "image_tag=$tag" \
Minimal changes to allow an alternate deployment mechanism The purpose of this change is to allow Helm to be used to deploy Pinniped into the local KinD cluster for the local integration tests. That said, the change allows any alternate deployment mechanism, I just happen to be using it with Helm. All default behavior is preserved. This won't change how anyone uses the script today, it just allows me not to copy/paste the whole setup for the integration tests. Changes: 1) An option called `--alternate-deploy <path-to-deploy-script>` has been added, that when enabled calls the specified script instead of using ytt and kapp. The alternate deploy script is called with the app to deploy and the tag of the docker image to use. We set the default value of the alternate_deploy variable to undefined, and there is a check that tests if the alternate deploy is defined. For the superivsor it looks like this: ``` if [ "$alternate_deploy" != "undefined" ]; then log_note "The Pinniped Supervisor will be deployed with $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag..." $alternate_deploy pinniped-supervisor $tag else normal ytt/kapp deploy fi ``` 2) Additional log_note entries have been added to enumerate all values passed into the ytt/kapp deploy. Used while I was trying to reach parity in the integration tests, but I think they are useful for debugging. 3) The manifests produced by ytt and written to /tmp are now named individually. This is so an easy comparison can be made between manifests produced by a ytt/kapp run of integration tests and manifests produced by helm run of the integration tests. If something is not working I have been comparing the manifests after these runs to find differences.
2022-02-19 14:08:59 +00:00
--data-value "discovery_url=$discovery_url" >"$manifest"
kapp deploy --yes --app "$concierge_app_name" --diff-changes --file "$manifest"
kubectl apply --dry-run=client -f "$manifest" # Validate manifest schema.
popd >/dev/null
# Download the test CA bundle that was generated in the Dex pod.
# Note that this returns a base64 encoded value.
test_ca_bundle_pem="$(kubectl get secrets -n tools certs -o go-template='{{index .data "ca.pem"}}')"
# Create the environment file.
# Note that all values should not contains newlines, except for PINNIPED_TEST_CLUSTER_CAPABILITY_YAML,
# so that the environment can also be used in tools like GoLand. Therefore, multi-line values,
# such as PEM-formatted certificates, should be base64 encoded.
pinniped_cluster_capability_file_content=$(cat "$kind_capabilities_file")
cat <<EOF >/tmp/integration-test-env
# The following env vars should be set before running 'go test -v -count 1 -timeout 0 ./test/integration'
export PINNIPED_TEST_CONCIERGE_NAMESPACE=${concierge_namespace}
export PINNIPED_TEST_CONCIERGE_APP_NAME=${concierge_app_name}
export PINNIPED_TEST_CONCIERGE_CUSTOM_LABELS='${concierge_custom_labels}'
export PINNIPED_TEST_USER_USERNAME=${test_username}
export PINNIPED_TEST_USER_GROUPS=${test_groups}
export PINNIPED_TEST_USER_TOKEN=${test_username}:${test_password}
export PINNIPED_TEST_WEBHOOK_CA_BUNDLE=${webhook_ca_bundle}
export PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_NAMESPACE=${supervisor_namespace}
export PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_APP_NAME=${supervisor_app_name}
export PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_CUSTOM_LABELS='${supervisor_custom_labels}'
2021-05-20 20:39:48 +00:00
export PINNIPED_TEST_LDAP_LDAPS_CA_BUNDLE="${test_ca_bundle_pem}"
export PINNIPED_TEST_LDAP_BIND_ACCOUNT_USERNAME="cn=admin,dc=pinniped,dc=dev"
export PINNIPED_TEST_LDAP_USERS_SEARCH_BASE="ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev"
export PINNIPED_TEST_LDAP_GROUPS_SEARCH_BASE="ou=groups,dc=pinniped,dc=dev"
export PINNIPED_TEST_LDAP_USER_DN="cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev"
export PINNIPED_TEST_LDAP_USER_PASSWORD=${ldap_test_password}
export PINNIPED_TEST_LDAP_EXPECTED_DIRECT_GROUPS_DN="cn=ball-game-players,ou=beach-groups,ou=groups,dc=pinniped,dc=dev;cn=seals,ou=groups,dc=pinniped,dc=dev"
export PINNIPED_TEST_LDAP_EXPECTED_INDIRECT_GROUPS_DN="cn=pinnipeds,ou=groups,dc=pinniped,dc=dev;cn=mammals,ou=groups,dc=pinniped,dc=dev"
export PINNIPED_TEST_LDAP_EXPECTED_DIRECT_GROUPS_CN="ball-game-players;seals"
export PINNIPED_TEST_CLI_OIDC_ISSUER_CA_BUNDLE="${test_ca_bundle_pem}"
export PINNIPED_TEST_CLI_OIDC_PASSWORD=${dex_test_password}
export PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_UPSTREAM_OIDC_CALLBACK_URL=https://pinniped-supervisor-clusterip.supervisor.svc.cluster.local/some/path/callback
export PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_UPSTREAM_OIDC_EXPECTED_GROUPS= # Dex's local user store does not let us configure groups.
export PINNIPED_TEST_API_GROUP_SUFFIX='${api_group_suffix}'
# PINNIPED_TEST_SHELL_CONTAINER_IMAGE should be a container which includes bash and sleep, used by some tests.
# We can't set up an in-cluster active directory instance, but
# if you have an active directory instance that you wish to run the tests against,
# specify a script to set the ad-related environment variables.
# You will need to set the environment variables that start with "PINNIPED_TEST_AD_"
# found in pinniped/test/testlib/env.go.
if [[ "$get_active_directory_vars" != "" ]]; then
source $get_active_directory_vars
# Print instructions for next steps.
log_note "🚀 Ready to run integration tests! For example..."
log_note " cd $pinniped_path"
log_note " ulimit -n 512"
log_note ' source /tmp/integration-test-env && go test -v -race -count 1 -timeout 0 ./test/integration'
log_note "Using GoLand? Paste the result of this command into GoLand's run configuration \"Environment\"."
log_note " hack/ | pbcopy"
log_note "You can rerun this script to redeploy local production code changes while you are working."
log_note "To delete the deployments, run:"
log_note " kapp delete -a local-user-authenticator -y && kapp delete -a $concierge_app_name -y && kapp delete -a $supervisor_app_name -y"
log_note "When you're finished, use './hack/' to tear down the cluster."