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// Copyright 2020-2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Package browsertest provides integration test helpers for our browser-based tests.
package browsertest
import (
chromedpbrowser ""
chromedpruntime ""
// Browser abstracts the specific browser driver library that we use and provides an interface
// for integration tests to interact with the browser.
type Browser struct {
chromeCtx context.Context
consoleEvents []consoleEvent
exceptionEvents []string
lock sync.RWMutex
// consoleEvent tracks calls to the browser's console functions, like console.log().
type consoleEvent struct {
api string
args []string
// OpenBrowser opens a web browser as a subprocess and returns a Browser which allows
// further interactions with the browser. The subprocess will be cleaned up at the end
// of the test. Each call to OpenBrowser creates a new browser which does not share any
// cookies with other browsers from other calls.
func OpenBrowser(t *testing.T) *Browser {
// Make it trivial to run all browser based tests via:
// go test -v -race -count 1 -timeout 0 ./test/integration -run '/_Browser'
require.Contains(t, rootTestName(t), "_Browser", "browser based tests must contain the string _Browser in their name")
t.Logf("opening browser driver")
env := testlib.IntegrationEnv(t)
// Configure the browser.
options := append(
// Start with the defaults.
// Add "ignore-certificate-errors" Chrome flag.
// Uncomment this to watch the browser while the test runs.
// chromedp.Flag("headless", false), chromedp.Flag("hide-scrollbars", false), chromedp.Flag("mute-audio", false),
if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" && runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
// When running on linux, assume that we are running inside a container for CI.
// Need to pass an extra flag in this case to avoid getting an error while launching Chrome.
options = append(options, chromedp.NoSandbox)
// Add the proxy flag when needed.
if env.Proxy != "" {
t.Logf("configuring Chrome to use proxy %q", env.Proxy)
options = append(options, chromedp.ProxyServer(env.Proxy))
// Build the context using the above options.
configCtx, configCancelFunc := chromedp.NewExecAllocator(context.Background(), options...)
// Create a browser context.
chromeCtx, chromeCancelFunc := chromedp.NewContext(configCtx,
// Uncomment to show Chrome debug logging.
// This can be an overwhelming amount of text, but can help to debug things.
// chromedp.WithDebugf(log.Printf),
// Create the return value.
b := &Browser{chromeCtx: chromeCtx}
// Subscribe to console events and exceptions to make them available later.
chromedp.ListenTarget(chromeCtx, func(ev interface{}) {
switch ev := ev.(type) {
case *chromedpruntime.EventConsoleAPICalled:
args := make([]string, len(ev.Args))
for i, arg := range ev.Args {
// Could also pay attention to arg.Type here, but choosing to keep it simple for now.
args[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s", arg.Value) //nolint:gosimple // this is an acceptable way to get a string
defer b.lock.Unlock()
b.consoleEvents = append(b.consoleEvents, consoleEvent{
api: ev.Type.String(),
args: args,
case *chromedpruntime.EventExceptionThrown:
defer b.lock.Unlock()
b.exceptionEvents = append(b.exceptionEvents, ev.ExceptionDetails.Error())
// Start the web browser subprocess. Do not use a timeout here or else the browser will close after that timeout.
// The subprocess will be cleaned up at the end of the test when the browser context is cancelled.
require.NoError(t, chromedp.Run(chromeCtx))
// Grant permission to write to the clipboard because the Pinniped formpost UI has a button to copy the
// authcode to the clipboard, and we want to be able to use that button in tests.
require.NoError(t, chromedp.Run(chromeCtx,
// To aid in debugging test failures, print the events received from the browser at the end of the test.
t.Cleanup(func() {
defer b.lock.RUnlock()
consoleEventCount := len(b.consoleEvents)
exceptionEventCount := len(b.exceptionEvents)
if consoleEventCount > 0 {
t.Logf("Printing %d browser console events at end of test...", consoleEventCount)
for _, e := range b.consoleEvents {
args := make([]string, len(e.args))
for i, arg := range e.args {
args[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%q", testlib.MaskTokens(arg))
t.Logf("console.%s with args: [%s]", e.api, strings.Join(args, ", "))
if exceptionEventCount > 0 {
t.Logf("Printing %d browser exception events at end of test...", exceptionEventCount)
for _, e := range b.exceptionEvents {
t.Logf("exception: %s", e)
// Done. The browser is ready to be driven by the test.
return b
func (b *Browser) timeout() time.Duration {
return 30 * time.Second
func (b *Browser) runWithTimeout(t *testing.T, timeout time.Duration, actions ...chromedp.Action) {
timeoutCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(b.chromeCtx, timeout)
err := chromedp.Run(timeoutCtx, actions...)
if err != nil && err == context.Canceled || err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
require.NoError(t, err, "the browser operation took longer than the allowed timeout")
require.NoError(t, err, "the browser operation failed")
func (b *Browser) Navigate(t *testing.T, url string) {
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.Navigate(url))
func (b *Browser) Title(t *testing.T) string {
var title string
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.Title(&title))
return title
func (b *Browser) WaitForVisibleElements(t *testing.T, selectors ...string) {
for _, s := range selectors {
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.WaitVisible(s))
func (b *Browser) TextOfFirstMatch(t *testing.T, selector string) string {
var text string
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.Text(selector, &text, chromedp.NodeVisible))
return text
func (b *Browser) AttrValueOfFirstMatch(t *testing.T, selector string, attributeName string) string {
var value string
var ok bool
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.AttributeValue(selector, attributeName, &value, &ok))
require.Truef(t, ok, "did not find attribute named %q on first element returned by selector %q", attributeName, selector)
return value
func (b *Browser) SendKeysToFirstMatch(t *testing.T, selector string, runesToType string) {
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.SendKeys(selector, runesToType, chromedp.NodeVisible, chromedp.NodeEnabled))
func (b *Browser) ClickFirstMatch(t *testing.T, selector string) string {
var text string
b.runWithTimeout(t, b.timeout(), chromedp.Click(selector, chromedp.NodeVisible, chromedp.NodeEnabled))
return text
// WaitForURL expects the page to eventually navigate to a URL matching the specified pattern. It waits for this
// to occur and times out, failing the test, if it never does.
func (b *Browser) WaitForURL(t *testing.T, regex *regexp.Regexp) {
var lastURL string
func(requireEventually *require.Assertions) {
var url string
requireEventually.NoError(chromedp.Run(b.chromeCtx, chromedp.Location(&url)))
if url != lastURL {
t.Logf("saw URL %s", testlib.MaskTokens(url))
lastURL = url
requireEventually.Regexp(regex, url)
"expected to browse to %s, but never got there",
// FindConsoleEventWithTextMatching searches the browser's console that have been observed so far
// to find an event with an argument (converted to a string) that matches the provided regexp.
// consoleEventAPIType could be any of the console.funcName() names, e.g. "log", "info", "error", etc.
// It returns the first matching event argument value. It doesn't worry about optimizing the search
// speed because there should not be too many console events and because this just is a test helper.
func (b *Browser) FindConsoleEventWithTextMatching(consoleEventAPIType string, re *regexp.Regexp) (string, bool) {
defer b.lock.RUnlock()
for _, e := range b.consoleEvents {
if e.api == consoleEventAPIType {
for _, arg := range e.args {
if re.Match([]byte(arg)) {
return arg, true
return "", false
func rootTestName(t *testing.T) string {
switch names := strings.SplitN(t.Name(), "/", 3); len(names) {
case 0:
case 1:
return names[0]
case 2, 3:
if strings.HasPrefix(names[0], "TestIntegration") {
return names[1]
return names[0]
// LoginToUpstreamOIDC expects the page to be redirected to one of several known upstream IDPs.
// It knows how to enter the test username/password and submit the upstream login form.
func LoginToUpstreamOIDC(t *testing.T, b *Browser, upstream testlib.TestOIDCUpstream) {
type config struct {
Name string
IssuerPattern *regexp.Regexp
LoginPagePattern *regexp.Regexp
UsernameSelector string
PasswordSelector string
LoginButtonSelector string
// Lookup the provider by matching on the issuer URL.
var cfg *config
for _, p := range []*config{
Name: "Okta",
IssuerPattern: regexp.MustCompile(`\Ahttps://.+\.okta\.com/.+\z`),
LoginPagePattern: regexp.MustCompile(`\Ahttps://.+\.okta\.com/.*\z`),
UsernameSelector: "input#okta-signin-username",
PasswordSelector: "input#okta-signin-password",
LoginButtonSelector: "input#okta-signin-submit",
Name: "Dex",
IssuerPattern: regexp.MustCompile(`\Ahttps://dex\.tools\.svc\.cluster\.local/dex.*\z`),
LoginPagePattern: regexp.MustCompile(`\Ahttps://dex\.tools\.svc\.cluster\.local/dex/auth/local.+\z`),
UsernameSelector: "input#login",
PasswordSelector: "input#password",
LoginButtonSelector: "button#submit-login",
} {
if p.IssuerPattern.MatchString(upstream.Issuer) {
cfg = p
if cfg == nil {
require.Failf(t, "could not find login provider for issuer %q", upstream.Issuer)
// Expect to be redirected to the login page.
t.Logf("waiting for redirect to %s login page", cfg.Name)
b.WaitForURL(t, cfg.LoginPagePattern)
// Wait for the login page to be rendered.
b.WaitForVisibleElements(t, cfg.UsernameSelector, cfg.PasswordSelector, cfg.LoginButtonSelector)
// Fill in the username and password and click "submit".
t.Logf("logging into %s", cfg.Name)
b.SendKeysToFirstMatch(t, cfg.UsernameSelector, upstream.Username)
b.SendKeysToFirstMatch(t, cfg.PasswordSelector, upstream.Password)
// The Okta login page has a lot of Javascript on it. Give it a second to catch up after typing the
// username and password. Hoping that this might help with the test flake where the Okta login page
// never continues to the next page after trying to click the login button below.
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
b.ClickFirstMatch(t, cfg.LoginButtonSelector)
// LoginToUpstreamLDAP expects the page to be redirected to the Supervisor's login UI for an LDAP/AD IDP.
// It knows how to enter the test username/password and submit the upstream login form.
func LoginToUpstreamLDAP(t *testing.T, b *Browser, issuer, username, password string) {
loginURLRegexp, err := regexp.Compile(`\A` + regexp.QuoteMeta(issuer+"/login") + `\?state=.+\z`)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Expect to be redirected to the login page.
t.Logf("waiting for redirect to %s/login page", issuer)
b.WaitForURL(t, loginURLRegexp)
// Wait for the login page to be rendered.
b.WaitForVisibleElements(t, "#username", "#password", "#submit")
// Fill in the username and password and click "submit".
SubmitUpstreamLDAPLoginForm(t, b, username, password)
func SubmitUpstreamLDAPLoginForm(t *testing.T, b *Browser, username string, password string) {
// Fill in the username and password and click "submit".
t.Logf("logging in via Supervisor's upstream LDAP/AD login UI page")
b.SendKeysToFirstMatch(t, "#username", username)
b.SendKeysToFirstMatch(t, "#password", password)
b.ClickFirstMatch(t, "#submit")
func WaitForUpstreamLDAPLoginPageWithError(t *testing.T, b *Browser, issuer string) {
// Wait for redirect back to the login page again with an error.
t.Logf("waiting for redirect to back to login page with error message")
loginURLRegexp, err := regexp.Compile(`\A` + regexp.QuoteMeta(issuer+"/login") + `\?err=login_error&state=.+\z`)
require.NoError(t, err)
b.WaitForURL(t, loginURLRegexp)
// Wait for the login page to be rendered again, this time also with an error message.
b.WaitForVisibleElements(t, "#username", "#password", "#submit", "#alert")