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#! Copyright 2020-2022 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#! SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#@schema/desc "Namespace of pinniped-supervisor"
app_name: pinniped-supervisor
#@schema/desc "Creates a new namespace statically in yaml with the given name and installs the app into that namespace."
namespace: pinniped-supervisor
#! If specified, assumes that a namespace of the given name already exists and installs the app into that namespace.
#! If both `namespace` and `into_namespace` are specified, then only `into_namespace` is used.
#@schema/desc "Overrides namespace. This is actually confusingly worded. TODO: CAN WE REWRITE THIS ONE???"
into_namespace: my-preexisting-namespace
#! All resources created statically by yaml at install-time and all resources created dynamically
#! by controllers at runtime will be labelled with `app: $app_name` and also with the labels
#! specified here. The value of `custom_labels` must be a map of string keys to string values.
#! The app can be uninstalled either by:
#! 1. Deleting the static install-time yaml resources including the static namespace, which will cascade and also delete
#! resources that were dynamically created by controllers at runtime
#! 2. Or, deleting all resources by label, which does not assume that there was a static install-time yaml namespace.
#@schema/desc "All resources created statically by yaml at install-time and all resources created dynamically by controllers at runtime will be labelled with `app: $app_name` and also with the labels specified here."
custom_labels: {} #! e.g. {myCustomLabelName: myCustomLabelValue, otherCustomLabelName: otherCustomLabelValue}
#@schema/desc "Specify how many replicas of the Pinniped server to run."
replicas: 2
#@schema/desc "Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used."
#@schema/desc "Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used."
image_digest: sha256:f3c4fdfd3ef865d4b97a1fd295d94acc3f0c654c46b6f27ffad5cf80216903c8
#@schema/desc "Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used."
image_tag: latest
#! TODO: preserve even if this file is revised!
package_image_digest: sha256:123456
2023-08-31 21:24:31 +00:00
package_image_tag: latest #! TODO; so since we allow the deployment to pass in the image tag, not sure the value in versions of packages?
#! prob should not be nullable
package_version: 1.2.3
#! Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image.
#! Can be used when the above image_repo is a private registry.
#! Typically the value would be the output of: kubectl create secret docker-registry x --docker-server= --docker-username="USERNAME" --docker-password="PASSWORD" --dry-run=client -o json | jq -r '.data[".dockerconfigjson"]'
#! Optional.
#@schema/description "Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image. Can be used when the image_repo is a private registry."
image_pull_dockerconfigjson: {"auths":{"":{"username":"USERNAME","password":"PASSWORD","auth":"BASE64_ENCODED_USERNAME_COLON_PASSWORD"}}}
#! Specify how to expose the Supervisor app's HTTPS port as a Service.
#! Typically, you would set a value for only one of the following service types.
#! Setting any of these values means that a Service of that type will be created. They are all optional.
#! Note that all port numbers should be numbers (not strings), i.e. use ytt's `--data-value-yaml` instead of `--data-value`.
#! Several of these values have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Their names have been changed to
#! mark them as deprecated and to make it obvious upon upgrade to anyone who was using them that they have been deprecated.
#@schema/desc "will be removed in a future release; when specified, creates a NodePort Service with this `port` value, with port 8080 as its `targetPort`; e.g. 31234"
deprecated_service_http_nodeport_port: 31234
#@schema/desc "will be removed in a future release; the `nodePort` value of the NodePort Service, optional when `deprecated_service_http_nodeport_port` is specified; e.g. 31234"
deprecated_service_http_nodeport_nodeport: 31234
#@schema/desc "will be removed in a future release; when specified, creates a LoadBalancer Service with this `port` value, with port 8080 as its `targetPort`; e.g. 8443"
deprecated_service_http_loadbalancer_port: 8443
#@schema/desc "will be removed in a future release; when specified, creates a ClusterIP Service with this `port` value, with port 8080 as its `targetPort`; e.g. 8443"
deprecated_service_http_clusterip_port: 8443
#@schema/desc "when specified, creates a NodePort Service with this `port` value, with port 8443 as its `targetPort`; e.g. 31243"
service_https_nodeport_port: 31243
#@schema/desc "the `nodePort` value of the NodePort Service, optional when `service_https_nodeport_port` is specified; e.g. 31243"
service_https_nodeport_nodeport: 31243
#@schema/desc "when specified, creates a LoadBalancer Service with this `port` value, with port 8443 as its `targetPort`; e.g. 8443"
service_https_loadbalancer_port: 8443
#@schema/desc "when specified, creates a ClusterIP Service with this `port` value, with port 8443 as its `targetPort`; e.g. 8443"
service_https_clusterip_port: 8443
#! Optional.
#@schema/desc "The `loadBalancerIP` value of the LoadBalancer Service. Ignored unless service_https_loadbalancer_port is provided. e.g."
#@schema/desc 'Specify the verbosity of logging: info ("nice to know" information), debug (developer information), trace (timing information), or all (kitchen sink). Do not use trace or all on production systems, as credentials may get logged.'
log_level: info #! By default, when this value is left unset, only warnings and errors are printed. There is no way to suppress warning and error logs.
#@schema/desc "Specify the format of logging: json (for machine parsable logs) and text (for legacy klog formatted logs). By default, when this value is left unset, logs are formatted in json. This configuration is deprecated and will be removed in a future release at which point logs will always be formatted as json."
deprecated_log_format: json
#@schema/desc "run_as_user specifies the user ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice"
run_as_user: 65532
#@schema/desc "run_as_group specifies the group ID that will own the process, see the Dockerfile for the reasoning behind this choice"
run_as_group: 65532
#@schema/desc "Specify the API group suffix for all Pinniped API groups. By default, this is set to, so Pinniped API groups will look like,, etc. As an example, if this is set to, then Pinniped API groups will look like, etc."
#! Optional.
#@schema/desc "Set the standard golang HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables on the Supervisor containers. These will be used when the Supervisor makes backend-to-backend calls to upstream identity providers using HTTPS, e.g. when the Supervisor fetches discovery documents, JWKS keys, and tokens from an upstream OIDC Provider. The Supervisor never makes insecure HTTP calls, so there is no reason to set HTTP_PROXY."
#@schema/desc "NO_PROXY environment variable. do not proxy Kubernetes endpoints"
no_proxy: "$(KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST),,,localhost,.svc,.cluster.local"
#! Control the HTTP and HTTPS listeners of the Supervisor.
#! The schema of this config is as follows:
#! endpoints:
#! https:
#! network: tcp | unix | disabled
#! address: host:port when network=tcp or /pinniped_socket/socketfile.sock when network=unix
#! http:
#! network: same as above
#! address: same as above, except that when network=tcp then the address is only allowed to bind to loopback interfaces
#! Setting network to disabled turns off that particular listener.
#! See and for a description of what can be
#! specified in the address parameter based on the given network parameter. To aid in the use of unix
#! domain sockets, a writable empty dir volume is mounted at /pinniped_socket when network is set to "unix."
#! The current defaults are:
#! endpoints:
#! https:
#! network: tcp
#! address: :8443
#! http:
#! network: disabled
#! These defaults mean: For HTTPS listening, bind to all interfaces using TCP on port 8443.
#! Disable HTTP listening by default.
#! The HTTP listener can only be bound to loopback interfaces. This allows the listener to accept
#! traffic from within the pod, e.g. from a service mesh sidecar. The HTTP listener should not be
#! used to accept traffic from outside the pod, since that would mean that the network traffic could be
#! transmitted unencrypted. The HTTPS listener should be used instead to accept traffic from outside the pod.
#! Ingresses and load balancers that terminate TLS connections should re-encrypt the data and route traffic
#! to the HTTPS listener. Unix domain sockets may also be used for integrations with service meshes.
#! Changing the HTTPS port number must be accompanied by matching changes to the service and deployment
#! manifests. Changes to the HTTPS listener must be coordinated with the deployment health checks.
#! Optional.
#@schema/desc "Control the HTTP and HTTPS listeners of the Supervisor."
network: tcp | unix | disabled
address: host:port when network=tcp or /pinniped_socket/socketfile.sock when network=unix
#! Optionally override the validation on the endpoints.http value which checks that only loopback interfaces are used.
#! When deprecated_insecure_accept_external_unencrypted_http_requests is true, the HTTP listener is allowed to bind to any
#! interface, including interfaces that are listening for traffic from outside the pod. This value is being introduced
#! to ease the transition to the new loopback interface validation for the HTTP port for any users who need more time
#! to change their ingress strategy to avoid using plain HTTP into the Supervisor pods.
#! This value is immediately deprecated upon its introduction. It will be removed in some future release, at which time
#! traffic from outside the pod will need to be sent to the HTTPS listener instead, with no simple workaround available.
#! Allowed values are true (boolean), "true" (string), false (boolean), and "false" (string). The default is false.
#! Optional.
#@schema/desc "Optionally override the validation on the endpoints.http value which checks that only loopback interfaces are used."
deprecated_insecure_accept_external_unencrypted_http_requests: false