Danny Bessems f2b0a5e7c7
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone Build is failing
Test dependencies
2023-02-22 21:24:42 +01:00

939 lines
54 KiB

# Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# If you update this file, please follow
# Ensure Make is run with bash shell as some syntax below is bash-specific
SHELL := /usr/bin/env bash
# This option is for running docker manifest command
export PATH := $(PATH):$(CURDIR)/.local/bin
export IB_VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --dirty)
## --------------------------------------
## Help
## --------------------------------------
##@ Helpers
help: ## Display this help
@echo NOTE
@echo ' The "build-node-ova" targets have analogue "clean-node-ova" targets for'
@echo ' cleaning artifacts created from building OVAs using a local'
@echo ' hypervisor.'
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*##"; printf "\nUsage:\n make \033[36m<target>\033[0m\n"} /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?##/ { printf " \033[36m%-35s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 } /^##@/ { printf "\n\033[1m%s\033[0m\n", substr($$0, 5) } ' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
.PHONY: version
version: ## Display version of image-builder
@echo $(IB_VERSION)
## --------------------------------------
## Dependencies
## --------------------------------------
##@ Dependencies
.PHONY: deps
deps: ## Installs/checks all dependencies
deps: deps-ami deps-azure deps-do deps-gce deps-ova deps-qemu deps-raw deps-oci deps-osc deps-vbox deps-powervs deps-nutanix
.PHONY: deps-ami
deps-ami: ## Installs/checks dependencies for AMI builds
.PHONY: deps-azure
deps-azure: ## Installs/checks dependencies for Azure builds
.PHONY: deps-do
deps-do: ## Installs/checks dependencies for DigitalOcean builds
.PHONY: deps-osc
deps-osc: ## Installs/checks dependencies for Outscale builds
packer plugins install
.PHONY: deps-gce
deps-gce: ## Installs/checks dependencies for GCE builds
.PHONY: deps-ova
deps-ova: ## Installs/checks dependencies for OVA builds
.PHONY: deps-qemu
deps-qemu: ## Installs/checks dependencies for QEMU builds
.PHONY: deps-raw
deps-raw: ## Installs/checks dependencies for RAW builds
.PHONY: deps-oci
deps-oci: ## Installs/checks dependencies for OCI builds
packer plugins install
.PHONY: deps-vbox
deps-vbox: ## Installs/checks dependencies for VirtualBox builds
.PHONY: deps-powervs
.PHONY: deps-ignition
deps-ignition: ## Installs/checks dependencies for generating Ignition files
.PHONY: deps-nutanix
deps-nutanix: ## Installs/checks dependencies for Nutanix builds
## --------------------------------------
## Container variables
## --------------------------------------
REGISTRY ?=$(shell gcloud config get-value project)
IMAGE_NAME ?= cluster-node-image-builder
TAG ?= dev
ARCH ?= amd64
## --------------------------------------
## Packer flags
## --------------------------------------
# Set Packer color to true if not already set in env variables
# Only valid for builds
ifneq (,$(findstring build-, $(MAKECMDGOALS)))
# A build target
# If FOREGROUND=1 then Packer will set headless to false, causing local builds
# to build in the foreground, with a UI. This is very useful when debugging new
# platforms or issues with existing ones.
ifeq (1,$(strip $(FOREGROUND)))
PACKER_FLAGS += -var="headless=false"
# If ON_ERROR_ASK=1 then Packer will set -on-error to ask, causing the Packer
# build to pause when any error happens, instead of simply exiting. This is
# useful when debugging unknown issues logging into the remote machine via ssh.
ifeq (1,$(strip $(ON_ERROR_ASK)))
PACKER_FLAGS += -on-error=ask
# ssh_private_key_file and ssh_public_key are needed to pass ssh keypair
# from its host to the packer guest machine, so boot managers like ignition
# could make use of the key in its config.
# SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE is name of the file that contains the private key.
# SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE is name of the file that contains the public key.
ifneq (,$(strip $(SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE)))
PACKER_FLAGS += -var ssh_private_key_file="$(SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE)"
ifneq (,$(strip $(SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE)))
PACKER_FLAGS += -var ssh_public_key="$(shell cat ${SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE})"
# Since OpenSSH 9.0+ 'scp' uses SFTP protocol instead of legacy SCP protocol, which causes building errors like:
# bash: line 1: /usr/lib/sftp-server: No such file or directory\nscp: Connection closed\r\n""
# However, -O option is not available in older OpenSSH version, so we cannot always set it as an option to use.
# To provide better out-of-the-box experience for users with newer versions of OpenSSH, we conditionally ensure
# -O is used when used OpenSSH version requires it.
# See and
# for more details.
ifeq ($(shell test $$(ssh -V 2>&1 | cut -d _ -f2 | cut -d . -f1) -ge 9; echo $$?),0)
# Use ?= to retain possible existing value of environment variable. If it is already declared, we assume user to be
# aware of OpenSSH version they use and it is up to the user to specify "-O" option as well if needed.
# If DEBUG=1 then Packer will set -debug, enabling debug mode for builds, providing
# more verbose logging
ifeq (1,$(strip $(DEBUG)))
PACKER_FLAGS += -debug
# We want the var files passed to Packer to have a specific order, because the
# precenence of the variables they contain depends on the order. Files listed
# later on the CLI have higher precedence. We want the common var files found in
# packer/config to be listed first, then the var files that specific to the
# provider, then any user-supplied var files so that a user can override what
# they need to.
# A list of variable files given to Packer to configure things like the versions
# of Kubernetes, CNI, and ContainerD to install. Any additional files from the
# environment are appended.
COMMON_NODE_VAR_FILES := packer/config/kubernetes.json \
packer/config/cni.json \
packer/config/containerd.json \
packer/config/wasm-shims.json \
packer/config/ansible-args.json \
packer/config/goss-args.json \
packer/config/common.json \
COMMON_WINDOWS_VAR_FILES := packer/config/kubernetes.json \
packer/config/windows/kubernetes.json \
packer/config/containerd.json \
packer/config/windows/containerd.json \
packer/config/windows/docker.json \
packer/config/windows/ansible-args-windows.json \
packer/config/common.json \
packer/config/windows/common.json \
packer/config/windows/cloudbase-init.json \
packer/config/goss-args.json \
COMMON_POWERVS_VAR_FILES := packer/config/kubernetes.json \
packer/config/ppc64le/kubernetes.json \
packer/config/cni.json \
packer/config/ppc64le/cni.json \
packer/config/containerd.json \
packer/config/ppc64le/containerd.json \
packer/config/ansible-args.json \
packer/config/goss-args.json \
packer/config/common.json \
packer/config/ppc64le/common.json \
# Initialize a list of flags to pass to Packer. This includes any existing flags
# specified by PACKER_FLAGS, as well as prefixing the list with the variable
# files from COMMON_VAR_FILES, with each file prefixed by -var-file=.
# Any existing values from PACKER_FLAGS take precendence over variable files.
PACKER_NODE_FLAGS := $(foreach f,$(abspath $(COMMON_NODE_VAR_FILES)),-var-file="$(f)" ) \
ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES := $(foreach f,$(abspath $(PACKER_VAR_FILES)),-var-file="$(f)" )
PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS := $(foreach f,$(abspath $(COMMON_WINDOWS_VAR_FILES)),-var-file="$(f)" ) \
PACKER_POWERVS_NODE_FLAGS := $(foreach f,$(abspath $(COMMON_POWERVS_VAR_FILES)),-var-file="$(f)" ) \
## --------------------------------------
## Platform and version combinations
## --------------------------------------
PHOTON_VERSIONS := photon-3 photon-4
RHEL_VERSIONS := rhel-7 rhel-8
UBUNTU_VERSIONS := ubuntu-1804 ubuntu-2004 ubuntu-2004-efi ubuntu-2204
WINDOWS_VERSIONS := windows-2019 windows-2004 windows-2022
# Set Flatcar Container Linux channel and version if not supplied
ifeq ($(FLATCAR_VERSION),current)
override FLATCAR_VERSION := $(shell hack/ $(FLATCAR_CHANNEL))
NODE_OVA_LOCAL_BUILD_NAMES := $(addprefix node-ova-local-,$(PLATFORMS_AND_VERSIONS))
NODE_OVA_LOCAL_VMX_BUILD_NAMES := $(addprefix node-ova-local-vmx-,$(PLATFORMS_AND_VERSIONS))
NODE_OVA_LOCAL_BASE_BUILD_NAMES := $(addprefix node-ova-local-base-,$(PLATFORMS_AND_VERSIONS))
NODE_OVA_VSPHERE_BUILD_NAMES := $(addprefix node-ova-vsphere-,$(PLATFORMS_AND_VERSIONS))
NODE_OVA_VSPHERE_BASE_BUILD_NAMES := $(addprefix node-ova-vsphere-base-,$(PLATFORMS_AND_VERSIONS))
NODE_OVA_VSPHERE_CLONE_BUILD_NAMES := $(addprefix node-ova-vsphere-clone-,$(PLATFORMS_AND_VERSIONS))
AMI_BUILD_NAMES ?= ami-centos-7 ami-ubuntu-1804 ami-ubuntu-2004 ami-ubuntu-2204 ami-amazon-2 ami-flatcar ami-windows-2019 ami-windows-2004 ami-rockylinux-8 ami-rhel-8
GCE_BUILD_NAMES ?= gce-ubuntu-1804 gce-ubuntu-2004 gce-ubuntu-2204
# Make needs these lists to be space delimited, no quotes
VHD_TARGETS := $(shell grep VHD_TARGETS | sed 's/VHD_TARGETS=//' | tr -d \")
SIG_TARGETS := $(shell grep SIG_TARGETS | sed 's/SIG_TARGETS=//' | tr -d \")
SIG_GEN2_TARGETS := $(shell grep SIG_GEN2_TARGETS | sed 's/SIG_GEN2_TARGETS=//' | tr -d \")
AZURE_BUILD_VHD_NAMES ?= $(addprefix azure-vhd-,$(VHD_TARGETS))
AZURE_BUILD_SIG_NAMES ?= $(addprefix azure-sig-,$(SIG_TARGETS))
AZURE_BUILD_SIG_GEN2_NAMES ?= $(addsuffix -gen2,$(addprefix azure-sig-,$(SIG_GEN2_TARGETS)))
OCI_BUILD_NAMES ?= oci-ubuntu-1804 oci-ubuntu-2004 oci-ubuntu-2204 oci-oracle-linux-8 oci-oracle-linux-9 oci-windows-2019 oci-windows-2022
DO_BUILD_NAMES ?= do-centos-7 do-ubuntu-1804 do-ubuntu-2004
OSC_BUILD_NAMES ?= osc-ubuntu-2004
QEMU_BUILD_NAMES ?= qemu-ubuntu-1804 qemu-ubuntu-2004 qemu-ubuntu-2204 qemu-centos-7 qemu-ubuntu-2004-efi qemu-rhel-8 qemu-rockylinux-8 qemu-flatcar
RAW_BUILD_NAMES ?= raw-ubuntu-1804 raw-ubuntu-2004 raw-ubuntu-2004-efi raw-flatcar
VBOX_BUILD_NAMES ?= vbox-windows-2019
POWERVS_BUILD_NAMES ?= powervs-centos-8
NUTANIX_BUILD_NAMES ?= nutanix-ubuntu-2004 nutanix-ubuntu-2204 nutanix-rockylinux-8 nutanix-rockylinux-9 nutanix-flatcar nutanix-windows-2022
## --------------------------------------
## Dynamic build targets
## --------------------------------------
AMI_BUILD_TARGETS := $(addprefix build-,$(AMI_BUILD_NAMES))
AMI_VALIDATE_TARGETS := $(addprefix validate-,$(AMI_BUILD_NAMES))
GCE_BUILD_TARGETS := $(addprefix build-,$(GCE_BUILD_NAMES))
GCE_VALIDATE_TARGETS := $(addprefix validate-,$(GCE_BUILD_NAMES))
DO_BUILD_TARGETS := $(addprefix build-,$(DO_BUILD_NAMES))
DO_VALIDATE_TARGETS := $(addprefix validate-,$(DO_BUILD_NAMES))
QEMU_BUILD_TARGETS := $(addprefix build-,$(QEMU_BUILD_NAMES))
QEMU_VALIDATE_TARGETS := $(addprefix validate-,$(QEMU_BUILD_NAMES))
RAW_BUILD_TARGETS := $(addprefix build-,$(RAW_BUILD_NAMES))
RAW_VALIDATE_TARGETS := $(addprefix validate-,$(RAW_BUILD_NAMES))
OCI_BUILD_TARGETS := $(addprefix build-,$(OCI_BUILD_NAMES))
OCI_VALIDATE_TARGETS := $(addprefix validate-,$(OCI_BUILD_NAMES))
OSC_BUILD_TARGETS := $(addprefix build-,$(OSC_BUILD_NAMES))
OSC_VALIDATE_TARGETS := $(addprefix validate-,$(OSC_BUILD_NAMES))
VBOX_BUILD_TARGETS := $(addprefix build-,$(VBOX_BUILD_NAMES))
VBOX_VALIDATE_TARGETS := $(addprefix validate-,$(VBOX_BUILD_NAMES))
# This uses a packer file builder to input unattend variables into a json file to be consumed by the python script before running the vmware-iso provisioner
$(if $(findstring windows,$@),packer build $(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="packer/ova/packer-common.json" -var-file="$(abspath packer/ova/$(subst build-node-ova-local-,,$@).json)" -only=file $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/ova/packer-windows.json,)
$(if $(findstring windows,$@),hack/ --unattend-file='./packer/ova/windows/$(subst build-node-ova-local-,,$@)/autounattend.xml',)
packer build $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="packer/ova/packer-common.json" -var-file="$(abspath packer/ova/$(subst build-node-ova-local-,,$@).json)" -except=vsphere -only=vmware-iso $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/ova/packer-$(if $(findstring windows,$@),windows,node).json
packer validate $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="packer/ova/packer-common.json" -var-file="$(abspath packer/ova/$(subst validate-node-ova-local-,,$@).json)" -except=vsphere -only=vmware-iso $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/ova/packer-$(if $(findstring windows,$@),windows,node).json
packer build $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="packer/ova/packer-common.json" -var-file="$(abspath packer/ova/$(subst build-node-ova-local-vmx-,,$@).json)" -var-file="packer/ova/vmx.json" -except=vsphere -except=vmware-iso -only=vmware-vmx $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/ova/packer-node.json
packer build $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="packer/ova/packer-common.json" -var-file="$(abspath packer/ova/$(subst build-node-ova-local-base-,,$@).json)" -except=vsphere -except=vmware-iso -except=vmware-vmx -only=vmware-iso-base $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/ova/packer-node.json
# This uses a packer file builder to input unattend variables into a json file to be consumed by the python script before running the vsphere provisioner
$(if $(findstring windows,$@),packer build $(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="packer/ova/packer-common.json" -var-file="$(abspath packer/ova/$(subst build-node-ova-vsphere-,,$@).json)" -only=file $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/ova/packer-windows.json,)
$(if $(findstring windows,$@),hack/ --unattend-file='./packer/ova/windows/$(subst build-node-ova-vsphere-,,$@)/autounattend.xml',)
packer build $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="packer/ova/packer-common.json" -var-file="$(abspath packer/ova/$(subst build-node-ova-vsphere-,,$@).json)" -var-file="packer/ova/vsphere.json" -except=local -only=vsphere-iso $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) -only=vsphere packer/ova/packer-$(if $(findstring windows,$@),windows,node).json
packer build $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="packer/ova/packer-common.json" -var-file="$(abspath packer/ova/$(subst build-node-ova-vsphere-base-,,$@).json)" -var-file="packer/ova/vsphere.json" -except=local -except=manifest -except=vsphere -only=vsphere-iso-base $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/ova/packer-node.json
packer build $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="packer/ova/packer-common.json" -var-file="$(abspath packer/ova/$(subst build-node-ova-vsphere-clone-,,$@).json)" -var-file="packer/ova/vsphere.json" -except=local -only=vsphere-clone $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/ova/packer-node.json
$(AMI_BUILD_TARGETS): deps-ami
packer build $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="$(abspath packer/ami/$(subst build-ami-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/ami/packer$(if $(findstring windows,$@),-windows,).json
packer validate $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="$(abspath packer/ami/$(subst validate-ami-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/ami/packer$(if $(findstring windows,$@),-windows,).json
$(GCE_BUILD_TARGETS): deps-gce
packer build $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="$(abspath packer/gce/$(subst build-gce-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/gce/packer.json
packer validate $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="$(abspath packer/gce/$(subst validate-gce-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/gce/packer.json
. $(abspath packer/azure/scripts/ && packer build $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/azure-config.json)" -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/azure-vhd.json)" -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/$(subst build-azure-vhd-,,$@).json)" -only="$(subst build-azure-,,$@)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/azure/packer$(findstring -windows,$@).json
packer validate $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/azure-config.json)" -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/azure-vhd.json)" -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/$(subst validate-azure-vhd-,,$@).json)" -only="$(subst validate-azure-,,$@)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/azure/packer$(findstring -windows,$@).json
. $(abspath packer/azure/scripts/ $(subst build-azure-sig-,,$@) && packer build $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/azure-config.json)" -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/azure-sig.json)" -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/$(subst build-azure-sig-,,$@).json)" -only="$(subst build-azure-,,$@)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/azure/packer$(findstring -windows,$@).json
. $(abspath packer/azure/scripts/ $(subst build-azure-sig-,,$@) && packer build $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/azure-config.json)" -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/azure-sig-gen2.json)" -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/$(subst build-azure-sig-,,$@).json)" -only="$(subst build-azure-,,$@)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/azure/packer$(findstring -windows,$@).json
packer validate $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/azure-config.json)" -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/azure-sig.json)" -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/$(subst validate-azure-sig-,,$@).json)" -only="$(subst validate-azure-,,$@)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/azure/packer$(findstring -windows,$@).json
packer validate $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/azure-config.json)" -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/azure-sig-gen2.json)" -var-file="$(abspath packer/azure/$(subst validate-azure-sig-,,$@).json)" -only="$(subst validate-azure-,,$@)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/azure/packer$(findstring windows,$@).json
$(DO_BUILD_TARGETS): deps-do
packer build $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="$(abspath packer/digitalocean/$(subst build-do-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/digitalocean/packer.json
packer validate $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="$(abspath packer/digitalocean/$(subst validate-do-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/digitalocean/packer.json
$(QEMU_BUILD_TARGETS): deps-qemu
packer build $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="$(abspath packer/qemu/$(subst build-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/qemu/packer.json
packer validate $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="$(abspath packer/qemu/$(subst validate-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/qemu/packer.json
packer build $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="$(abspath packer/qemu/$(subst build-kubevirt-,,$@).json)" --var 'kubevirt=true' $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/qemu/packer.json
packer validate $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="$(abspath packer/qemu/$(subst validate-kubevirt-,,$@).json)" --var 'kubevirt=true' $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/qemu/packer.json
$(RAW_BUILD_TARGETS): deps-raw
packer build $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="$(abspath packer/raw/$(subst build-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/raw/packer.json
packer validate $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="$(abspath packer/raw/$(subst validate-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/raw/packer.json
$(OCI_BUILD_TARGETS): deps-oci
$(if $(findstring windows,$@),./packer/oci/scripts/,)
packer build $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="$(abspath packer/oci/$(subst build-oci-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/oci/packer$(findstring -windows,$@).json
$(if $(findstring windows,$@),./packer/oci/scripts/,)
packer validate $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="$(abspath packer/oci/$(subst validate-oci-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/oci/packer.json
$(OSC_BUILD_TARGETS): deps-osc
packer build $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="$(abspath packer/outscale/$(subst build-osc-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/outscale/packer.json
packer validate $(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="$(abspath packer/outscale/$(subst validate-osc-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/outscale/packer.json
$(VBOX_BUILD_TARGETS): deps-vbox
packer build $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="packer/vbox/packer-common.json" -var-file="$(abspath packer/vbox/$(subst build-vbox-,,$@).json)" -only=virtualbox-iso $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/vbox/packer-$(if $(findstring windows,$@),windows).json
packer validate $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="packer/vbox/packer-common.json" -var-file="$(abspath packer/vbox/$(subst validate-vbox-,,$@).json)" -only=virtualbox-iso $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/vbox/packer-$(if $(findstring windows,$@),windows).json
$(POWERVS_BUILD_TARGETS): deps-powervs
packer build $(PACKER_POWERVS_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="$(abspath packer/powervs/$(subst build-powervs-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) -except=flatcar packer/powervs/packer.json
packer validate $(PACKER_POWERVS_NODE_FLAGS) -var-file="$(abspath packer/powervs/$(subst validate-powervs-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) -except=flatcar packer/powervs/packer.json
$(NUTANIX_BUILD_TARGETS): deps-nutanix
packer init packer/nutanix/config.pkr.hcl
packer build $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="packer/nutanix/nutanix.json" -var-file="$(abspath packer/nutanix/$(subst build-nutanix-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/nutanix/packer$(if $(findstring windows,$@),-windows,).json
packer init packer/nutanix/config.pkr.hcl
packer validate $(if $(findstring windows,$@),$(PACKER_WINDOWS_NODE_FLAGS),$(PACKER_NODE_FLAGS)) -var-file="packer/nutanix/nutanix.json" -var-file="$(abspath packer/nutanix/$(subst validate-nutanix-,,$@).json)" $(ABSOLUTE_PACKER_VAR_FILES) packer/nutanix/packer$(if $(findstring windows,$@),-windows,).json
## --------------------------------------
## Dynamic clean targets
## --------------------------------------
rm -fr output/$(subst clean-node-ova-local-,,$@)-kube*
QEMU_CLEAN_TARGETS := $(subst build-,clean-,$(QEMU_BUILD_TARGETS))
rm -fr output/$(subst clean-qemu-,,$@)-kube*
RAW_CLEAN_TARGETS := $(subst build-,clean-,$(RAW_BUILD_TARGETS))
rm -fr output/$(subst clean-raw-,,$@)-kube*
VBOX_CLEAN_TARGETS := $(subst build-,clean-,$(VBOX_BUILD_TARGETS))
rm -fr output/$(subst clean-vbox-,,$@)-kube*
## --------------------------------------
## Document dynamic build targets
## --------------------------------------
##@ Builds
build-ami-amazon-2: ## Builds Amazon-2 Linux AMI
build-ami-centos-7: ## Builds CentOS 7 AMI
build-ami-ubuntu-1804: ## Builds Ubuntu 18.04 AMI
build-ami-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 AMI
build-ami-ubuntu-2204: ## Builds Ubuntu 22.04 AMI
build-ami-rockylinux-8: ## Builds RockyLinux 8 AMI
build-ami-rhel-8: ## Builds RHEL-8 AMI
build-ami-flatcar: ## Builds Flatcar
build-ami-windows-2019: ## Build Windows Server 2019 AMI Packer config
build-ami-windows-2004: ## Build Windows Server 2004 SAC AMI Packer config
build-ami-all: $(AMI_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Builds all AMIs
build-azure-sig-ubuntu-1804: ## Builds Ubuntu 18.04 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery
build-azure-sig-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery
build-azure-sig-ubuntu-2204: ## Builds Ubuntu 22.04 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery
build-azure-sig-centos-7: ## Builds CentOS 7 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery
build-azure-sig-rhel-8: ## Builds RHEL 8 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery
build-azure-sig-windows-2019: ## Builds Windows Server 2019 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery
build-azure-sig-windows-2019-containerd: ## Builds Windows Server 2019 with containerd Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery
build-azure-sig-windows-2022-containerd: ## Builds Windows Server 2022 with containerd Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery
build-azure-sig-windows-2004: ## Builds Windows Server 2004 SAC Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery
build-azure-vhd-ubuntu-1804: ## Builds Ubuntu 18.04 VHD image for Azure
build-azure-vhd-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 VHD image for Azure
build-azure-vhd-ubuntu-2204: ## Builds Ubuntu 22.04 VHD image for Azure
build-azure-vhd-centos-7: ## Builds CentOS 7 VHD image for Azure
build-azure-vhd-rhel-8: ## Builds RHEL 8 VHD image for Azure
build-azure-vhd-windows-2019: ## Builds for Windows Server 2019
build-azure-vhd-windows-2019-containerd: ## Builds for Windows Server 2019 with containerd
build-azure-vhd-windows-2022-containerd: ## Builds for Windows Server 2022 with containerd
build-azure-vhd-windows-2004: ## Builds for Windows Server 2004 SAC
build-azure-sig-centos-7-gen2: ## Builds CentOS Gen2 managed image in Shared Image Gallery
build-azure-sig-flatcar: ## Builds Flatcar Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery
build-azure-sig-flatcar-gen2: ## Builds Flatcar Azure Gen2 managed image in Shared Image Gallery
build-azure-sig-ubuntu-1804-gen2: ## Builds Ubuntu 18.04 Gen2 managed image in Shared Image Gallery
build-azure-sig-ubuntu-2004-gen2: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 Gen2 managed image in Shared Image Gallery
build-azure-sig-ubuntu-2204-gen2: ## Builds Ubuntu 22.04 Gen2 managed image in Shared Image Gallery
build-azure-vhds: $(AZURE_BUILD_VHD_TARGETS) ## Builds all Azure VHDs
build-azure-sigs: $(AZURE_BUILD_SIG_TARGETS) $(AZURE_BUILD_SIG_GEN2_TARGETS) ## Builds all Azure Shared Image Gallery images
build-do-ubuntu-1804: ## Builds Ubuntu 18.04 DigitalOcean Snapshot
build-do-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 DigitalOcean Snapshot
build-do-centos-7: ## Builds Centos 7 DigitalOcean Snapshot
build-do-all: $(DO_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Builds all DigitalOcean Snapshot
build-gce-ubuntu-1804: ## Builds the GCE ubuntu-1804 image
build-gce-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds the GCE ubuntu-2004 image
build-gce-ubuntu-2204: ## Builds the GCE ubuntu-2204 image
build-gce-all: $(GCE_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Builds all GCE image
build-node-ova-local-centos-7: ## Builds CentOS 7 Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-flatcar: ## Builds Flatcar stable Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-photon-3: ## Builds Photon 3 Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-photon-4: ## Builds Photon 4 Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-rhel-7: ## Builds RHEL 7 Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-rhel-8: ## Builds RHEL 8 Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-rockylinux-8: ## Builds RockyLinux 8 Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-ubuntu-1804: ## Builds Ubuntu 18.04 Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-windows-2019: ## Builds for Windows Server 2019 Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-windows-2004: ## Builds for Windows Server 2004 SAC Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-all: $(NODE_OVA_LOCAL_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Builds all Node OVAs w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-vsphere-centos-7: ## Builds CentOS 7 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-flatcar: ## Builds Flatcar stable Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-photon-3: ## Builds Photon 3 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-photon-4: ## Builds Photon 4 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-rhel-7: ## Builds RHEL 7 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-rhel-8: ## Builds RHEL 8 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-rockylinux-8: ## Builds RockyLinux 8 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-ubuntu-1804: ## Builds Ubuntu 18.04 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-ubuntu-2204: ## Builds Ubuntu 22.04 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-windows-2019: ## Builds for Windows Server 2019 and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-windows-2004: ## Builds for Windows Server 2004 SAC and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-windows-2022: ## Builds for Windows Server 2022 template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-ubuntu-2004-efi: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 Node OVA and template on vSphere that EFI boots
build-node-ova-vsphere-all: $(NODE_OVA_VSPHERE_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Builds all Node OVAs and templates on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-clone-centos-7: ## Builds CentOS 7 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-clone-photon-3: ## Builds Photon 3 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-clone-photon-4: ## Builds Photon 4 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-clone-rhel-7: ## Builds RHEL 7 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-clone-rhel-8: ## Builds RHEL 8 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-clone-rockylinux-8: ## Builds RockyLinux 8 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-clone-ubuntu-1804: ## Builds Ubuntu 18.04 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-clone-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-clone-ubuntu-2204: ## Builds Ubuntu 22.04 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-clone-all: $(NODE_OVA_VSPHERE_CLONE_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Builds all Node OVAs and templates on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-base-centos-7: ## Builds base CentOS 7 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-base-photon-3: ## Builds base Photon 3 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-base-photon-4: ## Builds base Photon 4 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-base-rhel-7: ## Builds base RHEL 7 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-base-rhel-8: ## Builds base RHEL 8 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-base-rockylinux-8: ## Builds base RockyLinux 8 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-base-ubuntu-1804: ## Builds base Ubuntu 18.04 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-base-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds base Ubuntu 20.04 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-base-ubuntu-2204: ## Builds base Ubuntu 22.04 Node OVA and template on vSphere
build-node-ova-vsphere-base-all: $(NODE_OVA_VSPHERE_BASE_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Builds all base Node OVAs and templates on vSphere
build-node-ova-local-vmx-photon-3: ## Builds Photon 3 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-vmx-photon-4: ## Builds Photon 4 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-vmx-centos-7: ## Builds Centos 7 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-vmx-rhel-7: ## Builds RHEL 7 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-vmx-rhel-8: ## Builds RHEL 8 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-vmx-rockylinux-8: ## Builds RockyLinux 8 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-vmx-ubuntu-1804: ## Builds Ubuntu 18.04 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-vmx-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-base-photon-3: ## Builds Photon 3 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-base-photon-4: ## Builds Photon 4 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-base-centos-7: ## Builds Centos 7 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-base-rhel-7: ## Builds RHEL 7 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-base-rhel-8: ## Builds RHEL 8 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-base-rockylinux-8: ## Builds RockyLinux 8 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-base-ubuntu-1804: ## Builds Ubuntu 18.04 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-node-ova-local-base-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
build-qemu-flatcar: ## Builds Flatcar QEMU image
build-qemu-ubuntu-1804: ## Builds Ubuntu 18.04 QEMU image
build-qemu-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 QEMU image
build-qemu-ubuntu-2004-efi: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 QEMU image that EFI boots
build-qemu-ubuntu-2204: ## Builds Ubuntu 22.04 QEMU image
build-qemu-centos-7: ## Builds CentOS 7 QEMU image
build-qemu-rhel-8: ## Builds RHEL 8 QEMU image
build-qemu-rockylinux-8: ## Builds Rocky 8 QEMU image
build-qemu-all: $(QEMU_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Builds all Qemu images
build-raw-flatcar: ## Builds Flatcar RAW image
build-raw-ubuntu-1804: ## Builds Ubuntu 18.04 RAW image
build-raw-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 RAW image
build-raw-ubuntu-2004-efi: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 RAW image that EFI boots
build-raw-all: $(RAW_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Builds all RAW images
build-oci-ubuntu-1804: ## Builds the OCI ubuntu-1804 image
build-oci-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds the OCI ubuntu-2004 image
build-oci-ubuntu-2204: ## Builds the OCI ubuntu-2204 image
build-oci-oracle-linux-8: ## Builds the OCI Oracle Linux 8.x image
build-oci-oracle-linux-9: ## Builds the OCI Oracle Linux 9.x image
build-oci-windows-2019: ## Builds the OCI Windows Server 2019 image
build-oci-windows-2022: ## Builds the OCI Windows Server 2022 image
build-oci-all: $(OCI_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Builds all OCI image
build-osc-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds Ubuntu 20.04 Outscale Snapshot
build-osc-all: $(OSC_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Builds all Outscale Snapshot
build-vbox-windows-2019: ## Builds for Windows Server 2019 Node VirtualBox w local hypervisor
build-vbox-all: $(VBOX_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Builds all Qemu images
build-nutanix-ubuntu-2004: ## Builds the Nutanix ubuntu-2004 image
build-nutanix-ubuntu-2204: ## Builds the Nutanix ubuntu-2204 image
build-nutanix-rockylinux-8: ## Builds the Nutanix Rocky Linux 8 image
build-nutanix-rockylinux-9: ## Builds the Nutanix Rocky Linux 9 image
build-nutanix-flatcar: ## Builds the Nutanix Flatcar image
build-nutanix-windows-2022: ## Builds the Nutanix Windows 2022 image
build-nutanix-all: $(NUTANIX_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Builds all Nutanix image
## --------------------------------------
## Document dynamic validate targets
## --------------------------------------
##@ Validate packer config
validate-ami-amazon-2: ## Validates Amazon-2 Linux AMI Packer config
validate-ami-centos-7: ## Validates CentOS 7 AMI Packer config
validate-ami-rockylinux-8: ## Validates RockyLinux 8 AMI Packer config
validate-ami-rhel-8: ## Validates RHEL-8 AMI Packer config
validate-ami-flatcar: ## Validates Flatcar AMI Packer config
validate-ami-ubuntu-1804: ## Validates Ubuntu 18.04 AMI Packer config
validate-ami-ubuntu-2004: ## Validates Ubuntu 20.04 AMI Packer config
validate-ami-ubuntu-2204: ## Validates Ubuntu 22.04 AMI Packer config
validate-ami-windows-2019: ## Validates Windows Server 2019 AMI Packer config
validate-ami-windows-2004: ## Validates Windows Server 2004 SAC AMI Packer config
validate-ami-all: $(AMI_VALIDATE_TARGETS) ## Validates all AMIs Packer config
validate-azure-sig-centos-7: ## Validates CentOS 7 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery Packer config
validate-azure-sig-rhel-8: ## Validates RHEL 8 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery Packer config
validate-azure-sig-ubuntu-1804: ## Validates Ubuntu 18.04 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery Packer config
validate-azure-sig-ubuntu-2004: ## Validates Ubuntu 20.04 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery Packer config
validate-azure-sig-ubuntu-2204: ## Validates Ubuntu 22.04 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery Packer config
validate-azure-sig-windows-2019: ## Validate Windows Server 2019 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery Packer config
validate-azure-sig-windows-2019-containerd: ## Validate Windows Server 2019 with containerd Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery Packer config
validate-azure-sig-windows-2022-containerd: ## Validate Windows Server 2022 with containerd Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery Packer config
validate-azure-sig-windows-2004: ## Validate Windows Server 2004 SAC Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery Packer config
validate-azure-vhd-centos-7: ## Validates CentOS 7 VHD image Azure Packer config
validate-azure-vhd-rhel-8: ## Validates RHEL 8 VHD image Azure Packer config
validate-azure-vhd-ubuntu-1804: ## Validates Ubuntu 18.04 VHD image Azure Packer config
validate-azure-vhd-ubuntu-2004: ## Validates Ubuntu 20.04 VHD image Azure Packer config
validate-azure-vhd-ubuntu-2204: ## Validates Ubuntu 22.04 VHD image Azure Packer config
validate-azure-vhd-windows-2019: ## Validate Windows Server 2019 VHD image Azure Packer config
validate-azure-vhd-windows-2019-containerd: ## Validate Windows Server 2019 VHD with containerd image Azure Packer config
validate-azure-vhd-windows-2022-containerd: ## Validate Windows Server 2022 VHD with containerd image Azure Packer config
validate-azure-vhd-windows-2004: ## Validate Windows Server 2004 SAC VHD image Azure Packer config
validate-azure-sig-centos-7-gen2: ## Validates CentOS 7 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery Packer config
validate-azure-sig-ubuntu-1804-gen2: ## Validates Ubuntu 18.04 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery Packer config
validate-azure-sig-ubuntu-2004-gen2: ## Validates Ubuntu 20.04 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery Packer config
validate-azure-sig-ubuntu-2204-gen2: ## Validates Ubuntu 22.04 Azure managed image in Shared Image Gallery Packer config
validate-azure-all: $(AZURE_VALIDATE_SIG_TARGETS) $(AZURE_VALIDATE_VHD_TARGETS) $(AZURE_VALIDATE_SIG_GEN2_TARGETS) ## Validates all images for Azure Packer config
validate-do-ubuntu-1804: ## Validates Ubuntu 18.04 DigitalOcean Snapshot Packer config
validate-do-ubuntu-2004: ## Validates Ubuntu 20.04 DigitalOcean Snapshot Packer config
validate-do-centos-7: ## Validates Centos 7 DigitalOcean Snapshot Packer config
validate-do-all: $(DO_VALIDATE_TARGETS) ## Validates all DigitalOcean Snapshot Packer config
validate-gce-ubuntu-1804: ## Validates Ubuntu 18.04 GCE Snapshot Packer config
validate-gce-ubuntu-2004: ## Validates Ubuntu 20.04 GCE Snapshot Packer config
validate-gce-ubuntu-2204: ## Validates Ubuntu 22.04 GCE Snapshot Packer config
validate-gce-all: $(GCE_VALIDATE_TARGETS) ## Validates all GCE Snapshot Packer config
validate-node-ova-local-centos-7: ## Validates CentOS 7 Node OVA Packer config w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-flatcar: ## Validates Flatcar stable Node OVA Packer config w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-photon-3: ## Validates Photon 3 Node OVA Packer config w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-photon-4: ## Validates Photon 4 Node OVA Packer config w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-rhel-7: ## Validates RHEL 7 Node OVA Packer config w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-rhel-8: ## Validates RHEL 8 Node OVA Packer config w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-rockylinux-8: ## Validates RockyLinux 8 Node OVA Packer config w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-ubuntu-1804: ## Validates Ubuntu 18.04 Node OVA Packer config w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-ubuntu-2004: ## Validates Ubuntu 20.04 Node OVA Packer config w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-ubuntu-2204: ## Validates Ubuntu 22.04 Node OVA Packer config w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-windows-2019: ## Validates Windows Server 2019 Node OVA Packer config w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-windows-2004: ## Validates Windows Server 2004 SAC Node OVA Packer config w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-windows-2022: ## Validates Windows Server 2022 Node OVA Packer config w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-all: $(NODE_OVA_LOCAL_VALIDATE_TARGETS) ## Validates all Node OVAs Packer config w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-vmx-photon-3: ## Validates Photon 3 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-vmx-photon-4: ## Validates Photon 4 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-vmx-centos-7: ## Validates Centos 7 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-vmx-rhel-7: ## Validates RHEL 7 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-vmx-rhel-8: ## Validates RHEL 8 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-vmx-rockylinux-8: ## Validates RockyLinux 8 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-vmx-ubuntu-1804: ## Validates Ubuntu 18.04 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-vmx-ubuntu-2004: ## Validates Ubuntu 20.04 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-vmx-ubuntu-2204: ## Validates Ubuntu 22.04 Node OVA from VMX file w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-base-photon-3: ## Validates Photon 3 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-base-photon-4: ## Validates Photon 4 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-base-centos-7: ## Validates Centos 7 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-base-rhel-7: ## Validates RHEL 7 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-base-rhel-8: ## Validates RHEL 8 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-base-rockylinux-8: ## Validates RockyLinux 8 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-base-ubuntu-1804: ## Validates Ubuntu 18.04 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-base-ubuntu-2004: ## Validates Ubuntu 20.04 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
validate-node-ova-local-base-ubuntu-2204: ## Validates Ubuntu 22.04 Base Node OVA w local hypervisor
validate-qemu-flatcar: ## Validates Flatcar QEMU image packer config
validate-qemu-ubuntu-1804: ## Validates Ubuntu 18.04 QEMU image packer config
validate-qemu-ubuntu-2004: ## Validates Ubuntu 20.04 QEMU image packer config
validate-qemu-ubuntu-2004-efi: ## Validates Ubuntu 20.04 QEMU EFI image packer config
validate-qemu-ubuntu-2204: ## Validates Ubuntu 22.04 QEMU image packer config
validate-qemu-centos-7: ## Validates CentOS 7 QEMU image packer config
validate-qemu-rhel-8: ## Validates RHEL 8 QEMU image
validate-qemu-rockylinux-8: ## Validates Rocky Linux 8 QEMU image packer config
validate-qemu-all: $(QEMU_VALIDATE_TARGETS) ## Validates all Qemu Packer config
validate-raw-flatcar: ## Validates Flatcar RAW image packer config
validate-raw-ubuntu-1804: ## Validates Ubuntu 18.04 RAW image packer config
validate-raw-ubuntu-2004: ## Validates Ubuntu 20.04 RAW image packer config
validate-raw-ubuntu-2004-efi: ## Validates Ubuntu 20.04 RAW EFI image packer config
validate-raw-all: $(RAW_VALIDATE_TARGETS) ## Validates all RAW Packer config
validate-oci-ubuntu-1804: ## Validates the OCI ubuntu-1804 image packer config
validate-oci-ubuntu-2004: ## Validates the OCI ubuntu-2004 image packer config
validate-oci-ubuntu-2204: ## Validates the OCI ubuntu-2204 image packer config
validate-oci-oracle-linux-8: ## Validates the OCI Oracle Linux 8.x image packer config
validate-oci-oracle-linux-9: ## Validates the OCI Oracle Linux 9.x image packer config
validate-oci-windows-2019: ## Validates the OCI Windows 2019 image packer config
validate-oci-windows-2022: ## Validates the OCI Windows 2022 image packer config
validate-oci-all: $(OCI_VALIDATE_TARGETS) ## Validates all OCI image packer config
validate-osc-ubuntu-2004: ## Validates Ubuntu 20.04 Outscale Snapshot Packer config
validate-osc-all: $(OSC_VALIDATE_TARGETS) ## Validates all Outscale Snapshot Packer config
validate-vbox-windows-2019: ## Validates Windows Server 2019 Node VirtualBox Packer config w local hypervisor
validate-vbox-all: $(VBOX_VALIDATE_TARGETS) ## Validates all RAW Packer config
validate-powervs-centos-8: ## Validates the PowerVS CentOS image packer config
validate-powervs-all: $(POWERVS_VALIDATE_TARGETS) ## Validates all PowerVS Packer config
validate-nutanix-ubuntu-2004: ## Validates Ubuntu 20.04 Nutanix Packer config
validate-nutanix-ubuntu-2204: ## Validates Ubuntu 22.04 Nutanix Packer config
validate-nutanix-rockylinux-8: ## Validates Rocky Linux 8 Nutanix Packer config
validate-nutanix-rockylinux-9: ## Validates the Nutanix Rocky Linux 9 Nutanix Packer config
validate-nutanix-flatcar: ## Validates the Nutanix Flatcar Nutanix Packer config
validate-nutanix-windows-2022: ## Validates Windows Server 2022 Nutanix Packer config
validate-nutanix-all: $(NUTANIX_VALIDATE_TARGETS) ## Validates all Nutanix Packer config
validate-all: validate-ami-all \
validate-azure-all \
validate-do-all \
validate-gce-all \
validate-node-ova-local-all \
validate-qemu-all \
validate-raw-all \
validate-oci-all \
validate-osc-all \
validate-vbox-all \
validate-powervs-all \
validate-all: ## Validates the Packer config for all build targets
## --------------------------------------
## Clean targets
## --------------------------------------
##@ Cleaning
.PHONY: clean
clean: ## Removes all image output directories and packer image cache
.PHONY: clean-ova
clean-ova: ## Removes all ova image output directories (see NOTE at top of help)
.PHONY: clean-qemu
clean-qemu: ## Removes all qemu image output directories (see NOTE at top of help)
clean-qemu: $(QEMU_CLEAN_TARGETS)
.PHONY: clean-raw
clean-raw: ## Removes all raw image output directories (see NOTE at top of help)
clean-raw: $(RAW_CLEAN_TARGETS)
.PHONY: clean-vbox
clean-vbox: ## Removes all vbox image output directories (see NOTE at top of help)
clean-vbox: $(VBOX_CLEAN_TARGETS)
.PHONY: clean-packer-cache
clean-packer-cache: ## Removes the packer cache
rm -fr packer_cache/*
## --------------------------------------
## Docker targets
## --------------------------------------
##@ Docker
.PHONY: docker-pull-prerequisites
# We must pre-pull images
docker pull docker/dockerfile:1.1-experimental
docker pull $(BASE_IMAGE)
.PHONY: docker-build
docker-build: docker-pull-prerequisites ## Build the docker image for controller-manager
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --build-arg PASSED_IB_VERSION=$(IB_VERSION) --build-arg ARCH=$(ARCH) --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$(BASE_IMAGE) . -t $(CONTROLLER_IMG)-$(ARCH):$(TAG)
.PHONY: docker-push
docker-push: ## Push the docker image
docker push $(CONTROLLER_IMG)-$(ARCH):$(TAG)
## --------------------------------------
## Test targets
## --------------------------------------
##@ Testing
.PHONY: test-azure
test-azure: ## Run the tests for Azure builders
$(abspath packer/azure/scripts/
## --------------------------------------
## Release targets
## --------------------------------------
##@ Release
.PHONY: release-staging
release-staging: ## Builds and push container images to the staging bucket.
TAG=$(IB_VERSION) REGISTRY=$(STAGING_REGISTRY) $(MAKE) docker-build docker-push
## --------------------------------------
## Sort JSON
## --------------------------------------
##@ Sort JSON
.PHONY: json-sort
json_files = $(shell find . -type f -name "*.json" | sort -u)
json-sort: ## Sort all JSON files alphabetically
@for f in $(json_files); do (cat "$$f" | jq -S '.' >> "$$f".sorted && mv "$$f".sorted "$$f") || exit 1 ; done
## --------------------------------------
## Ignition
## --------------------------------------
##@ Ignition
.PHONY: gen-ignition
ignition_files = bootstrap
gen-ignition: deps-ignition ## Generates Ignition files from CLC
for f in $(ignition_files); do (ct < packer/files/flatcar/clc/$$f.yaml | jq '.' > packer/files/flatcar/ignition/$$f.json) || exit 1; done