command: {{ if ne .Vars.OS "windows" }} # Linux Only containerd --version | awk -F' ' '{print substr($3,2); }': exit-status: 0 stdout: [] stderr: [] timeout: 0 crictl ps: exit-status: 0 stdout: [] stderr: [] timeout: 0 {{if ne .Vars.containerd_wasm_shims_runtimes ""}} containerd-shim-slight-v1: exit-status: 1 stdout: [ ] stderr: ["io.containerd.slight.v1: InvalidArgument(\"Shim namespace cannot be empty\")"] timeout: 0 containerd-shim-spin-v1: exit-status: 1 stdout: [ ] stderr: ["io.containerd.spin.v1: InvalidArgument(\"Shim namespace cannot be empty\")"] timeout: 0 grep -E 'io\.containerd\.(slight|spin)\.v1' /etc/containerd/config.toml: exit-status: 0 stdout: [ ] stderr: [ ] timeout: 0 {{end}} {{if eq .Vars.kubernetes_source_type "pkg"}} {{if eq .Vars.kubernetes_cni_source_type "pkg"}} crictl images | grep -v 'IMAGE ID' | awk -F'[ /]' '{print $2}' | sed 's/-{{ .Vars.arch }}//g' | sort: exit-status: 0 stderr: [] timeout: 0 stdout: ["coredns", "etcd", "kube-apiserver", "kube-controller-manager", "kube-proxy", "kube-scheduler", "pause"] {{end}} {{end}} {{if and (eq .Vars.kubernetes_source_type "http") (eq .Vars.kubernetes_cni_source_type "http") (not .Vars.kubernetes_load_additional_imgs)}} # The second last pipe of awk is to take out arch from kube-apiserver-amd64 (i.e. amd64 or any other arch) crictl images | grep -v 'IMAGE ID' | awk -F'[ /]' '{print $2}' | sed 's/-{{ .Vars.arch }}//g' | sort: exit-status: 0 stderr: [] timeout: 0 stdout: ["kube-apiserver", "kube-controller-manager", "kube-proxy", "kube-scheduler"] {{end}} {{if and (eq .Vars.kubernetes_source_type "http") (eq .Vars.kubernetes_cni_source_type "http") (.Vars.kubernetes_load_additional_imgs)}} # The second last pipe of awk is to take out arch from kube-apiserver-amd64 (i.e. amd64 or any other arch) crictl images | grep -v 'IMAGE ID' | awk -F'[ /]' '{print $2}' | sed 's/-{{ .Vars.arch }}//g' | sort: exit-status: 0 stderr: [] timeout: 0 stdout: ["coredns", "etcd", "kube-apiserver", "kube-controller-manager", "kube-proxy", "kube-scheduler", "pause"] {{end}} {{if eq .Vars.kubernetes_source_type "http"}} kubectl version --short --client=true -o json | jq .clientVersion.gitVersion | tr -d '"' | awk '{print substr($1,2); }': exit-status: 0 stdout: [{{ .Vars.kubernetes_version }}] stderr: [] timeout: 0 kubeadm version -o json | jq .clientVersion.gitVersion | tr -d '"' | awk '{print substr($1,2); }': exit-status: 0 stdout: [{{ .Vars.kubernetes_version }}] stderr: [] timeout: 0 kubelet --version | awk -F' ' '{print $2}' | tr -d '"' | awk '{print substr($1,2); }': exit-status: 0 stdout: [{{ .Vars.kubernetes_version }}] stderr: [] timeout: 0 {{end}} {{if eq .Vars.kubernetes_cni_source_type "http"}} /opt/cni/bin/host-device 2>&1 | awk -F' ' '{print substr($4,2); }': exit-status: 0 stdout: [{{ .Vars.kubernetes_cni_version }}] stderr: [] timeout: 0 {{end}} {{if eq .Vars.OS "photon"}} cat /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled: exit-status: 0 stdout: ["always [madvise] never"] stderr: [] timeout: 0 {{end}} {{range $name, $vers := index .Vars .Vars.OS .Vars.PROVIDER "command"}} {{ $name }}: {{range $key, $val := $vers}} {{$key}}: {{$val}} {{end}} {{end}} {{end}} #End linux only {{ if eq .Vars.OS "windows" }} # Windows automatic updates set to notify: exit-status: 0 exec: powershell -command "(Get-ItemPropertyValue 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU' -name AUOptions) -eq '2'" stdout: - "True" timeout: 30000 automatic updates set to notify with correct type: exit-status: 0 exec: powershell -command "(Get-ItemPropertyValue 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU' -name AUOptions).GetType().Name -eq 'Int32'" stdout: - "True" timeout: 30000 automatic updates are disabled: exit-status: 0 exec: powershell -command "(Get-ItemPropertyValue 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU' -name NoAutoUpdate) -eq '1'" stdout: - "True" timeout: 30000 automatic updates are disabled with correct type: exit-status: 0 exec: powershell -command "(Get-ItemPropertyValue 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU' -name NoAutoUpdate).GetType().Name -eq 'Int32'" stdout: - "True" timeout: 30000 kubectl version --client: exit-status: 0 stdout: - {{.Vars.kubernetes_version}} - "windows" - {{.Vars.arch}} timeout: 30000 kubeadm version: exit-status: 0 stdout: - {{.Vars.kubernetes_version}} - "windows" - {{.Vars.arch}} timeout: 30000 kubelet --version: exit-status: 0 stdout: - {{.Vars.kubernetes_version}} timeout: 10000 {{ if eq .Vars.distribution_version "2019" }} Windows build version is high enough: exit-status: 0 exec: powershell -command "(Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' -Name UBR).UBR -ge 1817" stdout: - "True" timeout: 30000 Check HNS Control Flag: exit-status: 0 exec: powershell -command "(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\hns\State" -Name HNSControlFlag).HNSControlFlag -eq 80" stdout: - True timeout: 30000 Check WCIFS Flag: exit-status: 0 exec: powershell -command "(Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wcifs' -Name WcifsSOPCountDisabled).WcifsSOPCountDisabled -eq 0" stdout: - True timeout: 30000 {{end}} {{ if eq .Vars.runtime "containerd" }} Correct Containerd Version: exec: "\"/Program Files/containerd/containerd.exe\" --version" exit-status: 0 stdout: - "{{.Vars.containerd_version}}" timeout: 30000 Correct Containerd config: exec: "\"/Program Files/containerd/containerd.exe\" config dump" exit-status: 0 stdout: - "sandbox_image = \"{{.Vars.pause_image}}\"" - "conf_dir = \"C:/etc/cni/net.d\"" - "bin_dir = \"C:/opt/cni/bin\"" - "root = \"C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\containerd\\\\root\"" - "state = \"C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\containerd\\\\state\"" timeout: 30000 Check Windows Defender Exclusions are in place: exit-status: 0 exec: powershell -command "(Get-MpPreference | select ExclusionProcess)" stdout: - \Program Files\containerd\containerd.exe, - \Program Files\containerd\ctr.exe Check SMB CompartmentNamespace Flag: exit-status: 0 exec: powershell -command "(Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\hns\State' -Name EnableCompartmentNamespace).EnableCompartmentNamespace -eq 1" stdout: - True timeout: 30000 Windows Port Range is Expanded: exit-status: 0 exec: netsh int ipv4 show dynamicportrange tcp stdout: - "Start Port : 34000" - "Number of Ports : 31536" timeout: 30000 {{end}} {{ if eq .Vars.runtime "docker-ee" }} Correct Docker Version: exec: "docker.exe version" exit-status: 0 stdout: - "{{.Vars.docker_ee_version}}" timeout: 30000 {{end}} {{if eq .Vars.PROVIDER "azure"}} Verify firewall rule to block for cve-2021-27075: exit-status: 0 exec: powershell -command "(Get-NetFirewallRule -ErrorAction Stop -DisplayName 'Block-Outbound-').Enabled" stdout: - True stderr: [] timeout: 30000 # this could be moved to place for other providers if they want to install it Key Vault gMSA binary is installed: exec: powershell -command "Test-Path -Path C:\Windows\System32\CCGAKVPlugin.dll" exit-status: 0 stdout: - "True" timeout: 30000 Key Vault gMSA binary COM is registered: exec: powershell -command "(Get-Item 'HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CCG\COMClasses\{CCC2A336-D7F3-4818-A213-272B7924213E}') | Ft -autosize -wrap" exit-status: 0 stdout: - "CCC2A336-D7F3-4818-A213-272B7924213E" timeout: 30000 Key Vault gMSA binary is registered: exec: powershell -command "Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:SOFTWARE\CLASSES\CLSID\{CCC2A336-D7F3-4818-A213-272B7924213E}\InprocServer32\'" exit-status: 0 stdout: - "C:\\Windows\\System32\\CCGAKVPlugin.dll" timeout: 30000 Key Vault gMSA CCG interface is registered: exec: powershell -command "(Get-Item 'HKLM:SOFTWARE\Classes\Interface\{6ECDA518-2010-4437-8BC3-46E752B7B172}') | Ft -autosize -wrap" exit-status: 0 stdout: - "ICcgDomainAuthCredentials" timeout: 30000 {{end}} {{ if ne .Vars.ssh_source_url "" }} Check permission of OpenSSH directory for SYSTEM: exec: powershell -command "((Get-Acl 'C:\Program Files\OpenSSH').Access | Where-Object{$_.IdentityReference -eq 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' -and $_.FileSystemRights -eq 'FullControl'}) -ne $null" exit-status: 0 stdout: - True timeout: 30000 Check permission of OpenSSH directory for Administrators: exec: powershell -command "((Get-Acl 'C:\Program Files\OpenSSH').Access | Where-Object{$_.IdentityReference -eq 'BUILTIN\Administrators' -and $_.FileSystemRights -eq 'FullControl'}) -ne $null" exit-status: 0 stdout: - True timeout: 30000 Check permission of OpenSSH directory for Users: exec: powershell -command "((Get-Acl 'C:\Program Files\OpenSSH').Access | Where-Object{$_.IdentityReference -eq 'BUILTIN\Users' -and $_.FileSystemRights -eq 'ReadAndExecute, Synchronize'}) -eq $null" exit-status: 0 stdout: - True timeout: 30000 {{end}} {{end}} #end windows