# Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Configure the locale
d-i debian-installer/locale string en_US.utf8
d-i console-setup/ask_detect boolean false
d-i console-setup/layout string us

# Configure the clock
d-i time/zone string UTC
d-i clock-setup/utc-auto boolean true
d-i clock-setup/utc boolean true

# Configure the keyboard
d-i kbd-chooser/method select American English

# Configure networking
d-i netcfg/wireless_wep string

# Select the kernel
d-i base-installer/kernel/override-image string linux-virtual

# Configure a non-interactive install
debconf debconf/frontend select Noninteractive

# Configure the base installation
d-i pkgsel/install-language-support boolean false
d-i pkgsel/language-packs multiselect
tasksel tasksel/first multiselect # standard, ubuntu-server

### Simple GPT configuration w/o LVM
d-i partman-auto/disk string /dev/sda

d-i partman/alignment string cylinder
d-i partman/confirm_write_new_label boolean true
d-i partman-basicfilesystems/choose_label string gpt
d-i partman-basicfilesystems/default_label string gpt
d-i partman-partitioning/choose_label string gpt
d-i partman-partitioning/default_label string gpt
d-i partman/choose_label string gpt
d-i partman/default_label string gpt

d-i partman-auto/method string regular
d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select gpt-boot-root-swap
d-i partman-auto/expert_recipe string         \
   gpt-boot-root-swap ::                      \
      1 1 1 free                              \
         $bios_boot{ }                        \
         method{ biosgrub } .                 \
      200 200 200 fat32                       \
         $primary{ }                          \
         method{ efi } format{ } .            \
      512 512 512 ext3                        \
         $primary{ } $bootable{ }             \
         method{ format } format{ }           \
         use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext3 } \
         mountpoint{ /boot } .                \
      1000 20000 -1 ext4                      \
         $primary{ }                          \
         method{ format } format{ }           \
         use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext4 } \
         mountpoint{ / } .

d-i partman-partitioning/confirm_write_new_label boolean true
d-i partman/choose_partition select finish
d-i partman/confirm boolean true
d-i partman/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true

# Create the default user.
d-i passwd/user-fullname string builder
d-i passwd/username string builder
d-i passwd/user-password password builder
d-i passwd/user-password-again password builder
d-i user-setup/encrypt-home boolean false
d-i user-setup/allow-password-weak boolean true

# Disable upgrading packages upon installation.
d-i pkgsel/upgrade select none
d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true
d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean true
d-i finish-install/reboot_in_progress note
d-i pkgsel/update-policy select none

# Disable use of the apt mirror during base install
# This means only packages available in the ISO can be installed
d-i apt-setup/use_mirror boolean false

# Disable the security repo as well (it's on by default)
d-i apt-setup/services-select multiselect none

# Customize the list of packages installed.
d-i pkgsel/include string openssh-server open-vm-tools

# Ensure questions about these packages do not bother the installer.
libssl1.1 libssl1.1/restart-without-asking boolean true
libssl1.1:amd64  libssl1.1/restart-without-asking boolean true
libssl1.1 libssl1.1/restart-services string
libssl1.1:amd64 libssl1.1/restart-services string

# This command runs after all other steps; it:
# 1. Ensures the "builder" user doesn't require a password to use sudo
# 2. Cleans up any packages that are no longer required
# 3. Cleans the package cache
# 4. Removes the cached list of packages
# 5. Disables swapfiles
# 6. Removes the existing swapfile
# 7. Removes the swapfile entry from /etc/fstab
d-i preseed/late_command string \
    echo 'builder ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >/target/etc/sudoers.d/builder ; \
    in-target chmod 440 /etc/sudoers.d/builder ; \
    in-target swapoff -a ; \
    in-target rm -f /swapfile ; \
    in-target sed -ri '/\sswap\s/s/^#?/#/' /etc/fstab ; \
    in-target rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules